



1、II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)( )26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A. south B. amount C. couple D. fountain( )27. The English usually make _ tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar.A. A B.an C. the D./( )28._ the end of the concert, the audience

2、 stood up and clapped.A. On B. In C. At D. By( )29.This car is environmentally friendly, because it causes very little_.A. pollution B. fuel C. chemical D. problem( )30.Someone once said that life is just one decision after _ and I agree.A. other B. the other C. another D. others( )31.The assistants

3、 are trained to deal with customer complaints in a _ manner.A. friendly B. gently C. quietly D. politely( )32.The traffic is _during the week than at weekends because everyone is going to work. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst( )33.They dont allow people _ in front of the building.A. park B.to

4、park C. parking D.to parking( )34.There was_ behind the counter when I went into the hotel, and I had to wait to be servedA. somebodyB. anybody C. everybody D. nobody( )35.Will you live in a large city, _ would you rather live in a small town?A. or B. but C. for D.so( )36.Staying with a host family

5、_ give you the opportunity to experience local culture.A. can B. need C. must D. should( )37.My daughter doesnt remember _ on her first day of school.A. cry B. cried C. crying D.to cry( )38.When I looked at my phone, I realized I _ through the alarm and was going to be late!A. sleep B. will sleep C.

6、 have sleep D. had slept( )39.If youre not satisfied _ the life youre living, dont just complain . Do something about it。A. for B. about C. with D.at( )40.The first Hollywood film _ in 1911.Early movie theatres were called “Nickelodeons”.A. produce B. was produced C.be produced D. produced( )41.Ive

7、been impressed by the medical workers. _ brave they are in the battle against the disease!A. What B. What a C. What an D. How( )42.Try to get to the airport a few hours before your flight takes off _ you wont miss it.A.so that B. unless C. because D. until( )43.It took me an hour to get to school th

8、is morning .Most days it _ so long.A. not take B.doesnt take C.didnt take D.isnt taking( )44.-Oh, no, my laptop doesnt work. -_You can use my laptop.A.Cheer up !B.Thats too bad. C.You deserve it. D.Watch out!( )45.-_ -Please feel free to use the room.A. Which would you prefer, this room or the libra

9、ry?B. What about going to the reading room for wifi? C. Would you like me to help you with your project? D. Would it be possible for me to study in this room?III. . complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (A)A. survive B. drops

10、C. created D. survey E. go ahead For the first time, a heart needed for a life-saving operation was delivered by a flying drone! Its not often life-saving help _46_ in from the sky, but thats just what happened to one patient in a city in USA. She had been waiting for a heart transplant for eight ye

11、ars and had finally heard that the operation could _47_.These operations are where organs, such as a heart, are taken from one persons body and put into the body of someone else, who needs it to _48_. Its really important to get the organ to the person as quickly as possible. Previously, they have u

12、sually been delivered by ambulance or plane. This patients new heart, however, was the first to be flown by a specially designed drone! This drone was _49_ to deliver medical supplies and organs, and could keep the essential heart safe and at the right temperature.(B)A. across B. succeed C. rough D.

13、 distances E. successIt wasnt a long journey, only about 3 miles but the engineers hope to use it for longer _50_.Drones could make these deliveries safer and quicker than other vehicles. As they are unmanned, they might even be cheaper to operate.The operation was a _51_ and the patient is now gett

14、ing better in a hospital in the USA. This whole thing is amazing,” she said. Drones are already being used _52_ the world to help people and save lives. In Africa, drones are often used to deliver medicine to remote or hard-to-reach places. Theyve also been used in Australia to help find people caug

15、ht in _53_ seas and even deliver safety devices to people in danger. As this new technology develops, who knows what other uses we could find for drones?IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)54.People are wearing masks to cover their

16、_and noses to prevent smog.(mouth)55.University of Cambridge is the _oldest university in the world still teaching.(four)56.Washing ones hands the right way is of great _.(important)57.My grandma has a very bad memory and forgets things _.(easy)58.1 think online learning is really _.Its a funnier wa

17、y of learning.(enjoy)59.Only teamwork will _us to get the job done on time.(able)60.It seems _ that our school has only picked the best students to attend the meeting.(fair)61.Thats my shirt and _is over there hanging on the clothes stand.(she)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写

18、下列句子。62-67题,每空填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分)62.Tbey set off on their desert crossing two days ago.(改为一般疑问句)_ they_ off on their desert crossing two days ago?63.You can operate the machine with your voice.(对划线部分提问)_ _I operate the machine?64.Roddy,do you enjoy working as an extra? asked the journalist.(改为问接引语)

19、The journalist asked Roddy_ _enjoyed working as an extra.63.A German company has developed a rapid test.(改为被动语态)A rapid test _ _ developed by a German company.66.The night was cold. We had to put a camping blanket around us.(保持句意基本不变)The night was _cold _we had to put a camping blanket around us.67.

