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1、 TEST 1Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%)Section A Short Conversation (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each ques

2、tion, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.1. A Six years. B. Two years.C Eight years. D. Four years.2. A By bus. B. By car.C On foot. D. By bike.3. A It takes you 3 minutes.B. Its on Huaihai Road.C Its the

3、next stop. D. You can take the bus.4. A To carry the box for her.B. To lend her a hand.C The box is heavy. D. To give her a box.5. A Shes having a lesson. B. Shes having lunch.C Shes having a test. D Shes having supper.6. A Father and daughter. B Actress and director.C Shop assistant and customer. D

4、 Doctor and patient.7. A In a restaurant. B In a bank.C At a company. D In a hotel.8. A She met a terrible traffic.B She got up late.C She was ill. D She met an old friend.9. A. Jack will come. B Jack and his wife cant come.C. Jacks wife is iii. D Jacks mother will come.10. A. The man. B. The old ma

5、n in yellow.C. The woman. D. Nobody.Section B A Short Passage (2%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear 2 questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken twice. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer fr

6、om the four choices marked A, B, C and D.11. A. Kind but talkative. B. Careless but kind.C. Kind and cheerful. D. Helpful and kind.12. A. Six. B. Sixteen.C. Seventeen. D. Seven.Section C Spot Dictation (3%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for

7、 the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Crime is increasi

8、ng worldwide. There is every 13 to believe the trend will continue through the next few decades. Crime rates have always been high in multicultural, industrialized societies such as the United States, but a new phenomenon has appeared on the world scene rapidly rising crime rates in nations that pre

9、viously reported few 14 Street crimes such as robbery, rape murder and auto theft are clearly rising 15 in eastern European countries such as Hungary and in western European nations such as the United Kingdom. What is driving this crime explosion? There are no simple answers. Still, there are certai

10、n conditions 16 with rising crime increasing heterogeneity (混杂) of populations, greater cultural pluralism(多元化), higher immigration, democratization(民主化) of government, changing national borders, greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong. These conditions are i

11、ncreasingly observable around the world. For instance, 17 that were previously isolated and homogeneous(同种类的), such as Japan, Denmark and Greece are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been 18 in America for most of its history. 13 14 15 16 17 18Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (35%)Se

12、ction A (15%)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.P2219. it earlier, I him the money.如果我早知道,我就不会借钱给他。(事实是:我没有早知道,钱已经借了。)对过去情况的虚拟,条件句用过去完成时,主句用过去将来完成时

13、:If I had + 过去分词 + , I would(wouldnt) + have + 过去分词 + 或Had I +过去分词 + ,A. Had I known, wouldnt have lent相当于If I had known it earlier, I wouldnt have lent him the money.B. Have I known, would have lentC. Had I known, would lent D. Have I known, would lent见P1虚拟语气从句主句对过去的事表示虚拟If + 过去完成时If I had knownHad

14、 I known主语 + might/could/would/should + have doneI wouldnt have lent对现在的事表示虚拟If I were you,I would accept the offer.对将来的事表示虚拟20. If only I about his coming, I would have met him at the station.要是我知道他来,我会到车站接他。(事实是:不知道,没去接。)A. would know B. had known C. have known D. knew过去分词的独立结构:一般是:主语 + 过去分词,用作状语。

15、(1) This done, we went home. (=(When) this (had been) done, )做完此事,我们就回家了。(表时间)(2) All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.=As all our savings had gone,因为所有积蓄用光了,我们开始找工作。(表原因)Given和granted引导的结构亦可看作过去分词独立结构的倒装形式:Given time, he would win by perseverance.如给以时间,他就会凭毅力取胜。Granted your premises, y

16、our conclusion is still false.就算你的前提正确, 你的结论仍是错误的。 21. more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果被给予更多关照,这些树可能长得更好。A. To give B. Having given C. Given D. Giving相当于:(If they had been) given more attention, the trees could have grown better.22. The missing boys were last seen near the river.

17、失踪的孩子们 最后被人看到 是在河边玩耍。A. to play B. play C. to be playingD. playingP19.第4行:(5) see, hear, watch, notice, feel等感官动词后也可以加现在分词做宾语补足语,强调动作正在进行。22相当于Someone last saw the missing boys playing near the river. 宾语 宾补表示动作进行,非全过程,用-ing分词;I saw him crossing the road.表示动作完成,即全过程,用不定式:I didnt see the ball break th

18、e window.如果是短暂动作动词,不定式理解为一次动作,-ing分词理解为反复动作。We heard the door slam.(一次动作)We heard the door slamming.(反复动作) 倒桩的过去完成时 一般过去式23. No sooner his design than the electricity went out.汤姆刚刚完成他的设计,就停电了。A. had Tom finished B. Tom had finishedC. Tom has finished D. has Tom finishedP16.四、倒装句2. never等具有否定意义或否定形式的

19、词或词组居于句首时主谓要倒装。 appeared出现24. It was in 1943 the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles. = smoke + fog强调句:这种有害的烟雾是1943年出现在洛杉矶的。It was I that sent you $1000.It is you that (who) should clean the classroom today.P15.三、强调句 人物 whoIt is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (who) + 其它部分A. that B. then C. when D.

