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1、毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:textile trade and the pattern of economic growth出 处: review of accounting studies, 2008, volume 13, number 4, pages 512-550作 者: gregory schmid and owen phillips 译 文:纺织品贸易和经济增长方式 by 作者gregory schmid and owen phillips gregory schmid 和 owen phillips contents: i. patterns of trade. 引言:一,贸易格

2、局。 - ii.二,efficient production and export performance.高效的生产和出口表现。 - iii. 三,successful exporters and economic developmen成功的出口商和经济发展。四,总结 -i死四in the post-world war ii era, the international economy experienced a period of extremely rapid growth in world trade. 在后二战时代,国际经济经历了一个非常时期世界贸易的快速增长。在60年代末,70年代

3、初this boom period reached its peak in the late i96os and early i97o这种繁荣时期达到了高峰。贸易的增加为发展中国家制成品的出口的增加创造了可行性强的机遇。the growth in trade created some notable opportunities for increasing exports of manufa贸易的增加创certain developing countries have been able to take advantage of these opportunities, especially

4、those involved in trade in textiles and apparel一些发展中国家已经能够利用这些机会,特别是那些涉及到服装和纺织品的出口。this article examines the patternsof trade in textiles and apparel, factors of production that are associated with export competitiveness, and the impact of overall competitivenesson the development proce本文考察了贸易的纺织品和服

5、装,生产与出口竞争力的相关因素模式,以及整体发展进程的影响因素和竞争力分析。i. patterns of trade 一,贸易格局the relatively stable environment for international transactions established after world war ii encouraged growth in trade. 第二次世界大战后成立的交易相对稳定的环境,鼓励国际贸易的增长。 between 1954 and 1959, world trade expanded by an average 5.2 percent per year

6、in us dollar value; between 196o and 1967 , by 8.2 percent per year; between 1968 and 1974 , by 22.6 percent per year. 从1954年到1959年,世界贸易额增长了百分之5.2每年,在1960年和1967年之间,达到8.2个百分点,从1968年至1974年之间,达到百分之22.6每年。growth rates in volume terms were more modest, though the increase was still significant: 5.2 perce

7、nt, 7.3 percent, and 9.7 percent in the three periods imf, var在数量上增长速度更温和,但仍然显着增加:百分之5.2,百分之7.3,百分之9.7的三个时期国际货币基金组织var.iss。 the trade boom of the late i96os and early i97os was even more pronounced in the textile and apparel markets.在纺织和服装市场,60年代末,70年代初是贸易较为繁荣的时期,1968年至1974年,纺织品贸易的美元价值每年每年上升百分之8.9,服

8、装贸易的美元价值每年增长百分之21.6。由于纺织品和服装价格上涨的幅度比其他贸易物品小,所以贸易体积增加比其他任何贸易商品要大。纺织品成品的贸易体积每年以13.2%增加。现在已经有17.2%了。相比于其他贸易商品的9.7%。联合国,国际贸易统计年鉴,i969ff。 during this boom period, the share of the world market in textiles and apparel that went to developing countries increas在这个繁荣时期,服装和纺织品的世界市场更多地流向发展中国家。表一显示了主要工业国家和主要的发展

9、中国家纺织品和服装出口的平均出口增长。由于发展中国家平均出口有较高的出口增长,其占世界市场份额的急剧增加,并在服装纺织品(表2)较小的程度。这尤其对某些发展中国家,如巴西,哥伦比亚,希腊和韩国等国家有借鉴作用。,此期间这份由发展中国家出口商的良好表现是非常重要的整体经济表现。因为纺织品和服装出口的(表3)制成品是总出口的主要份额。因此,在某种程度上,发展中国家依赖出口来赢得进一步的发展,其中纺织品和服装的出口尤为重要。this was especially true for certain developing countries like brazil, colombia, greece,

10、and korea. this good performance by the developing country exporters was important to their overall economic performance during the period because textile and apparel exports were a major share of their total exports of manufactured goods (tablehence, to the extent that developing countries depend o

11、n export earnings for further development, textile and apparel exports are extremely importanttable i - textile and apparel exports, 1968-1974 表一- 纺织品和服装出口,1968年至1974年(annum average percent increase in dollar value) (平均每年增加百分之美元价值) industrial countries 工业国 textile 纺织 apparel 服装 developing country ex

