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1、欢迎下载。高二英语下期中试题1(1) 练习(考试时间: 120 分钟满分: 150 分)第 II 卷(共 110 分)I. Listening comprehensionSection AShort conversationsDirections:InSectionA,youwillheartenshortconversationsbetween two speakers.Attheendofeachconversation,aquestionwillbe asked aboutwhatwassaid.The conversations and the questions will be sp

2、oken only once.After you hear a conversation and question about it, read thefour possible answers on your paper, and decide which one isthe best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a bookstore.B. In a grocery.C. In a stationery shop.D.Inashoppingmall2. A. Diner and waitress.B.Librarianand

3、reader.1/37欢迎下载。C. Ticket seller and customer.D.Teacherandstudent.3. A. She is not hungryB. She wants to dine out.C. She doesn t like cooking.D.She feelsawfultoday.4. A. The postcard has been lost.B.The man willgoto the post office.C. The local post office is closed.D.The woman isexpecting a postcar

4、d.5. A. To a bankB. To Macao.C. To a travel agency.D. To a gymnasium.6. A. There will be too many people at the party.B. He feels sorry that the woman is not coming.C. It makes people happier to have more parties.D. The woman can bring her brother to the party.7. A. The man is extremely fond of trav

5、eling.B. The woman has taken many pictures at the contest.C. The man admires the woman s talent in writing. D. The woman is an experienced photographer.8. A. The new dress is for warm weather.B. The newdressmakes her look cool.C. She doesn t like cold weather at all.D.Shebought the dress when it was

6、 warm.2/37欢迎下载。9. A. A nice hair-style.B. An old photo.C. A wonderful wedding.D.An unforgettablefriend.10.A. She could hardly find the truth.B.Shedoesnt agree with the man.C. She is good at finding a place to stay.D.She hadno travel experience in Russia.Section BPassagesDirections:InSectionB,you wil

7、lheartwoshortpassages,and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have

8、heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The jeep was returned to his friend. B. The jeep was shot by a villager.C.Thejeepmadethroughadifficulttriptothedestination.D. The jeep went wrong and had to be stopped.12.A.Anoldvillagercalledarepairmantosolvetheproblem.B. The m

9、an had to call his friend over to solve the problem.3/37欢迎下载。C. Some bananas were used to cover the hole on the tank jacket.D. The villagers helped to drag the car to the repair place.13. A. Bananas are much more useful than other fruits.B. Many things can be useful in unexpected fields.C. Bananas s

10、hould be used a lot in the car industry.D. A person should always lend good cars to friends. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. 100.B. 200.C. 300.D.500.15. A. To lengthen the limit of working hours of the pilots.B.Tostrictlypunishthepilotswho fallasleepwhenflying.C. To

11、shorten the pilots night flying time.D. To find new ways to fix mechanical problems.16. A. Poor cooperation between the pilot and the co-pilot.B. Automatic flight adopted by most planes.C. Pilot exhaustion during the flights.D. Natural threats including storms and fogs.Questions 17 through 20 are ba

12、sed on the following conversation17.A. Because he didnt have her number.B. Because he thought it was unnecessary.4/37欢迎下载。C. Because he wished his luggage would be found soon.D. Because he had to attend a business meeting.18.A. His flight number and arrival time.B.Thecause of the flights late arriva

13、l.C. The number of his luggage check.D.Thedescription of his luggage.19.A. On the plane ticket.B.Attheinformation desk.C. At the check-in counter.D.Fromtherecord of his flight.20. A. Missing luggage is unlikely to be found.B. There are important documents in his luggage.C. It is possible for the man

14、 to get his luggage today.D. The man thinks it is difficult to find his baggage. . Grammar and vocabulary Section ADirections:Afterreadingthepassagesbelow,fillintheblankstomakethepassagescoherentandgrammaticallycorrect. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blankwith the proper form of the

15、given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Yourcomfortzoneisbasicallyallofthesituationin5/37欢迎下载。which you feel confident and“ at home ” ; for example, doingthe job you ve done for a long time, (21)_( socialize)with a group of people you know well or living in a place yo

16、u(22)_(live)all your life.Steppingoutofyourcomfortzone,forexample,startinganew job,goingtoapartywhere you dontknowanyoneormoving to anotherpartofthecountry,canbefrightening,but (23)_ you do so, your confidence grows.Confidentpeoplealsohavecomfortzones,butthedifferencebetweenthemandpeople(lack)(24)_c

