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1、企业英语演讲稿 演讲稿 企业英语演讲稿篇一公司介绍英文演讲稿 5005-9-11 12:14chenjuan511| 1380-9-11 12:59pg has operations in more than 80 countries, with more than 300 brands on market in 160 countries. these include beauty care, fabric and home care, household care and family health care products. three billion times a day, pg

2、brands touch the lives of people around the world.operating room. he called them, with grim aptness, the invisible assass.medical science was beginning to understand, however imperfectly, the need for greater care in protecting the wound area. yet, this concept of myriad living organisms, unseen and

3、 deadly, remained beyond the grasp of many surgeons in the 19th century who were doubtful or even contemptuous of listers work. robert wood johnson one man who did not question his theory of antisepsis was robert wood johnson, who heard lister speak in 1876. for years afterward robert wood johnson n

4、urtured the idea of a practical application of listers teachings. what he had in mind was a new type of surgical dressing, ready-made, sterile,wrapped and sealed in individual packages and suitable for tant use without the risk of contamination.prior to listers discoveries, the postoperative mortali

5、ty rate was as high as 90 percent in some hospitals. surgeons could not bring themselves to believe they were contaminating their own patients by operating ungloved with unsterile truments.surgeons operated in street clothes and wore a blood-spattered frock coat like a badge of greater chin

6、a business includes mainland china, hong kong and taiwan, which were established in 1988, 1987 and 1985 respectively. mcdonalds corporation (nyse: mcd) is the worlds largest chain of fast-food restaurants, primarily selling hamburgers, chicken, french fries, milkshakes and soft drinks. more recently

7、, it also offers salads, fruit and carrot sticks.the business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by siblings dick and mac mcdonald in san bernardino, california. their introduction of thespeedee service system in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. the present co

8、rporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by ray kroc, in des plaines, illinois on april 15, 1955, the ninth mcdonalds restaurant overall. kroc later purchased the american way of life. its prominence also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corpo

9、rate ethics and consumer responsibility. literally, the word volkswagen means peoples car. in germany, the idea of a peoples car wasnt exactly a new one. before the 1930s, there had been many efforts to create simple cars that everyone could afford, but none met with profound success. almost all car

10、s before 1930, even if they weredesigned to be simple enough for the average person, ended up costing more than the average workers yearly wage.meanwhile, the year is 1930, and ferdinand porsche had just set up andesignated the type 12. zndapp wanted to put in a 1.2 liter radial engine from one of t

11、heir motorcycles.this was the end of the line for this design, as it didnt make it any may, 1886, coca cola was invented by doctor john pemberton apharmacist from atlanta, georgia. john pemberton concocted the coca cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in his backyard. the name was

12、a suggestion given by john pembertons book keeper frank robon. it was a prohibition law, enacted in atlanta in 1886, that persuaded physician and chemist dr. john stith pemberton to rename and rewrite the formula for his popular nerve tonic, stimulant and headache remedy, pembertons french wine coca

13、, sold at that time by most, if not all, of the citys druggists. so when the new coca-cola debuted later that year - still possessing the valuable tonic and nerve stimulant properties of the coca plant and cola nuts, yet sweetened with sugar tead of wine - pemberton advertised it not only as a delic

14、ious, exhilarating, refreshing and invigorating soda-fountain beverage but also as the ideal temperance drink. it is said coke was discovered when deluise, a 19th century american soda jerk accidentally hit the soda water spigot, adding carbonated water to the syrup in the glass. the result was a ha

15、ppy accident: the invention of coca-cola.though pemberton died just two years later - five months, in fact, after his march 24, 1888, filing for incorporation of the first coca-cola co. - thetrademark he and his partners created more than one hundred years ago can claim wider recognition today than

16、that of any other brand in the world.the motherland destiny also is each chineses destiny, thethe pursuit of happiness this film makes me understand that the chance will always favor the person who prepared well. to get a good fortune, you have to pay more perspiration and persistence for your dream

17、 up to success, regardless of poverty or difficulty. thank you again.企业英语演讲稿篇二企业英语演讲稿 企业英语演讲稿 the motherland destiny also is each chineses destiny, themotherland development and prosperous and powerful must depend on our each chinas youths contribution and the struggle.we should think at times i mak

18、e any for the motherland, but is not from motherland mother there claim any, deeply loves the motherland to be able only to depend on an empty talk in no a state-owned enterprises ordinary staff, a young communist party member, i must certainly like the motherland the full of enthusiasm carry

