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1、361 中国运动新游戏361 The new game in China,目标Objective,将361 o打造成中国领先的运动品牌 Establish 361 as the leading Chinese sports brand,我们必须提出可以激动人心的独特自我观点 We must develop our own point of view that is unique and motivating.,我们做了哪些工作?What weve been doing,研究学习我们的竞争对手 Studying the competition 与(足球、篮球、棒球等)行业专家的对话 Speaki

2、ng to experts (football, CBA, MBL, etc) Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,网络调研 Online research 消费者深入探索 Xploring 卖场考察 Shop survey,我们学习到了什么?What weve learned,体育的现状Sports Today,在中国玩体育不是件容易的事情。Its not easy to play sports in China today.,现实存在的问题Barriers to sp

3、orts,体育基础设施不足 Few facilities 体育健身计划覆盖面不够 Few programs 其它 etc.,体育基础设施不足Few facilities,国家体育总局主导的第五次全国体育场馆普查结果显示,我国体育场馆设施普遍存在短缺的现象。 According to the 5th national sports facility research held by the GASC (General Administration of Sports China), sports facilities are generally lack in China.,全国各类体育场馆有8

4、5万多个,平均每万人拥有体育场地6.58个,人均体育场地面积为1.03平方米。 There are total more than 850000 sports facilities in China, average 6.58 facilities per 10k people and 1.03sqm per person.,体育基础设施不足Few facilities,其中,分布在校园的有549654个,占全国体育场地总数的67.7%;居住小区39477个,占4.86%。 There are 549654 sports facilities in schools, which takes 6

5、7.7% of all facilities; yet 39477 facilities spread among compounds, which is only 4.86% of all.,体育健身计划覆盖面不够Few programs,学校 School 尽管在学校放学后很多学生大多会自发参加各种体育锻炼,但大部分学校缺乏面向所有学生的体育培训规划,无法形成活跃的体育锻炼气氛。 Even though lots of students like to play sports after school, but because most schools dont have programs

6、 for all the students, so you cant feel the vibrant in the air. 大多数学生课业繁重,作业量大。 home works are heavily loaded for most students 学校对学习和体育之间的协调存在顾虑,缺乏积极性。 school worry about playing sports may interferer study, so there is no positivity 学校出于安全考虑,一般不鼓励学生课后在校滞留。 due to safety concern, school dont usuall

7、y encourage students stay in after school 现存的培训计划通常只针对各项运动校队,这种校队的培训虽然免费,但可参加的学生屈指可数。 existing programs are often set for school teams, even they are free but only very small number of students get to join,资料来源:中国青少年体育调查Source: China Youth Sports Research,体育健身计划覆盖面不够Few programs,家长 Parents 尽管超过90%的父

8、母都支持自己的孩子参加体育锻炼,但是真正参加的学生寥寥无几,究其原因大部分家长也都非常矛盾和无奈。 Despite there are over 90% parents who are happy to support their kid to play sports, yet the actual number of participants are very small. 学校开展的体育培训不够 Not enough coverage for school programs 校外培训市场良莠不齐,大多数家长存在信任危机 Besides school, the quality of prog

9、rams provided on the training market are vary, most parents have trust issue with that. 多以盈利为目的,不能让孩子学到有价值的东西 Most of these programs are set for profit as purpose, kids wont really learn anything good. 对教练资质、教学质量、组织情况不满意 Not satisfied with coaches qualification as well as the quality and organizatio

10、n. 现行教育体制问题也导致了体育的重要性低于学习 The issue of current education system also lower the importance of sports than study.,资料来源:中国青少年体育调查Source: China Youth Sports Research,即便存在这些问题,在中国依然有2千3百万14-55岁城区非农人口为活跃性运动者。But even with all these obstacles, there are 23 million people aged 14-55 that actively play sport

11、s in China today.,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,大家都在玩什么?Sports people are playing,体育项目What sports,样本数量:3064 Sample size: 3064,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,取样城市:36 Sample C

12、ity: 36,年龄Age,城区非农运动人口总数: 2千3百万人,城区非农运动人口总数: 2千2百万人,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,运动品牌的使用Sports brands theyre using。,全国城市主要运动产品品牌市场总量(运动者+非运动者) Total population by sports brand,2007年,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward

