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1、。Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.The decision ispartlybasedon aninability orunwillingness tospend thousandsofdollarsi

2、ntuitionfees,especiallygiventhe suspicionthatlocalschools are better anyway. After all, what more couldone want froma basic educationthan a stronggroundingin language, math and science, all subjects in whichAsian schools famously excel. Our main concern is theabilityof our son and indeed the whole f

3、amily toadapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends.Chinahasalonghistoryofstandardizedtests,beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiatedduringthe Sui Dynasty.ShellyChen is at the top of theclass at the Shanghai foreign la

4、nguage school, one ofthe citys best middle schools. Already near fluent in。1。English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. Itis not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing a

5、bout students like Shelly.Throughout England, politicians, parents and punditsworry that the industriousness and discipline of kidsin the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westernerstrailingbehind.Thoughthereissomedebatesurroundingthestatistics,itis widelybelievedthatNorthAmericaisfailingtoproduce

6、sufficientgraduatesinsciencesandengineering.Stilllesscontroversy attends the observation that math scoresthroughoutthe West rankwellbelow thoseofmost Asiancountries.As a result,thereisa deepening consensusthat, in order to maintain its competitive edge,Chinesestudentsare taughtthatallquestionshave b

7、utone rightanswerandthereislittleroomfordebate.North American educationneeds tomove away froman emphasison fun,flexibilityand individuallearningstyles.Instead,ithas toshifttowardsa more strict,。2。disciplinedteachingenvironmentthatmath and science,inparticular,seemtodemand.Thisshiftcanbediscerned eve

8、n in Canada, where there are no collegeentranceexams,andwhere,standardizedtesting,memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.Nevertheless, there is a mounting chorus complainingthat the prominence given to creativity cheats students out of a proper education.People like science teach

9、er Sumitra Rajagopalan are entreating Canadian educators to adopt a more Asian pedagogical philosophy based on“constantrepetition,recitation,grillinganddrilling”.In the United States, the rise of China andIndia is putting even more emphasis on the demand foreducation reform.Tougher standards,Newpoli

10、cies such as No ChildLeftBehindhaveledtoanincreasedstressonstandardized testing.In the 2006 State of the Union address,PresidentGeorgeW.BushmentionedthethreatofAsia sgiants。3。specificallywhenintroducinghis“CompetitiveInitiative”, a program thatpromisessubstantialfundsfor the teaching of basic math a

11、nd science.But in an ironic twist, there is an increasing desireto make educationmore EnglandinChina. Many now agreethatthelackofcreativityinChina s educationsystemwillsoon prove a majorstumblingblockin thecountryscontinuing development.Governmentandbusinessleadersworryaboutaderivative,manufacturing

12、-basedeconomy,whichisunabletoinnovatecoretechnology,lacksmajorresearchand development projects and lagsfarbehindin creative sectors like marketing and design.A lack of flexibility and inability of individuals totake the initiativeaffectsthe entireservicesector,paralyzingemployees at every level.Arri

13、vinglateforthe set breakfast at a five-star hotel in Chengdu, forexample, I, along with a group of other foreigners,found thatthe coffeehad run out.Our requestformorethrew the staff into crisis.It was not until a series。4。of meetings had been held and permission sought fromsenior management that a f

14、resh pot could be brewed.Passing even trivial problems up the management hierarchy in this way is simply impossible in a sophisticated post-industrial society.China has implemented a set of reformsknown as “qualityeducation ”.Thispolicy,which aims to teach creativityand emphasize character developme

15、nt, has resulted incertainconcreteshiftsincludingchanges to textbooks,anincreasedemphasisonoralskillsinlanguagelearning and various attempts to get teachers toencourage student participation.Most Chinese,however,areskepticalthatanythingother than surface transformation is taking place. Asthey are qu

16、ick to pointout,the underlyingissue aneducation system rootedinstandardizedtests has yetto be altered.Chinese students achievenear perfectscoreson Westernstandardizedexams. Butwhen go abroad,theyfindthemselves ill prepared for the education.。5。Today,nationaltestsdeterminewhichelementary,highschool a

17、nd university a student will attend. They arestillthe singlemost importantfactorindecidingonesgeneral career path.The weight given to testing is regularly criticizedthroughout Chinese society. Newspapers and magazinescommonly reporton theextremepressureof the generalexams.Stories range from concern

18、over the suicide rate tobizarreanecdotesliketheone aboutgirlsin Guangdongprovincewho are saidto have boughtup mass quantitiesof contraceptive pills and then taken them during thetest period in the hope of wardingofftheilleffectsoftheirmenstrualcycle.Despitetheseconcerns,thereislittlerealimpetusforth

19、e testingsystem tochange.In China, standardized tests are seen as the only waytoguaranteemeritocracyandensurefairness.TheCanadian method ofgrantinguniversityadmissionon thebasis of interviews and grade point averages is seenas far too subjective.In China, many believe that ina system like this the b

20、est schools, universities would go only to those with the right guanxii(connections).China s emphasison memorizationandrote learning has significant consequences. Studentsare taughtthatallquestionshave but one rightanswerandthereislittleroomfordebateandoriginalthought.Subjects like histor

21、y and politics are focused solelyon dates and names. Even the Chinese language exam, which requires students to write essays, allocates grades according to how well one can quote classical texts and idioms.Passing trivial problems up the management hierarchyissimplyimpossibleinasophisticatedpost-ind

22、ustrial society.As a result, Chinese students develop what appears tomany Westerners as a shocking capacity for memorization. Many are able to recite entire articles and there arestoriesof some who are capable of committingthe entiredictionary to memory.Chinese students thus regularly achieve near-p

23、erfectscores on the standardizedexams of Europe and England.。7。when they go abroad many of these students find theyare ill-prepared for Western education. Chinese students with phenomenal TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores are often incapable of taking part in simple English conver

24、sation.At least one graduate school in one of Englands mostelite universities has now become wary of acceptingstudentsfrom China forthis reason.Assumedskillssuchas in-class participation, seminar presentations andindividualresearchprojects,common practiceinelementary schoolsinNorthAmerica,arelargely

25、unheard of in the Chinese classroom even in mostuniversities.National tests determine which school a student willattend.They arethemost importantfactorindecidingonescareer path.Moreover, the stress on original thinking and strictrulesregardingplagiarismoften seembafflingtostudents from China. An Ame

26、rican teacher working inYunnan province tells of encountering this culturaldividewhen two studentshanded inthe exactsame essay。8。for an in-class exam.Because of diffrent traditions and cultures,there are many diffrences between Chinese education and British education.Firstly,the Chinese education is

27、 nine year compulsory education.Most of schools are public schools.And the tutions come from the government.Andthe Britisheducationis also compulsoryeducation.Butthe school system is two-track system which included the public school and the private school.And the tutions are free in the public school while those come from the students parents in the private


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