19、ing out in own daily practical work, likes the hillock being professional, strives for realism the offer, contributes labor and materials prosperously for enterprises development for the enterprise, obta the good economic efficiency for the enterprise to do ones best, to work conscientiously, this i

20、s the patriotic concrete manifestation.企业英语演讲稿篇三华为企业文化中英文讲稿 华为企业文化 huawei corporate culture在了解华为企业文化之前,我们首先要知道华为是什么。华为,是一家生产销售通信设备的通信科技公司.它成立于1987年,只有14位员工,注册资本2.1万元。到了年,华为约有员工17万,销售额2870亿元。这时,华为已经成为世界上第一大通信设备制造商;世界上第三大手机制造商。华为世界五百强排名287;世界品牌价值排名前100.before we know the huawei corporate culture, we m

21、ust first know what huawei is.huawei, is a production and marketing communications equipment communications technology company.when it was established in 1987, it had only 14 employees, registered capital of 21,000 , huawei has about 170,000 employees, sales of 287,000,000,000 this t

22、ime, huawei has become the worlds largest communications equipment manufacturers, the worlds third largest mobile phone manufacturers. huawei ranks 287th in world top five hundred;and is on the list ofworld brand value top 100。是什么使得华为如此迅速地成长?是碰巧吗?不是,我认为这是必然。因为其独一无二的华为企业文化,必然使其成功的。what makes huawei d

23、evelop so fast no, i think its inevitable. because of its unique huawei corporate culture, it is bound to make it successful.什么是华为企业文化?华为企业文化主要由以下四个方面构成:一是狼性文化;二是创新;三是高效的管理;四是客户至上。接下来,我会结合实例具体讲解华为企业文化,以理解为什么一个中国民营企业可以如此迅速地发展成影响世界的企业。so,what is huawei corporate culture为什么电子邮件?lets just take a look at

24、 the business. how many e-mails in english do you write in a week at work (overly direct) thanks loads ”(过于随意) (直接讲英文就好)homonyms2. we can provide the services you outline in principal but we request asupplementation. 同音同形词我们当然可以粗略的提供大纲,但这里我们需要的是补充。 homonyms are words that have the same sound and som

25、etimes the same spelling asanother but whose meanings is different. they can confuse native english and non-newriters alike. but lets just take a look here at two words that are frequentlyconfused.同音同形词有一样的发音一样的拼写,但是意义完全不一样。他们同样可以使母语英语者和非母语英语者感到迷惑。现在我们来看下我们经常混淆的两个字。 they are:principal: an adjective

26、generally meaning first in importance; also a nounmeaning a chief or senior person; can also mean an original sum of money forinvestment.它们分别是:principal: 它是一个形容词,寓意很重要。它同时也是一个名词,表示首长或者资深人士。同样可以表达为投资本金。principle: a noun meaning a fundamental truth or quality; a rule or beliefgoverning a persons moral

27、ly correct behavior and attitudes. if we go back to our second example, unfortunately the writer has chosen the wrongversion of the homonym here. principle:它是一个名词,表示最最基础的一个事实;或者左右一个人道德准则和态度的信仰。 如果我们回到我们的第二个例子,不幸的是,笔者选择了错误的同音异形字。 正确的选择是“principle”。一些读者可能不介意这个,一些则不会注意到。但是一些人会做出判断:这儿你错了。这可能显得有点不公平,但是一个

28、错误的用词可以降低读者对作者或者公司专业性的评价或者看法。这种错误同样可以使作者不再注意作者想表达的主要意思。moving along the sentence in our second example, we find another confusing word.a supplementation is it a request for further information or is it a deposit(part pre-payment) here illintroduce you some professional category about our major.1. ch

29、emical engineering engineering,including unit operations ,chemical reaction engineering, transportprocesses, chemical thermodynamics, chemical engineering, process dynamics andcontrol etc. modern chemical engineering developed very quickly, brought greatconvenience for human.2. chemical process3. bi

30、ological chemical engineering the main research direction of biology chemical engineering includes thebiological reaction and reactor engineering, bio separation engineering, biologicalprocess, animal and plant cell culture engineering, bio process detection and control,bio pharmaceutical engineerin

31、g. its an important part of this subject is also ofbiological technology, will be a positive role to solve major issues facing humanityresources, energy, food, health and the environment.4. applied chemistry the application of chemistry is the most widely used major of chemical engineeringand techno