13、Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,各体育项目的品牌使用Brands by sports,篮球 运动服Basketball wear,%,%,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,篮球 运动鞋Basketball shoes,%,%,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market

14、Research,跑步 运动服Running wear,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,跑步 运动鞋Running shoes,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,羽毛球 运动服Badminton wear,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source

15、: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,羽毛球 运动鞋 Badminton shoes,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,足球 运动服Football wear,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,足球 运动鞋Football s

16、hoes,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,女子健身 运动服Women fitness wear,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,女子健身 运动鞋Women fitness shoes,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward

17、 Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,4,000,000+,体育用品公司 Sports related companies,4,领先运动品牌 Leading sports brands,63.9%,资料来源: Millward Brown提供的中国运动品牌市场调研报告 Source: Millward Brown China Sports Brand Market Research,市场分额 Market share,而且他们已经在各种体育领域有大量的投入And theyve invested heavily in sports propertie

18、s.,赞助中国体育运动员,耐克全国高中篮球联赛,耐克美丽足球3对3比赛,耐克街头篮球争霸赛,你才是真正的主角”活力派对,耐克巴萨中国行1ON1铁笼赛,耐克街头足球freestyle,赞助北京国际马拉松,耐克市场营销活动,国企-NIKE杯篮球联赛,刘翔 易建联 吴鹏 马丽芸 李娜 郑洁 杜威 杨扬,耐克:品牌赞助及市场活动(部分),阿迪达斯:品牌赞助及市场活动(部分),阿迪达斯全能足球挑战赛,NBA中国行暨 不打不兄弟夏季篮球联赛,5攻天下街头篮球挑战赛,08奥运启动活动,赞助中国体育运动员,共震艺术展,青少年足球培养计划 暨绿茵杯全国校园超级联赛,阿迪达斯市场营销活动,郑智 隋菲菲 马晓旭 胡

19、佳 彭帅 李玮峰 于海 车杜里 孙雯,李宁:品牌赞助及市场活动(部分),赞助中外运动员和运动队及其他赞助项目,美国之路李宁-美国篮球学院青少年篮球选秀营,正道天下3+1篮球对抗赛,李宁花式篮球赛,李宁赞助SHOW TIME花式篮球队,李宁大学生五人制足球联赛,李宁全国大学生足球联赛,iRun跑步俱乐部,奥尼尔中国行,达蒙琼斯中国行及3+1篮球对抗赛,李宁赞助ATP大中华区网球赛事,李宁市场营销活动,郭晶晶 王励勤 孙胜男 奥尼尔 查克海耶斯 特罗萨 柳比西奇 阿根廷篮球队 美国乒乓球队,中国跳水队 中国乒乓球队 中国体操队 中国射击队 苏丹田径队 西班牙篮球队 CCTV奥运频道,安踏:品牌赞助

20、及市场活动(部分),赞助乐百氏非常2+1三人篮球赛“ 赞助21届大连国际马拉松 安踏杯排球联赛,安踏赞助中外体育运动员,网友签名活动-为信念加油,CBA运动装备设计大赛,记录我的梦想-我的运动记录活动,安踏市场营销活动,冯坤 王皓 李高波 宋红娟 巴特尔 唐正东 王博 谭雪 斯科拉 弗朗西斯 邦齐维尔斯 阿德尔曼,竞争品牌媒介花费监测Media Spending,体育品牌媒体监测花费总览 | 数据来源:CTR | 数据时间:2006年1月-2007年12月 | 数据单位:人民币/元,领先运动品牌已经确定了他们的品牌观The leading brands have established a s

21、trong point of view.,偶像,英雄,英雄,梦想,障碍Issue,作为后来者,其他领先对手似乎已经设定了这场游戏的规则。Because we are late to the game, other players have set the rules.,2008.8.25,中国在各种体育项目上赢取金牌的数目空前众多 China win unprecedented number of gold medals, pride 中国人亲身接触到了很多新兴体育项目 Exposure to new sports 对奥运精神的真正领会,对体育文化更深化的体验 Understanding of