12、porters 发展中国家的出口商 textile 纺织 apparel 服装 west germany. 西德。 23.3 23.3 21.3 21.3 colombia 哥伦比亚 64.9 64.9 98.8 98.8 canada 加拿大 19.9 19.9 25.3 25.3 brazil 巴西 60.9 60.9 131.7 131.7 united states 美国 17.7 17.7 13.6 13.6 greece 希腊 55.5 55.5 50.3 50.3 belgium 比利时 17.6 17.6 21.8 21.8 korea 韩国 39.0 39.0 48.6 48

13、.6 italy 意大利 16.1 16.1 17.1 17.1 tunisia 突尼斯 38.3 38.3 67.4 67.4 netherlands 荷兰 15.5 15.5 25.1 25.1 spain 西班牙 31.0 31.0 33.1 33.1 japan 日本 14.0 14.0 14.3 14.3 philippines 菲律宾 30.1 30.1 77.7 77.7 united kingdom 英国 11.8 11.8 17.3 17.3 singapore 新加坡 18.8 18.8 34.4 34.4 a sitc 61. a sitc 61. - b sitc 84

14、 portugal 葡萄牙 15.9 15.9 27.1 27.1 egypt 埃及 12.7 12.7 44.9 44.9 israel 以色列 9.0 9.0 24.9 24.9 malta 马耳他 8.6 8.6 41.3 41.3 india 印度 7.4 7.4 45.6 45.6 table 2 - textile and apparel market shares, 1967 and 1974 表2 - 纺织品和服装市场的占有率,1967年和1974年 (percent) (百分比) textiles 纺织品 apparel 服装 1967 1967年 1974 1974年 19

15、67 1967年 1974 1974年 developing countries 发展中国家 15.4 15.4 18.6 18.6 17.8 17.8 31.8 31.8 eight industrial countries 八大工业国 64.9 64.9 59.9 59.9 57.4 57.4 42.4 42.4 source: un yearbook of international trade statistics, var. 资料来源:统计, 联合国国际贸易年鉴 table 3 - share o/ textiles and apparel 表3 -纺织品及服装占总出口in tota

16、l manu/aetured exports a, 19741974年 (percent) (百分比) country 国家 share 股份 country 国家 share 股份 egypt 埃及 71.2 71.2 brazil 巴西 21.8 21.8 malta 马耳他 59.6 59.6 tunisia 突尼斯 21.2 21.2 india 印度 46.7 46.7 philippines 菲律宾 14.8 14.8 portugal 葡萄牙 40.4 40.4 singapore 新加坡 11.4 11.4 korea 韩国 38.0 38.0 israel 以色列 10.0

17、10.0 colombia 哥伦比亚 35.4 35.4 spain 西班牙 8.7 8.7 greece 希腊 26.2 26.2 a textiles: sitc 65 ; apparel : sitc 84x ; manufactured exports: sitc 5-8. 一纺织品:sitc 65;服装:sitc 84x制成品出口:sitc 5-8。 source: un yearbook of international trade s tatistics , 1978 资料来源:联合国国际贸易年鉴1978 over the last decade, the developing

18、countries share of world textile trade has grown. 在过去的十年中,发展中国家在世界纺织贸易中的份额有所增加。国际贸易的标准的比例模型也许能解释这一趋势的产生,这意味着低,低工资国家应该有一些密集的纺织贸易相对比较优势的劳动力。标准的要素比例模型中假定没有规模经济,而且通常有两种同质的生产要素-劳动力和资本资本的the cost of capital should be roughly equal to efficient producers in any country, who can compete in international exp

19、ort markets (though producers in certain countries will have a harder time convincing lenders of future prospects).成本应大致等于在任何国家生产商的效益,那些可以在国际出口市场竞争生产商(尽管在某些国家,生产者将会很难说服贷款人对未来前景)因此,劳动力成本决定了商品的流通但在国际贸易的世界,有显着的规模经济,资本和劳动是不均质,并可能有其他重要的生产要素像是专业管理,组织性和市场技能。这很可能是特定的发展中国家出口商成功的因素,因为他们取得了大的经济化利益或是其他低工资国家没有的特

20、别的技能,but in the actual world of international trade, there are significant economies of scale; capital and labor are not homogenous; and there are probably other important factors of production inherent in such things as specialized management, organizational, and marketing skil the presence of econ

21、omies of scale or specialized skills is hard to measure in any multi-country comparison, so the differences in industrial performance among countries have to be measured by comparing relative costs and rates of return from factors used in production and the extra output associated with additional fa

