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1、德信诚培训网iso14001运行控制程序operational control procedure1.0 purpose目的:to use effective and efficient operational controls to manage the companys significant environmental aspects ensure consistency with its environmental policy, achieve its objectives and targets and continual improvements of environmental

2、 performance.对与公司的重要环境因素有关的运行与活动进行有效控制,确保其符合环境方针、目标与指标的要求,以实现环境效绩的改进。2.0 scope适用范围:it is applicable to operational controls to manage environmental aspects.适用于公司环境因素的运行控制。3.0 responsibility 职责:3.1 fm is responsible to supervise the environmental impact occurred by the new or improvement projects.设施管

3、理部负责新上或改进工程项目的环境影响控制。3.2 fm is responsible to maintain the environmental equipments. 设施管理部负责环境设备的维护保养。3.3 warehouse is responsible to manage the chemicals storage in warehouse and transportation inside factory, m is responsible to control use of chemical on production line. 仓库部门负责管理化学物品贮存和厂内运输,生产部门负

4、责控制生产线化学品的使用。3.4 fm is responsible to plan the consumption of energy.设施管理部负责能源消耗的管理。3.5 fm is responsible to control the common waste.设施管理部负责一般废弃物的控制。 3.6 warehouse is responsible to manage the hazardous waste in warehouse, such as waste oil、waste chemicals etc. wh 负责危险废弃物的控制:废油、废化学品等。3.7 qm is resp

5、onsible to establish and improve this procedure and set environmental control points, check the implementation of environmental management.质量管理部负责建立并改进本程序并设置环境控制点,检查各部门环境管理的执行情况。4.0 definition定义:nil无。5.0 procedure程序:5.1 in the daily environmental management, the company should use relevant operation

6、al control to manage significant environmental aspects. 公司在日常的环境管理中,对与重要环境因素相对应的运行与活动进行重点控制.5.1.1 according to legal requirements and economic, it demands to improve the companys present environment, and meet applicable legal and other requirements, qm prepare the pollutant emission standard which a

7、ssociated with significant environmental aspects.质量管理部根据法律法规要求和公司环境现状改善的经济需求,本着要求严格程度不低于公司适用法律法规及相关要求的法律原则,针对公司重要环境因素中相关污染物的排放标准编制成相关污染物排放标准。5.1.2 the company should take actions to manage equipments which probably have significant environmental impacts, for example:take actions for sound insulation

8、 and absorption to prevent the sound going beyond the standard; for oil leaking and dropping, taking actions to collect it, as specified environmental rule to general equipment,for analysis of the companys x-ray equipment should take appropriate preventive management of radiation, specifically refer

9、 to x-ray safe management rule公司对可能造成重大环境影响的设备采取相应措施进行管理,如对噪声采取隔音、吸音等措施防止厂界噪声超标;对于漏、滴油现象采用措施予以收集等,具体详见设备通用环境管理规程,对于公司的x-ray分析设备应采取相应的预防辐射的管理方式,具体详见x-ray安全管理制度5.1.3 m and warehouse are responsible for the storage and use of chemicals (organic impregnant etc.) should prevent pouring directly and leaki

10、ng, as specified environmental rule to chemicals.生产部、仓库等部门负责化学物品(如有机溶剂等)的贮存和使用,要防止直接倾倒、泄漏等异常现象的发生,具体详见化学物品管理规程。5.1.4 each department should deposit waste in different sorts at given sites, and fm is responsible for overall handling, as specified rule to waste handling.各部门按规定地点分类放置废弃物,由设施管理部统一进行处理,具体

11、详见废弃物处置管理规程。a) fm shall organize selling waste which can be directly recycled and arent hazardous, for example waste paper box、sold by the ministry of facilities management; waste metals、waste dross etc、sold by the ministry of warehouse;对可直接回收利用并无危险的废弃物,如废纸箱,由设施管理部组织出售;废金属、废锡渣,由wh组织出售;b) fm shall in

12、form the environment sanitation management bureau to handle the waste which can not recycle directly.对不可直接回收利用,由设施管理部交环境卫生管理局处置。c) wh shall inform the qualified subcontractor to handle the hazardous waste ,for example: waste oil、oilcloth、batteries、lamp、wire and cable etc、waste ground water, ,waste g

