新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 10 Rain and Sun》教案_15_第1页
新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 10 Rain and Sun》教案_15_第2页
新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 10 Rain and Sun》教案_15_第3页




1、Rain and Sun教学设计Analysis of the Teaching Material教材分析:Rain and Sun是河北教育出版社三年级起点小学英语课本四年级下册的第十课,主要有描述天气的名词,其中The Month Song这首歌重温了我们一年当中的十二个月,并且在歌词中出现了我们日常所做的事,内容与生活联系紧密,月份和天气的关系将知识潜移默化地与生活相联系,有助于学生的理解与记忆。Analysis of the Students学情分析: 本课是学生第一次用英语学习月份和天气的关系,内容与日常生活联系紧密,有助于学生学习。十二月份属于巩固性的知识,重在学生的记忆与应用。T

2、aeching aims 教学目标:Knowledge aims知识目标:1. Be able to read、write and grasp the news words: rain、sun、hot、snow、cold、wind 2. Be able to grasp the sentence: Q: What is it? A: This is the 3. Be able to grasp the months of the year: January、February、March、April、 May、June、July、August September、October、Novembe

3、r、DecemberAblity aims 能力目标:Be able to describe the weather.Motion aims 情感目标:Try to understand English is closely related to our daily life.Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points:教学重难点Teaching important points教学重点:1.Be able to read、write and grasp the news words:rain、sun、hot、snow、cold、wind 2.

4、Be able to grasp the sentence: Q: What is it? A: This is the 3. Be able to grasp the months of the year: January、February、March、April、 May、June、July、August September、October、November、DecemberTeaching difficult points教学难点:让学生熟练掌握本课的单词和句子Teaching aims教学资源:PPT、word cardsTeaching Procedures教学过程:Greeting

5、打招呼:Hello,boys and girls! How are you today? Nice to meet you!Presentatin:1.Show the pictures in the computer 出示sun的图片并提问 T: Whats this? S:Sun T:Yes. This is the sun. T: How do you feel in the summer? (做扇扇子的动作提示学生) S: I feel hot. T: Yes. The sun is hot. T: Whats this? S:This is a cloud. This is rain

6、.用出示图片的方式引出有关天气的单词。Practice:1.Read after the teacher T: I read once and you read three times. 2.Sharp eyes: 在屏幕上出示很多字母,其中蕴含了许多单词,让学生在这些字母中找出单词。3.Read the new words again.Sing a song:1.播放歌曲,先听,不看歌词,先说说我们都听到了什么。 2.出示有关十二个月份的图片,带领学生根据图上所画内容逐句讲解歌词大意。 3.Now please look at the picture and listen to the tape again. 4.带领学生根据图片试唱歌曲。Summary:Today we have learned some words about weather and the months. Can you say these words.Homework: 1.Remember seven new words: sun、cloud、rain、wind、sonw、cold、hot 2. Practice sing


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