1、装修装饰工程施工合同 contract of decoration engineering 签署日期 date of 工程名称 :project name: 工程地址 :project place: 发包方 (甲方): owner (hereinafter referred to as party a)承包方 (乙方): contractor: (hereinafter called party b) 鉴于甲方拟对办公楼进行装修装饰,通过招投标程序,将该工程授予乙方施工并完成;鉴于乙方具备装修装饰施工的资质,并愿意接受招投标规定的条件,同意承担该工程的施工并完成;鉴于双方同意遵照中华人民共和国
2、合同法、建筑装饰装修管理规定、住宅室内装饰装修管理办法及有关法律、法规规定履行本合同;基于本合同之合意、声明、约定及其它约因,双方当事人兹就下列各事项达成协议:whereas party a intends to make decoration of office building, through bidding procedure, award this project hereby to party b for construction and completion thereof.whereas party b is with the qualification of decorati
3、on engineering, intends to accept bidding conditions and consent to undertake the project construction and complete.whereas parties hereto agree to execute this contract in accordance with law of contract, regulations of construction decoration management, administration rules for indoor home decora
4、tion and concerned laws and regulations.now therefore in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:第一条 工程概况 work overview1、工程名称 : project name2、工程
5、地址 : project place: 3、承包方式:总承包(包工包料,包质量,包安全,包工期)contracting means: general contracting, including contracting of materials and labor, liabilities of quality, works safety and works schedule.4、承包内容:包括所有的拆除及改造工程,以附件工程报价单为准。contracting contents include all works of demolishment and modification, which
6、should be subject to construction quotation.第二条 合同工期 project period本合同的工期自 年 月 日开工至 年 月 日竣工。project period hereof is from the date of commencement of to the date of completion of .第三条 装修审批和资质 approval of project and qualification of construction1、除本合同另有规定外,乙方同意依法办理与装修有关的所有审批、登记及验收手续,包括消防手续。unless ot
7、herwise provided herein party b agree to process all formalities, which are related to this decoration, of the approval, registration and acceptance in addition to fire protection.2、乙方保证,其具备符合本工程要求的施工资质。本合同项下甲方发包给乙方的所有装修工程均没有超出乙方资质证书规定的范围。party b hereby warranty that its execution qualification conf
8、orm to this project requirements and none of decoration works hereunder, which are awarded by party a, are beyond the scope of party bs certification of qualification. 第四条 工程价款及付款方式 project cost and payment 1、本工程合同价款为人民币: 元整。the cost of this project is yuan rmb only.2、付款方式: payment by (1)在乙方如期完成全部的装
9、修施工工程并经甲方根据第八条验收合格后,甲方将于收到乙方正式发票后30天内按实际完成的工作量及投标单价一次性结算支付全部工程款项。upon and after party bs completion of all decoration works on schedule and making acceptance by party a pursuant to the stipulation of article 8, party a will , within 30 days of receipt of formal invoice from party b, effect payment i
10、n a lump sum of all project amount in accordance with actual completion of works and bidding unit price.(2)由于设计变更及甲方要求修改等而引起的工程量较大的增减时,须由乙方编制增减工程预算书,经甲方审核确认后,在相应的工程进度款付款时予以结算支付。provided that larger increase or decrease of quantity due to design modification and / or party as requirement thereof, sho
11、uld be subject to party bs preparation of engineering budget for the increase or decrease of quantity, which should be reviewed and examined by party a before payment of project progress be settled an paid correspondently. 3、乙方向甲方提供正式税务发票前,甲方没有付款义务。party a will not effect payment until and unless pa
12、rty b have provide the formal invoice to party a.第五条 工程质量要求 requirements of project quality1、乙方严格按照经甲方确认的施工图纸进行施工,随时接受甲方代表或委派人员的检查检验,为检查检验提供便利条件。同时施工严格按照国家规范进行,施工满足设计要求,质量达到工程建设强制性标准、其他技术标准以及本合同的规定。否则,甲方有权要求乙方拆除重建,由此产生的一切费用和损失,包括工期延误的损失,由乙方承担。party b should, pursuant to in strict the drawings which
13、confirmed by party a, carry out execution and accept in any time the inspection / checking by party as representative or designated personnel, for which provide the facilitate conditions. construction should be carried out in accordance strictly with states norms, satisfy design requirements, the qu
14、ality thereof reach the compulsory standards of construction, other standards concerned and regulations hereof. otherwise party a is entitle to require party b to dismantle and reconstruct the work from which any and all expense and loss should be undertaken by party b.2、工程以包工包料的方式进行,材料按甲方指定采购,并应当符合
15、国家标准及环保要求。禁止使用国家明令淘汰的建筑装修装饰材料和设备。this project is processed by the means of contracting materials and labor, respecting to material which should be purchased under party a named and conform to the requirements of states standards and environmental protection. the materials of decoration and equipment