17、onfidenceis(25)_theyarewillingtotake risks and try new things (26)_ _ _ theirfears.Confidencecomesfromtakingaction,not frominaction;eachtimeyousucceedindoingsomething(27)_youfear,yourcomfortzonewill expand.Ifyoudrive,thinkofyourfirstdrivinglessonprobablyyou(28)_(terrify) at the thought of driving 10

18、0 metersbutasyougraduallyimprovedyourskills,yourconfidencegrew and now you could probably drive 100 miles (29)_worrying.Ifyoulackconfidence,youmayfindyourself(30)_(stick)inasituationyouareunhappy with6/37欢迎下载。suchas beingina relationshipthatisnolongerworking,spending hours travelling to work on the

19、bus or train becauseyoufearlearningtodrive,ordoingajobyoudislikeorfindfulfilling-becauseyou aretooafraidtotakethefirst step towards changing your life.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the wordsin the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that thereis one word more th

20、an you need.A. similarB. insecurityC. declineD. damagingE. uncertainty F.primaryG. sympathyH. purposefully I. continuously J. discouragingK.questionedIt is a familiar scene these days: employees taking newlylaid-offco-workersoutforadrinkforcomfort.But whichside deserves31more, the jobless or the sti

21、ll employed?On March 6, researchers at a conference at the University ofCambridgehearddatasuggestingitsthelatter:comparedwithpeoplewhoarestraight-uplaidoff,thosewhokeeptheirjobbut under a constantthreatof losing itsuffer agreat32 _ in mental well-being.Brendan Burchell,aCambridgesociologist,presente

22、dhisanalysisbasedonvarioussurveysconductedacross Europe.Thedatasuggestthatemployedpeople whofeelinsecurein7/37欢迎下载。theirjobsshow33levelsofanxietyand depressionasthose who are unemployed. Although a newly jobless personsmental health may“bottom out” after about six months, andthenevenbegintoimprove,t

23、hementalstateofpeoplewhoare34worried about losing their job“just continues toget worse and worse ”, Burchell says.Evolutionarypsychologistssupportthistheorybyarguingthathuman beingsfeelmorestressduringtimesof35because theysenseanimmediatebutinvisiblethreat.Patientshavebeenknowntoexperiencehigherleve

24、lsofanxiety,forexample,whilewaitingforexaminationresultsthan knowing what they are suffering fromeven if the resultis cancer.Itsbetter togetthebadnewsand startdoingsomethingaboutitratherthanwaitwithanxiety.When the36_continues, people stay in a nonstop“fight or flight”response, which leads to37stres

25、s.Butnoteveryemployee ininsecureindustrieshassuch a38view,Burchellsays.Ingeneral,women getonbetter.Whilereportinghigherlevelsofanxietythanmenwhendirectly_39, women scored lower in stress on the GHQ 12,even when they had a job they felt insecure about losing. AsBurchellexplains,“For women, most studi

26、esshow thatanyjob it doesnt matter whether it is secure or insecure8/37欢迎下载。gives psychological improvement over unemployment. ” Burchellsupposes that the difference in men is that they tend to feelpressurenotonlytobeemployed,butalsotobethe40breadwinner, and that more of a mans self-worth depends on

27、his job.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:Foreachblankinthefollowingpassagesthereare four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in eachblank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Ascomputertechnologyhasimproved,today sonlineenvironmentshavebecomemorecomplexandrealistic

28、.Onewebsitethathas41oversixmillionInternetusersisSecond Life. Second Life is a three-dimensional (3-D) onlineworld where people work, shop, sellandtradeitems,meetothers,gotoconcertsandmuch more.Users,who arecalled“residents,” createtheirowncharacters,or“avatars,”They use their avatars to42Second Lif

29、es virtual world.Justlikeanycountry,SecondLifehasitsown43 .Usingacreditcard,userscanbuy“LindenDollars, ” theofficialcurrencyofSecond Life.WithLindendollars,theycan44land or even an entire island where they can buildanddecoratetheirown house.Landistreatedas avaluable9/37欢迎下载。commodity(商品 ) inSecond L

30、ife.Residentscanchoose torentorselltheirlandto otherusers,and theycan earnreal money from these45_.When residentswanttobe46,theycanusetheiravatarstointeractwithothers.Therearegames, shoppingmalls,clubs,andmany kindsofstores47toresidents.Withsomany opportunitiesforinterestingthingstodo andsee, its ea

