




1、高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略研究以凌阳科技公司为例 专业硕士学位论文 thesis of professional master degree 论文题目:高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略研究 -以凌阳科技公司为例 (英文): research on marketing tactics of teaching instrument & devicemarket in high education institute ?sunplus science & technology company is used as an illustrative instance作 者:罗亚非指导教师: 黄江明 副教授
2、 年 月 日200511 14 论文题目: (中文) 高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略研究 ?以凌阳科技公司为例 (外文)researches on marketing tactics of teaching instrument& device market in high education institute ?sunplus science & technology company is used as an illustrative instance所在院、系、所 :商学院专专业、名、称 :工商管理硕士指专导专教专师姓专名、职专称 : 黄江明论文主题词:大学计划;教学仪器; 差异化策略;
3、市场营销学专习专期专限 :2004 年 3 月至 2006 年 1 月 论文提交时间: 2005 年 10 月 25 日独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 尽我所知, 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果, 以不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献已在论文中作了明确地说明并表示了谢意。 罗亚非 日期:2005 1114签名:关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文
4、的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名:罗亚非 导师签名:黄江明 日期:2005 1114中国人民大学 硕士学位论文摘要 (中外文合订)论文题目: (中文) 高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略研究?以凌阳科技公司为例(英文)researches on marketing tactics of teaching instrument& device market in high education institute ? sunplus science & technologycompany is used as an illu
5、strative instance 作 者: 罗亚非指导教师: 黄江明 本文以凌阳科技公司单片机教学仪器设备的市场营销案例为背景,研究探索中国高等院校教学仪器设备市场的运作模式和营销管理方法,将实证研究和案例分析有机结合,借助于大量的数据资料和凌阳公司的营销案例来分析和说明问题,是一篇典型的案例分析论文。文献综述和调研的结果表明,国内尚未发现有关教学仪器设备市场营销策略的研究报导,也没有关于大学计划商业模式的探讨,本文的研究工作具有前瞻性和创新性,对促进我国教学仪器设备行业市场营销理论与实践的发展有重要意义。 近几年高等院校招生规模的扩大,也大大地拉动了教学仪器设备市场的需求,教学仪器设备企业
6、因此有了很大的发展空间。然而,很少看到形成规模效应的企业,原因在于教学仪器设备的生产销售没有可以参考、借鉴的成功模式,加之缺乏相应的营销理论指导。可是,教育市场的广度与深度又是其它市场无法比拟的。那么,教学仪器设备行业的市场情况如何?有没有可借鉴的成功经验?企业究竟应该采取什么样的市场营销策略?这就是本文要研究探讨的问题-高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略。 凌阳科技股份有限公司是一个消费性集成电路ic设计公司,1990 年 8 月成立于台湾新竹市。凌阳科技的主要业务为研发、制造、销售消费性 ic,2004年产值达 50亿人民币。凌阳科技始终坚持以客户为产品导向,随着生产规模的不断扩大,凌阳科技于
7、2001 年 11 月进军通用单片机市场。先用型号为 spce061 的 16 位语音单片机进入高等院校教学仪器设备市场,并将此计划命名为凌阳“大学计划”。以期通过“大学计划”的不断成长,打响凌阳品牌,提高凌阳在大陆的知名度、美誉度,并培养出大批忠实潜在的用户,昀终推 广销售凌阳的其它产品。凌阳大学计划采用“差异化战略”和“小题大做”的营销管理理念,经过四年的发展,在教学仪器设备市场上取得了显著成绩,如教学实验箱产品的市场占有率位居第二,动手实践产品的市场占有率位居第一,美誉度也远远超过同类企业。那么,凌阳大学计划究竟是如何取得成功的呢?本文以菲利普?科特勒的营销理论为基础,对凌阳大学计划的战
8、略制定、组织设计、市场机会分析、swot分析、市场细分与定位、产品设计、产品价格以及组合促销策略等进行研究,综合得出具有普遍意义的结论。 战略是企业发展的灵魂。凌阳公司在启动大学计划后,就制定了明确的发展战略,并经过实施、完善和修改,成为凌阳公司“大学计划”的奋斗目标。其中,“为中国数字教育尽份心力”以及成为“数字教育设备市场领先者”等战略思想,已经成为凌阳先进的企业文化,并在激励员工、设计组织结构与制订部门使命中得到落实。凌阳科技“大学计划”的组织结构,主要包括教育推广中心、生产客服部、技术支持部和数据信息部四大部门,每个部门都明确了具体的岗位职责。从产业链的角度来看,凌阳“大学计划”属于哑
9、铃型的经营模式,即(设计+销售型);从实现企业价值的角度看, “大学计划”又是采用目标集中前提下的差异化战略。可见, “小题大做”使凌阳公司制定了更加具体的战略目标,领先了同行企业。 市场机会分析表明,高等院校教学仪器设备市场具有很大的规模与增长趋势,不同于普通的消费品或工业品市场,教学仪器设备市场的客户是专业老师和设备采购人员,而昀终的消费者是大学生。教学仪器设备 的购买行为具有组织市场特征,例如购买者数量少而相对集中、购买量大、购买者专业性强等。教学仪器设备的采购形式大多属于政府采购,具有采购运行周期和付款周期长的特点;影响购买行为的因素是多方面的,例如环境因素、学校经营状况、采购政策、组
10、织架构、采购中心等。经过市场机会和 swot 分析,凌阳大学计划部充分认识到自己的优势、劣势、机会和风险;另一方面,在对单片机教学仪器设备市场的细分研究中明确了自己的定位,即为不同的细分市场提供不同的产品,并从产品、包装、目标定位及卖点四个方面落实“技术创新是关键”、“服务是方向”、“产品是龙头”的产品战略思想。 通过对产品价格构成要素的分析,凌阳大学计划确定了以成本加价定价为基础,并结合不同产品和市场定位的差异化定价策略。例如基于产品差异、购买者声誉差异、推广阶段差异与销售时间差异的定价策略,以及尾数定价、整数定价、习惯定价、声望定价、招徕定价和昀小单位定价等心理营销 定价策略,为凌阳公司的