13、rinding mud, waste medicament , and waste medicament bottles. legally responsible to pay by wh qualified subcontractors are handled,as specified rule to waste classification and disposal list。对于危险废物的处理,如废机油、废油布、废电池、废灯管、废电线、废研磨水、废研磨泥、废药品及药品空瓶等,由wh负责交有合法资格的分包商处理,具体详见固体废弃物分类及处理方式一览5.1.5 fm is responsib

14、le for the consumption of energy source (e.g. water、electricity、fuel, etc) planning management, add the necessary measuring equipment of energy, and statistic their monthly consumption; specially manage the main equipments which consume a great deal of energy; ensure to efficiently and fully use ene

15、rgy; reduce the energy consumed per product; as specified rule to reduce the consumption of energy. 设施管理部、设备部负责对公司的水、电、燃料等能源进行规划管理,增设必要的能源计量仪表,每月统计用量,对主要耗能设备进行重点管理,以确保能源充分有效的利用,降低单产的能耗,具体详见节能降耗管理规程。5.1.6 all epcos motor vehicles have to use gasoline without lead in order to reduce emissions of lead

16、smoking、sulfur oxide etc to the air; when generator、compressor start, we should strictly control their noises, as specified rule to waste gas and noise.公司所有机动车辆都必须使用无铅汽油,以减少铅烟、硫氧化物等向大气的排放。发电机、压缩机开动时必须严格控制其噪声,具体操作见废气和噪声管理规程。5.1.7 the management to flammability and exploder has to comply with rule to

17、flammability and exploder对于易燃易爆品的控制必须严格按易燃易爆品管理规程。5.1.8 fm should enforce the management to canteens environment and sanitation, as specified rule to canteens environment and sanitation.设施管理部应加强对食堂的环境卫生管理,具体按食堂环境卫生管理规程控制。5.1.9 each department should act in accordance with procedures and standards ab

18、ove and keep the record. when identifying nonconformities, deal with them according to corrective and preventive action procedure, qm is responsible to check the operation of each department.各部门严格依据以上程序和标准的要求,开展环境管理工作,并做好相应记录。当出现不符合情况时,参照纠正和预防措施控制程序处理,质量管理部负责随时检查各部门的执行情况。5.2 the control to environme

19、nt of new or improved projects, as specified new project review procedure.对新上或改造等工程项目的环境控制详见新项目环境影响控制程序。5.3 form supplier who provides products or services associated with significant environmental aspects, the company should control it in accordance with interested parties procedure to make their a

20、cts conforming to procedures and relevant requirements.对于所提供的产品或服务中涉及重要环境因素的供应商,公司依据对相关方环境施加影响控制程序对其施加影响,使他们的行为符合程序和有关要求。5.4 to deal with the emergency situation, as specified emergency preparedness and response procedure. 对紧急情况的处理详见应急准备和响应控制程序。6.0 reference 参考文件:6.1 pollutant emission standard相关污染物

21、排放标准6.2 corrective and preventive action procedure纠正和预防措施控制程序6.3 new project review procedure新项目环境影响控制程序6.4 interested parties procedure对相关方环境施加影响控制程序6.5 emergency preparedness and response procedure 应急准备和响应控制程序6.6 environmental rule to general equipment设备通用环境管理规程6.7 environmental rule to chemicals

22、化学物品管理规程6.8 rule to waste handling废弃物处置管理规程6.9 rule to reduce the consumption of energy节能降耗管理规程6.10 rule to waste gas and noise 废气和噪声管理规程6.11 rule to flammability and exploder易燃易爆品管理规程6.12 rule to canteens environment and sanitation食堂环境卫生管理规程6.13 waste classification and disposal list 固体废弃物分类及处理方式一览6.14 x-ray safe management rulex-ray安全管理制度7.0 record记录:7.1废弃物、节能降耗检查表dxc-mp-018-017.2安全生产检查表 dxc-mp-018-027.3目标、指标达成状况表 dxc-mp-018-037.4 消防设备检查记录表 dxc-mp-018-04更多免费资料下载请进:好好学习社区废


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