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1、6年级上册A卷:课堂点拨题1.3大时态综合题he have any hobbies? Yes, he likedthe pia no.D.Did,playsD.takedA. Does,play ingB.Did, play ingC.Does,playsWho the bread?Tom did. A. takesB.takeC.took(3) I (not meet) Nancy just now.(4) She should n t (go) to the zoo now.(5) Emma(watch) TV every day. But he(liste n) to music yes

2、terday. Where does your uncle? Hein Suzhou. (live)(7) Sometimes, the man(tell) stories to his son.(8) She(try) on a new dress now.(9) Un cle Li often(have) lunch at home.(10) How many people (be) there in your class last term?(11) Look at the plane. Its(fly) so high.(12) People (go) to the park ever

3、y morning.(13)Summer always(come) in June.2.日期的表达和序数词(1)It rained all day20 th September.A.inB. onC. of(2)-Whatwas it yesterday ? -Itwas the secondof July.A.dateB.timeC.day(3) On(twe nty) of February, we(go) to have a pic nic in the park.3.关于天气(1)Does it ofte nin spri ng in Nan ji ng?A. rai nsB. rai

4、nC. rainyItjust now. A. is ,rai nyB.was, rainedC. rainedit ofte n sunny in your city in spri ng? A.DoesB.IsC.Are(4) It was. There was a lot of(rai n). It was (rain) yesterday(昨天).And it (rainy) heavily(严重地,大量地).(6) 】 The weather is (wind) now.4. flew the kite in the park this morning.A. I and TinaB.

5、 Tina and my C. Ti naand I5. Was there black in the sky?A. some,cloudyB.any ,cloudsC. some,cloudsD.any, cloudB卷:课后巩固题.选择( )1.They theirlunch to the park and ate them quickly.A.bri ngB. boughtC. brings()2. he lookhis sister and played with her well?A.Could,atB.Ca n ,afterC.Ca n, forD.Could, after()3.

6、 Where Su Yang and her mother last weekend? A.wasB.didC.were()4.He could nothis book.A. findB. look forC.found( )5.There s a lot ofhere every year. A. rainyB. rainsC. rain3()6.lt just now( 刚才). A. is ,rainyB.was, rainedC.was,rai nyD.is ,rain()7. It wasin the morning. But itin the after noon.A.s unny

7、, rainyB.sunny, rainedC .rainy, sunnyD.sunny,rains( )8.Last week , it often .A.rainB. rainyC. rained()9.-Whatwas it yesterday ? -It was the sec ond of July.A.dateB.time C.day3大时态综合题1.Childre n(go) to the park by bike this Sun day.2.We(see) some bees flyi ng in the flowers just now.3.It(rain) all day

8、 on 20 th September.4.He(look) sad, because he(lose) a new pen.5.He(be) a teacher in 2009.6.There(be ) a football game on TV yesterday evening.7. Look, Sam(play) a game with Bobby.8. Tom and Mary (come) to China last month.9. My mother (come) back from the supermarket just now.10.Make often (watch)

9、films in the evening. This evening she(go) shopp ing with his father.ll.She usually(meet) her stude nts in the library.12.A n old woma n wants(meet) you.13.you hungryon that day?Yes, we14.WhatJimin his office now?15.He(write) lettershis friends .16.1 (not like) cats , but my mother (like) cats.17. I

10、 (bri ng)my homework here.三填入适当的词1. sun(形容词)2.cloudy(名词)3.rainy(动词)4.brought( 原形)5.find(过去式)| 6.fly(过去式)7.became(原形)8.interest(形词)9. go(过去式)10.wet ( 反义词) 11.draw( 过去式) 12.can(过去式)13. take(过去式) 14.fun(同义词) 15. September (缩写)16. twenty (序数词)17. Our (单数)18. hear(同音词)19. could (否定形式)20. hill (近义词)21.los

11、e (过去式) 22.bring(过去式)23.It was. There were black(cloud) in the sky.24.It is (rain) , you need an umbrella.25. The sun is very(shine)no w. Its (sun) today.26. Oh, what a day! It s(rain) now.27. T odayThursday. YesterdayWedn esday. (be)28. Mr Wang(take) a walk in the street this night.29. We are very(

