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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?【巩固练习】I.单项选择。1. My brother is _A. eleven yearold this year.B. eleventh yearsC. eleven yearsD. eleventh year2. Our teacher told us that we would go and visit BeijingA. onB. inC. toD. atMay 1st , 2009.is the Olympic Games in London? 2012.A. How old; In B. When; In4. It s n

2、ot polite ) to ask.3. C. What; InD. When; onA. your classmate s name B. a woman s ageC. the dateD. your classmate sdraedss.5. How old are you? I am .A. fifteenthB. fiveteenC. fiveteenthD. fifteen6. My brother s birthday is May _A. ninethB. ninthC. 9D. nineteen7. Whatsthetoday? It s August sixth.A. d

3、ate B. the date C. day D. the day8. do you go to school every day? At about seven o clock.A. What B. WhenC. HowD. Why9. This is room. Yours is on the second floor.A. your sisterB. your sistersC. Han Mei and Li HongsD. Han Meis and Li Hongs10. the night of December 24, some people are used to staying

4、 up late.A. In B. From C. At D. On11. My brother is student who can speak English well in his class.A. the fifth B. fifthC. secondD. the five12. What s the date today?It s .C. the second day of the week D. June s birthday is.t D. doesn tA. Tuesday B. July 7th13. Vera know when JeffA. notB. isn tC. d

5、on 14. When is birthday party?A. David B. David sC. you15. today?It s Monday.A. What day isB. What s the date C. When is【真题链接】D. himD. How is1. The girl isyears old. Her birthday is October2014 山东泰安期末)A. twelfth, twelfth2. How much are Bob48 dollars.B. twelve, twelfth C. twelfth, twelve D. twelve, t

6、welve s pan(ts?014海南三亚期末)A . ItB .3. is Mary It _ the evening of March 22nd.B. Whe n; inThey,res birthday party?2014C. Hes四川成都期末)A. How; inn .完形填空。Today is June 4th; it 1fine day. It is Bettyred box on her bed. She opens 3. There istakes it out and 5:room. ” Betty runs 7C. Whe n; onbirthday. She com

7、es 2a nd sees a newnothing but a piece of pap er 4 it! Betty Dear Betty. I m your present(礼物).Come and 6 me in the front _the front room. She finds her parents there. They look at her happ ily.nice 8 bike.“ Happy birthday. Betty.” Her parentsboth 9. Betty is very happy and says:10 verymuch.1. A. /B.

8、 theC. aD. an2. A. to homeB. homeC. the homeD. at home3. A. boxB. themC. itsD. it4. A. underB. beh indC. onD. i n5. A. readi ngB. readC. readsD. to read6. A. look forB. look afterC. look likeD. look7. A. i n theB. for theC. to theD. out the8. A. n ewerB. n ewestC. newD. old9. A. speakB. sayC. talkD.

9、 ask10. A. Tha nks youB. Tha nks a lotC. ThankD. Thank you川.阅读理解。She looks round and sees her present -aMy n ame is Jim and I have two good frien ds. Nick and Joh n. Joh n and I are twelve years old. Nick is eleve n. My birthday is November 10th, 1995 and Nick was born on Sep tember 10th. I like red

10、 and they like gree n. Joh n and Nick are in the same school. They have art Festival and school trip, but my school only has Music festival every year.1. Nick was born inA.1994B.19952. Nick s birthday was.A. 1995 B. 1994 C. 1996C.1996D.1997D.19973. My birthday is.A. November 10th, 1994C. December 10

11、th, 19974. What eve nts do they have at Joh nA. Art festivalB. November 10th, 1995D. December 10th, 1996 s school?B. Music FestivalC. Art Festival and Music FestivalD. Art Festival and school trip5. What color does Nick like?A. Red.B. Gree n.C. Yellow.D. WhiteI have many good frien ds. One of them i

12、s David. He can run very fast ( 快).He always saysto others, “I can run very, very fast.some good things and runs away. David runs after him and cries out, run faster than you ? ”But the thief runs faster. David is an gry. He runs very fast to me. I ask him,so fast? ” He says,I want to抓lattaei (hief.

