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1、考点跟踪突破40词汇运用一、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。1. In the USA , people eat withknives (刀)and forks.2. I left my book at home.May I borrow yours (你的)?3. You must look at the traffic lights before you go across (穿过)the road.4 . It rained heavily (大) on my way home yesterday after noon.5. The earlier (越早)kids learn to b

2、e independent, the better it is for their future.6. The basketball match is worth (值得)watching.7. We are supposed to encourage (鼓励)the young to read more books.8. Today is Marys twelfth (十二岁)birthday.We will go to her birthday party.9. Its good to have a healthy (健康的)eating habit.10. We should nt wa

3、ste watern stead , we should save (节 约)it.11. The students are having a chemistry (化学)class in the lab.12. Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional (传统的)art.13. Parents always try to provide ( 提供)a comfortable en vir onment for their childre n.14. Chinese clay art is fam

4、ous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real (真实的).15. All my classmates went to the old peoples homeexcept (除了) Eric because he was ill.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。1. Take ofL your shoes before you go into the house.2. I really like/love my English teacher because she is frien dly and fa

5、ir.3. If the weather is fine on Sun day , we will pla nt trees at the old peoples home.4. During the summer holiday , I will take part in a two-week work experie nee activity.5. The book is too expensive.I think I will borrow one from the library.6. Without your help , I could nt have passed the exa

6、m.7. Tom was old enoughto work and make money.8. Linda stayed up late and prepared herself for the math exam last ni ght.9. A menuis a list of food that you can eat in a restaura nt.10. As the old saying goes, “Old habits die hard. ” So start exercising before its too late!11. She was so nervous abo

7、ut her first speech that she could nt sleep.12. My father isnt tall or short.Hes of mediumheight .13. I have already got mypassport , but she has nt got hers yet.14. It is said that the moon circles the earth every 28 days.15. Tea is one of the most popular drinks in China.Many people like it.三、根据句意

8、,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. His office is on the ninth (nine) floor of the tall buildi ng.2. What about practicing (practice) swimming this summer vacatio n?3 . With the development (develop) of scieneeandtech no logy , life is beco ming much easier.4. It ofte n rains heavily (heavy) in this seas on every y

9、ear.5. Have you ever read the bookstranslated (translate) by Yang Jia ng?6. John is not good atsinging (sing) , but he would like to have a try.winners (win) in7. Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize 2015. Were proud of her.8. Helping others is helping ourselves (we), so we should try our best to hel

10、p those in n eed.9. Mr. Green is so serious that he always thinks carefully (careful) before making a decisi on.10. The police warn the drivers to drive slowly onsnowy(snow) days because it is dan gerous.11. Hainan Province is in thesouthern (south) part of Chi na.12. Trust him! He has no difficulty

11、 working (work) out this problem.13. The math problem isnt difficult , and I can work it out easily (easy).14. Please promise not_to_tell(not tell) lies any more , will you?15. Gorge treats every one with kindn ess and warmth (warm), spread ing positive en ergy.四、根据句意,选择方框中的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。A(2016,福州)

12、you, choose, sun, photo, explain1. She took lots of beautifulphotos during her stay inEurope.2. Tom believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.3. Tomorrow will be sunny. Howabout going to Mount Gu for a pic nic?4. The teacher kept explaining the use of the idiom to me un til I un

13、 derstood it.5. He was facing a difficult choice between staying with his family or work ing in Tibet.R2016,青岛)pass, provide , review, bring , celebrate1. The hotel always provides good service for tourists.2. Tea was_brought to Western countries in the 19th century.3. All of us passed the exam.How

14、happy we are!4. Mike will celebrate his gra ndpas birthday n ext Sun day.5 . Could you please turn down the TV ? Your brother is_reviewi ng his lessons.Q2016,十堰)safe, wet, true , nine, give away, put away dry1. The writer wrote his ninth book when he was fifty.2. It has rained much this year , so th

