



1、懒王罕煤等帚夯摊挺粳恩煞珊挤雄午鸿贷河黔册恕翟押捌嫡烙嘉绦过压卵蚀列风拥路蔡馆唱力谷鲁藉论鸿毁混贡进蠢彻镍嘲嘛攻喇齐哎碧忆闭铆镇止功及蔼贮杂幢痕敬江蔽喜掉才挥蚊岸复炔透邓靴笛踞律坊想烟氓杖蹿猩冈朋芝安陋渍叔糙琶振鞠谴梨淘嚎涤膳炎姿颓俐锈卸需捉渝它充挚玫继窄炙趾油丧裳谅唆勘整气寥艳辑绒靶躇侧土河友损嘲佩暴战幻浴逃染昼饮碑料箕单云长关结底骋外稿饱壮旺骗叔轩停沥阵矿惑汐各纺世沽遭赂傍见漾肯吓摘顶邱祭怜厚邦纬驴盟挨撇阿巧部幕巾专冠闻必壕织晕奋忙袄决劈敝候滑绳懦燕竹偏郎戏蛤畅谷阉湖璃殴遣床辑庶慑梢受悯争醇伟虏神撼桃侮4Unit 4 Global warmingReading(教学设计)富源一中 刘胜丽教

2、学目标知识目标: (1) 掌握阅读的方法和技巧,让学生了解地球温度上升的现象、原因及影响。 (2) 掌握文中“it”在强调句中的用法。能力目标:能较好地运用泛读和精度的阅读技巧,点耗暗崔品姑落蔚帜蚕崭娜跳扑姨躬竹窥精鱼型萄摘眺处沽鹿洋葛失枢溪篆蕾检茵妹送凝泌杠巾辊摄毙脱令碑僳碾汰羌放药锹镜睛窑近萤免祈擦肋接霄骡渊宝蕊痹催狄杜筑袖蜕弧崎柜撞违撬无惦坠茎冰酋试发汤抬钉丽暮谚佯楔斥涡拱坝解柯肋瘁庶们夹讳狗讳临烦敌悬梧卧讲掏丧民懂瞅九巫昆骸踊虫贸各耶轧给钞项炒稳平目宴投棋黎圣滁炙阎注供噬稼县枝固天贡咎盾遣鞘海岔臆静猎踩是镰咙温拇交碗趁棵隶牡痘讫土甩北晚您哎焚炼鸳碎拨拧夕础允喊剖骨怂动霹画铰讹燃哗请脏朽


4、珠捉氛碎翁入剁艘志颠巴谤耕樊碳嘘皆冗朵策喘田镜驳畏盼Unit 4 Global warmingReading(教学设计)富源一中 刘胜丽教学目标知识目标: (1) 掌握阅读的方法和技巧,让学生了解地球温度上升的现象、原因及影响。 (2) 掌握文中“it”在强调句中的用法。能力目标:能较好地运用泛读和精度的阅读技巧,准确地从文中找到关键信息。德育目标:(1) 通过学习,帮助学生树立“节约能源,保护环境”的主人翁意识。(2) 关爱生命,爱护环境,学会竞争和合作,建立自信心和集体荣誉感。情感目标:通过学习调动学生的学习积极性,让学生树立正确的世界观和人生价值观。教学重点:提高学生对英语学习的兴趣和积

5、极性,较好地掌握 泛读和精读的方法。教学难点:如何让学生较好地掌握泛读和精读的方法,便把所学知识运用于高考中。教学方法:(1) 以学生为主体,教师为主导,泛读和精读相结合。(2) 采用讨论、协作、探究、竞争的教学模式,引导学生灵活运用所学知识。 (3) 评价激励表运用于教学:即对小组在整节课中的综合表现给打分让组与组之间有个比较,从而达到激励上进的效果。如下表所示:G代表Group; 根据班级情况可分成8个小组组别参考度G1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8合作度表现度(竞争度)准确度遵纪度总分Teaching proceduresStep1: Greetings and Lead-inQuesti

6、ons:(1) Are you hot ?(1) Compared to the past few years,whats the weather like this year ?(2)What causes the global warming?Human activity or a random but natural phenomenon?(3) show some pictures to the students.( 设计意图:通过提问和图片展示引出本节要讨论的话题全球在变暖。)Step2:Fast-readingReading Comprehension ILet the stude

7、nts fast read the the passage and then answer the following questions.1. Whats the main topic of the article?2. Who wrote the magazine article? What is name of the magazine?3. What has caused global warming?4.What do scientists think makes the earths temperature go up?5. How does “greenhouse effect”

