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1、精品文库 前英格兰队队长贝克汉姆将在季末退役。 38岁的小贝在今年1月与巴黎圣日耳曼签订了五个月的合同,并将 自己的薪资全部捐给了慈善机构。 Beckham made 115 app eara nces for En gla nd and 394 for Man chester Un ited, winning six P remier League titles and the Champions League. 小贝代表英格兰队出场115次,代表曼联俱乐部出场394次,六次获得英超联赛和欧冠联赛冠军。 Here, in his stateme nt released today, Beck

2、ham talks about his decisi on to retire from p layi ng. 在他今天发布的声明中,小贝说明了他退役的决定。 Im tha nkful to PSG for giv ing me the opportun ity to continue but I feel now is the right time to finish my career, playing at the highest level. 我非常感谢巴黎圣日耳曼给我继续征战绿茵场的机会,但是我觉得现在是结束我职业生涯的最佳时机,在 最高水平的联赛当中。” If you had to

3、ld me as a young boy I would have p layed for and won trop hies with my boyhood club Man chester Un ited, pro udly captained and pl ayed for my country over one hun dred times and lined up for some of the biggest clubs in the world, I would have told you it was a fan tasy. Im fortun ate to have real

4、ised those dreams. 如果在我年轻的时候,你告诉我,我会在曼联俱乐部效力并且赢得无数的奖杯;同时代表英格兰出战超过 百场并且成为队长;效力世界许多伟大的俱乐部,我会回答你,那只是一个幻想。但我很幸运的实现了这些 幻想。” To this day, one of my p roudest achieveme nts is captaining my coun try. I knew every time I wore the Three Lions shirt, I was not only follow ing in a long line of great p layers,

5、 I was also rep rese nting every fan that cared p assi on ately about their country. Im honoured to rep rese nt En gla nd both on and off the p itch. 直到这一天,我最骄傲的成就是成为英格兰队的队长。我知道当我每一次穿上三狮军团的战袍,我不仅仅 是一名球员,我代表的是关心着英格兰的每一个球迷。我很荣幸能够成为英格兰队的代表,无论是场内还是 场外。” I would nt have achieved what I have done today wi

6、thout my family. Im grateful for my paren ts sacrifice, which made me realise my dreams. I owe everythi ng to Victoria and the kids, who have give n me the insp irati on and support to play at the highest level for such a long p eriod. I also want to tha nk Simon Fuller and his team for their con ti

7、 nued support. 如果没有我的家人,我不会实现今天的成就和梦想。我感谢我的父母,为我所做出的一切,是他们让我实 现了现在的成就。我更感谢维多利亚和我的孩子们,是他们一直给予我支持,让我在这么长的时间内有高水 平的发挥。我也更感谢西蒙-福勒和他的团队给予我的鼓励。” I want to tha nk all my team-mates, the great man agers that I had the pl easure of lear ning from. I also want to tha nk the fans who have all supp orted me and

8、 give n me the stre ngth to succeed. 我要感谢我所有的队友,以及所有的主教练,我很荣幸可以从他们身上学到很多。我也要向球迷表达由衷 的感谢,他们都支持我给予我巨大的动力。” Noth ing will ever compi etely rep lace p lay ing the game I love, however I feel likestart ing a new adve nture and rm genuin ely excited about what lies ahead. Im fortun ate to have bee n give

9、n many opportun ities throughout my career and now I feel its my time to give back. 任何事情都不能取代我对比赛的热爱,然而现在我将开始一个新的冒险。想到我新的未来,我十分兴奋。在 我的职业生涯中我很幸运,现在的我是时候回到生活当中了。” The midfielder made his En gla nd debut aga inst Moldova in 1996 and captained the side from 2000 to 2006, making his 115th and final En gl

10、a nd app eara nee in a 3-0 win over Belarus in 2009. 这位中场球员于1996年在英格兰对摩尔多瓦的比赛中代表英格兰队初次露面,随后的2000年到2006年出 任英格兰队队长,而第115次代表英格兰队出征是在2009年3比0胜白俄罗斯,这也是他的最后一次代表 英格兰队出战。 In clud ing P SGs recent Ligue 1 title win, Beckham has won 19 trop hies - 10 of them league titles - in a p lay ing career spanning 20 y

