1、 邯郸市2010年高三第一次模拟考试(2010邯郸一模) 英 语2010.3 说明: 一、 本试卷共 页,包括三部分,共 150分。其中第一部分与第二部分为选择题,包括65个小题;第 三部分为非选择题。 二、 答题前请仔细阅读答题卡上的“注意事项”,按照“注意事项”的规定答题。所有题目均需在答题 卡上作答,在试卷和草稿纸上作答无效。 三、做选择题时,如需改动,请用橡皮将原选涂答案擦干净,再涂其他答案。 四、考试结束后,请将本试卷与答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分) 第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单
2、词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。 例: A.gave B.save C.hat D.made 答案是Co 1. character A. nature B. disaster C. match D. _an swer 2. suggestion A. in formati onB. questi onC. exhibiti on D. connection 3. period A. material B. devote C.depend D. preside nt 4. official A. basic B. accept C. ancie nt D. musical
3、5.breath A. please B. easily C .reader D. pleasa nt 第二节语法和词汇知识 (共 15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例: Welast ni ght, but we went to the concert in stead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 答案是C 6. After the 8.8 magnitude quake, large
4、 number of the injured are inhospital in Chile. A. the, / B. a, the C. the, the D. a, / 7. -How do you ofte n spe nd your spare time? -Pers on ally speak ing, there is no thi ng happier tha n readi ng a book,a cup of tea. A. drunk B. be drinking C. drinking D. to drink 8. n ever gives up will succee
5、d. A. Whoever B. WhoC. No matter who D. Whom 9. -Heard about the TOYOTA Recall? -Yeah.the measure, the car compa ny is heavily in flue need on its reputatio n. A. without B. despite C. besides D. although 10. -It is required that youcha nge the pla n. -Oh, no! WhyI follow you aga in? A. must, must B
6、. can, n eedC. n eed, should D. should, must 11. We will appreciateif your pare nts can help us. A. / B. that C. it D. this 12. Im not a little hungry now, but Ieno ugh at lun ch. A. eat B. had C. have had D. have 13.lt is dark outside, so pleaseyour step while going down the stairs. A. see B. look
7、C. no ticeD. mind 14. -May I go to the cinema this evening? -. We should do the volun tary work in the nursing house. A. Take it easy B. Forget it C. Don me nti on it D. Could nagree more 15. In China, a good many traditi onal customs have. A. died dow nB. died off C. died away D. died out 16. The e
8、xpo will be held in Shan ghai,a lot of adva need tech no logy will be show n for the first time. A. where B. which C. whe n D. from which 17. He has known the truth. Therefore, there is noto keep it a secret A. cha nee B. doubt C. possible D. likely 18. Only whe n we are abroadfeel how importa nt En
9、 glish is. A. we will B. do we C. will we D. are we 19. with this challenge, he should meet it without any hesitation. A. Faci ngB. Havi ng facedC. Bei ng faced D. Faced 20. Nowadays, most people , in order to keep fit , prefer walking to drivingnecessary. A. if B. uni essC. in case D. as if 第三节完形填空
10、(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的中个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出或以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When I was reading some papers in my office that day, a patient came to see me about the stress in her life. She 21 all the things she had to do one was to 22 from the mome nt she woke up un til she flew out of the doo
11、r for work. I suggested she 23_by not making her bed for two weeks. She was 24, probab ly thinking I d been raised by wolves in a forest. However, she went along with my 25. Two weeks later she went into my office ,26. She had left her bed 27 for the first time in 30 years and nothing bad had happen
12、ed.“ And guess what? ” dohe steidy my dishes anymore, either.” This woman had made two major breakthroughs. One was discovering that she had 28 in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself 29 to be less that 30_. This story shows an important prin ciple (原理)about 31 time:
13、 No one can do it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade offs. The 32 is, many people choose in ways that put 33 and their health last. They take better care of their houses and cars tha n they do of themselves. They pu t every one else s n eeds ahead of their own. So what is the 34? T
14、here s an easy WDecide what you want in your life, and put that first. On a daily basis, that should 35_regular meals, eno ugh sleep and time with your family. Exercise, leisure, frien dships and hobbies should also be 36_ parts of life. The 37_ is to do something for yourself every day. The choice
15、is yours: whatever makes you feel 38_about yourself and your life. Take a nap. Take a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Stop keep ing your house as 39 as your mother kept hers. 40 more of your time with want -to -dos in stead of have -to -dos. 21.