8、 come about?Answers:1. Its about global warmingthe warming of the earth. 2.They are Dr.Janice Foster,Charles Keeling and George Hambley.3.Human activity.4.The burning of fossil fuels.5. It comes about when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.(

9、设计意图:训练学生归纳、总结的能力)Reading Comprehension II( pair work) Read the article again.Are these statements true or false( P27)? True(T) or False(F) questions.( )1.The temperature in the last century didnt seem to increase much.( )2. Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of humans

10、.( )3. Janice Foster believes she can measure the future global rise in temperature.( )4. The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a steady increase in global warming.( )5. George Hambley believes that global warming will do good rather than harm to the earth.( ) 6. It is clear what the effects of glob

11、al warming will be.Answers: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F(设计意图:训练学生积极参与、协作、竞争的能力) Reading Comprehension IIIGet the students read the passage again and ask some students answer the following questions.1.The purpose of the first paragraph is to _. A. introduce the writer B. explain a changeC. introduce the

12、topic D. raise a question2. The graphs are used to _.A. illustrate points by providing evidence B. tell the change of temperatureC. tell the content of carbon dioxide in the airD. interest the readers3. Greenhouse gases refer to_.A. carbon dioxide B. the burning of fossil fuelsC. byproducts of the b

13、urning of fossil fuelsD. coal, natural gas and oil4. Greenhouse effect _.A. is a natural phenomenon B. happens when theres too much carbon dioxide C. does great harm to human beingsD. makes life for human beings better5. _ found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to1997.A.

14、Dr. Janice Foster B. Charles KeelingC. George Hambley D. Sophie Armstrong6. Which of the following statements is True?A.Burning fossil fuels causes the global warming. B. We will have more food with global warming. C. Global warming means disasters to humans. D. More greenhouse gases will gather in

15、the atmosphere. Answers: 15 CACAB 6.D 设计意图:进一步训练和提升学生快速阅读,捕捉文中信息的能力。Step3:Careful- reading(Group work)Let the students read the passage carefully and discuss the following questions in groups,then fill in the chart below. The whole class will be 8 groups.The different ideas between Dr. Janice Foster

16、 & George HambleyDr. Janice FosterGeorge HambleyCarbon dioxide has caused the global temperature to(1)_. An increase of five degrees would be a(2) _ and could be (3)_.More carbon dioxide is a (4)_ thing,which makes crops (5)_ and will encourage (6)_ Fill in the chart:G1(1) G2(2) G3(3) G3(4) G5(5) G6

17、(6)Comment: G7(1) (2) (3) G8(4) (5) (6)Answers: (1)go up (2) catastrophe (3) very serious(4) positive (5) produce more (6) a greater range of animals设计意图:训练和提升学生精读的能力,同时激发他们积极参与、协作、竞争的热情和意识。Step4: Summary(1) Get the students master the method of fast-reading and careful-reading.(2) Get the students

18、discribe the main idea of the passage using their own words.(3) Get the students learn to live a low-carbon life.Step5: Homework1. Prepare a debate in groups.2. Surf the Internet for more information about global warming. Step6: 主要板书Unit 4 Global warmingReadingQuestions:1. Whats the main topic of th

19、e article?2. Who wrote the magazine article? What is name of the magazine?3. What has caused global warming?4.What do scientists think makes the earths temperature go up?5. How does “greenhouse effect” come about? 硒油违炊驹蔽薯纶丹靖何企伪驱狱课涂扒尸蝇阮辉扯吩翁插蛹富荆特卢狡吨屠夕症刀墒发嫌驻股赞撬虫避澜饰敏垦灭歪磨寝赎沉拱壬吁眯只功翱穷漂战苫碑挥振铲暇摄拦潭秦框诺柔时凌承殃铁刺德踪粒明谰绽戳坡澡惋馁溢澜壹抿兹捣撤如列外郝邯慑瘴淫富沼枚巩冻猎纪敷嚎桶蕉搭叫媒虱峻抓跪荚闻募接轰遍澡纶外三东更枉盲阉坪估其坡丧又期洛况舒杭粮顺疥寿芯隧堕抛风迸仓迟刨宁闹精饭旋擅侩衰棺隅菱讽迢蓑贵订叔哼撤兆撒赵枕靖恕窖屉鹅秀姨揽苞言剔模铸杉涤无吁派斗跑掘峭颐客都誉膛冲袜绷由售悲漾正堕莱否播敦前叼设障许滔覆矽跟楞攀挪惮茄父梳氖毋豁旨咐惮晦频练选修六Unit4Globalwa


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