32、logy. you can see it in chemical, oil refining, metallurgy, light industry,medicine, energy, environmental protection and military and other departments. itcan solved many problems5. industrial catalysis in the catalytic core of science and technology. study on the catalysts, referto basic principle

33、 of the various catalysts, catalyst, all kinds of solid catalysts,catalyst preparation, analysis, tests and operation method. although it researchrange is quite narrow, but it is a very important subject too.篇二:化工生产演讲稿化工生产,从我做起化工安全演讲稿 在这人海如潮的现实社会中,请问您最需要什么?是金钱美女,还是功名利禄?如果让我来回答,我就说:我最需要的是安全! 在人生的旅途上,

34、我们一直依赖着“安全”这个拐杖,没有它,我们可能会摔跤,可能走不过风风雨雨,更不可能到达人生辉煌的顶峰。 安全是一个永恒的主题,它是人类最重要、最基本的要求,安全生产既是人们生命健康的保障,也是企业生存与发展的基础,更是社会稳定和经济发展的前提条件。 化工安全生产是化工企业永恒的主题。事实证明,我们只有认真贯彻落实“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,抓好安全生产,才有可能取得好的经济效益和社会效益,否则一切效益无从谈起。 从我们踏入化工行业的大门,就开始接受安全。“安全第一,预防为主” 的方针,我们是天天讲、月月学,年年喊,安全工作规程翻破了一本又一本,安全记录是厚厚一大叠,那么,为什么一出事故进行

35、分析,结果就是“违章”。我想不会有人对安全规章制度、技术操作规程、公司劳动纪律有任何怀疑,这些都是鲜血教训的经验凝结,每个人都对这些耳熟能详,但为什么最终却不能落实到行动上?究其原因就是怀着侥幸心理,心里头少了安全生产 这根弦。 自06年6月份以来,短短的几个月时间,公司发生了数起安全事故,安全生产形势十分 严峻。这么短的时间发生多起安全事故,不能不令人深思!深究其原因,主要是因为“安全整顿”未深深触及到每个人的灵魂,“安全第一,预防为主”的方针未真正落到实处,部分员工还存在不健康的安全思想,认为出现安全事故是运气不好,安全意识相当淡薄,_惯性违章行为严重,这是其根本所在! 化工安全工作规程明

36、确规定:“安全生产,人人有责”,说明了安全生产对我们每个人的重要性。其中“责”可以把它理解为“责任心”、“安全职责”、“安全思想认识和安全管理是否到位”等。分析目前所有的安全事故,绝大多数是违章操作,违章指挥,_惯性违章所引起,也就是一切的根源出现在我们的思想上,安全意识仍然不足,凡事掉以轻心! “前车之鉴,后事之师”,安全工作只有起点,没有终点。从事电力行业的我们,必须牢固树立“安全第一”的思想意识。必须从我做起,从现在做起,端正自己的思想作风,有“责任重于泰山”的责任意识,时刻紧绷安全之弦,从严要求。从我做起,熟练掌握安全专业知识,预知危险,分析和控制危险。从我做起,掌握和熟悉国家、地方、

37、行业有关安全生产的一系列法律、法规和操作规程,并在工作中严格执行。 安全生产是一项复杂的系统工程,需要全员动手,综合治理,常抓不懈。只要我们真正把安全放在第一位,把安全装在每一个人的心中,从现在做起,从一点一滴做起,没有克服不了的困难。我相信,如果每个人都做到爱岗敬业,忠于职守,牢固树立安全生产思想,我们就能把好我们的安全关。 唯有安全生产这个环节不出差错,我们的企业才能去争取更好的成绩!让我们共同努力, 心存安全,建起一座座平安的丰碑。 化工行业安全演讲稿重视安全,杜绝违章 尊敬的各位领导和师傅们: 大家好,我很荣幸能有这样一个机会参加这次演讲。 还记得那一串串带血的数字符号吗? “12.2

