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1、精选word文档 下载可编辑教师资格面试高中美术试讲教案中国民间美术教学目标通过讲述、演示和欣使学生明确中国民间美术的基本概念。了解丰富多彩的民间美术形式、民间美术的艺术特征以及民间美术与民俗的关系。 使学生明确民间美术的重大意义,丰富和发展学生的艺术创造力。教学重点讲清并使学生理解民间美术的基本特点,民间美术在造型方面的特征及审美特征,是使学生理解喜爱民间美术的关键。进行继承民间艺术传统,发扬民族精神弘扬民族文化传统,进行爱国主义教育。 教学难点第二部分“如何界定民间美术?”和第五部分“如何理解民间美术的特征?”这两部分内容理论性较强,其中还有一些专业名词。教学过程一、激发兴趣,导入新课曾经

2、有人说过民族的才是世界的,才是有生命力的,而民间美术是民族文化的重要组成部分。因此,作为一个中国人,应该了解中国的民间美术。二、学生讲解,对比欣学生阅读本组作品介绍,并讨论总结其风格特点。请每组推选解说员,讲解本类作品特点,本组同学作补充,逐个进行。 教师同时投影展示图片。杨柳青年画刻工精丽、绘制细腻、色彩绚美,善于运用象征、寓意和夸张等艺术构思,来表达人们的美好愿望与理想。作品通俗易懂、构图饱满、造型简练、色彩鲜艳、和谐典雅,富有装饰趣味。桃花坞年画线条清秀,用色淡雅,题材广泛,构图饱满,形象鲜明,风格秀丽,具有浓郁的地方特色。风筝在我国起源较早,最早见于记载的南北朝时期。开始用于传递书信,


4、作品很多。在造型上,往往突出虎的双目和利齿,以表现其威武、避邪的一面,同时,虎身上又饰以吉祥花草,表现出吉祥的一面。刺绣多绣于鞋、枕头、肚兜、袜底、鞋垫、荷包、香包等小件物品上。这些刺绣纹样大都隐喻对生活的热爱,对爱情的追求,祈求子孙万世、幸福长寿之意。如前所述,民间美术的纹样大都是约定俗成的寓意符号,如鱼、蝶、鸟、鼠喻男子,花、莲等植物多喻女子。“鱼戏莲”、“蝶恋花”即隐喻男女的爱慕。剪纸除了用于窗花、挂千等起烘托节日气氛之外,剪纸图样还可以用作刺绣的“花样”,这更反映出其在生活中的实用性。三、欣拓展,实践操作 教师投影剪纸过程 学生自创剪纸作品评价学生们的解说、协作和创作能力四、本课小结民



7、构图繁茂、精巧秀美为其风格。剪纸表现的内容十分丰富,总体上是表达人们吉祥、美好的寓意。根据学生讲解,总结民间美术的三个特点(板书) 实用简洁,因材施艺;质朴率真,随意大方;热烈夸张,象征寓意。在这一环节中需对民间美术的各种类的起源、发展、风格、作用,作一概括讲叙。年画又称木版年画,是一种运用木版彩色套印在纸上的画种,它是我国民间过年节时张贴的一种民间画类,用以除旧岁、迎新春、美化环境、营造节日的喜庆欢乐气氛。我国在长期的社会活动中,为了适应人们的生活和心理的需要而产生的民俗节日,经长期的社会传承固定下来,成为民族传统文化习惯的组成部分。早在汉代民间就有在门上画勇士、贴门画的风俗,以后历代不衰。

8、全国各地均有年画,而且形成了各自的地方风格。最著名的当数北方的杨柳青年画和南方的桃花坞年画。音乐教师资格面试“试讲”必备亮点215下半年教师资格面试备考已经拉开序幕,试讲在教师资格面试考试中是不可或缺的重要部分,国家教师资格考试网特为考生准备了音乐教师资格面试“试讲”必备亮点,希望考生能够全面掌握,突破面试!好的教学设计,紧紧围绕着学生的认知规律,结合教材内容,引导学生在自主探究中完成教学,在教学设计中加入具有亮点,新颖性的活动能起到事到功倍的 作用,那么什么样的活动学生不但能保持浓厚的学习氛围,还拓展了学生的音乐鉴能力,才能达到教学效果的最优化教学设计的发展变化基本分为四个环节(新 课导入、