11、ears, and is the on ly En glish pl ayer to win cha mpion shi ps in four coun tries. 包括巴黎圣日耳曼最近一次在法甲联赛中的胜利,贝克汉姆在他长达20年的足球生涯中一共赢得了 19次奖 杯一一其中10次是以队长的身份,而且他也是唯一一位在四个国家获过冠军的英国球员。 蘭亭集序 It is the ninth year of Yon ghe (A.C.353), also known as the year of Guichou in terms of the Chin ese lunar cale ndar.O

12、n one of those late spring days, we gather at the Orchid P avili on, which is located in Shanyin Coun ty, Kuaiji Prefecture, for dis pelli ng bad luck and praying for good fortun e.The atte ndees of the gatheri ng are all virtuous in tellectuals, vary ing from young to old. En dowed with great mount

13、ains and lofty p eaks, Orchid P avili on has flourishi ng bran ches and high bamboo bushes all around, together with a clear winding brook en girdled, which can thereby serve the guests by floati ng the wine glasses on top for their drinking. Seated by the bank of brook, people will still regale the

14、mselves right by p oetiz ing their mixed feeli ngs and emoti ons with wi ne and son gs, n ever mi nd the abse nee of melody from stri ng and wind in strume nts. 永和九年,岁在癸(gu丑。暮春之初,会于会(ku 稽山阴之兰亭,修禊(X )1事也。群贤毕至,少长(zh a ng) 咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞(sh a n曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹 管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。 It is su

15、ch a won derful day, with fresh air and mild breeze.Faci ng up wards to the blue sky, we behold the vast imme nsity of the uni verse; whe n bow ing our heads towards the ground, we aga in satisfy ourselves with the diversity of sp ecies.Thereby we can refresh our views and let free our souls, with l

16、uxuria nt satisfacti on done to both ears and eyes. How infin ite the cheer is! 3 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛。所以游目骋 (ch e n怀,足以极视听之 娱,信可乐也。 People kee p coming and going, and life soon rushes to its end. Some people prefer to share their proud asp irati on and lofty goals with close frie nds in door

17、s, while some others choose to follow their in terest and free their minds wherever and whe never they like. May characters vary from person to person, or some would rather stay p eaceful while others like to live restlessly, they will all become delighted and satisfied once they meet someth ing pl

18、easa nt, so cheerful that they get un aware of their imminent old age.However, whe n they get tired of their old fan cies that they ve already exp erie need, and sen time nt corres pondin gly acco mpanies the cha nge of situati on, al sorts of comp licated feeli ngs will well up in the heart, too. I

19、s n-plrovtooughthat the happin ess we used to enjoy p asses by without leav ing a sin gle trace, let alone that the len gth of life is subject to the fate, and death is in evitable for any body in the end? Just as some ancint man once put it,“ Death also deserves our atte nti on, like what life does

20、. ” , so how can we restrain ourselves from grieving? 夫(f )人之相与,俯仰一世。或取诸怀抱, 悟言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。虽趣(q U舍万殊, 静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至;及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。 向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀,况修短随化,终期于尽!古人云:死生亦大矣”,岂 不痛哉! Every time I pon der about the reas ons why our p redecessors would p roduce works with such

21、 inen arrable emoti on s, I find there seem some similarities betwee n our min ds. Yet I cannot hel p lame nting their literary master pi eces while I am struggli ng for the very cause in my inn ermost world. Now I come to realize that it has bee n ridiculous for me to equate death with life, lo ng

22、life with short life . The desce ndents view us just the way we look at our p redecessors, and how woeful it is! Hence I write dow n all the n ames of the atte ndees and put their po etry into record. Conditions may go with the changes of time, but people s emotions shall stay the same. I believe th

23、e follow ing readers will still have much to mediate about life and death whe n app reciati ng this po etry an thology. 每览昔人兴感之由,若合一契,未尝不临文嗟悼(ji e d ,cRo能喻之于怀。固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭殇(sh d ng) 为妄作。后之视今,亦犹今之视昔,悲夫!故列叙时人,录其所述,虽世殊事异,所以兴怀,其致一也。后 之览者,亦将有感于斯文。 1. Don t make excuses 不要找借口 Sometimes you might find yours