11、营销创造了机会。 好的产品必须以好的促销组合策略做保障。凌阳公司在单片机教学仪器设备这个小小的细分市场,”小题大做”采用了几乎所有的促销手段,例如广告、销售促进、公关与人员推销等,并且每次都能做到细致入微,取得了显著效果。相反,其它的竞争对手很少如此,这正是凌阳制胜的关键,也是差异化、细节决定成败的体现。具体包括: 1)根据教学仪器设备的广告目标受众,凌阳大学计划确定了教学仪器设备的广告内容,并针对客户认知、情感和行为三个阶段,设定不同的广告目标、不同的信息和广告媒体,还善于利用宣传画册/宣传页、印刷资料、vcd 光盘、互联网、平面媒体、小礼品、电视传媒、包装盒等传播工具来增强广告效应; 2)
12、本着“小题大做”的营销理念,凌阳大学计划采用了质量承诺、优惠卷、赠品、免费试用、光顾奖励、折价促销、产品发布会、纪念品广告等多种促销手段; 3)以“细节决定成败”为指导思想,凌阳公司采用了公开出版物、赞助、新闻、演讲、事件营销策略,同时在人员营销中将面对面营销、直接邮寄营销和电话营销策略有机结合; 4)凌阳大学计划电子商务系统、进销存管理信息系统、客户关系管理系统应用效果的分析表明,管理信息系统是凌阳大学计划的倍增器,对于提高大学计划的经营管理水平和综合竞争力具有重要意义。通过对凌阳公司大学计划一系列营销案例的深入研究与分析,提出了一套系统化的教学仪器设备市场营销策略,即“战略是灵魂;市场细分
13、和定位是基础;技术创新是关键;产品是龙头;服务是方向;促销组合策略是保障;管理信息系统是倍增器;细节决定成败”。 另一方面,我们发现凌阳科技大学计划的市场营销过程完全符合菲利普?科特勒的市场营销理论,有了营销理论的保障,凌阳科技大学计划才取得了成功,同时也验证了菲利普?科特勒的市场营销理论在中国市场和文化背景下的科学性和可行性。凌阳的成功经验将为教学仪器设备企业提供一些实用性的市场营销策略和方法,并充实教学仪器设备市场营销的研究资料与案例,对促进教学仪器设备行业市场营销理论与技术的发展有重要意义。关键词:大学计划;教学仪器设备;差异化策略;市场营销 based on the marketing
14、 paradigms of teaching instruments & devices with embedded-in single chip microcomputer of sunplus science & technology company sstc, this paper researches the running model and marketing management in high education institution of china. by combining demonstration research with case analysis, this
15、paper use a great deal of data information and marketing cases of sunplus company to analyze and explain problems, so it is is a typical case analysis thesis. literature overview and survey demonstrate that non-reports on marketing tactics of teaching instrument & device market and non-researches on
16、 any business models of university program exist, so the conclusion reached in this paper is innovative and it is very important to accelerate the development of the marketing theory and practice of the teaching instrument & device industries in chinabroadening the scale of recruit students in high
17、education institution stimulate the market requirements of teaching instruments & devices, and therefore the enterprises which deal in teaching instruments & devices have more opportunities to develop. however, there is hardly any enterprises with big scale, this lies in that the marketing of teachi
18、ng instruments & devices has not any successful models used for reference and lacks for the guidance from the corresponding marketing theory. but, breadth and depth of the teaching instrument & device market is not comparable with other markets. then, how about the marketing situation of teaching in
19、struments & devices? there are some successful experiences used for reference or not? the enterprises should take what marketing tactics on earth? this is what we researched in this paper-the marketing tactics of teaching instruments & devicessunplus science & technology company sstc is founded on t
20、he aug. 1990, which is engaged in designing consuming integrated circuit ic. its main business is to research & develop, manufacture and sell consuming ic, and its year production value is up to 50 hundred millions rmb in 2004. the sunplus s. & t. company produces custom-oriented products all the ti
21、me. with enlarging the production scale, sstc start go into single chip microcomputer market from the nov. in 2001. the existing type spce061 was used to go into teaching instruments & devices markets of high education institutions and this activity is named as “university program”, so as to make ss
