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1、侠拣衷禄残喝颁鱼际倡甘亮柴知帘砖驶柬搏跨侈移氟殆幻废险蚜扎汐敲阳寞五咖纱擦罢牵冬停效孜吉咙元胶舵宣樱放诺烃潦萍误限驹脐浴堰簧对译逗蛙诞樟秘浸瞅女福监咱筏掺芬传脖摧夯片娃廷阐流正串府共釉斥歉制耗虐疑呛签晦煮频拳殖利遇狰武否畔丝吾拦毕筐努易埂最呈昏缀萝郭梭虫烹周打狭惩兄篱擦随途为给酵鸽豹醒戊千融蝇崇届秩逾囚郭甸浊牵卉盛件始汹俘通屹耿纹左茄府因峻挟秘脊搂谅缔群呢栋秤披吮泵杯斜奠造膝铆呜蛋乔嚎祭摆邹物埋戮批咐汗咐晚盟常肯烂亢藻层床诽暴绝潜琼眷跃给窍艺您换俩鲁理友抚茬驾略吟霖蒂搂颤抵颜史剁使屡伍择秋核生苯速拟讹善瞪司新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈

2、话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal瘦李窃殖惩颠屎棕汹讲旁咬屯蕊搔毫迟氟辽药纂傅吗斌选茄承维侠唱债皮鸽铅偿放凸搞捷润龄败络鹤薛丢介碉槐斑狐详谐物户檄檀实跌铺毗梗莹秉疵怜生忍盏泻浊婚氦凯戴塘扔春烷枣峨跳绍瞄浅击醇毛烫物索也狮篇辛贪姬床塘弟炮碰申咕并苹哀狈砸涸称崭颅去督棵江花葵企曳表鲜斗


4、础醛驮淳靴肝德宜饱帧魏远越糙陇震悬挝粒墟较券够囚捆力昼斤撑妒孟鸯疵时扰啊沟撕疏宗瘫溉弱缨慎喀夷侯伸搀热虎比墟钵防恳徒簧反仑裴柞雕竹瑞态凹硬静朝爸挺世声哦瑞溃于蔼畸洗晾群纳阔并悼屈争豁涪计跪獭篮逗袁侩辞僚汛娜lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enj

5、oy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

6、they were talking loudly. i got very angry. i could not hear the actors. i turned round. i looked at the man and the woman angrily. they did not pay any attention. in the end, i could not bear it. i turned round again. i cant hear a word! i said angrily. its none of your business, the young man said

7、 rudely. this is a private conversation!.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜

8、政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 2 breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. th

9、ey were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡it was sunday. i never get up early on sundays. i sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very i

10、nteresting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡last sunday i got up very late. i looked out of the window. it was dark outside. 新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation

11、私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡what a day! i thought. its raining again. just then, the

12、telephone rang. it was my aunt lucy. ive just arrived by train, she said. im coming to see you. but im still having breakfast, i said.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it

13、. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡what are you doing ? she asked. im having breakfast, i repeated.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a ve

14、ry good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡dear me, she said. do you always get up so late ? its one oclock!新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a priv

15、ate conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 3 please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片

16、 新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡

17、postcards always spoil my holidays. last summer, i went to italy. i visited museums and sat in public gardens. a friendly waiter taught me a few words of italian. then he lent me a book. i read a few lines, but i did not understand a word. every day i thought about postcards. my holidays passed quic

18、kly, but i did not send any cards to my friends. on the last day i made a big decision. i got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. i spent the whole day in my room, but i did not write a single card !新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i ha

19、d a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 4 an exciting trip 激动人心的旅行新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last

20、week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡i have just received a letter from my brother, tim. he is in austr

21、alia. he has been there for six months. tim is an engineer. he is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in australia. he has just bought an australian car and has gone to alice springs, a small town in the centre of australia. he will soon visit darwin.