22、 true meaning of Olympics, and a better understanding of sports culture,中国被体育唤醒China awakens to sports一场新的比赛开始a new game begins.,兴趣Interest,参与 Participation,我们的目标 Our Goal,我们的竞争对手会怎么做We know what our competitors will do,聚焦在他们的运动明星上 Focus on their sports icons 树立英雄并偶像化 Create heroes to idolize,每一个人都可

23、以做“英雄” Everyone can “become a hero” 为了你的成功梦想努力奋斗 Pursue your dream of winning,这是对体育运动一种片面地解读,它针对的是那些梦想成为巨星的人。This is a one-dimensional view of sports. More importantly, it speaks more to people aspiring to be super star.,今天,2千3百万运动者仅占全部城区人口的14%。The 23 million people playing sports today only represe

24、nts 14% of the total urban population.这个市场从2004年至今增长了15%,奥运之后它将以更快的速度发展。Market has grown 15% from 2004, and will accelerate after the Olympics.,14%,China,EU,60%,57%,US,活跃性运动者占全部人口比例 Percentage of active sports players,体育产业总产值 Total product value,3000多亿人民币,2100亿美元,GDP百分比 Percentage of GDP,0.5%,2%,体育产

25、业要在2010年达到国内生产总值1.5左右 - 国家体育总局,2001-20 10年体育改革与发展纲要 The percentage of GDP is set at 1.5% for total product value of sports industry in China 2010. NASC, “2001-2010 Sports Reformation and Development”,体育市场面临爆发性增长 Sports Market is ready to Explode,在超越目前的竞争对手之外,我们所面对的契机就在于抓住飞速增长的市场。Our opportunity is t

26、o capture the enlarging market in addition to winning over current sports players.,我们该如何实现呢?How will we do this?去深入了解人们对体育的需求。By having a deeper understanding of what people want from sports.,我买了一个新的健身卡, 我和我爱人都可以用.到了我这个岁数,身体很重要,是资本.必须坚持锻炼,去室内健身房.锻炼能让人保持健康,对于以后好的生活和工作非常重要.” -刘西彬, 34, 男“I just buy a n

27、ew gym card for me and my wife. I feel in order to keep healthy, I must go gym regularly and insist on doing it. Doing sports enables a good body and it is necessary for a good future and life.” - Xibin Liu, 34, male,现在我经常加班,没有很多时间运动.但我还是会抽出些时间来运动.做完运动后,你能感觉到身体状态变好了,你真的能感觉更好. -刘扬, 26, 男I often work

28、overtime these days and dont have enough time to do sports. But I will make time out of my schedule. After doing sports, you just can feelthe body gets better and you actually feels better.” - George Liu, 26, male,我不经常运动, 我的朋友会.他们在一起玩儿的时候,很开心.他们在场上跑,投球,笑.我觉得他们一定认为这个运动很有趣, 玩儿着很开心. - 徐佩玲, 26, 女”I dont

29、 play sports often but some of my friends do. When I watch them playing, they seem very happy. They run, play and laugh. I feel they think doing sports is interesting and they have fun with it.” - Ellie Xu, 26, female,我女朋友的爸爸喜欢打乒乓球,我也学着打,这样我们可以一起玩儿.可能这样可以拉近我们的距离吧. -黄振, 26, 男“My girlfriends father li

30、ke playing Ping-Pong, so I try to play it too. This way we can play together. It could make us closer.” - Zhen Huang, 26, female,我经常游泳.小的时候医生说我身体素质不好,所以让我练游泳.那会儿身体特别弱.一直坚持游,现在长大了,我就习惯游泳了,生活的一部分吧. -肖斌, 26, 男I swim quite often. The doctor suggested to my mother when I was little that I better learn sw

31、imming. I was very weak back then. Now Ive grown up, and Ive kept it as my habit since its become a part of my life.” - Tony, 26, male,我春节的时候去滑雪了,那是第一次去滑雪,刺激.我还想尝试骑马和击剑.我会打篮球,踢足球,打乒乓球,游泳还有滑冰.我得多玩儿点儿.人真厉害,能玩儿那么多的项目.我喜欢所有运动项目,挺享受的. - 温中涛, 40, 男“I went for skiing during this Spring Festival. That was m