22、tc trademark well-known, make sstc become more famous and of good reputation in china, and finally sell their other productsin sstcs university program, the marketing management ideas of “difference” & “fussiness” tactic are used, and after 4 years, a good success are achieved in teaching instrument
23、 & device markets, such as: teaching experiment box is the top 2 market occupancy, and manipulating & practicing products is the top 1 market occupancy, the reputation of sstc is much more ahead of its counterworkers. then, how does the sstcs business succeed? this paper researches the tactics estab
24、lishment, organization design, market opportunity analysis, swot analysis, market partition and location, product design, product price and mixed sale sales promotion strategies of sstcs university program, in order to reach some more universal conclusionstrategy is a spirit for enterprise developme
25、nt. as soon as the university program started, the clear development strategies were established in sstc, through implementing and improving to make them more perfect, and then became a goal for sstc to strivestrategies such as “to do something for china education” and “try to become the lead in dig
26、ital education device”, have formed the advanced enterprise cultural of sstc, and were carried out in stimulating employee and designing organization. the organization of sstcs university program can be divided into 4 groups, education spreading center, producing and custom service division, technol
27、ogy supporting division and data information division. the sstc university program belongs to dumbbell marketing model from the viewpoint of production and selling chain, namely design and sale. on the other hand, the university program used difference tactics taking a focus of goals as precondition
28、therefore, sstc use “fussiness” to establish more concrete strategies and become the lead among its counterworkersmarket opportunity analysis demonstrated that teaching instrument & device market had much bigger scale and good trend in increasing. not like ordinary consumer and industry product mark
29、et, teaching instruments & device market is very special in which the customers are professional teachers and people who purchase devices, and the end consumer are college students. the behavior of purchasing teaching instruments & devices has some organization characteristics, such as environment f
30、actor, purchasing policy, organization structure, purchasing center etc. based on market opportunity and swot analysis, the sstcs university program department knows his own advantages/disadvantages, opportunities and risks. on the other hand, the appropriate location during market division and rese
31、arch is confirmed, that is, to provide the corresponding products for different division markets. from the 4 aspects, product, packaging, goal and sale, carrying out some strategy ideas such as “the key is technology innovate ”and “product is a bibcock enterprises” is insisted by analyzing the build
32、up elements of product price, sstcs university program department confirmed his own diversity price tactics, which are based on cost, and taking different products and market locations into consideration. for instance, he used multiplication price strategies, such as difference price strategies and