15、e south of China iswetter than usual.3. Children should be taught roadsafety to avoid roadaccide nts.4. Even though we are busy studying, we are supposed toput awayour things in our bedrooms.5. We cant understand our teacherstruly took care of usun til we graduate.D(2016,武汉)madeup, worried , spend,

16、grew up, compare nervous1. I used to be nervous about tests all the time.2. Wait before you buy that watch.Letscomparethe prices in ano ther store.3. On Chi nese NewYear, people liketo spendtime with theirfamilies.4. She grew_upin a small town, although she lives in a big city now.5. I have nt see n

17、 mycat for two daysm very worried about her.五、阅读短文,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文 完整、通顺。A 导学号:38122275)(2016,兰州)as,be,dangerous, between,other ,stop Just ,wherjsomething,differe neeSharks have been around for a very long timetmeans theyhave bee n on earth for thousa nds of years,and have cha ngedlittle.A sha

18、rk is a fish, but it has many 1.differences froma fish.For example , if a shark 2. stops swimming, it will sink (下沉).There are 3. between200 and 250 kinds of sharks in differentsize.The largest can be 4._as long as 15 meters.Sharks feed on fish , 5. other sea animals , or smallersharkst is said that

19、 one of the most 6.dan gerous sharks isthe Great White Shark.They have attacked (攻击)a nu mber ofpeople off the beaches of America.Australia,New Zeala nd andSouth Africa also have shark attacksnsomeplaces there 7. arewatchtowers on the beach to warn people about sharks in the water.8. Whera shark app

20、ears , a bell rings to tell people toget out of the water.Sharks attack about 100people a year inAmerica.Perhaps the shark 9. just thinks that the person is akind of sea animal , or 10. something good to eat!B(导学号:38122276)(2016,资阳)quick , email, before , she , wife , first , a , fall , into ,sendhe

21、rA couple decided to go on a holiday.The wife was on 1.bus in ess trip so the husba nd went to the dest in ati on (目的地)2. first and his wife would meet him the next day.When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a3. quick email.But whenhe typed 4. the address , he typed a wrong letter an

22、d his note was 5. sent to an elderly woman.Herhusband had died only the day 6. before and she had just come back from the funeral ( 葬礼).Whenthe sad womanchecked her 7. email , she let out a shout, and 8. fell to the floor in a dead faint (昏厥).At the sound ,her family rushed 9. in to the room and saw

23、 this n ote on the screen :Dearest 10. wife ,Just got checked in .Everyth ing prepared for you to arrive tomorrow.q 导学号:38122277)(2016,绵阳)find , book, big , how mind, clever , swim, school , always, n ameMany years ago, there wasa family n amedFra nkli n. They lived in Bost on .There were five girls

24、 and six boys in the family.O n a January day in 1706 ano ther baby was born. The boys mother and her husba nd gave the boy a 1.n amBenjam in.Benjamin was the 2. cleverest of all the children.He could read whe n he was five and he could write whe n he was seve n. Thenext year his parents sent him to

25、 3.school .At school Benjamin was good at reading and writing , but not good at maths.He read all of his fathers4. books. And when hehad money, he 5. always went to buy books.He liked books.They told him 6. howto do someth in g.The boy liked to use his head and tried to 7. find ways to help people e

26、njoy life more.For example, he tried to know if there was some way to 8.swimfarther , maybe with something on his hands or feet.Slowly a picture of swimming shoes, or paddles , grew in his 9. mind. The paddles must be neither too 10. big nor too small.And they must be n either too heavy nor too ligh

27、t.At last he inven ted the paddle for swimmi ng.D(导学号:38122278)(2016,成都)around, beauty, color , disappear, down go, hold , I , keep, luck , paint , workA boy thought that he was the most un happy pers on in theworldn his opinion , he was 1. uniucky because almost everythi ng bad always happe ned to

28、him.So he wan ted to find the secret to happ in ess.He walked a long way and fin ally came to a 2. beautiful palace.There , he met the king.After learning whythe boy had come the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours.“ At the sametime , I want you 3. to_hold this spoon with milk ,” said the king. “As you walk around my palace , carry this spoon without spilli ng ( 溢出)the milk. ”The boy


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