32、y first time, very exciting. There are sports like horse riding and fencing which I like to try. I can play basketball, football, and Ping-Pong, swim and skate. I gotta play more sports. Its quite amazing that we can do so many different things. For me, I love all the sports, its full of joy.” - Zho

33、ngtao Wen 40, male,时尚但更强于运动,使穿上的人有更强的运动欲望 - 陈约翰22岁 To be trendy but more sporty, and makes people who wears it stronger desire to play和我一起运动 - 刘言18岁 To play with me together帮助我们家乡的学校建一个好的运动场 - 刘顺 21岁 To help the school in our hometown build a good sport facility承办社区运动会 - 李元军20岁 Organize community sp

34、orts game普及体育知识 -库而腾 28岁 Promote sports knowledge,资料来源: China Polling网络调查 Source: China Polling online research,他们希望运动品牌能为他们做什么? And they told us what they most want from a sports brand,对于大多数人来说,体育运动远远不止是竞技,它应该是参与、享受和团队精神。For most people, sports is far more than competing.Sports is about participati

35、on, enjoyment, teamwork.,我们的契机正在于点燃每个人心中对运动的激情。Our opportunity is to ignite the passion for sports in everyone.,耐克,安踏,李宁,阿迪达斯Nike, Anta, Lining, Adidas,树立英雄 Create heroes,361,推动大家参加Create participation for all,作为一家公司,我们的定位恰好符和这个契机This opportunity is inline with who you are as a company,“勇敢做自己” 是我们的态

36、度,它鼓舞所有人勇敢追随自己的激情挚爱,并不断挑战自己。 “Dare to be yourself”Is our attitude that encourages everyone to follow their own passions, and continually challenge themselves.,361o 360度代表了一种圆满地状态,1度代表着每一个个体,在延续这种圆满状态的同时,创造一个新的起点,新的体验,新的激情,甚至是一种新的游戏规则。 360 represents past accomplishments, and 1 represents you, and sy

37、mbolizes a new start。,最能反映中国人的态度Attitude that best reflects Chinese,勇敢做自己 Dare to be yourself,一切皆有可能 Nothing is impossible,永不止步 Keep moving,23%,20%,11%,哪种说法最能描述你对运动的态度? Which of these statements best describes you。,了解自己超越自我 -张振 36岁understanding yourself, overcoming yourself,活出自己的个性 -魏艳坡 29岁live with

38、 your own attitude,我想做一个自由开心的人勇敢面对一切 -李元军 20岁I want to be a free happy person and dare to face everything,做一个真实的我 -和正全 32岁to be honest with yourself,相信自己 -邓志 21岁believe in yourself,走自己的路 -刘言18岁 walk your own path,资料来源: China Polling网络调查 Source: China Polling online research,总结To Summarize,目标 Objecti

39、ve,将361 o打造成中国领先的运动品牌。 Become the leading Chinese sports brand。,障碍 Issue,作为后来者,其他领先对手似乎已经设定了这场游戏的规则。Because we are late to the game, other players have set the rules.,洞察 Insight,体育远远不止是竞争,并且越来越多的人希望能享受到体育的真正乐趣。 Sports is more than competition,and a growing number of people want to enjoy the true ess

40、ence of sport。,挑战 Challenge,通过鼓舞大家勇敢追随自己的激情挚爱让大家热爱体育。 To get people to fall in love with sports by encouraging them to pursue their own passions。,创意表现Ideas to bring this to life,电视广告TVC,平面广告 版本1Print version 1,平面广告 版本2Print version 2,活动营销及一些创意想法Event 全国中学生羽毛球锦标赛;,361羽毛球队; 361全国羽毛球赛; 361 羽毛球场地投资(城市/城镇),主导该运动项目,并使之成为真正连接每一个中国人的运动。,跑步,我们的五年梦想,目标消费群,竞争品牌,拥有资源,所需资源,我们的机会,项目/活动,今天,中国人参与最广泛的运动,健康和健身运动的先锋运动,全体中国人。,安踏、李宁、阿迪达斯、耐克(但是没有压倒性的品牌占有),厦门马拉松赛,运动员和明星,全国大学生田径锦标赛;全国中学生田径锦标赛;,361 Run-for-fun (跑为乐)活动/ Run-for-charity


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