16、A. described B. forgot C. remembered D. con sidered 22. A. wash her clothes B. make her bed C. call her friend D. dry her dishes 23. A. struggle B. sleep C. experime ntD. succeed 24. A. worried B. excited C. frighte ned D. shocked 25. A. medici ne B. paper C. idea D. promise 26. A. crying B. smili n
17、g C. thinkingD. no ddi ng 27. A. un touched B. unfini shed C. un made D. unmoved 28. A. difficulties B. choices C. mistakes D. problems 29. A. suggesti on B. advice C. in troduct ion D. permissi on 30. A .perfect B. n ervous C. importa nt D. comfortable 31. A. killi ng B. savi ng C. spe ndingD. mana
18、ging 32. A .problem B. rule C. measure D. purpose 33. A. others B. themselves C. their work D. their family 34. A. expla nati onB.determ in atio nC. soluti onD.con diti on 35. A. in clude B. contain C. enjoy D. serve 36. A. pers onalB. regular C. extra D. won derful 37. A. fact B. opinion C. poi nt
19、D. mistake 38. A. worried B. bad C. puzzled D.good 39. A. dirty B. clea n C. warm D. empty 40. A. Fill B. Compare C .Supply D. Connect 第二部分:阅读理解(共 25小题。第一节每小题 2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 A Grandfather was from Italy and was the only one in his family who
20、settled down in the United States. The rest of his family rema ined in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become ano ther man, dow nhearted. Such obvious cha nge was not born out of his welfare, but out of fear: if his only son, my un cle, had to go to war, it would be cousin figh
21、ting against cousin. One day in 1918, my Uncle Milt on received his draft no tice. My gran dpare nts were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realiz ing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her frien ds, my
22、un cle brought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted. Then the mome nt came whe n my un cle and the other soldiers, without any training but all in uni forms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although
23、 no o ne noticed, I m sure my grandmother had a tear in her eyes for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it sudde nly paused. Every one stared in won der as the train slowly returned to the statio n. There was a dead sile nee before the doors ope ned and th
24、e men started to step out. Some one shouted, “ The war is over ” . For a mome nt, no body moved, but the n the people heard some one bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lin es, walked down the steps, and with the band playing, marched down the street, as returning heroes, to be welc
25、omed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappo in ted that it did n bit l on ger. 41. My gran dfather most worried about A. the spread of the world warB. the safety of his livi ng two cous ins C. a drop in his livi ng sta ndardsD. his relatives killi ng each other 42
26、. The un derl ined phrase“ draft no ticemeans“ A. a letter of reject ionB. a train ticket for Europe C. an order for army serviceD. a note of warning 43. What did the“ service (pin Para.2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls? A. Ho nor B. Courage. C. Victory. D. Stre ngth. 44. Which of the fol
27、low ing words can best describe the ending of the story? A. Disappo in ti ng.B. In spiri ngC. Un certa in. D. Un expected. B Need more evidenee that London is a serious coffee town? Mr. Davies is actually England s thii world barista champion. The first was James Hoffmann, who started Square Mile Co
28、ffee Roasters ) in 2008 . It a ssmall operation, recently relocated to an arched vault under some train tracks in East London. Today, Square Mile s black bags of beans have become shorthand for quality. They supply beans Moon Bar (3 Batema n Street; 44-20-7287-4796), just ope ned by the same team be
29、hi nd Flat White (17 Berwick Street; 44-20-7734-0370; flat-white.co.uk). Though it s recently beenocriiedC 增加的)by chain stores, the“ flat white ” is also a symbol of serious coff it s basically a cappucc-size style flat and white a style imported from Australia (some say New Zealand) whe n a wave of
30、 baristas emigrated from those coun tries. (Australia ns and New Zeala nders are to espresso what Russia ns are to chess: they re just better at it.) Still, independent stores continue to appear in all corners of the city. Last year, the Espresso Room (31 Great Ormond Street; 44-20-7932-137-380; ) o
31、pe ned in a truly tiny storefr ont. Yet the owner Ben Townsend man ages to fit a Marzocco espresso mach ine, some ben ches and a case with pastries. And farther north in Isli ngto n, a bar called Ti na, We Salute You (47 Ki ng He nry Walk; 44-20-3119-0047; tin ) ope ned last February. (Accord ing to
