



1、.【一】Dear Bosie, After long and fruitless waiting I have determined to write to you myself, as much for your sake as for mine, as I would not like to think that I had passed through two long years of imprisonment without ever having received a single line from you, or any news or message even, except

2、 such as gave me pain.Our ill-fated and most lamentable friendship has ended in ruin and public infamy for me, yet the memory of our ancient affection is often with me, and the thought that loathing, bitterness and contempt should for ever take that place in my heart once held by love is very sad to

3、 me: and you yourself will, I think, feel in your heart that to write to me as I lie in the loneliness of prison-life is better than to publish my letters without my permission or to dedicate poems to me unasked, though the world will know nothing of whatever words of grief or passion, of remorse or

4、 indifference you may choose to send as your answer or your appeal.【孙宜学译本】亲爱的波茜:在经过漫长徒劳的等待之后,我决定亲自给你写信,这既是为了你的缘故,也是为了我,我不愿想到在我被监禁的这漫长的两年里,除了使我痛苦的消息外,却得不到你的只言片语。我们不幸的最可悲的友谊,已经在公众对我的谩骂声中毁于一旦了。但我仍然常常回忆起过去的友情。当想到憎恶、仇恨、轻蔑会永远占据我那一度充满爱的心灵时,我就不禁感到无限悲哀。我想你自己也不难想到,当我孤独地生活在监狱中时,你给我写信远比未经我的允许就公开我的信或献给我我所不需要的诗好得

5、多。虽然,无论你选择什么:悲哀或激情、悔恨或冷漠作为你的回答或要求,世人对你说过的任何话都会一无所知。【Point】1、fruitless 不结果实的,引申为“无益的,徒劳的” 【举例】 a fruitless attempt 徒劳的尝试2、be determined to do sth. 下定决心去做某事 【举例】 Im determined to quit smoking.我下定决心要戒烟。3、for the sake of 由于,为了,为了的利益4、permission 许可,授权 【举例】with/without sb.s permission 经过/未经某人许可,give/deny

6、sb. permission to do sth. 允许/不许某人做某事 【二】I have no doubt that in this letter in which I have to write of your life and of mine, of the past and of the future, of sweet things changed to bitterness and of bitter things that may be turned into joy, there will be much that will wound your vanity to the

7、quick. If it prove so, read the letter over and over again till it kills your vanity. If you find in it something of which you feel that you are unjustly accused, remember that one should be thankful that there is any fault of which one can be unjustly accused. If there be in it one single passage t

8、hat brings tears to your eyes, weep as we weep in prison where the day no less than the night is set apart for tears. It is the only thing that can save you.【孙宜学译本】我毫不怀疑,在我写给你的这封信里,会涉及你我的生活,涉及过去与将来,涉及变成了酸涩的甘甜和可能会变成快乐的酸涩,但也有许多东西会伤到你的虚荣心的痛处。如果真是这样的话,那你就一遍遍地读这封信,直到它消除了你的虚荣心。如果你发现这封信中对你的指责有不对之处,那你就要记住,一


10、】1、vanity 自大;虚荣心 【举例】do sth. out of vanity 出于虚荣心而做某事2、quick 此处指“感觉敏锐的部位,痛处,要害” 【举例】His words hurt her to the quick. 他的话刺痛了她的心。3、accuse 指控,指责;归咎于 【举例】accuse sb. of doing sth.指控某人做了某事 accuse sb. for sth. 把某事的责任推到某人身上4、set apart for 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等) 【举例】He sets some money apart for a vacation each year. 他

11、每年留出些钱供度假之用。【三】You must read this letter right through, though each word may become to you as the fire or knife of the surgeon that makes the delicate flesh burn or bleed. Remember that the fool in the eyes of the gods and the fool in the eyes of man are very different. One who is entirely ignorant

12、of the modes of Art in its revolution or the moods of thought in its progress, of the pomp of the Latin line or the richer music of the vowelled Greek, of Tuscan sculpture or Elizabethan song may yet be full of the very sweetest wisdom. The real fool, such as the gods mock or mar, is he who does not

13、 know himself.【孙宜学译本】你必须从头至尾读完这封信,尽管对你来说,每个字可能都会变成使柔嫩的肉体燃烧或流血的外科医生的手术刀。要记住上帝眼中的傻瓜与人眼中的傻瓜是有很大区别的。一个对革新中的艺术形式或发展中的思想情绪、对拉丁诗的华丽或元音化了的希腊语的丰富音乐性、对托斯卡纳的雕刻或伊莉莎白时代的歌曲一无所知的人,仍然可能充满着最甜蜜的智慧。真正的傻瓜,如上帝所嘲弄、毁灭的那些人,是不了解自己的人。【朱纯深译本】你一定要把这封信通读,虽然信中的一词一语会让你觉得像外科医生的刀与火,叫细嫩的肌肤灼痛流血。记住,诸神眼里的傻瓜和世人眼里的傻瓜是大不一样的。艺术变革的种种方式或思想演进

14、的种种状态、拉丁诗的华彩或元音化的希腊语那更丰富的抑扬顿挫、意大利托斯卡纳式的雕塑、伊丽莎白时代的歌调,对这些一个人可以全然不知,但却仍然充满最美妙的智慧。真正的傻瓜,诸神用来取乐或取笑的傻瓜,是那些没有自知之明的人。【Point】1、关于knife的常用短语:before you can say knife 说时迟那时快,突然。get/stick ones knife into sb. 加害于某人,对某人怀恨在心。the knives are out 剑拔弩张。2、ignorant 无知的,愚昧的 【举例】ignorant errors 出于无知的错误。be ignorant of sth.

15、 对某事一无所知。3、in progress 在进行中 【举例】The concert is in progress. 音乐会正在进行中。4、mar 毁坏,玷污【举例】The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs. 这一地区的商业广告牌真是大煞风景。 【四】You did not realise that an artist, and especially such an artist as I am, one, that is to say, the quality of whose work depends

16、on the intensification of personality, requires for the development of his art the companionship of ideas, and intellectual atmosphere, quiet, peace, and solitude. You admired my work when it was finished: you enjoyed the brilliant successes of my first nights, and the brilliant banquets that follow

17、ed them: you were proud, and quite naturally so, of being the intimate friend of an artist so distinguished: but you could not understand the conditions requisite for the production of artistic work. I am not speaking in phrases of rhetorical exaggeration but in terms of absolute truth to actual fac

18、t when I remind you that during the whole time we were together I never wrote one single line.【孙宜学译本】你没有认识到,一个艺术家,特别是像我这样的艺术家,也就是说,一个自己创作的作品的质量取决于个性强度的艺术家,其艺术的发展需要思想、智慧的氛围,需要安静、平和与孤独。你崇拜我已完成的作品,崇拜我第一段悲伤时期的成功以及随之而来的辉煌的盛宴。你非常自然地为做我这样一个杰出艺术家的密友感到骄傲,但你不理解艺术作品产生所必需的条件和环境。我可以坦白地告诉你,我们在一起的那段时间内,我没有写出一个字,我这样说并非是修辞上的夸张,而是根据绝对的事实。【朱纯深译本】你并没有意识到, 一个艺术家,尤其是像我这样的艺术家,也就是说,作品的质量靠的是加强个性的艺术家,其艺术的发展要求思想的默契,心智的氛围,安详悠静的独处。我的作品完成后你会钦佩赞赏: 首演之夜辉煌的成功,随之而来辉煌的宴会,都让你高兴。你感到骄傲,这很自然,自己会是这么一位大艺术家的亲密朋友,但你无法理解艺术作品得以产生的那些必备条件。我不夸大其词,而


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