




1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块: Task 1Teaching ProceduresStep1 Brainstorm教会学生如何在阅读一篇较长文章的时候快速找出读者所需的信息是本课的重点内容之一,所以通过运用brainstorm的形式,设计“How do you findinformationyou need quicklywhen youare reading a long passage?”的话题,活跃了课堂气氛,教师通过引导学生对自己以往阅读经验的讨论,自然地把学生引入到本节课的主题中。How do you find i
2、nformation you need quickly when you are reading a long passage?Student A: I usually read the passage word for word, sentence by sentence, and thenunderline the information I need.StudentB: I justscan the passage and pickthe key words,then I can findthe informationI need.StudentC: I usuallyread the
3、titleand subtitle,the firstsentenceor the lastsentenceof each paragraph and then I will know what the passage is about.Student D: I skim the passage and look for the main points and key words.Then the teacher presents the suggested answer.(PPT 5)Step2 Introduction to the two skills of finding inform
4、ation. (PPT 5)A: Read the questions carefully before beginning to read.B: Skim the passage, looking for main points and key words.Step3 Practice using the skills提供材料,让学生运用所学的技能解决阅读中的实际问题。Allow students 2 minutes to read the letter on page 45. Tell them to underline the main points and circle the key
5、 words while reading.Then check the answers with the whole class. (PPT 7)Main idea: I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can damage their health.Key words: causes liver failure; worried about her figure; health is priceless; eat properly.Step4 Further pract
6、ice the skills of finding information quickly.Activity: Recommending a gym to a friend.让学生阅读与本单元主题相关, 而且是学生实际生活中常见的材料广告, 通过设计问题, 让学生快速找出所需要的信息。同时,本部分的操练也为下一个环节的听力训练做好了铺垫。Part A: Read the advertisement and underline the main points and circle the key words.(PPT 9 14)The teacher then asks some student
7、s to answer the question.Check the answers with the whole class:Main points: Build the body youve always wanted! Get fit! Get healthy!Key words: Special offer! 1 month free membership!35 classes every week, including yoga, aerobics and swimming.Two branches in the city! Open from 6 am to midnight da
8、ily, 365 days a year.Call 5555 4567 for more information.Part B: Ask the students to use the information they have found to complete the note inpartB on page 53. They willnot be able to finishthe whole part.They willafter they listen to the tape.(PPT 16 18)get more detailsThen check the answers with
9、 the whole class.Step5 Listening (PPT19在 part A和 part B20)部分充分热身和信息铺垫之后,再让学生进行听力操练,并完成相关练习,学生做这部分就不会感到太困难,而且起到了巩固和提高的效果。Let the students listen to the tape and finish the rest of the note sheet in part B.Then ask some students to say the answers one by one, and check the answers with the whole class
10、.Step6 Writing a letter从 part A到 part C是如何把这些信息归纳、理信息的能力。,学生已经收集到了丰富、详细的关于Better Body Gym的信息,下一步整理并以一封信的形式表现出来。此部分教学的目的是训练学生归纳、整1.Discussion (PPT21)Let students work in pairs and discuss why Wu Tong should join Better Body Gym according to the note in part B and the information about Wu Tong in part
11、 D.2. Let students write a letter to Wu Tong individually based on their discussion.3. Present some students writing to the whole class and ask the class to make some comments on their writing.4. Present a sample writing for studentsreference. (PPT23)Step7 Skills Building 2. Note taking此环节的教学目的是培养学生
12、在做听力练习时快速做笔记的技巧和能力,介绍了三种方法:a.运用缩略词; b. 记关键词;c.运用速写符号。1. Brainstorm : How do you usually make notes while doing listening exercise? (PPT26)Students discuss about it freely.2.What are abbreviation and contraction? (PPT27 29)Abbreviation:a shortenedform of a word or phrase used chieflyin writingto repr
13、esenttheComplete form. Sometimes a dot is used at the end of the abbreviation Contraction: a word formed by omitting or combining some of the sounds of a longerphrase3. Let students read the three points on page 54 so that they can know how to write down information quickly when taking notes.4. Have
14、 students listen to the tape and write down what they have heard using the threeskills they have just learnt. (PPT 32)点击 PPT上的图标,播放录音。5. Check the answers with the whole class. (PPT 33).A: No. 7 bus isnt on time.B: Our dept is the no. of teachers.C: Id like to see the mfr.D: SH1 has a? class than SH
15、2.E: PRC was founded in 1949.Step 8 interviewing classmates about exercise ( PPT 33)此环节还是训练学生在做听力练习时快速做笔记的能力, 通过运用所学到的技巧, 把在录音里听到的关于 Better Body Gym的信息(健身中心里的设备)快速记录在笔记本上,同时,这些记录对下一步的讨论和下节课的写信都做好了准备。1. The teacher presents some pictures about equipment in a gym for students to discussabout,the purpo
