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1、3d基础知识 山东电视台 新媒体中心 2 3d 的的历历史史 in 1989, ikegami developed and delivered the world-first one-piece 3d camera “lk-33”. 1989年年, ikegami 池上池上发发展展了世界第一套了世界第一套 的的3d一体型一体型摄摄影机影机, lk-33. 3 3d video is 什么什么是是3d 影像影像. needless to say, the original concept of 3d image is to express the illusion of depth percep

2、tion as human eyes 3d 影像的原始概念就是要表达人眼利影像的原始概念就是要表达人眼利 用用对对于景深的于景深的错觉错觉所所产产生的立体影像生的立体影像 4 how to express 3d image by camera as human use two eyes to see an object, using two cameras can express 3d image. 当人当人类类使用双眼去看一个物体使用双眼去看一个物体时时, 就如同用两支就如同用两支摄摄影机作影机作 3d 摄摄影的效果影的效果 5 how to express 3d image by came

3、ra to put it concretely: 更更具体具体地地说说: distance between human eyes is about 65mm (人眼人眼间间距距约约65mm) the difference in image location of an object seen by the left and right eyes (左眼所看到的物体间距与右眼所 看到的物体间距不同) the brain uses binocular disparity to extract depth information from the two-dimensional in stereop

4、sis (人人脑脑使用双眼的使用双眼的视视差将差将2d平面的物体仿制平面的物体仿制为为3d 的立体影的立体影 像像) 6 how to express 3d image by camera left right parallax 视差 7 3d effect 3d 效果效果 3d enhancement such as coming-out image or depth perception is created by the viewing cross points of both eyes (= convergence point). 3d 影像的凸出效果是由影像的凸出效果是由聚合点聚合点

5、的的变变化化产产生生的的 namely, it is determined by the position of two cameras. 也就是也就是说说, 由由两支两支摄摄像机像机间间的的角度决定角度决定 3d principles : convergence point 3d 原理原理: 辐辏辐辏角角 8 3d effect 3d 效果效果 9 3d effect 3d 效果效果 3d principles : distance of two cameras 3d 原理原理: 两个两个摄摄像机的距离像机的距离 3d imaging effect is created by the dis

6、tance of two eyes, so it is determined by the distance of two cameras. 3d 影像的效果由影像的效果由两眼的两眼的间间距距产产生生, 对摄对摄影影 机来机来说说, 就就取决于两个取决于两个摄摄影机的距离影机的距离. the more distance two cameras have, the more effect 3d imaging is created. 两个两个摄摄像机的距离越像机的距离越长长, ,3d效果越大效果越大 10 3d effect 3d 效果效果 11 3d setting 3d 系統的設定系統的設定

7、 nplace two cameras like human eyes (將將两台两台摄摄影机如同人眼般放在一起影机如同人眼般放在一起 ) rig ntwo cameras & lenses interlocking (將將两台两台摄摄影机及影机及镜头镜头配置在一起配置在一起 ) interlocking unit ndisplays 3d image after left/right image mixing (显显示示3d 影像影像- 將左右眼影像合成再一起將左右眼影像合成再一起) monitor a.single link monitor (单链单链路信号路信号 3d 监视监视器器) b

8、.dual link monitor (双双链链路信号路信号 3d 监视监视器器) 1.shutter式式 (快快门门式式) 2.偏光式偏光式 nin case of single link, the composer is required to mix two(left/right) images. 如果是使用如果是使用单链单链路信号路信号, 则则需要合成器將左右眼影像合成在一起需要合成器將左右眼影像合成在一起 details to follow 详详如以下如以下说说明明 12 3d rigs 3d 支架支架 half-mirror systemside-by-side system th

9、e diagonal line in red indicates where the half-mirror is integrated. 红红色的色的对对角角线线所示即所示即为为half-mirror 整整 合的地方合的地方 13 3d rig comparison 3d 支架比較支架比較 half-mirror systemside-by-side system to to camera distance 摄摄影机距离影机距离 to 5 or further best object distance 最佳最佳拍拍摄摄物距离物距离 one camera videono reverse *1

10、video reversing 影像反影像反转转 hdl-f30、 、hdl-45a hdk-79ex、 、gfcam hdl-45a、 、mkc-300hd etc. applicable camera model 3ality、 、p+s tecknik element technica etc. 3ality、 、musashi-opt etc. major rig manufacturers * : when a shift adapter is used, video will become reverse in orientation. * : when a shift adapt

11、er is used, light amount will drop. drops to 50%no change *2 light amount 进进光量光量 more complicatesimple setting 设设定的定的难难易度易度 14 mixed formats for 3d 合成合成 3d 的格式的格式 lr compose 3d monitor 15 processor function (3d 效果合成功能效果合成功能) input 2hd-sdi 两两路路 hd-sdi 输输入入 output 1dvi/hdmi 2hd-sdi 1路路dvi/hdmi 输输出出 或或

