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1、完形填空练习(五十一)i guess i should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes. my 17-year-old son, who had for so long 1 my choice of clothing, now 2 searches through my closet. wasnt it only yesterday that he had turned up his 3 at my clothes? when scott was in middle school and 4 beginning to look at his

2、 5 as a creature from outer space, i had once 6 to suggest buying a pair of chions (斜纹棉布裤) while we were 7 . he said nothing but selected a pair of jeans. he tried it on. “too 8 ,” i 9 “just right,” was his reply, 10 he admired himself in the mirror, completely 11 with the image. i think that set th

3、e tone for the next four years. when it 12 to clothing, the divide seemed 13 .i was chinos, he was outsized jeans; i was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose ts. 14 began to change about a year ago. i remember the 15 day. i had gone to my 16 in search of a favorite t-shirt. i couldnt find it, but it

4、appeared later when scott returned home from school. “thats my shirt,” i said. “yeah, i know,” said scott as he 17 for the fridge. since that time, he oftenand 18 warningsearched for the new and different in my closet. i asked scott why he wore my clothes. “i like some of them,” he smiled. 19 by thi

5、s words, i 20 my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.1. a. thought highly ofb. looked down onc. set ond. based on2. a. interestedlyb. hurriedlyc. disappointedlyd. unwillingly3. a. headb. eyesc. handd. nose4. a. alsob. soonc. justd. almost5. a. classmatesb. teachersc. fatherd. mother6. a.

6、 attemptedb. managedc. longedd. persuaded7. a. readingb. walkingc. wanderingd. shopping 8. a. bigb. tightc. cheapd. expensive9. a. pronouncedb. announcedc. declaredd. added10. a. becauseb. thoughc. untild. as11. a. worriedb. satisfiedc. proudd. nervous12. a. belongedb. talkedc. camed. happened13. a.

7、 oppositeb. slightc. unbridgeabled. unthinkable14. a. thingsb. timesc. mannersd. tastes15. a. firstb. exactc. onlyd. single16. a. houseb. storec. officed. closet17. a. headedb. lookedc. searchedd. walked18. a. aboutb. withc. ond. without19. a. encouragedb. disappointedc. annoyedd. warmed20. a. tookb

8、. heldc. gotd. moved完形填空练习(五十二)“how did you do it, dad? how have you managed not to take a drink for almost 20 years?” it took me almost 20 years to have the 1 to even ask my father this very personal question. when dad first 2 drinking , the whole family was on 3 and needles every time he got into

9、a 4 that, in the past, would have 5 him drinking again. for a few years we were 6 to bring it up 7 that the drinking would begin again. “i had this little poem that i would recite to myself at least four to five times a day,” was dads 8 to my 18-year-old unasked question. “the words were a constant

10、9 to me that things were 10 so hard that i could not deal with them,” dad said. and then he 11 the poem with me. the poems 12 , yet profound words immediately became 13 of my daily routine as well.about a month after this talk with my father, i received a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. it w

11、as a book of daily sayings of wisdom with one 14 for each day of the year.it has been my experience that when you get something with days of the year on it, you naturally turn to the page that lists your own 15 .i 16 opened the book to november 10 to see 17 words of wisdom this book had in store for

12、 me. the moment i glanced at the page, tears of 18 and appreciation 19 down my face. there, on my birthday, was the exact same poem that had 20 my father for all these years ! it is called the serenity prayer:god, grant methe serenity to accept the things i cannot change;the courage to change the th

13、ings i can, andthe wisdom to know the difference.1. a. chanceb. couragec. abilityd. right2. a. gave upb. took upc. startedd. continued3. a. threadb. dutyc. fired. pins4. a. situationb. habitc. conditiond. house5. a. stoppedb. madec. startedd. asked6. a. sureb. uncertainc. afraidd. eager7. a. on cond

14、itionb. for rearc. in cased. providing8. a. replyb. wordsc. excused. explanation9. a. fearb. imaginationc. thoughtd. reminded10. a. neverb. seldomc. alwaysd. ever11. a. discussedb. sharedc. offeredd. talked12. a. simpleb. longc. wonderfullyd. boring13. a. allb. thatc. anyd. part14. a. listedb. inclu

15、dedc. readd. said15. a. characterb. birthdayc. qualitiesd. favorites16. a. doubtfullyb. carefullyc. happilyd. hurriedly17. a. whereb. whetherc. whatd. how18. a. disbeliefb. angerc. sorrowd. regret19. a. hungb. pulledc. rolledd. pushed20. a. troubledb. disturbedc. pleasedd. helped完形填空练习(五十三) it was a

16、 cold winters day that sunday. the parking lot to the 1 was filling up quickly. i noticed, as i got out of my car, fellow church members were 2 among themselves as they walked in the church. as i got 3 i saw a man leaning up against the wall outside the church. he was almost lying down 4 he was asle

17、ep. his hat was 5 down so you could not see his face. he wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too 6 for his feet, with holes all over them, his toes 42 out. i guessed this man was 43 , and asleep, so i walked on 44 through the doors of the church. we all talked for a few minutes, and someone 45 the

18、man lying outside. people whispered but no one took the 46 to ask him to come in, 47 me. a few moments later church began. we all waited for the preacher (牧师) to take his 48 and to give us the word, 49 the doors to the church opened. in 50 the homeless man walking down the church with his head down.