16、s , which have been eliminated expressly by state is prohibited to used.3、乙方对设计方案的可实施性和安全性承担全部责任,任何因设计方案无法实施,修改方案导致的费用增加, 以及不能通过消防等相关验收而引起的损失或费用增加均由乙方承担。party b should be take full responsibility for the feasibility and security of design scheme, if any, all added expense due to the unfeasibility an
17、d alteration of design, in addition to the loss or increase expense due to failure of acceptance of fire protection shall be undertaken by party b.6、乙方应当按照图纸施工,不得擅自改变设计图纸。 party b should conduct the construction pursuant to drawings and can not make, at its own initiative, modification or amendment
18、of design drawings.7、装修工程竣工后,室内空气质量应当符合国家有关标准,包括室内空气质量标准(gb/t18883-2002)和民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范(gb 50325-2001)。the atmosphere quality indoor should, after completion of decoration engineering, conform to the concerned standards issued by state including standards of air quality indoor and normal of indoor
19、 environment pollution of civil construction.8、施工中,甲方如有特殊施工项目或特殊质量要求,双方应确认,增加的费用应另签订补充合同。where any particular project or special requirement for quality, during works, being raised by party a , should be subject to the confirmation by parties hereto and supplementary agreement on the added cost.第六条
20、双方权利义务 rights & obligations of parties 1、甲方权利义务: rights & obligations of party a:(1)配合办理施工报批相关手续; to make cooperation of processing all necessary work permission.(2)在收到乙方提供的装修图纸后合理时间内作出确认或提出修改意见;to give conformation or modification pinion within a reasonable period, upon receipt of decoration drawin
21、gs submitted by party b.(3)按时支付工程款项; to pay the contract amount to party b on schedule as agreed.(4)协助乙方与甲方指定分包商的施工配合to make cooperation with other subcontractor which is nominated by party a.(5)组织工程竣工验收工作。to organize the acceptance of projects completion. 2、乙方权利义务:rights & obligations of party b(1)
22、乙方应当在合同生效后10日内按设计要求提供详细施工报批图纸,以便甲方和业主审核,并在甲方和业主对装修图纸提出修改意见后3日内提供修改后的报批图纸。乙方应按经甲方和业主同意的施工图纸施工。施工图纸确认后,施工过程中的变更也应经过甲方和业主事先同意。由于乙方的施工方案没经过业主及甲方同意,而造成的经济损失,及对业主的赔偿责任由乙方承担。赔偿将从合同的款项中扣除, 如不足以支付赔偿金额, 乙方还应补足余额。如果乙方未能在本条款定期限内提供详细施工报批图纸,则按第七条承担责任。party b should, within ten days after this contract come into e
23、ffect pursuant to the design requirement, submit the detail execution drawing for party a and owner for exam and approval, and within three days upon party a and owner s submission of amendment opinions provide the altered drawings for re-exam / approval. party b should conduct the execution in acco
24、rdance with the drawing which have been approved by party a and owner. any alteration during the execution should be subject to the prior consent of party a and owner, in case of failure of the consent to party bs construction program, any economic loss arising therefrom and compensation to owner sh
25、all be undertaken by party b. the compensation will be deducted directly from the contract payment, where insufficiency of contract payment, party b should make up the balance of compensation. provided that party b s failure to provide detail drawing for approval within the limited period herein, wi
26、ll assume the corresponding responsibilities under article seven hereof.(2)开工前,乙方应在与甲方协商后指派一名合格人员作为乙方工地代表,负责与甲方联络,监督合同履行。party b should, prior to commencement through the negotiation with party a, design a qualified person as party bs representative for liaison with party a and make supervision of c
27、ontract performance. (3)配备合格的施工人员。甲方代表有权要求乙方更换不具备相应资格的施工人员,乙方应在收到甲方代表的要求后 日内做出更换。deploy with qualified construction personnel. party a is entitle to request party b to replace the disqualified personnel and party b should within days replace such personnel upon receipt of the request of party as rep
28、resentative.(4)做好施工组织管理,精心施工,保证工程质量,定期向甲方汇报施工进度情况,按时完工。做好施工安全防范措施,确保施工安全并承担施工造成人身和财产损失的直接赔偿责任。conduct the management of execution organization, careful construction so as to ensure project quality, submit the progress to party a at regular and have completion of project on schedule. conduct the prec
29、aution of safety on site and ensure safe execution and undertake the responsibility of direct compensation for any persons casualty and property loss due to its execution.(5)已竣工工程未交付甲方验收之前,负责成品保护,保护期间发生损坏,乙方自费予以修复。甲方在竣工验收前使用,发生损坏的修理费用,由甲方承担。由于乙方不履行上述义务,造成工期延误和经济损失,责任由乙方承担。to be responsible for the p