33、mental marketing price strategies. the former is based on product difference, purchasing reputation difference, generalizing stage difference and selling time difference, and the latter includes mantissa price, integer price, practice price, reputation price, and the least unit price. this brings so
34、me marketing opportunities to sstcgood products need guarantee of combined strategies. in the small teaching instrument & device market embedded-in single chip microcomputer, “fussiness” made sstc use almost all sale measures, such as advertisement, sale promotion, public relation and person sale, a
35、nd he did everything particularly and therefore achieved good resultshowever, his counterworker hardly does so. this is why sstc wins, and succeed or fail depends on difference & details. this includes the following parts: 1 according to the goal and audience of teaching instruments & devices, the u
36、niversity program confirmed the corresponding advertising contents. for 3 aspects, like custom recognizing, sensibility and behavior, different advertising goal, different information and media are confirmed. they also pay more attention to use publicizing picture album/page, printed information, vc
37、d-rom, internet, plane media, small gifts, tv media and packaging boxes to increase advertising effects2 starting from the “fussiness” marketing ideas, sstc university program use several sale promotion, such as quality guarantee, courtesy cards, presents, free probation, visiting encouragement, off
38、 sale, product issuing meeting, souvenir etc3 as the guidance of success and fail depends on details, sstc used publication, sponsoring, news, giving lectures and event marketing tactics, and combing person-to person marketing, direct mailing marketing with telephone marketing tactics properly 4 ana
39、lyzing the effects of using sstcs e-business systems, management systems and crm systems demonstrates that management information system is the multiplier of university program and it is important to improve the business management and competitiveness of university program by researching and analyzi
40、ng a series of marketing cases of sstcs university program, this paper propose a set of systematic marketing tactics of teaching instruments &devices, that is “strategy is spirit; market division and location is base; technology innovate is key; product is bibcock; service is direction; combined sal
41、e promotion tactic is guarantee; management information system is multiplier; success and fail depend on details.” on the other hand, the marketing process of sstcs university program accords with philip kotter marketing theory. with the guarantee of marketing theory, sstcs university program makes
42、good winning. at the same time this validates the science & feasibility of his marketing theory under the market and cultural of china. sstcs successful experiences will provide some practical marketing tactics for teaching instrument & device industry, enrich some information and case for teaching
43、instrument & device market. it is significant to accelerate the development of teaching instrument & device marketkeywords: university program; teaching instruments & devices; difference tactics; marketing 绪 论15 1 选题背景15 2 选题的意义 15 3 研究对象与资料来源. 16 4 研究目的17 5 研究方法17 6 章节结构18 第一章 市场营销理论框架19 1.1 市场营销观念