19、 people gasped and whispered and made 51 . he made his way down the church and up onto the pulpit (讲坛) where he took off his hat and coat. my heart 52 . there stood our preacher he was the “homeless man”. the preacher took his bible (圣经) and 53 it on his stand.“ 54 , i dont think i have to tell you

20、what i am preaching about today. if you 55 people by their appearance, you have no time to love them.”36. a. schoolb. lecturec. parkd. church37. a. arguingb. whisperingc. staringd. speaking38. a. closerb. clearerc. lowerd. farther39. a. even thoughb. so thatc. as ifd. even if40. a. draggedb. pulledc

21、. droppedd. pushed41. a. bigb. badc. uglyd. small42. a. reachedb. wentc. stuckd. run43. a. homelessb. helplessc. hopelessd. careless44. a. outb. byc. offd. from45. a. invitedb. mentionedc. tookd. called46. a. pleasureb. measurec. couraged. trouble47. a. exceptb. besidesc. withoutd. including48. a. t

22、urnb. placec. timed. seat49. a. whenb. beforec. asd. after50. a. rushedb. ranc. camed. went51. a. decisionb. choicesc. facesd. jokes52. a. sankb. fellc. broked. failed53. a. threwb. setc. laidd. closed54. a. brothersb. folksc. supportersd. members55. a. judgeb. hatec. disliked. test完形填空练习(五十四)during

23、 recent years we have heard much about “race”: how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and soon. yet, the 1 phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.we judge race usually 2 the colouring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a blac

24、k race. but 3 you were to remove the skin you could not 4 anything about the race to which the individual belonged. there is 5 in physical structure. the brain or the internal organs to 6 a difference.there are four types of blood. 7 types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race

25、. human brains are the 8 . no scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. brains will 9 in size, but this occurs within every race. 10 does size have anything to do with intelligence. the largest brain 11 examined belonged to a person of weak 12 . on the

26、other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had 13 brains.mental tests which are reasonably 14 show no differences in intelligence between races. high and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. 15 equal educational advantages, there will be no difference i

27、n average standings, either on account of raceor geographical location.individuals of every race 16 civilization to go backward or forward. training and education can change the response of a group of people, 17 enable them to behave in a 18 way.the behavior and ideals of people change according to

28、circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new 19 is better and higher than anything 20 the past.1. a. completeb. fullc. totald. whole2. a. inb. fromc. atd. on3. a. sinceb. ifc. asd. while4. a. speakb. talkc. telld. mention5. a. somethingb. everythingc. nothingd. anything6. a.

29、displayb. indicatec. demonstrated. appear7. a. allb. mostc. nod. some8. a. sameb. identicalc. similard. alike9. a. remainb. increasec. decreased. vary10. a. onlyb. orc. nord. so11. a. everb. thenc. neverd. once12. a. healthb. bodyc. mindd. thought13. a. bigb. smallc. minord. major14. a. trueb. exact

30、c. certaind. accurate15. a. providedb. concerningc. givend. following16. a. makeb. causec. moved. turn17. a. andb. butc. thoughd. so18. a. ordinaryb. peculiarc. usual d. common19. a. thatb. whatc. whicheverd. whatever20. a. forb. toc. withind. in完形填空练习(五十五)like many sisters, abby and eliza davis cou

31、ldnt be more different. twelve-year-old eliza is full of 1 , and always has something to say. nine-year-old abby is 2 . shes happiest when she has a good book to read. eliza 3 to be a lawyer or a clothes designer one day. she just cant 4 to grow up and to away to college. abby wants to be a doctor w

32、hen she grows up. she works hard at math and science, her 5 subjects.eliza is in the seventh grade. she gets up every day at 5:30, to 6 and blow-dry her hair. shes ready to leave the house at 6:50, to 7 her friends by the store for breakfast. the children have a mile and a half to 8 to school, and t

33、he bell rings at 7:30.at 11:20, the children have their 9 . some eat the hot dog, chicken pot pie, 10 other food that the school prepares for them, but eliza would like to bring her own lunch in a lunchbox. at 2:15, classes are 11 and its time for sports. eliza usually has tennis practice 12 4:30. s

34、hes tired by the time her mother comes to get her in the car, but she still has two or three hours of 13 to do before she goes to bed.abby is in the fourth grade at broken ground school. shes lucky. her school has big modern 14 , first-class teacher, and an excellent library. the playground is surro

35、unded by beautiful 15 , where indians once camped.like many american school children, abby starts the day by saluting the american 16 hanging in her classroom. then work begins. today, shes writing a composition about her summer holidays. her pencil 17 busily across the paper.abby will finish her st

36、ory at home this evening, 18 eliza does her homework. will they work together 19 , or will they fight?“well,” says abby, “we have arguments, but we get along pretty well. about fifty-fifty,” id say. “thats not 20 for two such different sisters, is it?”1. a. powerb. energyc. strengthd. courage2. a. q