12、happily) to hear that.30. The book on the desk is(in terest).31.lt (be) yesterday三翻译1. 那天天气变得多风和多云。The and that day.2. 昨天他们没能吃午饭。They not eat lunch yesterday.3. 那儿春天经常下雨吗? it often there spring.4. 昨天天气怎么样?昨天天气晴朗。What the yesterday ? It 四改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1. They are hungry becausethey didn h

13、ave lunch. 2. We saw much interesti ng parrots.3. Can you swim whe n you were ten ?4. We don t have any drink.5. 【易错】 They flew_kitehigh this afternoon.6. I d likesome bread with some honeys.五句型转换1.He likes play ing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)heplay ing basketball?2.Thesepens are on the desk now.(用 this af

14、ternoon代替 now)Thesepenson the desk this改为否定句)对划线部分提问after noon.3. The weather became windy and cloudy.(4. We saw many in terest ing parrots.(5.The kite flew high.(般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答6. He brought some drin ks.(改成一般现在时)Hesome drinks.7.He likes computer games.(改成否定句)Hecomputer games.8. He goes to work by c

15、ar.(对画线部分提问)heto work?9.It was Sunday yesterday .(对划线部分提问)10.The kite flew away.(改为否定句)11.He had our lunch on the hill.(改成一般现在时)12.lt ofte n snows in win ter.(改为同义句,2种)It sin wi nter.或 Therea lot ofin wi nter.13.lt is windy today.(对戈卩线部分提问 )C卷:复习提高题选择)1.Tom was not at)2.There are)3.The girl)4.It s t

16、ime)5.I go swim minglast week.A. familyB. houseC. schoolon the table.A. some honeyB. three pieces of breadC. a peacha nice dress is my sister.)6.Don t shout)7.It was time)8.There)9. It )10.We)11.)12. It isA. inB. withC. onhave dinner.summer.your friend.play games.some honey in the bottle.A. toA. onA

17、. toA. toA.wasB. forB. withB. atB. forB.weres ofte nhere in summer. Now itA.raining ; rainyB.rai nsrainingC. withC. inC. onC. onC.areup the hill and had a rest.A.climbit ofte nin spri ng ?no w. It ofte nC. rainy ; rainingB. climbedC. climbi ngA.Is ; rainhere in spri ng.B.Does ; rainC. Does ; rainyA.

18、 raining ; rainyB. raining ; rainsC. rained ; rainy二填词1. He(go) to school on foot every day.2. Therea coat on the chair just now. But therenot a coat there now.3. Look, they(da nee)4.It is(sun) today.5. We could n t(have) our lun ch.6. He usually(teach) me En glish on Sun day.7.She would like(fly) a

19、 kite.8.It is( Tim ) turn.9. (not shout) at the boy.10. The old woma n ofte n(walk) by the house in the morni ng.11.1 n eed to look after (they) every day.12. Please bring some bread and(drin k).13. My parents at home now , but they in the park just now.14. Did you like (drink) milk , Nancy ?15.She

20、does n t like(fly) kites.根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。1. When it is w, we like to fly kites in the park.2. It was s. They took hats and sun glasses.3. Childre n were h. They wan ted to have some bread.4. We did n t bring any rain coats or umbrellas. So we were w5. Teachers Day is in S6. 【易错】The ants like hvery mu

21、ch.7.1 ofte n go (swim) with my friends.四.阅读并回答A man was walk ing through( 穿过)a forest. He had a few caps in his han ds. In the forest there were a lot of mon keys. The day was hot, so he decided to have a rest un der a tree. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep(躺下睡觉 ).When he woke up (醒

22、来),he couldnt find his caps.Where are my ca? and look”d hp.He saw some mon keys in the trees. Each had a cap on its head.Give me back my caps! ” shouted( 叫喊 the man to the mon keys. But the mon keysdid n tunderstand( 理解)him. They only jumped, laughed and danced.“ How can I get back my caps?thOughldnard.In the end he had an idea. He took off his


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