24、elf in the midst of an unfair situation. In such a situation, it s easy to make exci and most people do. But winners arediffere nt. They don t make excuses or blame the situati on. In stead, they focus on what they can do to get the most out of it. 有时候你会发现自己受到不公正待遇。 在这种情况下,一般都会很容易找到借口而且大多数人也是这么做的。 但

25、是成功者不一样。他们不会寻找理由或责怪形势。相反,他们会集中精力在糟糕的环境下获得最好结果。 2. Be comfortable being un comfortable 欢迎下载 对挑战随遇而安 Like it or not, grow ing in life ofte n means moving out of your comfort zone. Why? Because in order to grow you n eed to expand your personal cap acity and that requires you to take on new challe nges

26、. For that reas on, you n eed to be comfortable being un comfortable. Only the n can you do the things that are n ecessary for your personal growth. 无论喜不喜欢,获得成长经常需要你走出舒适区。为什么呢?因为成长需要你拓宽潜在能力,那就意味着要 承担新挑战。因为这样,你需要对挑战随遇而安,只有这样才能让你完成提升能力的事。 3. Have a strong desire to p erform and excel 尽全力表现,追求卓越 For th

27、e winn ers, simply meeti ng the sta ndard is not eno ugh. Their goal is exce pti onal p erforma nee. Whatever it is you are doing, strive to become the best that you can be. 对成功者来说,达到标准并不够。他们的目标是有出类拔萃的表现。不管你在做什么,都努力发挥到最好。 4. Focus; one ste p at a time 专一;一次一步 To get things done, you need focus. But

28、it s difficult to do that if you look at the whole thing. So you should instea focus on just the curre nt small ste p that you are in. 完成事情需要专心。但是当你纵观全局时往往很难做到这一点。所以你应该只关注手头上正在做的事情。 5. Don t dwell on past mistakes 不要沉浸在过去的错误中 Winners make mistakes just like other people, but what makes them differe

29、nt is their attitude toward mistakes. They don t dwell on them nor let them hin der their actions. In stead, they lear n their less ons, block the n egative thoughts, and move on. 成功者也和其他人一样犯错误, 但对待错误的态度和他们不同。 他们不会迷失其中或让错误阻碍他们的行动。 相反的是,他们从错误中学习,排除消极想法,并继续向前。 6. Know your win dow of opportun ity 审时度势

30、,认清机会 Whatever it is you are trying to acco mp lish, you should be aware of its win dow of opportun ity. Someth ing that looks p romis ing today might become worthless a few mon ths from now. By knowing the win dow of opportun ity, you can use your resources wisely. 精品文库 不管你想达成什么目标,你应该认清机会在哪里。今天看上去有

31、前途的事情几个月后或许一文不值。当知道 机会在哪里时,你可以更明智的利用资源。 7. Ada pt 适应环境 The world is cha nging and cha nging fast. So if you want to thrive, you must be able to ada pt. Some people in sist on doing thi ngs the old way, but winners know that they n eed to cha nge. They are willi ng to ado pt a new way of doing thi ng

32、s. 世界正在飞速变化,所以如果你想闯出一片天,你要学会适应环境。有些人坚持用旧方法处理事物,但是成 功者知道他们需要改变。他们会用新方法做事。 8. Be humble 谦虚 Many people want to take credit for themselves, but winners know that they can t achieve things by They also realize that there are others out there who can do what they do. So in stead of braggi ng about their

33、achieveme nts, they stay humble. 很多人想往自己脸上贴金,但是成功者知道他们只靠自己是完不成事情的。他们明白很多人也能胜任他们的 工作,所以会很谦虚,而不是夸耀他们的成就。 9. Master throttle control 把握事情节奏 Winners know whe n to wait and whe n to act. Whe n they n eed to wait, they wait p atie ntly. Whe n they n eed to act, they act decisively. They know how to read t