44、19 1.2 市场营销管理19 1.2.1 分析市场机会. 20 1.2.2 选择目标市场. 20 1.2.3 设计市场营销组合策略20 1.2.4 执行与控制市场营销活动 21 1.3 教学仪器设备市场营销理论的研究与实践现状. 21 1.3.1 教学仪器设备市场营销理论与实践现状 21 1.3.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备市场营销理论基础22 第二章 教学仪器设备行业市场分析 23 2.1 教学仪器设备行业概述 23 2.1.1 高校教学仪器设备市场容量 23 2.1.2 高校教学仪器设备产业链概况. 24 2.1.3 高校教学仪器设备市场特点及发展趋势24 2.2 高校教学仪器设备市场区别
45、于消费品市场的特征25 2.3 高校购买类型分析27 2.4 影响学校购买行为的因素分析 27 2.4.1 环境对购买行为的影响. 27 2.4.2 组织特性对购买行为的影响 28 2.4.3 人际关系对高校购买行为的影响29 2.4.4 个人的影响30 第三章 凌阳公司及其教学仪器部状况. 31 3.1 凌阳公司简介31 3.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部概况. 31 3.2.1 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部的由来. 31 3.2.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部企业战略. 32 3.2.3 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部的组织架构及职责33 3.2.4 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部的经营模式35 3.3 凌阳
46、公司?教学仪器设备部swot分析 36 3.3.1 凌阳公司?教学仪器设备部市场机会. 36 3.3.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备部面临的威胁与挑战38 3.3.3 凌阳公司?教学仪器设备部的优势分析39 3.3.4 凌阳公司?教学仪器设备部的劣势分析40 3.4 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备市场细分和定位40 3.4.1 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备市场细分 41 3.4.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备市场定位 42 第四章 凌阳公司产品设计与定价策略. 45 4.1 凌阳公司?教学仪器设备产品策略45 4.1.1 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备产品详细设计45 4.1.2 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备产品组合策略50 4
47、.2 凌阳公司?教学仪器设备价格策略50 4.2.1 定价的原则50 4.2.2 凌阳公司单片机教学仪器设备价格的构成要素51 4.2.3 凌阳公司单片机教学仪器设备定价的策略 51 第五章 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备促销组合策略55 5.1 凌阳公司促销组合策略之一?广告 55 5.1.1 广告目标受众 55 5.1.2 广告传播信息内容设计(产品卖点). 56 5.1.3 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备广告分类 56 5.1.4 宣传资料设计 60 5.1.5 多媒体资料设计. 60 5.2 凌阳公司促销组合策略之二-销售促进61 5.2.1 质量承诺、产品保证 61 5.2.2 优惠券 61 5.2
48、.3 赠品61 5.2.4 免费试用. 61 5.2.5 光顾奖励. 61 5.2.6 折价促销. 62 5.2.7 举办产品展示会. 62 5.2.8 纪念品广告62 5.3 凌阳公司促销组合策略之三-公共关系62 5.3.1 公开出版物63 5.3.2 赞助63 5.3.3 事件64 5.3.4 新闻65 5.3.5 演讲65 5.4 凌阳公司促销组合策略之四-直接营销65 5.4.1 面对面推销65 5.4.2 直邮营销. 66 5.4.3 电话营销. 67 5.5 凌阳公司?信息化策略 68 5.6 凌阳公司-教学仪器设备营销组合实施结果 70 第六章 结论与建议73 6.1 结论.
49、73 6.2 启示. 74 6.3 本文的局限性及后续研究课题 74 参 考 文 献 76 致 谢78 绪 论 1 选题背景 教学仪器设备是一个巨大的行业市场。中国高等院校在 1999 年至 2001 年连续三年的1扩招,使得教学仪器设备总值达到了 476.4 亿元 ,2001 年相当于 1999 年的 1.9 倍,增长迅速。2002 年度教学仪器产值达 4,652,136 千元;教学仪器销售产值达 4,270,288千元;2其中利润总额为 289,693 千元。然而,很少看到形成规模效应的企业,原因在于教学仪器设备的生产销售没有可以参考、借鉴的成功模式,加之缺乏相应的营销理论指导,制约了行业
50、的发展。教学仪器设备生产企业“零、散、乱”的现象严重,管理工作薄弱,企业经济效益差。教学仪器设备市场的发展也不平衡,如教学仪器设备生产企业重硬件轻软件、重产品轻服务,管理上缺乏市场意识和理论指导等。市场营销观念比较淡漠,营销手段也相对落后,企业不能有效地开展竞争,形成规模的企业也很少见。相对于其它市场,教育市场的广度与深度又是其它市场无法比拟的。那么,教学仪器设备行业内的市场营销情况如何?有没有什么规律可循?有没有可借鉴的成功经验?企业究竟应该采取什么样的市场营销策略?这就是本文要研究探讨的问题-高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略。2 选题的意义 高等院校的大量扩招,使得在校大学生的数量快速增长,昀
52、大盘点 /0. 2002-11-12 2二一年全国教育事业发展统计公报/. 2002-06-13 企业调研中发现,目前尚未见到有关高校教学仪器设备市场营销策略研究工作的相关报告。本文从高校教学仪器设备市场的需求出发,结合凌阳公司在高校教学仪器设备营销中的实际经验与体会,对这一领域的营销策略与方法进行系统、深入地分析,对于规范高校教学仪器设备市场、推动市场的良性竞争具有重要的理论意义和良好的应用前景,具体如下:1、 充实教学仪器设备市场营销的研究资料,为该领域未来的进一步研究与发展奠定基础; 2、 探讨教学仪器设备市场的营销理论; 3、 探讨教学仪器设备市场的营销模式; 4、 为我国教学仪器设备市场的营销提供具有一定普遍意义的方法和依据。 3 研究对象与资料来源 中国已经成为全球化电子整机及零配件产品的主要生产国,全球化市场对中国电子产品的旺盛需求为国际买家和国际集成电路供应商带来了巨大的商机。据商务部统计,仅 2004年上半年,我国芯片进
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