30、rotection of finished products which have been completed prior to party as acceptance, if, any damage during the protection party b should repair the same on its own account. provided that party a use the finished product prior to acceptance the repair cost of damage will be on party as account. how
31、ever the delay of works period and economic loss due to party b s failure of performance of aforementioned liabilities shall be responsibility of party b.(9)组织参加工程竣工验收工作。to organize and take park in the acceptance of completion.(10)文明施工,保证在施工过程中不在施工场地周围乱放建材及废物,并保证在工程竣工后负责清理并承担相应费用。conduct orderly ex
32、ecution and guaranty that no construction materials and debris will be placed out of order around the site, in addition to clear and clean the site after completion and bear the cost thereon. 第七条 工期延误 works delay 以下原因造成竣工日期拖延,经甲方代表确认后,工期才可相应顺延:works period may be postponed provided that if the compl
33、etion day is delayed due to following reasons which have been confirmed by party as representative.(1) 甲方要求的设计及工程量重大变更;the design and works quantity, which are requested by party a have been material alteration.(2) 非乙方原因,一周内累计停水、停电八小时以上的;disruption time of water and currency supply is more eight hou
34、rs within one week due to non party bs reason.(3)不可抗力,系指战争和自然灾害; force majeure shall refer to war and disasters.除上述因素外,因乙方原因造成工程未按合同工期竣工的,由乙方承担违约责任,工期每延误一天, 乙方支付违约金人民币 元。except to aforesaid reasons, provided that if failure of completion as the schedule under contract due to party bs reason, the res
35、ponsibility thereof shall be on party b and party b should effect the payment of liquidated damages on rmb for each delayed day of work period.第八条 工程验收 project acceptance1、工程具备覆盖、掩盖条件以及进行隐蔽工程之前,乙方应提前1天通知甲方检查,甲方在验收记录上签字后,方可进行隐蔽和继续施工。否则甲方应当有权要求乙方拆除重建或者另行聘请第三方拆除重建,由此产生的一切费用和损失,包括工期延误的损失,由乙方承担。party b s
36、hould, prior to the project with the conditions of cover and carrying out concealed work, give one day advance notification to party a for inspection, and can not conduct the concealed work or continue execution until party a have signed on the acceptance record. otherwise party a is entitle to requ
37、ire party b to dismantle and reconstruct or retain a third party to do the same, all expenses and losses consequent thereon or incidental thereto, including the loss of period delay, shall be assumed by party b.2、甲方有权要求对工程进行分阶段验收,具体阶段性验收时间由甲方确定。party a has right to conduct the phased acceptance of p
38、roject, respect to the time of particular acceptance, shall be subject to party as determination.3、工程具备竣工验收条件,乙方应当向甲方提供完整竣工资料和竣工验收报告,甲方应在收到全部材料后5日内组织验收,逾期视为甲方自动放弃权利并视为验收合格。如果工程符合第五条规定的质量标准,甲方应当签署验收报告。如果工程不符合上述质量标准,乙方应当在甲方指出不符之处后立即组织修理或重建,并重新提供竣工资料和竣工验收报告。由此产生的延误和损失,由乙方承担。party b should, upon project
39、s satisfaction of the acceptance conditions, submit the full set of completion materials and report of acceptance; and party a should, within five days upon receipt of all materials submitted by party b, organize the acceptance thereof, if, overdue time thereof, shall deemed as party as waiver of su
40、ch right and deemed as qualification of acceptance. where and to the extent that project satisfy the quality standards stipulated in article five hereof party a should make signature on the acceptance report; where fail to conform to aforesaid standards, party b should, after party a s indication of
41、 unconformities, forthwith conduct rectification or reconstruction and thereafter resubmit the completion materials and acceptance report, any delay and loss occurred therefrom shall be undertaken by party b.第九条 保修期限及范围 warranty period and warranty scope1、 保修期限 warranty period乙方对装修工程中的防水工程承担 5 年保修责任
42、,粉刷承担 2 年的保修责任,其它部分按国家有关建筑工程保修的规定办理。从甲方签署验收报告后起算。party bs warranty responsibility of the waterproof engineering will be five years in addition to two years warranty for wall paintings, and other warranties will be subject to states regulations on construction warranty. the warranty period commence f
43、rom the date on which party a sign report of acceptance.2、保修范围:warranty scope在保修期内,属乙方施工范围的工程项目,因施工质量及材料使用问题造成损坏损失的,乙方应免费维修和更换;若因甲方使用不当,造成的损坏,乙方只收取材料及人工成本费用。如果保修期内装修工程出现任何质量问题,乙方应当自甲方提出修理要求后及时维修,维修费用由乙方承担。两年之后,乙方继续为甲方服务可根据市场价格收取费用。in the warranty period inspect to the project item which is belong to
44、 party bs work scope, where whatever damage or loss occurred due to the execution quality and/or material use, party b should make repair and replace thereof; where such damage due to party as improper use of project, party b only recover the fees of materials and labor. party b should, where any qu