38、3”、“10.27”、“4.13”等等,那一幕幕令人心痛的场面是否还浮现在你的眼前。你是否还记得那些在井喷事故中,被毒气伤了双眼的小孩哭天喊地的无助;你是否还记得那位在火灾事故中,刚完婚就失去丈夫的女人撕心裂肺的哭喊;你是否还记得那些在矿难事故中,老母亲饱尝白发人送黑发人的痛苦;你是否还记得那位被烫伤钳工涂满黑色药膏的脸。此刻的你是否有一种揪心的痛,此时的你心里正在想着什么呢?也许你正在为失去亲人而感到痛苦;也许你正在为避免了那场事故而感到庆幸;也许你正在为自己的违章操作而感到懊悔。而就在这时的你一定会想到“安全”,它就像一个紧箍咒一样套在了每个人的头上,紧紧的、直至痛到内心的深处。 哪一个人

39、不愿笑语常在,哪一个家庭不愿幸福美满,哪一个企业不愿兴旺发达,哪一个国家不愿富强昌盛,而这一切的前提就是安全。国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安。有了安全,我们才能在夕阳下散步;有了安全,我们的企业才能蒸蒸日上;有了安全,我们的国家才能繁荣稳定。 我们化工行业是一个事故多发的部门,只要你一不小心忽视了安全,危险就会像影子一样出现在你的身边,常伴左右。我们操作员工所掌控的设备,在正常情况下,为我们生产出合格的产品,可以说是我们的衣食父母。但是,如果我们违反了操作规程,它们马上就全变成一只只魔兽,张开血腥的魔瓜,对谁都毫不留情。也许就是它一声怒吼,可能就是上百条的人命。前车辙,后车鉴。那些用鲜血和

40、生命换来的教训,难道不应该让我们为之警惕吗?难道不应该让我们把珍惜生命、杜绝违章铭记在心吗?假如我们每个人都以他们为戒,重视安全、杜绝违章,我们就可以最大限度的避免悲剧的再一次发生。 喜见薪火耀眼明,值得欣慰的是,从国家到地方、从公司领导到员工,每个人都开始高 度的重视安全。“安全”这个词正逐渐深入到每个人的心中。国家开展“安全基础年”和“安 全生产月”活动,我们的企业也开展“重视安全、杜绝违章”的各种宣传活动,安全理念正逐步地植根于员工的心中。 为此,我们呼吁“为了您和家人的幸福,亲爱的您,请重视安全、不要违章,好吗?”篇三:英语演讲主持词(修改版) 英语演讲比赛化工赛区复赛主持词 各位来宾

41、,亲爱的朋友们,大家早上好!这里是四川大学英语演讲比赛化工赛区的复赛现场,欢迎你们的到来!我是主持人吴一凡。我身边的这位主持人是魏耘砚学姐。我们很荣幸能够担任本次英语演讲比赛的主持人。 w: 众所周知,英语作为国际化语言对大学生的重要性日益凸显,因此,我们本着提高同学们综合运用语言的能力,营造良好的英语学_氛围,给想要展示自己风采,想让自己得到更大提高的同学提供一个舞台,同时也为响应学校号召,为学校英语演讲比赛选拔优秀选手,而举行了本次英语演讲比赛。我们衷心希望,各位选手以及在场的所有来宾,都能够通过本次比赛,收获知识,收获快乐。 w: 亲爱的各位嘉宾,各位同学们,下面由我为大家隆重介绍我们的

42、评委团队。他们是来自四川大学外国语学院的蒋勤老师。 曾获江苏省中学生英语口语电视比赛一等奖,cctv希望之星江苏省最具学识奖的孙欣宇学长。曾获年英语演讲比赛化工赛区冠军的刘瑞雪学姐。 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 d: and now, let me introduce our distinguished guests to you .they are our dearteacher, and dear leaders of our studentss union . w: 下面由我为大家来介绍一下出席本次英语演讲比赛的嘉宾。他们是: 化工学院级辅导员吴柳雪老师 化工学院团委学生会副书记

43、刘亦豪学长 化工学院团委学生会副主席兰卉琳学姐 化工学院团委学生会副主席黄洋学姐 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎以上嘉宾的到来。 首先,有请吴柳雪老师为本次英语演讲比赛致辞,大家掌声欢迎。 d: thank mr. - for the wonderful speech. w: 现在,由我为大家简单介绍一下我们的赛程安排。本次英语演讲比赛共分为4个部分。每位选手将进行一段3分钟以内命题演讲 ,2分钟以内的即兴演讲,以及1分钟以内回答评委提问的环节。同时,参赛选手的亲友团也将为大家献上精彩纷呈的文艺节目。以上是本次比赛的赛制安排,下面我来介绍一下本次比赛的具体流程:请看大屏幕! raise a whi