22、cto专业的技能或规模经济的现象很难在多个国家之间处理清楚,所以在国家工业中的差异表现,必须在生产相关的测量和输出的额外利率和相对成本比较收益的因素中考虑到其他的因素。the measures used in this study will be similar to those used in a number of studies of overall manufacturing competitiveness. 在这项研究中使用的措施将类似于那些采用一整套数字研究整体的制造业的竞争力。 the measures include: the cost of labor, the value

23、added associated with each employee, the relative efficiency in the utilization of capital, the unit cost of output, and the return to factors other than labor 这些措施包括:劳动成本,每个员工的附加价值,资本利用的相对效率,输出单位成本,其他要素回报the cost o/labor. - the cost of labor is the return given to one of the key factors of producti

24、o劳动力成本-劳动力成本是生产要素给予回报的关键之一。 differences in returns reflect both different supply situations and different levels of education, experience, and skill lipsey and weiss, 1973; stern, 1977. 返回的差异既反映不同的供应情况,并体验不同层次的教育和技能利普西和weiss,1973;斯特恩,1977。 there are excellent data available to measure the cost of la

25、bor. 有很多精确的数据提供用于劳动成本衡量。 it is feasible to compare both the rate of change of employee compensation over time and the absolute level of employee compensation in any given year 这是比较可行的,无论是随着时间的推移的雇员补偿率变化还是在任何一年雇员补偿的绝对水平。效益因子-这是很难分开输入各因素的贡献的。但是,它可以测量所有因素的相对效率。平均每名雇员的附加值是衡量相对于每名工人所在单位的人力资本和设备投入的输出的价值的一

26、个好的方法。factor e fficiencyhowever, it is possible to measure the relative efficiency of all factors.the average value added per employee is a good measure of the output associated with each worker and hence the level of human capital and equipment used lipsey and weiss, 1973; stern, 1977. lipsey和weiss

27、,1973; stern,1977。然而again, because good data are available, both the rate of change over time and the absolute level can be used for comparison.然而,因为精确的数据,无论是水平的变动率随时间和绝对可以被用于比较。 capitaloutput ratio. 本产出比。在许多不同的国家之间最常见的增量资本产出率投资增加量生产总值增加量即投资与增量产出之比 icor measures the additional output associated with

28、 each increase in gross fixed capital 1. unit labor cost. 单位劳工成本。 - any number of cost considerations can be used to compare production and export performance in one country with that in another. -单位劳工成本指每一产出单位所需的劳工成本。所选经济行业的总劳工成本是按总名义薪金计算出, 而后者的算法是以员工平均名义薪指数乘以各有关业的总就业人数。个別业的产出是根据本地生产总值核算架构中按2000年价格

29、计算增加值计算得出return to nonlabor factors. we have selected what we consider to be the best available measures of the types of industry characteristics associated with export efficiencies. 我们选择了我们认为是与效率的最佳特性相关的出口行业提供各类措施的。表4定义每个变量作为一种独立的变量。 table 4 - list o/ independent variables 表4 -独立变量 variable 变 量defi

30、nition 定义 cost o/labor劳动力成本over time (asallemp) 随着时间的推移the annual average percent change in the ratio of the dollar value of employee wages and salaries to the number of employees.企业(单位)因雇佣社会劳动力而支付的费用。时间段:i967 - 1974 1973 level 1973年的水平 (1973 : sal/emp)the value of the ratio of employee wages and 员工

31、工资的价值比例,1973年雇员人数的薪金为美元转换成 factor e/ficiency效益因子over time (ava/emp) 随着时间的推移 加入期间员工人数the annual average percent change in the ratio of real change in value added to number of employees time period: 1967-1974每年的变化值平均水平的实际变化率时间:1967年至1974年 1973 level 1973年的水平 (1973 : va/emp the value of value added per

32、 employee for 1973 converted into us dollars using the average market value of dollars per unit of local currency for 1973 1973年每名员工附加值的价值用当地货币的市场价格来转化成美元后的价值。capital/output ratio 资本/产出比 (icor) (增量资本产出率) the ratio of the value of gross fixed capital formation in year i to the real value of additional value added for the average of years 2 and 3 expressed in currency of year i.增量资本产出率投资增加量生产总值增加量即投资与增量产出之比time period: 1967-1974 时间段:1967年至1974年 unit labor cost 单位劳工成本 (aulc) 每一产出单位所需的劳工成本 time period: 1967-1974 时间段:1967年至1974年 return to nonlabor /ac


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