37、uieterb. youngerc. noisierd. harder3. a. needsb. hasc. agreesd. wants4. a. refuseb. acceptc. waitd. wish5. a. bestb. lovelyc. fortunated. favourite6. a. washb. cleanc. brushd. comb7. a. welcomeb. meetc. seed. receive8. a. driveb. movec. walkd. travel9. a. lunchb. cookingc. gamed. supper10. a. beside

38、sb. exceptc. withoutd. or11. a. givenb. preparedc. finishedd. started12. a. at b. byc. afterd. until13. a. houseworkb. homeworkc. cleaningd. washing14. a. officesb. blackboardsc. classroomsd. windows15. a. buildingsb. poolsc. forestd. woods16. a. flagb. mapc. historyd. people17. a. jumps b. leansc.

39、liesd. moves18. a. whileb. andc. ifd. then19. a. happilyb. constantlyc. peacefullyd. carefully20. a. badb. fairc. equald. usual完形填空练习(五十六)about once a month i have to go to degford for my work. one day i went into a hotel there to have something to 1 . the waiter 2 my coat and put it in a small room

40、.about an hour later i was 3 to go. the waiter 4 me my coat. 5 something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. it was a small white box. then i took a good look at the 6 . “oh, youve brought someone 7 coat,” i said to the waiter. “it looks very much like mine, 8 it is quite new, and this isnt my bo

41、x .either.”“oh, then i 9 someone has taken your coat and left this,” said the waiter. “this kind of thing 10 sometimes.”i opened the box. there was a beautiful gold ring in it. so i went 11 to the police station.“ 12 lost a ring?” i asked.“yes,” said a policeman. “a young man who came in this mornin

42、g lost a ring, he lost it in london.”he 13 the young man. a few minutes later, the man arrived.“yes, this is my ring,” he said. “how can i 14 you, sir? you see, i paid a lot of money for this ring and 15 i lost it on the train!”after i told him the 16 of the coat, he said, “you havent been on the tr

43、ain. i havent been in the hotel. so how did my ring 17 in the coat?”“did 18 sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.“yes,” said the young man. “but i dont remember his face.”“you may remember this coat,” said the policeman. “was it like this one?”“yes, it was,” said the young man

44、. “but my friend here 19 the thief.”the policeman laughed. “ 20 .” he said. “the thief on the train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. only he didnt take the right coat away with him.” 1. a. dob. buyc. eatd. deal with2. a. tookb. foundc. likedd. watch

45、ed3. a. anxiousb. gladc. invitedd. ready4. a. showedb. returnedc. broughtd. dressed5. a. luckilyb. suddenlyc. obviouslyd. at once6. a. ringb. boxc. coatd. pocket7. a. lostb. missedc. newd. elses8. a. butb. andc. insteadd. for9. a. knowb. wonderc. supposed. find10. a. appearsb. happensc. meetsd. chan

46、ges11. a. aroundb. aboutc. aheadd. along12. a. whob. has shec. has anyoned. have you13. a. wrote tob. rememberedc. telephonedd. knew14. a. returnb. thankc. findd. help15. a. thenb. soc. yetd. however16. a. modelb. pricec. storyd. size17. a. comeb. putc. setd. get18. a. heb. the thiefc. the waiterd.

47、anyone19. a. discoveredb. isntc. has caughtd. doesnt know20. a. im afraid notb. yesc. nod. surely完形填空练习(五十七)miss wenter was watching tv when the program suddenly stopped. “sorry to 1 the program. now we are requested to 2 an important notice from the police station. at about nine this evening, a lad

48、y named mrs humney was 3 and killed. anyone who can supply any clue (线索) is requested to report to the 4 . thank you.” the terrible news made the lonely girl 5 with fear. she couldnt help looking around, but she didnt notice that a man was already 6 behind the door to the veranda (阳台).all of a 7 the

49、 man appeared before miss wenter. the girl really didnt know what to do. “dont ask for 8 , just put your jewellery on the table; then think over whether i shall be safe to stay up here for the night,” said the robber. that made miss wenter even more 9 , but she tried to 10 herself.just then came the

50、 whistle of a police car, in a little while, someone rang the 11 . the robber said with a gun 12 the girls back, “go to the door and say that youve gone to bed. never let him in.”in a flash, the girl had an idea. “oh, who are you?” she said.“im sergeant bull, miss wenter. is there something 13 here?

51、”“no, there isnt.” immediately she added loudly, 14 , my elder brother extends his 15 greetings (问候) to you.”“thank you. good night,” bull replied in the same 16 .a few minutes later, the sound of the police car going 17 could be heard. “its well 18 ,” the robber said with a smile. then he 19 to the

52、 girl. almost at the same time the glass on the window was broken. the policemen hurried into the room from the veranda. they quickly put handcuffs (手铐) on the robber.“miss wenter, your greetings were so good that it made us take 20 right away,” said sergeant bull, because weve already known that your elder brother was killed in a robbery half a year ago.”1. a. stopb. sharec. interruptd. contr


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