20、 which25. you didnt know the rules | wont be a sufficient excuse for your delaying submitting the report.你不知道规则这一点 不能成为你延误提交报告的充分借口。A. It is B. That C. Because D. WhatWhat I saw made me very sad. 我所看到的情景 使我很难过。 we live | is a small town.我们生活的地方是一个小镇。A. what B. that C. thereD. whereThis is where many

21、 organizations fail.P3.二、从句1.主语从句(1)26. It was a hundred people looked lost in it.A. too large room so B. so a large room whereC. so large a room that D. such a large room which它是如此之大的一个房间,以至于一百个人看起来消失在里面了。P14.(3) 原因、结果和目的状语从句引导结果状语从句的连词有:关联连接词 一对sothat /suchthat /so that /that /so如此以致于 / 这样的以致于/ 以便

22、 程度 目的、结果27. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.广告与其它交流形式的区别在于广告主付钱传递信息。A. where B. in order that C. in that D. in the way 为了 在于方式A is distinguished from B in that名词从句A与B的区别在于 that引导的名词从句作了介词in的宾语。比较Unit 6中第二段:The advant

23、age of rail transport lies in its ability to meet different needs.公路运输的优势在于其满足不同需求的能力。28. You can fly to London this afternoon you dont mind changing plane for Paris.如果你不介意转机去巴黎的话,今天下午你就可以飞往伦敦。A. provided B. unless C. except D. so far as倘若P14. (4)条件和让步状语从句1.引导条件状语从句的连词有if /unless /as (so) long as /o

24、n condition that 如果/除非 /只要 /条件是/in case /provided(providing) that /supposing等万一 /倘若 /假定P13. 6状语从句(1)时间状语从句29. he had discovered his error, Jamaica made the necessary corrections in the data.A. As though B. As soon asC. As if D. As far as好像、仿佛一,立即好像就(而言)Jamaica一发现自己的错误,就立即对数据进行了必要的修改。Ill go, with or

25、without you. Without anyone to 30. The little baby was left alone, with to look after it.那婴儿 被单独留下,没有一个人照看它。(说明附带情况)A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. not one = not any one31. I saw the middle-aged man come out of the house31. The middle-aged man was seen out of the house on the afternoon of the murd

26、er.在谋杀案发生那个下午,那个中年男子被看见走出那座房屋。A. have come B. to come C. come D. cameP18.倒数第二行P19第一行Keeping you waiting so long未完成体,表示正在让对方等待Having kept you waiting for so long完成体,表示抱歉时已经让对方等待了很久32. I am very sorry for for so long.我很抱歉 因为让你久等了。A. keep you waiting X B. having kept you waitingC. waiting for you X D.

27、keep you wait Xfor是介词,后面跟代词宾格、名词、或动名词,只有B、C满足条件;B的意思是“让你久等了”;C的意思是“我等候你”;我方确认已经从你方购买了小麦1000公吨。We confirm having purchased 1000 M/T of Wheat from you. Having accepted your offer.To keep to have kept未完成体 完成体33. His article present-day economics deserves careful study.他有关当代经济学的文章值得仔细研究。A. in B. for C.

28、at D. on此处on表示“关于”,例如a report on the international situation关于国际形势的报告On Practice实践论Section B (20%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the answer that best completes the sentence.34. I dont need any

29、 help, but it was kind of you to .A. receive B. manage C. pay D. offer (your help)收到vt.管理vi.对付支付主动提供(帮助)35. Cloudy mornings clear evenings.多云的上午 被晴朗的夜晚代替了。A. give off B. give up C. give way to D. give rise to发出(蒸汽、光等) 放弃让位于、被代替引起36. He went into the business making a lot of money.他 进入 这个行业 是为了 赚很多钱。

30、A. for the sake of为了缘故 B. for the present 当前C. for the time being目前 D. for the moment 眼前 暂时For Gods sake, stop saying thank you.37. The monument is of a great scientist.这座纪念碑是为了纪念一位大科学家。 荣誉A. in turn B. in spite (of) C. in place (of) D. in honor依次、轮流不顾代替、交换为尊敬、纪念 各就各位退休retire 离休 retire with honor38.