10、语富有鼓励性和启发性。新课教授环节是判断课型的重点环节,采取的活动围绕着课型展开。以桑塔露琪亚为例首先采取的活动是学生带着问题欣歌曲,欣音乐是学生获得信息的有效途径,学生边听边思考可以提高音乐的欣能力,通过有目的的聆听,学生能了解音乐的情绪和并能为乐曲划分段落,在欣的过程中既能更好地了解乐曲的内容又能起到熟悉旋律的作用之后是学唱歌曲的活动设计,学唱歌曲是教学的重点,也是体现学生的主体性的重点环节,学生在欣视唱的方式感受歌曲八三拍的韵律感,同时在教学过程 中,充分并合理安排学生的合作活动,让他们在对比合作探究中共同提高,最后通过身临其境,表演揽客的情景,整个过程学生的思维活跃,敢于大胆表现,勇于

11、创 新,收到了较好的效果。我在课堂中,以民主平等的师生关系营造出一种活泼、生动、和谐的教学氛围,对学生的回答和表现,既不干涉、否定,也不撒手不管、放 任自由,而是反馈指导表扬鼓励,保护学生的积极性,使其在不知不觉中进入学习状态,在循序渐进中学会歌曲,产生愉悦的情感体验,获得相关的音乐知识的同时 也得到自我发展,那课堂教学推向另一个高潮。拓展环节音乐学科主要以审美为主,学生通过欣相类似的音乐体裁,既能感受不同地区带来的音乐下能感受,拓宽学生的视野,又能起到巩固知识的作用。以流行风为例学生虽然喜爱流行乐,但是对流行乐的分类比较模糊,这一环节采取听音乐分辨音乐种类即巩固了流行乐的种类,又拓展了没有接

12、触过的音乐种类,在了解流行乐的种类上进行歌舞表演,即锻炼了学生的自信心,又增进了音乐知识储备,同时把音乐课堂推向高潮。课堂小结具体要写清楚怎样进行归纳小结,是教师归纳还是学生归纳课堂小结的时间短小精悍,引导画龙点睛的作用。整个教学设计都以学生为中心,学生在活动中不仅仅只是学会了一首歌或者听一首乐曲,教学活动的亮点设计应体现在学习乐曲的同时能够掌握学习的方法和能力,从而感受音乐的魅力,产生情绪的反应和情感的体验,从而提高音乐素养。教师资格证中学英语面试阅读题真题一 试讲题目: 阅读教学试讲内容: one day, a man called the taxi company to get a ta

13、xi to go to the airport, but after a very long time, the taxi did not come.he called the girl in the taxi company again.the girl in the taxi company said, “ the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry about it as the airplane is always late.” the man answered, “certainly, the airplane will be l

14、ate this morning, because i happen to be flying it.”基本要求: (1) 朗读所给段落。(2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。(3) 针对该段落中的划线部分, 设计相应的阅读后教学活动。(4) 试讲时间: 约 1 分钟。(5) 用英文试讲。teaching plan teaching aims:knowledge aim: let students master the useful word and expreions in the reading material.ability aim: let the students learn how t

15、o communicate with other persons in a more polite way.learn the reading skills of skim and scan.emotional aim: let the students to know the importance of respecting other people and communicate with other people in a good manner.teaching procedures:step one: lead-in (5 minutes) show the students som

16、e pictures about the vehicles such as bike, taxi, and airplane and let them match the names with the pictures.step two: new words and phrases (1 minutes) write the new words and expreions from the reading material such as taxi, airport and let the students read after the teachers.step three: while-r

17、eading(2 minutes) ask the students about the main idea about the text through a quick reading about the whole text.let the students do “t” or “f” exercise.let the students conclude the main idea about each paragraph.step four: consolidation(9 minutes) divide the whole cla into two groups.choose a te

18、am leader of each group.let the group one act the whole scenario based on the reading material faithfully.and let group two have some adaptations of the scenario based on the reading material.step five: homework(1 minutes) let the students to write a composition about the ending of this story.good m

19、orning, cla, in the previous cla, we have learned a reading text about the manner and ways of communication, do you still remember and in this cla, we are going to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of vehicles in the reading material.first of all, id lik

20、e you do the match exercise on the blackboard.as you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of automobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures.can you match the names on the left with the pictures on the right.who can have a try ok, mike

21、, tell me your choice.great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane.very good,cla, you have done a very good job. then, i will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea ab

22、out the reading material.ok, after i read this text, id show you some new words and expreions in the reading material.the first word is “taxi”(在黑板上板书写上这个单词),this word means “出租车” in chinese.and the second word is “airport” , before i tell you the meaning of this word, can you gue the meaning of this

23、 word cla, who can have a try we can combine what we have learned with what we are going to learn today.i will give you some hints, we say “by air” in english which means “乘飞机”, and “air” is related with “飞机”, and “port” is a place where we park a ship or other vehicles.so, cla, after you have under

24、stood these, can anyone tell me the chinese meaning of this word maria, please, yes, very good.it means “飞机场” in chinese.ok, since you have mastered the new words and expreions in the reading material, i will give you 2 minutes to read this whole text, and then i will check whether you understand it