32、 the own ers, the n ame comes from a daily greeti ng they give to a cheesecake portrait of a curvy subject n amed Tin a.) 45. How many bars are men ti oned in the text? A. 4B. 5.C. 6 D. 7 46. We can read in the passage that Square Mile Coffee Roasters is well-k nown for its. A. milk B. chess C. bea
33、ns D. fruit 47. Accord ing to the text, we know that A.UK is home to the flat-white. B. the flat-white is exported from Australia. C. chess is popular in Russia. D. you can find the flat-white only in the chain stores. 48. The writer wrote this passage in order to tell us A. the meaning of “ flat wh
34、ite. B. London is famous for its history. C. the nu mber of coffee bars in London D. London is famous for its coffee bar. Spider-Ma n cannot escape the harsh realities of the curre nt econo mic times and will lose his job in a latest issue of the Amazing Spider-Man hitting stories ( first published
35、in 1963) this week. Peter Parker, official photographer of the mayor by day and New York City crime fighter by night, is going to face new challe nges, in cludi ng un employme nt. Hes going to struggle with un employme nt and tryi ng to save the city while he can barely afford to keep a roof over hi
36、s head, said Steve Wacker, Marvel Comics senior editor. Parker has always bee n a groun ded character with real-world problems, Wacker said. His aunt is freque ntly sick, he has girlfriend troubles, and he sometimes struggles to find work. In addition, Spider-Man story lines are ofte n set aga inst
37、a backdrop of curre nt even ts. In the near future, Parker will have to juggle paying bills and buying web-fluid and other materials to fix his superhero costume in additi on to keep ing his dual ide ntities un der wraps. Parkers work history in cludes photographer, assista nt high school coach, sci
38、e nee teacher and scie ntific researcher, according to his biography on the Marvel Web site. His education includes a college degree in biophysics and some postgraduate work in biochemistry. It was at a science exhibit he attended as a teenager that he was bitten by a radioactive spider and got the
39、creatures stre ngth, agility and weavi ng ability, says Marvel Comics. And although Parker has skills few others can claim, he probably wont list these on his resume: superhuma n stre ngth, ability to cli ng to most surfaces, fast traveli ng ability aided by web-sli nging and spider-se nse dan ger a
40、voida nce system. 49. According to the story, Parker is likely to . A. look for ano ther job. B. have a girlfrie nd. C. live in a large house. D. buy a new superhero costume. 50. Parker didn work as. A. a photographer. B. an assista nt coachC. a scie nce teacher. D. a spider-ma n 51. The un derl ine
41、d part in the third paragraph means: A. he has a roof over his head B. he has a room to live in C. there is a roof in his head D. he has a picture of a roof in his head. 52. This passage mainly tell us. A. Parker is a spider-ma n. B. how Parker became a spider-ma n. C. life is hard for every one in
42、curre nt econo mic times. D. the amaz ing spider-ma n comic is popular un til now. D MOSCOW The Olympic flame in Van couver had only bee n put out before Preside nt Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia, an gered over his country disappo inting per forma nce at the Win ter Games, bega n calli ng for athletic
43、 officials heads. “ Thosewho are responsible for training for the Olympics must take responsibility, Mr. Medvedev, who can celed his scheduled trip to the closi ng ceremony, said in Moscow on Mon day. “ They must have the courage to hand in their resig nati on( 辞职报告 ).And if they do not have this de
44、term in ati on, we will help them. Such Ianguage from the typically measured Mr. Medvedev strengthens the disappointment here with the n atio n s athletics justrfoyears before Russia hosts the n ext Win ter Olympics in Sochi. Russia is pump ing billi ons of dollars in to preparati ons for the 2014 W
45、in ter Games, which officials have considered as a symbol of Russia s return to the top of the world stage. Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putinsaid last week that Russia s performanee at the Olympics should be given “ serious critical an alysis.”“ This critical an alysis should be directed at improvi n