34、he situati on. 成功者知道何时等待和行动。当需要等时机时,他们会耐心等待。当需要行动时,他们毫不犹豫。他们知道 如何判断时机好坏。 10. Prepare for contin ge ncies准备好应对偶发事件 Winners prepare themselves for bad situati ons. They know that things could go wrong so they prepare themselves beforeha nd. Do you have a plan B for your career? Have you built an emerg

35、e ncy fund? Good prep arati on helps you recover quickly whe n thi ngs go wrong. 成功者会为坏情况做打算。他们知道事情可能会变糟糕,所以会提前准备。你对自己的职业生涯有备选计划 吗?你有紧急调用资金吗?充分的准备会帮助你在不利的情况下迅速恢复元气。 欢迎下载5 精品文库 翻译工作者宪章 本宪章于1963年9月在杜布罗夫尼克(南斯拉夫)召开的国际翻译工作者联合会(国际译联)第四次 代表大会上通过。当时参加国际译联的有23个国家的翻译工作者团体。 国际翻译工作者联合会认为,翻译工作在当代世界被看作是一种经常、普遍和必不

36、可少的活动形式;翻 译工作能够使各国人民进行精神与物质上的交流,丰富各国人民的生活,促进人们之间的了解;尽管从事翻 译工作的环境各有不同,但当前必须把翻译工作看作是一种固定、独立的职业。 希望以正式文件的形式,阐明与翻译工作者的职业密切相关的几项共同原则,以便着重指出翻译工作的 社会职能,明确翻译工作者的权利和义务,奠定翻译工作者道德规范的基础,改善翻译工作者从事翻译工作 的经济条件与社会环境,为翻译工作者及其职业团体提供某些活动方针,借以肯定翻译工作是一种固定、独 立的职业。 有鉴于此,国际翻译工作者联合会特公布本宪章,作为翻译工作者从事翻译活动的指针。 第一章翻译工作者的义务 1、翻译工作

37、作为一种脑力劳动其目的是将文学、科学方面的材料从一种语言译成另一种语言,从事这 一工作的人承担着由该工作性质产生的特殊义务。 2、不管翻译工作者与使用译文的个人和机关建立的是什么关系或合同,译文概由翻译工作者负责。 3、凡是翻译工作者不同意的或与翻译工作者业务职责相抵触的对原文的解释,翻译工作者应该加以拒 绝。 4、任何译文都应忠实于原意,准确表达原文的思想和形式,遵守这种忠实的原则是翻译工作者法律上 与道德上的义务。 5、然而,正确的译文不应同逐字翻译混为一谈,因为翻译的忠实并不排除文字上的必要改变,以便使 人能够用另一种语言在另一个国家体会到原作的形式、气氛及其内在含意。 6、翻译工作者应

38、通晓原文,更重要的是要精通用来进行翻译的语言。 7、翻译工作者应该知识广博,对所译对象应有足够了解,对不熟悉的工作不予承担。 8、翻译工作者在职业活动中应该不作任何不诚实的竞争;翻译工作者不能接受低于法律专门决议、习 惯或者他所在的职业团体明文规定的报酬。 9、翻译工作者不应该在有损于个人或职业尊严的条件下去寻找或接受工作。 10、翻译工作者应该尊重使用译文的个人和机关的合法利益,应将所有在从事委托给他的翻译工作时可 能得到的资料视为职业秘密。 11、翻译工作者作为再创造的作者,对原作者负有特殊义务。 12、翻译工作者未经原著作者或原著所有者的允许,不得翻译该项著作,同时也应该尊重作者其他各项

39、 权利。 第二章翻译工作者的权利 13、每个翻译工作者对其译著享有所在国给予其他脑力劳动者所享有的一切权利。 14、译著是脑力劳动成果,受有关规定的法律保护。 15、翻译工作者对其译著享有著作权,从而享有与原著作者同样的优惠权益。 16、翻译工作者对其译著享有与作者同样的一切道义上的权利与遗产转让的权利。 17、翻译工作者生前享有确认本人为其译著作者的权利,其中包括: 甲) 乙) 译者有权反对任何歪曲、删减或改动其译文的行为; 公开利用译者的译文时应该明确、清楚地提到译者的姓名; 欢迎下载11 丙) 丁) 出版者或其他利用译文的人,事先未经译者同意,不得对译文进行任何改动; 译者有权禁止非法利