31、 They tried their best to make her happy but .他们尽最大努力 让她快乐,但是徒劳无功。A. in question B. in vain C. in return D. in place有关的徒劳的作为回报代替,就位39. Charles England for 11 years.查理统治了英国11年。A. ruined B. run C. rushed D. ruled 毁坏经营赶快统治40. I dont think the car will you all.我认为那辆车装不下你们大家。A. occur B. hold C. hand D. h

32、appen 发生 容纳交给(偶然)发生41. The doctor said the old mans condition was .大夫说老人的情况没有希望。A. careful B. hopeless C. hopeful D. careless 细心的绝望的(人)抱有希望粗心的42. The boy punishment by running away.男孩通过跑掉逃避了惩罚。A. quitted to B. escaped C. stopped to D. avoided 退出 逃避停止回避*应为BNone of the criminals escaped punishment.罪犯一

33、个也没有逃脱惩罚。 43. She has the family faithfully for thirty years.A. shape B. service C. shaked D. served成形检修、保养摇动服务44. You should focus your on your work.你应该把注意力集中在工作上。A. attempt B. attention C. attack D. attraction企图注意力吸引吸引力 45. We him on his birthday.我们向他祝贺生日。A. congratulatedB. greeted C. wished D. ho

34、ped 祝贺问候愿望希望46. There are several ways of the problem.有集中方法处理这个问题。A. getting B. walking C. approaching D. going处理 47. Have you your things for the journey?你为旅行包装好你的东西了吗?A. paced B. packed C. passed D. pasted节拍包装经过粘贴 48. Telephone between the two cities have been restored.两座城市间的电话通讯已经恢复。A. message B.

35、 information C. TV D. communications 口信、短信 信息电视通讯49. She slammed the door with .她用力关上门。A. value B. violence C. vision D. various价值暴力、猛力图像各种50. He was with their warm welcome.他对他们的热情欢迎感到很高兴。A. happiness B. great C. pleased D. pleasant幸福伟大(人感到)愉快(事)令人愉快 51. I sent a to my mother saying that I had arri

36、ved safely.我发了电报给母亲,说我已经平安到达。A. technique B. telegram C. telescope D. technology (单项)技术电报望远镜(总称)技术52. Metals when they are heated.金属受热时膨胀。A. excite B. expect C. exhaust D. expand激励期望耗尽膨胀 53. The boy was by the teacher for his courage. 那个男孩因为他的勇气受到老师表扬。A. practiced B. pleased C. prayed D. praised实践愉快

37、vt.恳求;vi.祈祷表扬Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)阅读理解Directions: There are four passages in this part. 共有4篇短文。Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. 每篇短文后面有5个问题或未完成的句子。For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. 每个问题有4个选择标记着A、B、C、D。You should choose

38、the best answer.选择最佳答案。Passage 1 When Americans meet one another for the first time, they begin their conversation with small talk. The topics话题 of these conversations are very general一般 and often situational触景生情的- people start talking about anything in their common physical environment共同物理环境中, such

39、 as the weather, the room in which they are standing, the food that they are eating, etc. Small talk is important because Americans are not very comfortable不舒服 with silence沉默. It is important, however, to know which topics are acceptable and which are unacceptable in American culture. Situational to

40、pics即景的话题 like the weather are acceptable in many cultures, but they obviously cannot be discussed for a long period of time. Asking someone about his/her occupation职业 is also very common, especially for Americans, who place a high value on working. Questions of taste could also be asked. Greetings

41、are common conversation starters. Last, in a country like the United States where people move so often, places of origin are often discussed as well. 原籍 There are many topics, however, that are improper不适当 to use in starting conversation. For example, religion宗教 is considered a very personal matter.

42、 Politics政治 is usually another unacceptable topic. Two other subjects话题 will immediately make Americans uncomfortable: age年龄 and money金钱. Americans value youth, so many Americans would want to keep their age a secret. Regarding有关 financial(财务的)matters, income收入 and the price of possessions(财产) are a

43、lso personal matters andshould not be used to start a conversation in America.54. Americans small talk begins withA. weather they have B. the room they liveC. food they eat D. anything in their physical environment55. Small talk in America is important becauseA. you should know which topics are acce

44、ptableB. Americans like their small talkC. Americans are embarrassed to keep silentD. small talk can help them to communicate with each other56. According to the passage, the followings are acceptable exceptA. occupationB. taste C. place D. religion57. According to the passage, the followings are un

45、acceptable exceptA. weather B. income C. age D. politics58. The word improper in this passage meansA. unlucky B. unsuitable C. acceptable D. satisfied不幸不适当可以接受满意的Passage 2 Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Su

46、rely, there are times when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel very alone if we never had a friend. No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends dont get along. That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go

47、 on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. It could be that we will even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Familie

48、s sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some parks are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places. Theres more good news for people who have friends. They

49、 live longer than people who dont. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.59. We can learn from the passage thatA. it is the happiest thing that one has a fr

50、iendB. its better to have new friends than to have old friendsC. people always want to make friends with ones around themD. we would not feel very alone if we had a friend60. Which of the following is True according to the passage?A. It is likely that people will go on being friends when they havequ

51、arrels with their friendsB. People will never make new friends because they have old onesC. People may call, write to and play with their friends when they move awayD. People depend upon their friends all the time61. Which of the following place is most probably named after friendly people?A. town B

52、. school C. hospital D. street62. According to the passage, people who have friends willA. easily succeed because they can get a lot of help from their friendsB. never feel unhappy even if their friends move awayC. make better care of themselves than those without friendsD. have a happier family than anybody else63. This passage mainly tells usA. the ways to get friendsB. the importance of friendsC. the ways to keep old friendsD. the benefits from friendsPassage 3 The koala (考拉) is one of Australias most famous and best loved animals. It has


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