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1、中文 2360 字Study on marketing strategy of credit card in ChinaSince 2000, the credit card market has been developing rapidly. The developmentof the credit card meets the needs of the development of the people of life andthe consumption level. It is the outcome when the social economy develops to acert

2、ain phase and is the evident trend when the Chinese finance develops towardmodernization and internationalization. To research the marketing strategy of thecredit card is the premise and the basis of understanding the competitive developingtrend of the credit card market, grasping the developing law

3、 of the credit card market,and improving the competitive superiority of the enterprise.Under the background of working in the financial settling unit, with the personalexperiences of all the services of the credit card, and on the basis of reading a largenumber of materials, the author employs the m

4、ethod of combining the theory with thepractice in order to make a comprehensive analysis of the marketing strategy of thecredit card. First we should understand the basic operating trial of the credit card andthe developing conditions at home and abroad;second on the basis of the analysis ofthe macr

5、o and micro environment we should carry out the research into the marketsegmentation of the credit card;and then from the two aspects of the marketing channeland the strategy of the sales promotion, we comprehensively research the 4PSimportant elements of the credit card The 4PS are product, price,

6、place andpromotion. Concerning the sales promotion strategy of the product, the analysis ofthemarket ing strategy is con ducted from three asp ects theprice strategy, thevalue-added service strategy and the product strategy.Being one of the most important intermediary services tools in commercial ba

7、nks, credit card business of domestic banks has by far lagged behind developed countries, no matter in the macro social credit system and internet management, or in the microcosmic business philosophy, operation mechanism and marketing mix. In the meanwhile, credit card service is also the weakest l

8、ink in China commercial banks business operation. Therefore, it turns to be quite significant to develop and strengthen China credit card industry learning the experience of developed countries based on China social condition.With the fast steady and healthy development of our countrys economy, the

9、levelof people s consumption is raising, also they require more and more financial service . More people have accepted the change in the way of the payment from cash to credit card. All of these established a good base for the development of credit card. In June 1985, Zhuhai branch, Bank of China is

10、sued the first credit cardzhongyin card. Butthis card is not the truly credit card, if the cardholder want to pay the bill with overdraft, they must deposit some money in the card-a shot in the locker. Until March 1995, Guangdong Development Bank issued the first credit card-guangfa visa credit card

11、. Up to the present, there are 19 commercial banks issued credit card in our country. In the aspect of the number, it added to 33.08 million. During the first three months in 2005, the balance of the credit cards overdraft is 9.367 billion, accountingfor 0.45% of the total consumption credit, 7.45%

12、of the short time consumption credit. All of these numbers show that credit card has been one of the main ways of individual consumption. As the business of credit card has been the one which can bring high profit for the banks, every bank pays more attention to the marketing of the credit card. But

13、 the result is not very well. Which because the effort for the marketing is not enough, lack of innovation in the product and the channel for marketing is narrow. The most important is too much comparabilities in the service provided by the banks, so the clients can t distingpuriosdhutchtes. The mar

14、ket of credit card in ourcountry is full of fury competition and is not mature .The banks not only have to face the native competition, but also foreign banks with abundant capital. So it is necessary to discuss how should our commercial banks market the credit card, accelerate the development of th

15、e credit card marketing. Which is very important to advance the ability of the competition and raise the economic benefit.In contemporary times, the modern consumer credit card has become an important model, the whole world is popular with a small card payment, credit card over the years to change p

16、eople s spending habits, learned how to borrow money fromthe banks ahead of a consumer. At the same time, individual banks at all costs to the tremendous potential for the credit card market. Thus, how to faster, more durable and possess customer groups, the banks have in-depth study on the subject.

17、 This paper is the largest market in this environment, the credit card market marketing strategy study.Basically, the credit card to enter the Chinese market with China opening up at the same time, but subsequently the development of credit cards in s reform aChina has been lagging behind the pace o

18、f China s reform and opening up. From the1995 Guangdong Development Bank issued China s first real sense of the yuan in linewith international standards and international credit cards. 2000 to five years time, the real significance of China csredit card market was beginning to yield, entered the mar

19、ket and the initial start-up phase. 2000 China s accession to the WTO, opening up the face of China s credit card market and the trend of foreign financial institutions to accelerate the potential competition, the major domestic commercial banks have intensified in the credit card business investmen

20、t, China csredit card market has begun to enter the substantive stage of activation, credit card Marketing strategy is gradually surfaced.Since 2000, with a wide range of credit card popularization of China s commerciablanks have been marketing credit cards faster development, but which has also rev

21、ealed a large number of issues, such as: market segmentation less efficient lead market position not clear, homogenization are serious too much emphasis credit card number and price competitive products, and ignored the inherent quality of the credit card products and the standard of service improve

22、d; lack of high-quality financial talents led to less product innovation, and so on. Credit card marketing issues that exist in a lot of sleep lead to the existence of cards, and misuse of the banking sector limited information, human resources and management, forcing commercial banks to continually

23、 upgrade management system, increased management costs. But because of the influx of sleep card accounts also involved day-to-day interest, retrieval, tabulated, and enquiries, handling accounts such links, affecting the accounts of other normal trading activity and reduce the efficiency of the bank

24、inginstitutions.These days, CRM Customer Relationship Management system is widely applied in the financial and service industry. This wide application is mainly accelerated by the economic globalization, competitions of the financial market, technological innovations, developments in the bank manage

25、ment and operation. Financial organizations are now considering CRM as a strategy, which helps ameliorating customer value by integrating customer information resources; improving customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing more economic, convenient and adaptive products and services; and finally