46、g the situati on and creati ng the necessary conditions for the preparation and su ccessful performanee of our team in the Sochi Olympics in 2014, he said. Russian athletes took home just three gold medals from Vancouver, compared with eight in the last Win ter Games, in Turin, Italy. Russia came in
47、 sixth place in the overall medal count with 15, just ahead of South Korea and trailing far behind its former cold war athletic rival, the United States, which led with 37. For Russia ns used to see ing their athletes top intern ati onal competiti ons, the last two weeks have bee n awful. Russian fi
48、gure skaters fell, bobsledders turned over and, in a final embarrassment, the country much proud hockey team was smacked by Canada 7-3 and did not even make the medal round. 53. The underlined word smack in the last paragraph means: A. guided B. trained C. beate n D. con trolled 54. Which sentence i
49、s true accord ing to the passage? A. Russia n athletes got 8 medals in the last Win ter Games. B. South Korea ran ked 5 in the overall medal count in this Win ter Games. C. The n ext Win ter Games will be held in Russia four years later. D. The Russia n hockey team got the third place in this Win te
50、r Games. 55. What do we know about Preside nt Dmitri A. Medvedev ? A. He atte nded the clos ing ceremony of the Win ter Games in Van couver. B. He ordered a serious analysis about the Russia s performanee at the Olympics. C. He will resig n due to Russia s performa nee at the Win ter Olympics in Van
51、 couver. D. He had planned to go to Vancouver but didn t make it. 56. What is the main idea of this passage ? A. Russia n figure skaters fell in this Win ter Olympics B. Russia n will host the n ext Win ter Olympics C. Russia ns are angry about their athletes performa nee. D. Russia ns are making pr
52、eparati ons for the next Win ter Olympics. E We already have iris(虹膜)and fingerprint seanning but noses could be an even better method of identification, says a study from the University of Bath, UK. The researchers sea nned no ses in 3D and characterized them. They found 6 main nose types: Roma n,
53、Greek, Nubia n, hawk, snub and tur n-up. Since they are hard to hide, the study says, no ses would work well for iden tificati on. The researchers say no ses have bee n overlooked in the grow ing field of biometrics, studies into ways of iden tify ing disti nguish ing characters of people. Noses are
54、 out sta nding facial features and yet their use as a biometric has bee n largely un explored, said the Uni versity of Baths Dr Adria n Evan s. Ears have bee n looked at in detail, eyes have bee n looked at in terms of iris recog niti on but the nose has bee n igno red. The researchers used a system
55、 called PhotoFace, developed by researchers at the Uni versity of the West of En gla nd in Bristol, for the 3D sea ns. Several measureme nts by which no ses can be recog ni sed were ide ntified and the team developed recognition software based on these parameters( 范围) This in itial work is no where
56、as good as iris ide ntificati on but the nose has pros and con s, said Dr Evans. Theres no magic biometric that solves all your problems. Irises are a powerful biometric but can be difficult to get accurately and can be easily covered by eyelids or glasses. People can easily cover up their ears, wit
57、h their hair for example. Of course you can have a broken nose or wear a false nose or have plastic surgery but to have nose surgery to change your identity is fairly obvious. Irises are very good for recognition but you can put in dilation drops which cha nge the iris completely. Not all tech niq u
58、es are reliable, he said. The research is based on a study of 40 no ses and the data base has now bee n expa nded to 160 for further tests to see if the software can pick out people from a larger group and distinguish between relatives. Dr Eva ns hopes the method can be prove n to be effective on th
59、is larger sample. The tech nique certa inly shows pote ntial, perhaps to be used in comb in ati on with other ide ntificati on methods, he said. 57. Where can you probably read this article? A. In a n ewspaper about educati on. B. In a n ewspaper about scie nee C. In a newspaper about software D. In
60、 a newspaper about dress-up 58. Which is true accord ing to the passage? A. Dr Adria n Eva ns works at the Uni versity of the West of En gla nd in Bristol, B. The researchers used a system called Photoshop for the 3D sca ns. C. The research is based on a study of 160 noses. D. The research team deve
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