16、se of which isto help studentsknow how to say these facilitiesin English.2. The teacher asks students to go through the guidelines in part A of step 2 and makesure they know what to do.3. Play the tape of this part for students to listen to. (点击 PPT35 上的听力图标,放录音)4. Then check the answer with the who
17、le class.The equipment they have in the gym:A swimming pool to be opened next monthA no. of mchs that can help in workoutsMany running mchs + a rowing mch + a skiing mchStep 9 Ask, answer and make notes ( PPT 37)此环节教学目的是通过讨论并做笔记的形式进一步培养学生归纳整理信息的能力。1. The teacher asks the students to work in pairs to
18、 go over Part B, talking about how they keep fit.While one student is talking, the other must take notes of what he/she hears using the skills they have learnt.2. Afterthe studentsdiscussion,the teachercan presentsome sample answer forreference. ( PPT 38 39 )studentsStep 10 Oral presentation (PPT 40
19、)此环节的教学目的是锻炼学生的口语能力,让学生把通过听力和讨论所获取的信息,用口头表达的形式展示给全班同学。The teacherletsome studentstellthe classwhat exercisetheirpartnersusuallydo basedon the information the have just got just now.Step 11 Homework (PPT41)Suppose you are the boss of the Better Body Gym and your partner is a potential customer of the
20、 gym, make up a dialogue with your partner. Your dialogue must include all the information in step 1 and step 2 about the Better Body Gym.牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块: ProjectTeaching ProceduresStep1 Lead-in 1. Brainstorm( PPT 4)这是一篇杂志上介绍怎样保持身体健康、如何过上健康生活的文章,通过学习本文,让学生了解保持一种积极健康
21、的生活方式的重要性,所以,在本节课的开始阶段,教师可使用brainstorm的形式,通过两个开放式的问题“Howmuch do you know about properhealthand fitness?”以及“ What do you usually do in order to live a healthy life?”的讨论,以学生对自己生活经历的回顾,教师自然地把他们引入到本节课的主题上。2. Discussing about the following pictures and think about what role they play in youreveryday life
22、. (PPT58)保持健康的三个关键因素:健康的饮食、经常性的运动、充足的睡眠。所以教师在本步骤可展示几幅关于这些知识的图片,让学生对于这三个要素有一个直观上的了解,图片的内容与学生的实际生活非常贴近,所以学生在对图片进行讨论时完全有话可说。After discussion, the teacher will present two suggested answers on the PPT to thestudents.(PPT9) Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit. A good
23、amount of sleep every night is also very important for your health. Step 2 Land the main idea.Project 中阅读部分的教学目的,一方面是教会学生如何快速有效地捕捉文章的信息,并培养学生获取信息、 处理信息的能力,当然更重要的一方面是帮助学生理解文章的行文结构,为学生自己对于 project 的呈现提供范例。 所以对本篇文章的结构分析和各部分的段落大意以及关键词是本环节的教学重点。3. Land the main idea of the passage Let the students read t
24、he article themselves and find out the main idea and the key words of each paragraph. This can be seen in PPT 9. Then check the answer with the whole class. The teacher can present the answer inthe form of tables. This part can be seen in PPT 11 12. Let the students work in pairs and try to find out
25、 the main idea of the whole article.(PPT 14)The main idea: Eating right food, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularlyand havingenough sleep will make a teenager feel and look better.Step3 Land the specific information (PPT 15)数字在学生自己的“project”里将是一个十分重要的部分,如何对数字进行分析,是决定一个 report 的质量的重要因素,所以在分析
26、本篇文章的时候,让学生对数字的信息进行分析是十分重要的,这也会影响到他们如何在自己的报告中运用所收集到的数据。Let the students read the passage again. Ask them to find out the numbers in the passage and tell what use these numbers in the passage.1. Girls: About 2,200 calories a day Boys: About 2,800 calories a day50% of the calories come from rice, brea
27、d, vegetables and fruit.2. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a dayRegular exercise: at least 30 minutes a day, 5 times a weekHaving a good sleep: 8 10 hours of sleep each nightStep4 Making a booklet about fitness (PPT 17)此部分的目的是教会学生如何运用他们所学到的知识,以便他们在课后能通过小组成员的合作,完成一个project:首先学生讨论,确定主题,然后小组成员分工,设计调查问
28、卷,收集信息,分析、归纳、整理信息,最后形成书面报告,完成 booklet 。本部分教师重点向学生介绍如何设计 questionnaire 以及 booklet 的制作方法,这也是本节课的重点。1. Steps that students can followA. planningB. preparingC. producingD. presenting2. Planning and preparing3. Get into groups of 4 to 6.Different roles of the group members (leader, collectingand analyzin
29、g the information,writing the report, etc.Decide the grades different groups are to survey.4.ProducingCreate a questionnaire.Give out and collect the information.Record and analyze the statisticsWrite the report.5.PresentingEach group member should report on part of the results.Put your results together with the other groups to form a booklet.6.How to create a questionnaire7. Try creating your questionnaire
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