25、 or not, now lets start.time is up, now, cla, please listen to my statements carefully and judge whether it is true or false.ok, the first statement is that “one day, a woman called the taxi company to get a taxi to get him to go to the airport”, who can tell me whether this statement is right or wr

26、ong yes, great, mike did a very good job.this statement is wrong, a man rather than a woman called the taxi company to get a taxi for him.now, i will give my second statement, “ the man called the taxi company three times”, cla, whether this statement is true or false ok, julia, yes, you are right,

27、this is false.you two have done very well.now, please listen to my final statement, “the man is a pilot”, who can tell me whether this statement is true or false.ok, joe, your answer is “”, i am afraid, you do not understand the whole text yet.actually the man is a pilot in this story.why i draw thi

28、s conclusion if you look at the final sentence in this reading material, you will find that “it” in this sentence means “airplane”, so the man is going to call a taxi to drive him to go to the airport, because he is a pilot, if he doesnt not arrive at this airport on time, he will not be able to fly

29、 an airplane.也就是说, 这个男人就是一个飞行员, 如果他所呼叫的出租车没有准时到的话, 他也就不能准时达到机场, 他所开的航班也会延误。now, can you understand the whole text cla.if we must understand this reading material thoroughly, we should pay more attention to each and very fact in this reading material in order to get further understanding about this t

30、ext.ok, in the following part, we will do a role play game.i will divide the whole cla into two groups, the first group will act the whole scenario based on the plot in this reading material faithfully.the other group will make some adaptation based on this reading material to make the communication

31、 between the man and the woman in the text more polite and proper.now i will give you three minutes, ready go! time is up, cla, now, i will check your work, can you act you play in front of the cla .ok, both groups have done a very good job.cla, have you noticed that if we communicate with each othe

32、r in a way the group two did, we will have more understanding and mutual respect in our daily life.for example, in their adaptation, they changed the girls words.the girl said,“we will arrange another taxi for you instead of saying that as the airplane will be late.” from this example, we can see th

33、at we should pay attention to our behavior in communication with other people, if we want to get respects from other people, we should respect others first.only by doing that, can we communicate with each other more politely and properly.ok, cla, our cla is going to be over, our homework is to write

34、 a story about the end of this story.what will happen to the man and the girl in the story you can think about it after cla.you can have a rest now.教师资格证中学英语面试真题二试讲题目: 阅读教学试讲内容: cla 9 had a great time on the school trip.they went to blue water aquarium for the day.first they visited the visitors cen

35、ter and watched about sharks.then they watched a dolphin show.after that, they went to the outdoor pool and saw a big octopus.after lunch, they went to the gift shop and bought lots of gifts.finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school.at the end of the day, the science teacher was ver

36、y happy because the cla monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.基本要求: (1) 朗读所给段落。(2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。(3) 针对该段落中的划线部分, 设计相应的阅读后教学活动。(4) 试讲时间: 约 1 分钟。(5) 用英文试讲。教师资格证中学英语面试真题三写作教学试讲内容: dear editor, i am writing to say that i am against building a new zoo in our town.zoos are terrible places for animals to l

37、ive.ive visited a lot of zoos in my life, and i have never seen one i liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.just last week, i visited a zoo and couldnt believe what i saw.the animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all.and they are only given food once a day.is this a g

38、ood way for animals to live i dont think so.sincerely, disgusted3 基本要求: (1) 朗读所给短信。(2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。(3) 针对该短信的体裁与结构特征, 设计相应的书信写作教学活动。(4) 试讲时间: 约 1 分钟。(5) 用英文试讲。教师资格证中学英语面试真题四试讲题目: 词汇讲学试讲内容: 在初中七年级下学期期末复习时, 周老师希望帮助学生巩固以下的词汇; soccer, strawberry,hamburgers, baseball, enjoy, difficult, boring, uncle,prac

39、tice基本要求: (1) 朗读所给单词。(2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。(3) 针对所提供的词汇, 设计词汇巩固性教学活动。(4) 试讲时间: 约 1 分钟。(5) 用英文试讲。213下半年全国教师资格证考试面试真题(中学英语:高中英语) 结构化试题(5分钟)前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过“教师的一言一行对学生都起着榜样作用”,谈谈你对这句话的理解。学生喜欢老师,才会喜欢老师的课。谈谈你对这句话的看法。英文试讲题(语法讲解,1分钟)one of the favorite events is the dog-sled race, in which teams of about six husk

40、y dogs pull long sleds at great speeds along a snowy track.one person runs behind the sled, shouting to the dogs to encourage them .the sound of the dogs barking, the calls of the drivers and the shouts of the crowd make an exciting northern experience.the dogs are beautiful strong animals, with lon

