Unit4 She said helping others changed her life_第1页
Unit4 She said helping others changed her life_第2页
Unit4 She said helping others changed her life_第3页




1、unit4 she said helping others changed her life.【教材分析】1、 研讨课的教学内容 八年级下册unit4 extensive reading: she said helping others changed her life。2、 教学内容分析教材以一篇有关青年志愿者的阅读文章为中心,设计了5个section: section 1是阅读的热身,要求学生讨论哪些人需要帮助及如何帮助他们,从而引入阅读的主题一个志愿者去甘肃支教的故事;section2呈现了阅读文章以及阅读策略,阅读策略帮助学生学习如何根据上下文了解生词的意思,从而克服阅读障碍;sect

2、ion3是对阅读效果的检测以及语言知识的学习,形式为填表、回答问题和概括大意;section4列出了几个国际上的志愿组织,要求学生讨论他们希望加入哪个组织并给出理由。3、教学目标u 让学生通过阅读学习一些生词,扩大词汇量。u 通过阅读策略的指导,培养学生通过上下文猜测词义的阅读习惯。u 通过一个志愿者去西部支教的故事的学习,激发他们乐于助人、关爱他人、关心 社会的良好道德风尚。【教学流程与设计目的】step one:before you read first,show some photos of my school and my students lives.(借班上课)teach “rur

3、al area, village, volunteer, dormitory”.(生词)t: what do you think of their life? ss: its colorful/ happy. then show them some pictures of the poor students in western china, and ask the same question. ss: they are so poor.t: would you like to help them? what can we do to help them? ss: we can give th

4、em some money/clothes/bookst: and our country can send volunteers to teach in chinas rural areas. introduce some volunteers: show some pictures and ask: whos he/she? (yao ming/jackie chan/liu mohan/cong fei) liu mohan is a peking university graduate(生词).present a picture of xu benyu:one of the ten p

5、eople who moved china in 2004. he said he liked being a good influence in the childrens lives.【设计说明】读前活动,激活相关背景。这一步,我利用了与学生之间的信息差,用我们学校校舍和学生校园生活的照片自然导入课文,并与贫困地区的学生生活进行对比,引出几个志愿者和中国的教育援助工程来激活背景。step two:while you read1there is another volunteer in our book.the title is“she said helping others changed

6、 her life”(read together.)first,read quickly and answer five questions with “who,whom,where,what,how”.(1)who is she?(2)whom did she help?(3)where did the story happen?(4)what did she do?(5)how did she say she could help? before you read, here is a reading strategy for you:first read for meaning,not

7、for detail.2read carefully and put these words into the correct space. a)world, b)brothers, c)changed, d)agreed,e)mountains,f)different.heres another reading strategy for you:you can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context.3read again and match the paragraphs with the summari

8、es. paragraph one her students lives and studies paragraph two her life in the mountain village and her mothers ideaparagraph three something about yang lei and chinas educational aidparagraph four something about yang lei nowparagraph five yang leis opinion about her volunteer work4read for details

9、 1:read and find out something about yang lei. yang leihometowngraduation schoolworkplacejob her mothers wordsher students wordsher own words5read for details 2:answer the questions.(1)how was yang leis life in the mountains? (2)can you say something about the students there? (3)whats the main idea

10、of the text? helping others changed yang leis life.-title(the title can often tell us the main idea of the text.)(4)what can we learn from the text?we can gain happiness when we help others.6. listen and underline the new words,then read them again.find the words according to the explanations. e.g.

11、(1)have little money:poor (2)not thick or not fat:thin (3)luckily:fortunately (4)a group of houses and other buildings,which is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside:village (5)deciding/making up ones mind:decision (6)come or go back to a place:return (7)a person who has finished their sch

12、ool, college or university education:graduate (8)sleeping-room with some beds:dormitory7. read the text aloud and fill in the blanks. teaching high school students in gansu province changed yang leis life.she works as a volunteer for one year.the life in the poor mountain village was simple and hard

13、.the village was 2000 meters above sea level,the air was thin.most of the students live in school dormitories.they are poor and havent got enough money for education. some of them werent able to go to senior high school or college.yang lei couldnt do anything about that,but she could open up their e

14、yes.she had a good influence in the childrens lives. 【设计说明】读中活动,充分挖掘课文资源,培养阅读策略。读中活动(while reading)分为:略读、细读和朗读三个步骤,在读中穿插阅读策略的指导。1、略读:回答五个问题,了解文章大概;并再次让学生快速阅读,概括段落大意;2、细读:关注具体信息,让学生填表和回答细节问题,同时,概括文章中心思想,升华主题。3、朗读:培养语感;根据教学实际,又插入了单词呈现、巩固和检测环节,并在完成短文填空中进一步熟悉单词。step three:after you readill help some stu

15、dents with their english.the old, the poor,the sick, disabled people,homeless people,.(图二)(图一)1. thinking: who need our help in the world?(用发散式图式,示意学生进行发散思维,如图一)2. make new semesters resolutions to help others.t:ill help some students with their english.(如图二)mei will_name 1:_name 2:_ groupwork:give

16、a report: ill _said he/she would 3. do you know? (1)how many hope schools have jackie chan built?guess! (13) (2)how many children cant go to school because of poverty in china? _c_a. about 1,000,000 b. about 2,000,000 c. about 3,000,000 (3)which province has the largest population of poor people?_b_

17、 a. guizhou province b. yunnan province c. shanxi province (4)how much money did china contribute to the indonesian tsunami disaster areas children?_c_ a. 3,500,000 b. 4,500,000 c. 5,500,000 (5)how many volunteers does beijing olympics need?_ a_ _ a. 100,000 b. 200,000 c. 300,000 4. self-assessment

18、sheet:after you read the text, fill in the form to check your progress in reading.(1)which new words do you remember?_(2)can you understand the meaning of thesenew words from the context?_(3)did you find it difficult to understand the passage?_(4)how did you manage your problems?_(5)tell me your present problem in reading._5. homework: write a summary of the reading.use no more than 100 words.this may help you:first, dont write. tell the story to your partne


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