



1、应用文迷上满足某人的需求众所周知, 古代中国是一个典型的农业国家,水是中国人日常生活的根本含义(事业)腾飞合某人的的胃口收到某人的问候治理,统治敢于说和 搭配循环饱览;欣赏对 更深入的理解被普遍认为是 吉祥的详细说明关于重要的;著名的;杰出的;显著的作为 的后代表明;预示社会的栋梁Be hooked onMeet one sdemandAs we all know,ancient China was a typical agricultural country,where water played a fundamental part in people s daily life.implic

2、ation(career)take offBe to ones tasteReceive your tasteGovern(=rule)Dare to sayPairwithCycleTake a glimpse ofA deeper insight intoBe widely acknowledged/conceived asAuspiciousElaborate onWith regard toprominentAs a descendant/offspring/heir ofSignifyPillar of the societyBe intoMay happiness and joy

3、accompany youGiven thatBe hailed asCarry weight inGround-breakingServe asThe embodiment ofIn terms ofSpark/Fuel one s enthusiasm aboutIn the ethos ofBe intrigued byA token ofBe enclosed with letterIn rotationThe quintessence ofBenevolenceIn a nut shellRange fromtoMeritStrive tovigorousAs is often th

4、e case把 归于Attributeto有魅力的Charismatic相关的corresponding个性品质Personality trait被授予 Be granted预示着即将来临的 Signal upcoming依次为Respectively善于Are apt to起源于 Originate from卓越的Superb热情友好的Cordial深刻的含义Profound meaning必定Never fail to翱翔Soar up赐予;资助Endow尊敬Reverence和 相符Correspond to情况如此Be the case情景作文给我们带来无尽温暖Bring us end

5、less warmth迷恋 Be struck with/on/by为了So as to在 漫步Stroll around如果没有这次经历,我不会知道我们的文化Had it not been this experience,I wouldn thave传播得如此广泛known that our culture was so widely spread.自豪感从我心底涌现A sense of pride well up from the bottom of my heart.我真诚地希望文化交流的脚步永不停歇I sincerely hope that the process of cultura

6、l communication will be everlasting映入眼帘Come/Merge into our sight一举;一下子At a stroke宝贵时光Invaluable moment引起 Compel sth.中国文化的巨大国际影响力令我折服The huge international impact of Chinese culture completely compelled my admiration.这次国外的旅行让我坚定了将中国文化传播This trip abroad determinemy aspirationof到世界各个角落的决心spreading Chin

7、ese culture to every single inchof the world爱国者Patriot大饱眼福Feast ones eyes(on)动人心弦的Mind-blowing熟悉感Familiarity她带着纯粹的自豪和快乐笑了She beams with sheer pride and joy愉悦感和自豪感遍布在 全身A sense of joy and pride surge through被 笼罩Be enveloped with全神贯注于 Be engrossed in叹为观止Gasp in awe我发现中国的元素遍布全球以及它折射出的I am aware of the

8、Chinese symbol all over the祖国的繁荣昌盛globe and the prosperityof our nationitreflects.记住 吸引 目光遇见我无法压制住我的自豪和激动记录下 场景我一定会肩负起为祖国做出贡献的责任!充满(快乐)这个精彩的经历会永远在我心底珍藏如果不是这一次宝贵的机会,我不会感受到中国文化广泛的魅力,对此我深深地感到骄傲我奶奶由衷的微笑被我捕捉到了满心喜悦的迫不及待做 对中国深切的热情和深沉的爱被镌刻在每一个漂亮的汉字里在这次难忘的澳大利亚之旅当中,我被我们充满魅力的中国文化所激励中国文化的传播大使刻进我的回忆Committo memo

9、ryGrab oneseyesEncounter withI cantrepress my pride and excitementDocument the scene withBy no means will I fail to shoulder the responsibility of contributing to our country.Swell with (delight)This brilliant experience will be well preserved as a treasure in my heart foreverHad it not been this go

10、lden chance,I wouldnthave experienced the widespread charm of Chinese culture,in which I took pride deeply.The heartfelt smile of my grandma was precisely captured.merryBe bursting toBurning passion and deep love for Chinese culture was engraved in each beautiful character.During this memorable trip

11、 to Australia, I was buoyed up by the glamour of our Chinese culture.The ambassador of spreading Chinese cultureBe embedded in my memory为了 的缘故;为了 起见For the sake of我不仅欣赏到了大城市的迷人景色,我还见证了异域的多彩中国文化元素高涨的(自豪感)如果不是这次旅行,我不会意识到中国文化在海外会有如此强大的影响力中国文化已经传播到全世界从 涌现我们的文化正在渗透到世界的各个角落我们的中国文化以她独特的魅力给全世界留下深刻的印象打起精神一眨眼

12、功夫气氛;格调在我心中荡漾Not only did we appreciate the breathtaking scene of the metropolis,but we also witnessed colorful Chinese elements throughout the exotic place.A surge of(pride)But for this trip,I wouldn thave realized that Chinese culture has such a strong influence overseas.Chinese culture has left its footprint all over the world.Emerg


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