26、 realizing the maximum profit for the organization itself.As China has joined the WTO World Trade Organization and its financial market is opening for the foreign financial organizations, the credit card market has become the first choice when foreign banks enter into the Chinese market. Thus our lo

27、cal commercial banks are facing severe competitions. In this context, how to fix potential target customers; how to understand customer consumption characters from exchanges and then conduct different marketing operations; how to set up risk alert system are the crucial challenges confronted with ca

28、rd issuing banks. With advanced data warehouse and data dig technologies, CRM system can analyze the needs, exchangesmodes, opportunities, risks and costs related with current and potential customers, thus increase credit card business bsenefit in maximum. Therefore, establishing CRM system and prov

29、iding strong analyzing function are exigent for credit card business lopmdevnet of commercial banks.我国信用卡营销策略的研究自 2000 年以来 , 信用卡市场得到了飞速的发展 , 信用卡的发展顺应了人们的生活方式和消费水平发展的需要 ,是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物 ,是中国金融业走向现代化、国际化的必然发展趋势。研究信用卡的营销策略 ,是了解信用卡市场竞争发展走向、 掌握信用卡市场发展规律、 提高企业竞争优势的前提和基础。本文是作者以所在金融结算单位为背景 ,在亲身体验信用卡各项服务以及在大

30、量阅读文献资料的基础上完成的 ,运用理论结合实际的方法对信用卡的营销策略进行了全面剖析。首先了解信用卡的基本运作和国内外的发展状况 ;其次是通过宏观与微观的环境分析的基础上 ,进行信用卡的市场细分研究 ;然后分别从营销渠道、促销策略两个方面来综合研究信用卡的4PS要素即产品Product、价格Price、渠道Place促销Promotion。在产品促销策略中,主要从价格策略、增值服务策略、 产品策略等三个方面进行了营销策略分析。信用卡业务是商业银行最重要的中间业务之一,国内银行无论在面临的社会信用制度、电子网络等宏观层面,还是在经营机制、经营理念、营销手段等微 观层面,与发达国家相比都有着很大

31、的差距。 信用卡业务也是我国商业银行经营 最为薄弱的环节。 因而,如何结合国情, 通过借鉴发达国家信用卡经营的经验来 发展壮大我国的信用卡产业具有重大意义。 本文仅从商业银行信用卡营销角度入 手,来探索适合我国商业银行的信用卡营销策略。随着我国经济持续快速、 稳定、健康发展 ,居民消费水平也不断提高 ,对个人金融服务的要求也全面增加 ,居民结算观念发生了巨大的转变 ,人们逐渐接受了从现金结算到信用卡结算这一支付方式的转变。这就为信用卡在我国的蓬勃发展奠中银卡 ”定了良好的基础。自 1985年6月中国银行珠海分行发行了第一张信用卡以来,我国信用卡市场已经存在了 20 多年,但是这时的信用卡从严格

32、意义上来讲 还不能算是真正的信用卡 ,还只是准贷记卡 ,即持卡人必须交纳一定的备用金才可以使用信用卡先消费后还账。 直到 1995年 3 月,广东发展银行才推出了国内首张 真正意义上的信用卡即卡内无余额就可以先消费、 后还款的贷记卡 广发人民 币 VISA 信用卡及转账卡。而自 2000年起,国内各家商业银行才真正迎来了贷记卡发卡的高潮 ,目前,我国已有 19 家商业银行发行了信用卡 ,信用卡发卡量达到3308万张,在 2005年第一季度 ,人民币信用卡透支余额约 93.67 亿元,占到了居民 总的消费贷款的 0.45%,占居民短期消费贷款的 7.45%,这一系列数据表明 ,信用卡已经逐渐成为

33、个人消费贷款的方式之一。 由于信用卡业务已经成为了我国商业银 行含金量较高的个人零售业务 ,各家商业银行也都在大力营销自己的信用卡 ,但是效果却并不尽如人意 ,其主要原因就是市场营销力度不够 ,产品创新和营销方式的创新较少 ,营销渠道较为狭隘 ,并且各家商业银行所提供的信用卡的附加服务具有相似性,客户无法准确的区分各家商业银行的信用卡产品。由于我国商业银行信用卡市场是一个充满了激烈竞争的、还不成熟的市场,不仅国内各银行之间充满了竞争 ,而且随着我国金融市场的逐步开放 ,他们还需要共同面对来自实力雄厚的外资银行的竞争。因此加快我国商业银行信用卡营销的发展,对于提高本行的市场竞争力和经济效益具有十

34、分重要的意义。当今时代 ,信用卡已经成为现代人消费的重要模式 ,整个世界都在流行用一张小小的卡片付帐 ,信用卡改变了人们多年来的消费习惯 ,学会了向银行借钱实行超前消费。同时 ,各家银行也不惜一切代价来争夺这潜力巨大的信用卡市场。所以 ,如何更快地、更持久地拥有客户群体 ,是各家银行都在深入研究的课题。本文正是在这个大的市场环境下 ,进行信用卡市场的营销策略研究。信用卡进入中国市场基本上是与中国的改革开放同时进行的 ,但其后信用卡在中国的发展就一直落后于中国改革开放的步伐。从 1995 年广东发展银行发行了国内第一张真正意 义上的符合国际标准的人民币贷记卡和国际卡。 到 2000 年五年的时间里 ,中国真正意义上的信用卡市场才开始产生 ,并步入市场的初步启动阶段。 2000 年中国加入 WTO 后 ,面对中国信用卡市场开放趋势的加速和外资金融机构的潜在竞争,国内主要商业银行纷纷加大了在信用卡业务上的投入 ,中国信用卡市场开始进入实质性启动阶


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