45、ality defect of decoration in the warranty period, make repair in time on party as request thereof and undertaken the cost therewith and party b shall, on and from two years thereafter, provide the continue service of repair and recover the cost on the market price.第十条 违约责任 breach liability如果甲方代表不能及
46、时给出必要指令、确认、批准,不按合同约定履行各项义务、支付工程款项及发生其它使合同无法履行的行为,甲方应承担违约责任,相应顺延工期。provided that the failure of party as representative to give the necessary direction, conformation and approval, to perform its various liabilities as per the stipulations hereof and failure to effect the payment of project cost, and/
47、or conduct other acts which are make this contract unable to be fulfilled, party a should assume the breach liability consequent thereon or incidental thereto in addition to the corresponding postponement of work period.乙方不能按合同工期竣工,施工质量达不到设计和规范的要求,或发生其它使合同无法履行的行为,乙方应承担违约责任,并按协议条款约定支付违约金,并赔偿因其违约给甲方造成
48、的损失。如果由于乙方的原因(包括但不限于设计缺陷及施工质量不符合本合同的要求)导致甲方的财产损失或人员伤亡,乙方将承担赔偿责任。provided that party b fails to make completion as set in contract or its works quality fail to satisfy the requirements of design and norms, or its other acts which make contract unable to be performed, party b should assume breach liab
49、ility therefrom, and effect payment of liquidated damages pursuant to contract provision, in addition to the loss arising out of its breach. provided that if party as property loss or personnel dead / injury due to party bs reasons which are included but not limited design defect and failure of work
50、s quality to satisfy the requirements hereof, party b should undertake the responsibility of compensation thereof.第十一条 争议解决 disputes settlement在执行本合同和与履行合同有关的协议中的任何分歧或争议, 双方应友好协商解决, 如果协商无果, 任何一方可将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,裁决是终局的,对双方具有约束力。any divergence or dispute arising out of or in connection with this
51、contract should be tried to settlement by the amicable negotiation of parties hereto. if failure of negotiation any party can submit the dispute to china international economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration which are final and binding to parties hereto.第十二条 合同的生效与份数 entry into for
52、ce and copies合同自双方签字盖章后生效。本合同未尽事项,甲、乙双方协商解决。本合同正本一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份,具同等法律效力。the contract will become effective upon the signature / seal of parties hereto, any outstanding issue hereof will be settled by negotiation of parties hereto. two copies of original contract for each party hold one copy with equ
53、ally authentic. 第十三条 附件 annex 附件一:预算书 approved quotation附件二:外墙花岗岩、石膏板和铝合金吊顶的施工要求 requirements of walls granite, gypsum board and ceiling 发包方(盖章): owner(seal): 甲方代表(签字):representative of party a (signature):承包方(盖章): contractor (seal): 乙方代表(签字):representative of party b(signature): 附件二: 外墙花岗岩、石膏板和铝合金吊
54、顶的施工要求 requirements of walls granite, gypsum board and ceiling 1外墙花岗岩主要施工措施 main construction measure for outer walls granite1.1做好施工大样图do the detail master drawing of construction well饰面板材安装前,首先应根据建筑设计图纸要求,认真核实饰面板安装部位的结构尺寸及偏差情况,如墙面基体的垂直度、平整度以及由于纠正偏差所增减的尺寸,绘出修正图。超出允许偏差的,则应在保证基体与饰面板表面距离不小于50mm的前提下,重新排
55、列分块。before the panel of veneers installation, should follow the requirements of the building design drawing, verified the physical dimension of installing position of the decorations panel and deviation situation conscientiously at first. for example, vertical degree, roughness and the matrices of w
56、all the size that is increased and decreased. then work out the amended drawing. there should reconfigure the board if the difference go beyond the allowed deviation. and this reconfiguration should base on the premise that matrices and distance of surface of decorations panel are not smaller than 5
57、0mm.1.2基层处理dealing with the basic layer花岗岩板面的接缝宽度应为1mm。 the seam width for the granite board should be 1mm.1.3测量放线 surveying and putting the line应根据建筑设计图纸在墙面弹出拟安装线,并且保证尺寸正确。follow the building design drawing to mark the installed line on the wall, and guarantee the size to be correct.1.4花岗岩板进场检修check the granite on site花岗岩板进场拆包后,首先应逐块进行检查,将破碎、变色、局部污染和缺棱掉角的全部挑检出来,另行堆放;另外,对合乎要求的饰面板,应进行边角垂直测量、平整度检验、裂缝检验、棱角缺陷检验,确保安装后的尺寸宽、高一致。after granite board enter into the site, first of all, check every piece if have broken or changing color or part polluted and lack arris and then pick out all the
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