40、用其译文的一切行为,有权反对损害译者荣誉或声望的任何活动。 18、翻译工作者在允许别人发表、演出、广播、翻译、改写、修改其译文及其他以任何形式利用其译文 方面,享有特殊的决定权。 19、翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。 第三章翻译工作者的经济地位和社会地位 20、翻译工作者有权获得能使他切实完成其所负社会任务的生活条件。 21、翻译工作者有权从其译著的成果中获得利益,有权从其译著的商务利润中按比例获得报酬。 22、翻译工作者也可以一次预订的方式进行;在这种情况下,不论其译著所得商业利润如何,译者都有 权获得报酬。 23、翻译工作这项职业,同其他自由职业一样,在各国都受到

41、监督工资、集体合同、标准合同等措施的 保护。 24、各国翻译工作者都享有脑力劳动者享有的各种优惠待遇,其中包括老年退休金、医疗、失业、多子 女的补助金等各种形式的社会保障。 第四章翻译工作者协会或联合会 25、翻译工作者同其他自由职业者一样,有权组织职业协会或联合会。 26、这些组织的任务,除了保护翻译工作者的物质和精神利益外,还应包括提高翻译质量和研究与翻译 有关的一切其他问题。 27、为了草拟与翻译工作者有关的法律措施和规则,翻译工作者协会或联合会可与政府机关进行接触。 28、翻译工作者协会或联合会应尽可能与利用译文的团体(出版者协会、工商企业、国家与私人机关、 报刊等)保持经常联系,以便

42、研究和解决一些共同的课题。 29、翻译工作者协会或联合会为了监督所在国的一切译著的质量,可与所在国的文化组织、作家联合会、 国际笔会本国分会、文学评论界、科学协会、大学、科技研究所等保持联系。 30、翻译工作者协会或联合会在翻译工作者与译文使用者之间发生的各种争执中起仲裁人或鉴定人的作 用。 31、翻译工作者协会或联合会可在训练和补充翻译干部问题上发表意见, 实现这些任务。 也可与专家机构和大学合作来 32、翻译工作者协会或联合会应从各个方面收集翻译工作者感兴趣的情报资料,并以图书、合订本、概 述、通报的形式提供给翻译工作者使用,为此,应组织理论和实践方面的情报服务工作,举办讲习班,召开 会议

43、。 第五章 全国性翻译工作者组织和国际翻译工作者联合会 33、在一些同时存在着几个按地区特点或按一定范围建立起来的翻译工作者组织的国家, 各自独立性的情况下,由这些组织建立一个全国性的中央组织,以联合各组织的力量。 最好能在保持 34、在还未建立翻译工作者协会或联合会的国家, 则建议这些国家的翻译工作者将自己的力量联合起来, 以便在符合所在国法律的条件下建立这种必要的组织。 35、为了在世界范围内达到共同的目的,建议各国翻译工作者组织加入国际翻译工作者联合会。 36、翻译工作者参加本国的翻译团体,以及这些团体加入国际翻译工作者联合会,都出于自愿。 37、国际翻译工作者联合会维护翻译工作者在国际

44、范围内的物质权利与道义权利, 的发展,大力促进全世界的文化传播。 关心翻译理论及实践 38、国际翻译者联合会在完成这些任务时,代表着全世界的翻译工作者,同政府的、非政府的或政府之 间的机关进行接触,参加与世界翻译工作者和翻译工作的利益有关的会议,出版著作,召开或赞助召开有关 翻译工作问题的会议。 39、国际翻译工作者联合会是在国际范围内继续进行各国翻译工作者团体的工作, 定它们共同的行为方针。 协助它们的力量,确 40、加入翻译工作者联合会的各国翻译工作者协会及其中央组织,为了履行其职责,要从联合翻译工作 者的团结情谊中,要从促进各国人民相互了解和世界文化传播的高质量翻译工作中,不断吸取必要的

45、力量。 THE TRANSLATORS CHARTER (App roved by the Con gress at Dubrov nik in 1963, and amen ded in Oslo on July 9, 1994) The Intern ati onal Federati on of Tran slators Not ing that tran slati on has established itself as a p erma nent, uni versal and n ecessary activity in the world of today; that by m