41、g, thick fur and many with blue eyes.读一遍短文,并对文中的语法进行讲解。答辩 试讲后英文问答(5分钟)whats the difference between the 3 words: shouting, barking and exciting do these 3 words have the same function一.词汇i.teaching objectives knowlwdge objectives (1)help students know the collocation and meanings of the following wor

42、ds and phrases: embarraed, instruction, far from, nothing like, looking forward to etc.(2)help students acquire the use of adjective ending ing and ed.(3)help students know the use of present continuous tense ability objectives (1)enable students to use these new words correctly in speaking and writ

43、ing.(2)enable students to use adjective ending ing and ed correctly in daily life to describe sth .ii.important points master some phrase, and some new words master the use of adjective ending ing and -ed iii.difficult points analyze components of a sentenceiv.teaching methods practice, discover, as

44、king and answering, explaining teaching aids: text bookv.teaching procedures stepi reading (1 minute) t: good morning, boys and girls.first lets read the new words and new phrases, please turn to 113 and read the new words from enthusiastic to amazed, go(enthusiastic, amazing, information, website,

45、brilliant, comprehension, instruction , embarraed, description, amazed) ok.very good!step ii lead -in (1 minute) t: everybody, after we have studied this paage (my first day at senior high), we all know that the writer had a wonderful experience of his first day in senior high school.in this cla let

46、s study some useful words and phrases.phrases (look forward to, far from, nothing like) and words (bored/boring tired/tiring excited/exciting surprising/surprised interesting/interested embarraed /embarraing)step iii careful analyzing (8 minutes) (此处挑两个讲即可) teaching plan for module 1 (sefc book 1) o

47、k.well done! now lets look at some of the difficult points in the text!the first one: the clarooms in li kangs school are amazing/ some students were embarraed at first.fellows we have already learned the adjective ending ing and ed in our junior high school, so lets turn to 7 and complete the sente

48、nces.two minutes.(then the teacher check the answers), then let us look at grammar 2 the 2nd one choose the correct explanation according to the exercise we have done in ok it seems that you have a clear mind of the 2 kinds of endings, so let us find more examples in our text.(2nd paragraph, the cla

49、rooms are amazing, the3rd i dont think i will be bored in ms shens cla, the 4th paragraph some students were embarraed at first) the next one.2and ms shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my junior high school.(the sentence under the picture) nothing like means , “丝毫不象”in

50、chinese。eg: math cla is nothing like chinese cla, because the former is focus on logic thinking, the latter is main tell us how to think in a different way.the third.im looking forward to doing it!look forward to sth.in this structure to is used as a preposition i look forward to hearing from you as

51、 early as poible.(do you remember some other this kind of phrases)there are some other preposition phrases :( ask students the same kind of words they have learned in their junior schooldo you remember some other this kind of phrases look forward to 盼望 turn to 求助于;转向;翻到pay attention to 注意 stick to 坚

52、持get down to 开始认真干object to 反对point to 指向see to 处理,料理devoteto 贡献给pay attention to _(walk) along this risky bridge.there is not much time , lets get down to _ (walk) on this research.teacherswhole life is devoted to_(teach) we should object to _(tell) lies.step v summary (1mins) t: in this cla we hav

53、e learned some useful phrases and words .do you still remember their meaning (nothing like , look forward to) and now are you clear how to use the adjective ending ed and ing.step vi homework aignment (1 mins) t: after cla, lets have a revision of the present tense and preview listening and vocabula

54、ry, then do the exercises in text book.so much for this cla, bye!听力listening(板书内容) part 1:lead-in(板书内容) step 1 talk about the topic give students enough background of the topic .also let them familiar with the difficult words, especially new words.了解背景 熟悉主题t: good afternoon, my boys and girls.welcom

55、e back to my cla.i am so glad to see you again.have you had a good weekend yeah! then what did you do during the summer holiday sleep, watch tv, or travel with parents i see.all of you had a wonderful weekend.well, today i will introduce a new friend to you; lets share what she did during the holida

56、y.now, listen to the tape carefully, and then ill ask you some questions.(教师说的内容,说完暂停!表示在进行听力,但不要太长,大约数1、2、3秒即可)hey, im your new friend tiffany! last sunday, i went to the park with my friends for a picnic.we took several bread and some bottles of water with us for lunch.of course we didnt forget to

57、 take some fruits and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.it took us thirty minutes to get there by bike.as it was a sunny day, there were lots of people in the park.firstly, we climbed the mountain and went boating.then it was the time for lunch, we took out the food and began to prepare our lunch.though it was not cooked well, we ate happily.when we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw i


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