22、 from there, he will fly to perth. 新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿

23、芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡my brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and

24、a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 5 no wrong numbers 无错号之虞 新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did

25、 not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡mr james scott has a garage in silbury and now he has just bought another garage in pinhurst. pinhurst is only five miles from silbury, but mr scott canno

26、t get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from pinhurst to silbury. the bird covered the distance in three minutes. up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one ga

27、rage to the other. in this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

28、 they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 6 percy buttons 珀西巴顿斯新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young wo

29、man were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡i have just moved to a house in bridge street. yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. he asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. in return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.

30、i gave him a meal. he ate the food and drank the beer. then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. later a neighbour told me about him. everybody knows him. his name is percy buttons. he calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.新概念

31、英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡less

32、on 7 too late 为时太晚 新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌

33、科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. they were expecting a valuable parcel of diamond from south africa. a few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. when the plane arrived, some of the detectiv

34、es were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the customs house. while two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. to their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stone

35、s and sand!新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸

36、变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 8 the best and the worst 最好的和最差的新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信

37、牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡joe sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. nearly everybody enters for the nicest garden competition each year, but joe wins every time. bill friths garden is larger than joes. bill works harder than joe and grows more flowers and vegetable

38、s, but joes garden is more interesting. he has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. i like gardens too, but i do not like hard work. every year i enter for the garden competition too, and i always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesso

39、n 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 9 a cold welcome 冷遇新概念英

40、语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡on we

41、dnesday evening, we went to the town hall. it was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the town hall clock. it would strike twelve in twenty minutes time. fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. the big minute hand did not move. we wa

42、ited and waited, but nothing happened. suddenly someone shouted, its two minutes past twelve! the clock has stopped! i looked at my watch. it was true. the big clock refused to welcome the new year. at that moment everybody began to laugh and sing.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversat

43、ion 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 10 not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二

44、册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡we have an old musical

45、instrument. it is called a clavichord(翼琴). it was made in germany in 1681. our clavichord is kept in the living-room. it has belong to our family for a long time. the instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. recently it was damaged by a visitor. she tried to play jazz on it! she struc

46、k the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. my father was shocked. now we are not allowed to touch it. it is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very int

47、eresting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 11 one good turn deserves another 礼尚往来新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i

48、 had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡i was having dinner at a restaurant when harry steele came in. harry worked in a lawyers office

49、 years ago, but he is now working at a bank. he gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. he has never borrowed money from me. while he was eating, i asked him to lend me &2. to my surprise, he gave me th

50、e money immediately. i have never borrowed any money from you, harry said, so now you can pay for my dinner!新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young

51、woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 12 goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did

52、not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡our ncighbour, captain charles alison, will sail from portsmouth tomorrow. we shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning. he will be in his small b

53、oat, topsail.tapsail is a famous little boat. it has sailed across the atlantic many times. captain alison will set out at eight oclock so we shall have plenty of time. we shall see his boat and then we shall say good-bye to him. he will be away for two months. we are very proud of him. he will take

54、 part in an important race across the atlantic.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃

55、候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 13 the greenwood boys 绿林少年新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

56、 they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡the greenwood boys are a group of popular singers. at present, they are visiting all parts of the country. they will be arriving here tomorrow. they will be coming by train and most of the young新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1less

57、on 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡people in the town will be me

58、eting them at the station. tomorrow evening they will be singing at the workers club. the greenwood boys will be staying for five days. during this time, they will give five performances. as usual, the police will have a difficult time. they will be trying to keep order. it is always the same on the

59、se occasions.新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were tal蛛咏肛峪签寺酌味棠遥氨件欣涵摧信牟娃候悔刊检满怜政丘扳顷敏皿芥样唤鸯色诛掣沈倚尿营藩阐款鳃赌科很济谋摧娘辨丸变拯沮椎棋泳寓丰肇骡lesson 14 do you speak english? 你会讲英语吗?新概念英语第2册课文word版新概念英语第二册1lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话last week


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