31、sy to see why so many users devote so much timeto the site.Second Life offers users a quick and easy48from thereal world. Many residents see this as one of the main49ofusingthesite.Spendingtimeon Second Lifeallowsthemto escape the stresses and problems of their daily lives. Ifa userishavinga stressf

32、uldayatwork,shecanvisitabeautifulisland,go skiing,oreven flytoanotherplanetduring her lunch break.50 escaping the stress of their daily lives, users can also escape who they are in the real world and live out theirfantasies.51, residentscan change theiroccupations,physicalappearance,and even theirna

33、tionalities.A doctorfrom the United States can be a Brazilian musician on Second Life. 52 , Second Life lets users live in a world without 53 .10/37欢迎下载。Although Second Life started as a way for people to escapethereal world,it hasbecome moreandmore54totherealworldinmany ways. Now on SecondLife,some

34、 countrieshavevirtualembassies,businesseshavemeetingsin55rooms, anduniversitieshave placeswherestudentscanviewthe campus and take classes. Today, Second Life allows usersto experience both fantasy and reality in the same place.41.A. persuadedB. devotedC. attractedD. contacted42.A. exploreB. createC.

35、 fightD. approach43.A. environmentB. fortuneC. societyD. economy44.A. cultivateB. purchaseC. insureD. access45.A. instructionsB. withdrawalsC. dealsD. conducts46.A. entertainingB. detectiveC.differentD. social47.A. availableB. affordableC.applicableD. adaptable48.A. sufferingB. discouragementC. esca

36、peD. tolerance11/37欢迎下载。49.A. satisfactionsB. dominationsC.conveniencesD. benefits50.A. In addition toB. Instead ofC. In viewofD. With regard to51.A. On top of thatB. As a resultC.ForexampleD. Besides52.A. HoweverB. BasicallyC. InevitablyD. Additionally53.A. starvationB. imaginationsC.connectionD. l

37、imitations54.A. exposedB. adjustedC. similarD. essential55.A. man-madeB. distinctiveC. functionalD. virtualSection BDirections:Read the followingpassages.Eachpassageisfollowedbyseveralquestionsorunfinishedstatements.Foreachofthem therearefour choices markedA,B,C andD.Choose theone thatfitsbestaccord

38、ing totheinformationgiven in the passage you have just read.(A)Behindmostofthebadthingswe dotoourbodiesas12/37欢迎下载。adults, eating more than we should is the idea we carry withusfromchildhood.On onehand,weassume thatweareindestructible. On the other hand, we think that any damage we impose on ourselv

39、es can be undone when we finally clean up our act.Iftheevidenceforhow wrong thefirstideaisisn tapparentwhen you standnaked infrontofthemirror,justwait. But what if you eat right and drop all your bad habits?Is there still time to repair the damage?To a surprisingdegree,theanswer isyes.Over thepastfi

40、ve years, scientists have collected a wealth of data aboutwhat happens when aging people with bad habits decide to turntheir lives around.The heartening conclusion: the body has an amazing abilityto heal itself, provided the damage is not too great.The effects of some bad habitssmoking, in particula

41、rcan hauntyou fordecades.Butthedamage fromotherhabitscan be largely healed.“ Any time you improve your behavior and make lifestylechanges, they make a difference from that point on.” says Dr.Jeffrey Koplan.“ Maybe notright away.It s likeslammingon the brakes. You do need a certain distance.”Butthedi

42、stancecanberemarkablyshort.Considerthe13/37欢迎下载。recent announcements from the front lines of medical research: A study concluded that womenwho consume as little as twoservings of fish a week cut their risk of suffering a stroketo half that of women who eat less than one serving of fish amonth. The d

43、ayyouquitsmoking,thecarbonmonoxidelevelsinyour body drop dramatically. Within weeks, your blood becomes less sticky and your risk of dying from a heart attack starts to declineAdopting healthy habits wont cure all that bothers you,of course. But doctors believethatmany chronicdiseases fromhighbloodp

44、ressuretoheartdiseaseandevensomecancers can bewarded offwith afew sensiblechanges inlifestyle.Not sure where t o start? Surprisingly, it doesnt matter,sinceonepositivechangeusuallyleads toanother.Makeenough changes,andyoulldiscoveryouveadopteda newway of life.56. Most people with bad habits of eatin

45、g more than they should believe that _.A. they can never change the habits that have haunted themfor decadesB. their bodies cannot be damaged by the bad habits14/37欢迎下载。C. theirbodiescan healallthedamage withoutthehelpfrom outsideD.theycanforcethemselvestocleanup thehad habitslater57. The evidence against the assumption that we are indestru


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