



1、6(12 分)眼镜 ).(8 分)期末 综合练习马上就要期末考试了,你的单词都记下来吗?来测试一下自己吧。1. Every country has some important (节日 ).2. How many ( 季节 ) are there in a year?3. The little boy is very (饥饿 ).He wants some snacks.4. When I play football, I get (累 ).5. Apples are my ( 最喜爱的 ) fruit.6. Are you in the school football ( 队 ).7. I

2、d like to join the drawing (俱乐部 ).8. She often says “Thank you ”. She is very ( 礼貌 ).9. She is working in the (图书馆 ) .10. Mr. Brown can t see clearly. He needs a pair of (11. Mrs. White is the (主人) of the house.12. We all ( 叫) him Xiao Zhang.下面让咱们做一人“殊途同归”的游戏,将下面的句子改为同义句。1. It s time for classes.It

3、s time lessons.2. Mum often buys me snacks from the shop.Mum often snacks me from the shop.3. He spends half an hour learning English every day.He half an hour English every day.4. We go to work five days a week.We go to work Monday Friday.5. Andy is not in Nanjing now.Andy is not in Nanjing .6. Lil

4、y and Lucy are not wearing the same clothes.Lily and Lucy are clothes.7. Mary started to do her homework at six yesterday evening.Mary her homework at six yesterday evening.8. How much are the cards?How much the cards ?为了拿高分,单选必须得过关啊。 (15 分)1. -I don t have enough money now.Can I some you?A. lend; t

5、o B. lend; from C. borrow ;from D. borrow; to2. Sandy has friends in the new school.A. lots B. lot of C. a lot D. lots of3. do you say that in En glish?A. What B. How C. How about D. What about4. Daniel and Sim on aregoodfootball.A. all; play ing B. both; at C. all; at play D. both; in play ing5. -

6、Would you like some milk?A. No, I don t B . Yes, I do C. Yes, please D. No, please6. Theresome milk and eggs on the table.A. has B. have C. is D. are7. Millie gave in teresti ng talk onThe life of a TrainerA. / B. a C. the D. an8. does Sandy usually doSun days?A. What ;on B. How; in C. What; in D. H

7、ow; o n9. -book is this ?- It s.A. Whose ; mine B. Which ; my bookC. Whose; my D. Which; mi ne10. My family always have a party the evening of October, and the partystarts8:00 p.m.A. at; in B. in; on C. at ; in D. on ; at11. -What s wrongyour bike ?- It s broken.A. How many B. How C. How much D. How

8、 long12. -is the fish?- It s five yuan a kilo.A. How many B .How C. How much D. How long13. Look! One of the stude ntsa picture .A. draw ing B. are draw ing C. is draw ing D. draw14. - Can his machi ne fly?-I th inkcan .A. he B . that C. it D. its15. -Hello.May I speak to Joh n?-Speak ing.A. I m Lil

9、y B. This is Lily C. Who are you? D. What are you?四.完形填空需要很强的逻辑能力,你有吗?那就来试试看吧。 (10分)Miss White is the children s English teacher. Tomorrow is L Day. She wants to know howher _2_ are going to show their 3 to their mothers .Some of the stude nts say 4 want to give their mothers some beautiful flowersa

10、nd some interesting cards. Someof them say they want to buy some healthy food 5 their mothers. Some of them live in school 6 their homes arenot n ear from the school. On eboy 7_ ,“ I think we have no 8 to go home,because there is a test tomorrow after noon. ”Miss White asks, ” Then 9 is more importa

11、nt, your mother or theOf course the test is more important,” the boy says, “ My mother10says that.1.A. Fathers B .Mother sC. Children s D. New Year s2.A. stude nts B. frie ndsC. teachers D. pare nts3.A. schoolB. lifeC. booksD. love4.A. weB. theyC. sheD.he5.A. forB. withC. fromD.on6.A. andB. butC. th

12、enD.because7. A. speaksB. talksC. saysD. reads8.A. hourB. timeC. mi nu tesD. fun9. A. whyB. whichC. where1D. whe n10.A. seldomB. reallyC. alwaysD. never四.阅读理解(30分)How old is the boy?There are manypeople on a bus. A womarwith a boy gets on the bus .She gives the con ductor() one yua n and says,“ Plea

13、se give me a ticket to thezoo.The con ductor looks at the boy and asks,“ How old are you? ” The boysays, “I m ten at homeand five on a bus . ” All the people laugh. At last, the woman gives one yuan again for her son s ticket.1. There arepeople on the bus .A. two B. threeC. fourD. many2. The boy isy

14、ears old.A. five B. threeC. tenD. eight3. The boy s ticket to the zoo isyuan.A. one B. two C. three D. four4. Who is wrong?A. The boyB. The womanC. The conductorD. The writer5. At last, the woman gives the conductor yuan in all.A. one B. two C. three D. fourWhat are you doing?Mr. Brown has a parrot.

15、 It is a beautiful bird. Every day Mr. Brown speaks to it . “Hello! ” he says. “Hello! ” the bird says. When the bird is flying in the room. Mr. Brown is says, “ What are you doing? ” the bird doesnt a nswer, but only repeats ( 重复),“ What are you doing? ”One day, Mr. Brown is not at home. A thief (小

16、偷) comes into his house. He is stealing ( 偷) many things from the house.Whenthe thief begin to leave, the parrot says, “ What are you doing? ” The thief hears that, drop (丢) all the things and runs away.1. The parrot is a bird.A. beautiful B. bird C. ugly( 丑陋的) D. foolish( 愚蠢的)2. When the bird is ,M

17、r. Brown says, “ What are you doing? ”A. singing B. flying C. speaking D. sleeping3. When the thief comes, _ is at home.A. the parrot B. Mr. Brown C. Mr. Brown D. none4. Who asks the thief, “ What are you doing? ”A. None B. Mr. Brown C. Mr. Brown D. The parrot5. Which of the following sentences is r

18、ight?A. The bird can say,“ Youre welcome. ”B. The bird knows the thief.C. The thief thinks there is someone at home and runs away.D. The parrot is very small and Mr. Brown doesn t like.Happy Time“Happy Time” is a program (节目) on ABC Radio. John is an announcer (播音员) for the program. Most of the girl

19、s and boys like the program. They also like John . Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him for his work. There are lots of letters to him every day, too.John gets up at 6:00 every morning. He leaves homeat 7:15. The program beg ins 15 minu tes later. He plays the new records (唱片)of

20、the pop(流行) songs and modern music for his listeners.John finishes work at 10:30. He goes homein his car. He reads newspapers and listen to music in the evening.1. What does John do?A. He is a doctorB. He is an announcerC. He is a teacherD. He is a driver2. Whats the name of the program?A. ABC Radio

21、B. Happy TimeC. Pop songsD. Modern music3. The program begins at .A. 7:00 B. 7:15 C. 7:30 D. 8:004. He goes home by .A. car B. bus C. bike D. train5. What do some of the young people do every day?A. Call JohnB. Write to JohnC. Go to see JohnD. Both A and B 五 用所给动词的适当形式填空( 10 分)1. My father seldom (go ) shopping from Monday to Friday.2. Don t talk any more, children. Your father (sleep).3. (be ) there any cheaper picture books in your shop?4. Thank you for (tell) me the way to the hospital.5. My cousin


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