12、两两路路 hd-sdi 输输出出 mix 合成合成 16 adjustment 3d 的的调调整整, 要求非常要求非常精确精确 差分画面 optical axis 辐辏角的水平轴焦距調整, zoom in 及 zoom out 的焦点必须一致, 代表水平轴的调整正确 rotation (两个摄像机的水平调整) position (两个摄像机的位置调整) 特别是摄像机的水平,2个相机的 水平的同步很重要 17 a system example (in dual-link) lch rch me2me1 lch rch v1 v2 vtr router switcher camera fpu lc

13、h rch monitor hd sdi hd sdi add optical axis shift rig or half-mirror rig . 3d ve system adds the 3d monitor 3d rig the above system is an example in dual link to control l/r ch separately. a single link to mix two camera video signals is available from the conventional systems. 以上的系以上的系统统是用双是用双链链路信

14、号路信号单单独去控制左独去控制左/右右ch. 用用传统传统的系的系统统合成两路合成两路讯讯号并以号并以链链路信号路信号输输出出, 也是可行的方法也是可行的方法, 如下面介如下面介绍绍的的 3种方式种方式. 18 ts-2 mkc-300hd 3d system forinterbee 2010/10/18 author: abe vf ve stereographer original hd-sdi 3d mix ctrl composer sw sync sample-1 (mkc-300hd 3d system) 19 features for the sample-1 (mkc-300h

15、d 3d system) low-cost 低成本低成本 both camera and lens are compact in size, which allows positioning two cameras in 65 mm distance. 摄摄影机及影机及镜头镜头都是都是轻轻便小巧型便小巧型, 可将两支可将两支摄摄影机的距离影机的距离调调到到65mm *the human eyes are typically in 65 mm distance and this shall be the reference for 3d setup. 人眼的平均人眼的平均距离距离大致上是大致上是

16、65mm, 这这也是也是3d 的的设设定的定的参考数参考数值值 simple system and easy setup. (系系统单纯统单纯且且设设定非常定非常简单简单) the 1/3”cmos sensor makes large depth of field. 1/3吋吋cmos 感感应应器器可以可以拍拍摄较摄较大大的景深的景深 * clear focus and blur-less images are preferable for 3d. 对对焦清晰及焦清晰及较较不模糊的影像是比較多人偏好的不模糊的影像是比較多人偏好的3d 系統系統 20 sample-1 (mkc-300hd 3

17、d system) the simplest camera setup for 3d using current product line 池上产品中,最简便的3d系统 2 x mkc-300hds 两个两个mkc-300hd 摄摄影机影机 mounting adapter (custom-made) 3d 支架支架 composer (3d 合成器合成器) 3d monitor (3d 监视监视器器) 21 ts-2 controller equipment musashi 3d system ver.2 forinterbee 2010/10/18 author: abe shift ad

18、apter original hd-sdi 3d mix ctrl simultaneous controller box & focus demand zoom demand convergence adapter musashi rig convergence controller processor return video for video adjustments sync sapmle-2 2 x hds-v10 eng system 22 features for the sample-2 (2 x hds-v10 eng system) the shift adapter ca

19、n make two lenses setup close together. 镜头镜头偏移接座可使偏移接座可使两个两个镜头镜头的距的距离离更接近更接近 the convergence adapter allows remote convergence control. 辐辏辐辏角接座可角接座可遥控遥控调调整整辐辏辐辏角角 the gfcam in tc genlock allows recording to editing. gfcam hds-v10 一体机一体机使用使用tc同步同步录录影影, 方便作方便作3d 剪剪辑辑 * the video will be recorded in re

20、verse orientation. 影像以反向影像以反向记录记录 bsh/cph-200+ocp-200 can make simultaneous controls for two cameras. 摄摄影机影机选择选择器器/摄摄影机遥控器影机遥控器 可同可同时时控制控制两台两台摄摄影机影机 two lenses can be simultaneously controlled by the controller box. 两个两个镜头镜头可同可同时时被控制盒控制被控制盒控制 side-by-side setup allows easy r/l recognition and handli

21、ng. side-by-side 设设定可定可轻轻易易对对左左/右眼右眼信号确信号确认认及及处处理理 (cf. half-mirror system is not easy in r/l recognition and handling) half-mirror 系系统较统较不易不易对对左左/右眼右眼信号确信号确认认及及处处理理 23 the shift adapter made by musashi optical system co.( (for side-by-side system) it allows two lenses setup close together without restriction of camera body 镜头镜头偏移接座可使偏移接座可使两个两个镜头镜头的的距离距离更接近更接近 24 3 ality 3d system at interbee 2010/10/18 author: abe rig controller sip-2100 stereographer ts-5 ve original hd-sdi 3d mix ctrl hlm- 920wr


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