



1、Unit 14 同步达纲练习巩固基础训练withI .根据首字母和英文解释写出单词1. s a set of outer clothes which match, usually including jacket trousers or skirt2. w give water to3. w stuff of a tree4. va place smaller tha n a tow n5. fa place for grow ing foods, pla nts and keep ing ani mals6. msome one who is in a group, society, etc

2、.7. l at the end; after all other8. a to become visible9. m not to hit or not to catch someth ing10. s to make a thorough exam in ati on of; look over carefullyn .选择填空()1. He has nt looked the garage . A. yetB. tooC. eitherD. already()2. She is going to do it a minute.A. inB. afterC. duri ngD. withi

3、n()3. He had to early and read En glish.A. get toB. get offC. get upD. get dow n()4. So far, they five Japanese son gs.A. lear nedB. had lear nedC. have lear nedD. learn()5. Are they all Can ada?A. come fromB. came fromC. come toD. from()6. The wi nd blew into the roomthe broken w in dow.A. acrossB.

4、 fromC. out ofD. through()7. They spe nt hours TV last night.A. to watchB. watch ingC. see ingD. read ing()8. He feels like hesomething that was nt importa nt to himbefore.A. didB. has doneC. doesD. is done()9. I n everthe things in it any more.A. usesB. useC. to useD. us ing()10. Many old people ar

5、e moved by his words.A. deepedB. deepC. deep ingD. deeply川.按要求完成下列各句1. We often use a recorder in our English class.(改为被动语态 )A recorder in our En glish class.2. This kind of computer is made in Japan. ( 对划线部分提问) this kind of computer ?3. These flowers are taken good care of by my grandpa.(改为主动语态 ) g

6、ood care of these flowers.4. I hope that Ill get my tickets as early as I can.(改写句子,句意不变)I hope my tickets as early. 5. She left home two days ago.(改为现在完成时)She has for two days.IV .根据上下文内容完成对话A: Excuse me. Would you please tell me the 1 the Childrens Hospital?B: Certainly. Go along the street, and 2

7、 at the second crossing.Youll seea white build ing betwee n Wuyi Bookshop and the post office . The white build ing is the hospital. You wont miss it.A: 4 very much. By the way, 5 will it take me to get there by bike?B: About half an hour.A: OK. Good-bye.V .根据句意填介词1. My sister went to school a blue

8、skirt this after noon.2. What happened Mary? She is crying.3. The village is about two kilometres .4. They filled the bottle a lot of milk.5. They tried to stop such a thing happening.提高能力测试I .根据汉语完成下列各句1. 他们说此行的目的是要搞清楚那些居住海外的年轻华人怀疑他们自己的问题。They say the purpose of the trip is that young Chin ese abro

9、ad have about who they are.2. 许多人以前从未到过中国,几乎不会说汉语。MaryChinabefore and can speakany Chin ese.3. 她母亲的工作是照看小孩。Its her jobthe childre n. 4. 我们明天动身去北京。We areBeiji ng tomorrow.5. 他真希望能成为一名教师。He a teacher.n .选出能替换划线部分的选项()1. Did you rin g me up yesterday after noon?A. write to meB. wake me upC. teleph one

10、meD. call on me()2. They stopped talking when the teacher came in.A. spoke and spokeB. stopped to talkC. went on talk ingD. did nt talk any more()3. The eight-year-old girl swims very well.A. is very in terested in swimmi ngB. likes swimmi ng very muchC. is good at swim mingD. wants to swim()4. What

11、 a rainy day! It goes on and on for seven days.A. startsB. fini shesC. comesD. lasts()5. The girl is in a blue skirt.A. wearsB. puts onC. hasD. have川.完形填空Mr White was ridi ng a horse in the rain all the after noon. When he reached a restaura nt( 饭馆),he was all 1 and cold. He saw a 2 in the restaura

12、nt and many people 3 around it. He had an 4 . He called out to the waiter( 侍者),“ 5 some fish to my horse! ” The waiter answered, “ Horses dont eat fish. ” Mr White said,“ 6 my horse eats fish.” The waiter did as Mr White told him. The people in therestaura nt 7 very stra nge and ran out after the wa

13、iter . When all the people went out, Mr White sat down at the table 8 the fire.Whenthe waiter and the people 9 ,they said, “ Your horse does nt want to eat the fish.” Mr White an swered,“ Putthe fish on the table 10 my horse does nt want it.nieat it as soon as I warmup and dry out. ”()1.A .tiredB.hu

14、n gryC.wet()2.A .fireB.pictureC.table()3.A .sitt ingB.sitC.to sit()4.A .wayB.ideaC.to fire()5.A .BringB.HaveC.Take()6.A .AndB.ButC.Because()7.A .thoughtB.areC.felt()8.A .n earB.far awayC.on()9.A .retur ned backB.came backC.looked around()10.A .whe nB.ifC.andIV 阅读理解Do you know how to write an English

15、 letter?Whenwe write a letter in Chinese, we always put the date at the end of the letter. But it is different in English. We have to put it on the top of the right corner.And above the date, we also write the number of our house and the names of our street, city and country. To begin the letter, we

16、 always use words like“ Dear sir ” ,“ DearMr/Miss/Mrs , ”. To the end of the letter, we usually use words like“ Yours, ”“Yours ever ” or “ Truly yours ” .It is also different to write an English envelope(信圭寸).If you write to anAustralia n friend n amed Jane Shute, write your n ame and address on the

17、 top of the left Conner and write hers in the middle.()1.“ Wehave to put it on the top of the right corner. ” The word “ it ”here meansA. the dateB. the letterC. the en velopeD. the passage()1. From the passage, we know when we write an English letter, we shouldput dow n our address A. at the end of

18、 the letter on the leftB. at the end of the letter on the rightC. at the top of the letter on the leftD. at the top of the letter on the right()3. How do you begi n your letter if you write to Peter White?A. PeterB. Mr PeterC. Dear Mr WhiteD. Dear Sir Peter()4. To what country will the letter be sent?A. P. R. CB. AmericaC. AustraliaD. Syd ney()5. Who writes this letter?A. ZiboB. Qin L


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