13、” “ But where is the thief?me. He thinks he is faster, but you know I am faster tha n he.”6. David is.A. a boyB. a runner7. David likes to tell people _A. he can walk fastB. he can run fastC. he can catch a thief D. he can run away8. David is happy because heA. can catch the thief” O賊、小a偷 a gf(into

14、his house, take away“Stop! Don t you knowWhy do you run” I said. “ He is behiC. one of my friendsD. a clever man.B see a friend of hisC. runs faster tha n the thiefD. walks fast9. When his friend see him, David runs.A. before the thiefB. behi nd the thiefC. as fast as the thiefD. alone (独自)10. Which

15、 of the followi ng is right?B. David is wrongD. David catches the thief at last.CA. The thief is right.C. David ie nd is wrong(2014山东泰安期末)There live some mon keys in the hill. (13) 有三个猴子是老的,两个是小的。One day, oneof the old mon keys gets nine banan as. He wants to give each of the mon keys the same nu mb

16、er of the bananas, but he cant divide(分)them. So he wants to give more bananas to the young mon keys and give (15)fewer to the old mon keys. (14) Then each of the old mon keys gets the same nu mber of bananas and each of the young mon keys eats the same nu mber of banan as.任务一:根据短文内容回答下列问题。11. How m

17、any mon keys are there in the hill?12. If each of them gets a banana, how many bananas are left(剩)?.任务二:将文中划线句子分别翻译成英语和汉语。13. 14. 任务三:15. 猜测划线单词的汉语意思。W .书面表达。根据以下情况写一篇短文介绍你的这位笔友,信的开头已给出。I have a good pen p al(笔友).Let me tell you someth ing about him.Chin ese n ame:李华En glish n ame: TonyBirthday: Aug

18、ust 12Birthp lace: Shen zhe n GuangdongAge: 13School:No.1middle schoolClass: 2Grade:1Likes: music, basketballFavorite things: English, playing computer games【答案与解析】I .单项选择。1. C。英语用基数词和 year old连用表示年龄。基数词大于一时,year用复数。2. A。本句考查介词的用法,具体到某一天时用介词on。when;在年的前面用介词in,因3. B。从答语可知,上文是提问时间的,因此第一个空选 此第二个空选in。4.

19、 B。本句考查文化知识,和西方人谈话一般不询问他们认为是自己隐私的话题,特别是中 年妇女更不愿意让别人询问自己的年龄,所以询问妇女的年龄是不礼貌的。故选择5. D。回答询问年龄的特殊疑问句用基数词,15的基数词是fifteen。6. B。表达日期的时候,用序数词表示几号,9的序数词是ninth。7. A.由答语可知上文是对日期提问的,对日期提问用 “ What s the date today故本题选A。when。8. B。由答语可知上文是对时间提问的,故选9. C。从句子中的名词room是单数形式,可以判断这个房间是她们两个人共同所有的,所以表示几个人共同所有时,所有格形式是在最后的名词后面

20、加-C。如果表示大家各自所有,应该在每一个人后面加-S,但后面的名词应该是复数形式。on。10. D。具体到某一天的具体时刻用介词11. A。本句考查序数词的用法,定冠词the和序数词连用表示第几”的意思。12. B。“What s the date today?是对日期的提问,因此B项正确。13. D。“ know 是行为动词,因此应该用助动词否定;主语“Vera是第三人称单数,因此用 doesnS。14. B。表示“某人的生日party ”,应该用名词的所有格形式,故选A项正确。15. A。“What day is today?是对星期几的提问,因此【真题链接】1. B。表示年龄用基数词,

21、表示日期用序数词。2. B。问句主语是pants,所以答语是 They re。on。3. Co问句询问生日时间,答语回答具体到某日,用介词n .完形填空。Co1. C。第一次提到某事物应该用不定冠词,fine以辅音开头,因此本题选2. B。home在此做地点副词,前面不加冠词和介词。3. D。it代替上文提到的 box。4. D。表示“在盒子里面”应该用介词in。5. Co and连接的两个动词形式要一致。6. A。这句话的意思是“过来在前面的房间里面找我。”,“寻找”应该用“ look for ”7. Co “向前面的房间跑去” ,to可以表示动作的趋向。C。8. C。礼物应该是新自行车,因

22、此选9. B。表示“说”用“ say”。10. D。 Thank you.= Thanks. 意为“谢谢” 。III. 阅读理解。A篇1. C。由文章内容可知,John和我比Nick大一岁,因此应该选 C。My birthday is November 10th, 1995 ”可知。 They have art Festival and school trip ”可知。 I like red and they like green. ”可知。2. A。 由文章内容可知 “我”十二岁, Nick 十一岁,而 “My birthday is November 10th,1995”, 可知 Nick 的生日。3. B 。由4. D 。由5. B 。由B篇6. Co 从短文的句子 I have many good friends. One of them is David.可以判断 David 是 我的一 个朋友 ”,所以选择 C。7. B。从“ He always says to others,“ I can run very, ”e可以判断答案是 B。8. C。从短文最后一个句子 “ He is behind me. He thinks he is faster, but you know I am faster than he. 可以判”断 David 高兴的原因是 C。


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