46、aking in tellectual and material excha nges p ossible among n ati ons it en riches their life and con tributes to a better un dersta nding amon gst men; that in sp ite of the various circumsta nces un der which it is p racticed tran slati on must now be recog ni zed as a disti net and aut onom ous p

47、ro fessi on; and desiri ng to lay dow n, as a formal docume nt, certa in gen eral principles insep arably conn ected with the pro fessi on of tran slat ing, p articularly for the purp ose of -stress ing the social fun cti on of tran slati on, -layi ng dow n the rights and duties of tran slators, -la

48、y ing the basis of a tran slators code of ethics, -imp rovi ng the econo mic con diti ons and social climate in which the tran slator carries out his activity, and -recomme nding certa in lines of con duct for tran slators and their pro fessi onal orga ni zati ons, and to con tribute in this way to

49、the recog niti on of tran slati on as a disti net and aut onom ous p rofessi on,announ ces the text of a charter prop osed to serve as guidi ng principles for the exercise of the p rofessi on of tran slator. SECTION I GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE TRANSLATOR 1. Tran slati on, being an in tellectual act

50、ivity, the object of which is the tran sfer of literary, scie ntific and tech nical texts from one lan guage into ano ther, i mpo ses on those who p ractice it sp ecific obligati ons in here nt in its very nature. 2. A tran slati on shall always be made on the sole respon sibility of the tran slator

51、, whatever the character of the relati on shi p of con tract which binds him/her to the user. 3. The tran slator shall refuse to give to a text an interp retati on of which he/she does not app rove, or which would be con trary to the obligati ons of his/her p rofessi on. 4. Every tran slati on shall

52、 be faithful and ren der exactly the idea and form of the origi nal. this fidelity con stitut ing both a moral and legal obligati on for the tran slator. 5. A faithful tran slati on, however, should not be con fused with a literal tran slati on, the fidelity of a tran slati on not exclud ing an ada

53、ptati on to make the form, the atmos phere and dee per meaning of the work felt in ano ther lan guage and coun try. 6. The tran slator shall po ssess a sound kno wledge of the lan guage from which he/she tran slates and should, in p articular, be a master of that into which he/she tran slates. 7. He

54、/she must likewise have a broad gen eral kno wledge and know sufficie ntly well the subject matter of the tran slati on and refrain from un dertak ing a tran slati on in a field bey ond his comp ete nee. 8. The tran slator shall refra in from any un fair comp etiti on in carry ing out his p rofessi

55、on; in p articular, he/she shall strive for equitable remun erati on and not acce pt any fee below that which may be fixed by law and regulati ons. 9. In gen eral, he/she shall n either seek nor acce pt work un der con diti ons humiliat ing to himself/herself or his/her p rofessi on. 10. The tran sl

56、ator shall respect the legitimate in terests of the user by treat ing as a p rofessi onal secret any in formatio n which may come into his/her p ossessi on as a result of the tran slati on en trusted to him/her. 11. Being a sec on dary author, the tran slator is required to acce pt sp ecial obligati

57、 ons with resp ect to the author of the origi nal work. 12. He/she must obta in from the author of the origi nal work or from the user authorizati on to tran slate a work, and must furthermore respect all other rights vested in the author. SECTION II RIGHTS OF THE TRANSLATOR 13. Every tran slator sh

58、all enjoy all the rights with respect to the tran slati on he/she has made, which the country where he/she exercises his/her activities grants to other in tellectual workers. 14. A tran slati on, being a creati on of the in tellect, shall enjoy the legal p rotectio n accorded to such works. 15. The

59、tran slator is therefore the holder of cop yright in his/her tran slati on and con seque ntly has the same p rivileges as the author of the origi nal work. 16. The tran slator shall thus enjoy, with respect to his/her tran slati on, all the moral rights of successi on con ferred by his/her authorshi

60、 p. 17. He/she shall con seque ntly enjoy duri ng his/her lifetime the right to recog niti on of his/her authorshi p of the tran slati on, from which it follows, i nter alias, that (a) his/her n ame shall be men ti oned clearly and un ambiguously whe never his/her tran slati on is used p ublicly; (b


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