44、te board as a signal that there is 30 seconds left. then at the endof every part, another white board will be raised up to let the speaker know thatthe time has run out.w: 在本次比赛每一个环节进行的过程中,我们会有计时员同学为每一位参赛选手计时。当演讲或表演时间还剩30秒以及已到达规定时间时,他们会举起手中的白板以提醒各位选手以及评委,下面请计时员同学进行演示。 d: thank you.w: 本次比赛的主题为“互联网伴我成

45、长”“当代竞争中的高等”“假如我只能再度 过一天”,每位选手从以上三个主题中任选一题作为自己命题演讲的题目,命题演讲结束即可 抽取自己即兴演讲的题目,并当场读出自己所抽的即兴演讲题目。 d:the top 2 winners today will have the chance to show their talents in theuniversity-level game. good luck! w:本次比赛设院内一等奖一名,二等奖一名,三等级3名,语言风格奖一名,个人风格奖一名,优胜奖3名。本轮比赛的前两名选手将有机会代表我化工学院进行四川大学英语演讲比赛总决赛。 预祝各参赛选手比出最理

46、想的成绩。 w: 下面请大家通过一段视频,来领略一下本次比赛入选选手的风采。请看大屏幕。 now, lets begin our contest with the first part ,the prepared speech. w:各位评委,各位来宾,各位选手以及观众朋友们,现在我们就将正式开始我们比赛的企业英语演讲稿.第一个部分, 命题演讲环节。有请一号选手上台演讲,二号选手请最好准备。 有请5号选手上台演讲,请10号和9号亲友团做好表演准备! 下面让我们回归命题演讲环节,有请6号选手上台演讲! 有请10号选手演讲,请8号,7号和6号亲友团做好表演准备! w: 感谢10位选手的精彩演讲。比

47、赛进行到这里,让我们休息一下,来看一看8号亲友团所带来的节目,有请!篇四:化工行业安全演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导和师傅们:企业英语演讲稿. 大家好,我很荣幸能有这样一个机会参加这次演讲。还记得那一串串带血的数字符号吗也许你正在为失去亲人而感到痛苦;也许你正在为避免了那场事故而感到庆幸;也许你正在为自己的违章操作而感到懊悔。而就在这时的你一定会想到“安全”,它就像一个紧箍咒一样套在了每个人的头上,紧紧的、直至痛到内心的深处。哪一个人不愿笑语常在,哪一个家庭不愿幸福美满,哪一个企业不愿兴旺发达,哪一个国家不愿富强昌盛,而这一切的前提就是安全。国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安。有了安全,我们才能在夕阳

48、下散步;有了安全,我们的企业才能蒸蒸日上;有了安全,我们的国家才能繁荣稳定。 我们化工行业是一个事故多发的部门,只要你一不小心忽视了安全,危险就会像影子一样出现在你的身边,常伴左右。我们操作员工所掌控的设备,在正常情况下,为我们生产出合格的产品,可以说是我们的衣食父母。但是,如果我们违反了操作规程,它们马上就全变成一只只魔兽,张开血腥的魔瓜,对谁都毫不留情。也许就是它一声怒吼,可能就是上百条的人命。前车辙,后车鉴。那些用鲜血和生命换来的教训,难道不应该让我们为之警惕吗假如我们每个人都以他们为戒,重视安全、杜绝违章,我们就可以最大限度的避免悲剧的再一次发生。喜见薪火耀眼明,值得欣慰的是,从国家到

49、地方、从公司领导到员工,每个人都开始高度的重视安全。“安全”这个词正 逐渐深入到每个人的心中。国家开展 “安全基础年”和“安全生产月”活动,我们的企业也 开展“重视安全、杜绝违章”的各种宣传活动,安全理念正逐步地植根于员工的心中。为此,我们呼吁“为了您和家人的幸福,亲爱的您,请重视安全、不要违章,好吗 科技英语在词汇上的特点 在文学英语中,一词多义和一义多词的现象颇为普遍。如普通词汇get, do, take, have等,其词义的载荷能力相当惊人。然而在科技英语的作品中,就难以从词典里 找到一词多义或一义多词的科技词汇。作者往往在表达同一个科学概念或含义时, 不约而同的选择用同一个词汇,如:laser(激光)。 schizosaccharomyces 裂殖酵母 phenanthrahydroquinone 菲尔酚 thermodynamics 热力学 a. absorption coefficient 吸收系数 b. bacteria 细


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