



1、htt p:/ htt p:/ p:/ CDM机制下的碳汇渔业发展思考 Thinking of carb on sink Fisheries Developme nt un der the CDM mecha nism 跟着我国海洋强国战略的不断深入,海洋经济展开进入了新的前 史机遇期。将展开海洋经济和清洗展开机制(简称 CDM二者的有机 结合起来,高起点计划、高水平起步打造“十二五”海洋经济,将会 取得经济和社会展开的两层效益。 As Chinas maritime power strategy continuously thorough, marine economyhas entered

2、 a newhistoricalopportunity period. Will expand marine economy and cleaning development mechanism (CDM) to the orga nic comb in atio n of the two, a high start ing point plan, high level beg inning to create 1025 mari ne economy, will achieve two ben efits of econo mic and social devel opment. 清洗展开机

3、制与碳汇渔业的内涵相关机制,清洗展开机制是一种 在发达国家和展开中国家之间展开的一种温室气体减排量买卖机制。 核心内容是发达国家经过对展开中国家的节能减排项目进行资金、技 能投入,换取其减少温室气体的排放量,以低于本国减排的本钱完结 减排许诺。展开中国家经过施行CDM目取得必定的资金和较领先的 技能展开节能减排,一箭双雕。碳汇渔业是指经过渔业生产活动推进 水生生物吸收水体中的二氧化碳,并经过收成把这些碳移出水体的进 程和机制。而能够充分发挥碳汇功用、具有直接或直接下降大气二氧化碳浓度效果的生产活动称为碳汇渔业。若是能够与清洗展开机制 (Clean Development Mechanism 简

4、称CDM结合起来,加强碳汇渔 业的本钱运作,势必会推进海洋经济的疾速展开。 Clea ning devel opment mecha nism and carb on sink fisheries connotation related mechanism, cleaning development mechanism is a kind of in the devel oped coun tries and a gree nhouse gas expansion betwee n Chin ese home emissi ons tradi ng mecha nism. The core c

5、ontent is developed through projects in energy-saving emission reduction of Chinas capital,skills, in exchange for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases, to lower their emissi on reducti on cost over emissi on reducti on commitme nt. Chi na home through the imp leme ntatio n of CDM p roject

6、 has a orga ni sms in water, and after the harvest of the carb on out of water p rocess and mecha ni sm. And to bring into full p lay the certainamount of money and a leadingskills launched energy-saving emission reduction, kill two birds with one stone. Carbon sink fishery refers to the fishery pro

7、duction activities to pro mote the absor pti on of carb on dioxide in aquatic carb on sink fun cti on,has directly or in directly decreased the concen trati onof atmos pheric carb on dioxide effectp roducti on activity as a carb on si nk fisheries. If the deployment mechanism and cleaning (Clean Dev

8、elopment Mechanism CDM) together,stre ngthe nthecarb onsink fisheriescap ital operation, is bound to promote the rapid development of marine economy. 碳汇渔业的财物特点契合CDM勺本钱运作需求。现代经济词典 1的财物界说为:“由公司或自己具有并具有价值的有形的产业或无 形的权力。财物之所以对物主有用,或者是因为它是将来工作的源泉, 或者是因为它能够用于取得将来的经济利益。”因而,咱们以为财物 是一种在将来可估量的能够带来效益,并且能够估量的产业。

9、而 CDM 的本钱运作需求该项目首先应具有财物的特点。 碳汇渔业正具有这种 财物特点。一方面它的私有资源性契合产业的特点, 另一方面被移除 的碳量经过核算能够进行买卖,带来可预期的收益。因而,经过对碳 汇渔业进行本钱运营,能够完结其资源性收益,也能够完结取得额定 性的本钱性收益。 Property characteristics of carb on sink fisheries agreeme nt CDMca pital op erati on dema nd. Dicti onary of moder n economics is defined as: 1 of the propert

10、y by the company or its and has the value of tangible or intangiblepower industry. Prop erty is the mai n useful for objects, or because it is the source of future work, or because it can be used to obta in the future econo mic ben efits. Therefore, we thi nk that property is a kind of in the future

11、 may measure can bring ben efits, and can measure the industry.And the cost of CDM operation requirementsof the project should be characteristic of property.Carbon sink fisheries has this kind of property characteristics. On one hand, p rivate resources it fit the in dustry characteristics, on the o

12、ther hand is the amount of carb on removed after acco un ti ng can trade, brought to the exp ected ben efits.Therefore, through the cap ital op erati on of carb on sink fisheries, to end its resource in come, can also end in come cap ital rated. 碳汇渔业和CDM勺理论根底具有内涵一致性。可持续展开理论既 是CDM的理论根底又是碳汇渔业的理论根底。 CD

13、M作为当今世界各国 应对全球气候变化的国际协作机制,在推进人类可持续展开方面发挥 了重要的效果,是建立在全球化可持续展开的根底上发达国家和展开 中国家间的协作机制。而展开碳汇渔业的意图也是以可持续展开理论 为根底,走低碳经济的展开路途。锅炉省煤器尤其是碳汇渔业施行 CDM项目,不光能够协助发达国家以较低的本钱完结其许诺的温室气 体减少或操控方针,并且契合我国经济社会施行可持续展开战略的需 求,在完结“十二五”计划方针中非常好的完结节能降耗减排方针。 The basic theory of carb on sink fisheries and CDM has the conno tati on

14、of con siste ncy. Susta in able devel opment theory is the theoretical foun dati on of CDM is the theoretical basis of carb on sink fisheries. CDM as an intern ati onal coop erati on mechanismin the world to cope with global climate change, play huma ndevel opment, devel opment on the an imp orta nt

15、 effect in pro mot ing susta in able is based on the globalizati onof susta in able basis of developed countries and expand cooperation mechanism betwee n Chin ese home. Inten ti on and carb on sink fisheries is based on the susta in able devel opment theory as a foun dati on, low carb on econo mydevel opment p ath. Esp ecially the carb on sink fisheries CDM p roject imp leme ntatio n, gree nhouse gas can not only help devel oped coun tries to lower the cost of the end of its pro mised


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