20、Ill have to delay some tasks until tomorrow.(保持句意基本不变)Ill have to _ _some tasks until tomorrow.68.what,can,I,believe,at the amusement park, hardly, happened(连词成句)_Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer(棍据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)Do something for y

21、our localenvironment Townsville District CouncilIn this issue(期号),we look at things we can do for our local environment.1._70_Do you want to grow your own vegetables or keep a few chickens? Do you think you have green fingers ?There are almost one hundred sites available on thee-year leases(租赁).All

22、the sites are available on a first come, first served basis. Interested? Then give us a call.2.Cyclc,dont drive!Do you drive to work? Could you cycle? We have built lots of new cycle lanes in the last two years.They are clearly marked and you can find a complete route map on our website. Remember, c

23、ycling is not only good for the environment but will also help you stay healthy.3.Cleaner streets for the townIn the last few weeks, lots of new bins have been placed along the high street in an effort to keep our town tidy. Our community wardens will be patrolling the street and will fine anyone wh

24、o drops litter. The fine for littering is 100.4.One green, one brown and one blackStarting this month, were introducing a new rule of recycling. Households will be given three bins. The green one is for recyclable rubbish, such as paper, plastic, glass and card;the brown one is for garden and food w

25、aste and the black bin is for all other rubbish. New collection time will be announced soon.Any questions? Call 0908 551 372 and speak to Sam Davies or visit .uk for more information.69.Who is the text aimed at?A)School children. B)General public.C)Young people. D) Governm

26、ent o1fficials.70.Which heading best fits the blank?A)Make money from the site B)Want to have green fingers?C)Feed the world! Start with your familyD)Live local, think global, stay hopeful71.Where can you find a cycle route map?A)On a travel guide. B)On a local newspaper.C)On the next issue. D)On th

27、e council website.72.The underlined word patrolling is closest in meaning to_.A)cleaning B)checking C)crossing D)blocking 73.Which bin do you use if you want to throw away bottles?A)Green. B)Brown. C)Black. D)None of the above.74.The text is written to _.A)warn of dangerB)review a bookC) provide inf

28、ormationD)argue over a problemB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Good afternoon, my name is Emma Hicks and I would like to explain why you should vote for me in the student council(学生会)elections on June 1st.I have been attending this school since I was 7 years old so I _

29、75_ a lot about what happens here. I learned to use maths to solve real-world problems at this school; I wrote my first essay at this school and I have enjoyed every minute of my time here. However, I think that together we could make some_76_ that would benefit or help everyone.Have you ever wonder

30、ed what PE lessons would be like if the equipment we had was even better? How about if you get to _77_ how the money raised at the school will be spent? I plan to arrange new and exciting fundraising(筹款) opportunities and then ask you-the children-what we should spend our money on to make sure we ha

31、ve the best equipment possible.Furthermore, I will make an excellent school councilor (顾问)because I have really good ideas, I have shown this in my school work and in my projects. I know what children at this school want because l have lots of friends and I talk to lots of people. I am _78_ talking

32、to adults-it always says so on my school reports._79_, I am trustworthy and honest. This is extremely important for a school councilor. If my friends telt me a secret, they can depend on me not to tell anyone else. Just the other day I found a mobile phone at the canteen and handed it straight in to

33、 the office.I have explained why I am _80_the best candidate(候选人) for this position(职位). I know the school; I have good ideas which I can communicate and I am reliable and honest. Vote for me.75.A)hear B)care C)argue D)explain76.A)changes B)notes C)effort D)progress77.A)show B)realize C)find D)choos

34、e78.A)afraid of B)good at C)worried about D)responsible for79.A)For example B)In brief C)In addition D) On the other hand80.A)finallyB)directly C)mainlyD)certainlyC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)We may think today that Donald Trump

35、 invented the term, but fake news has been around for a while.In the early 19th century, small regional and local papers made their product known and i_81_ their sales with a lot of made-up news articles. The Central Park Zoo Escape, reported on November 9,1874,is one such event.The front page of th

36、e New York Herald that day reported that v_82_ animals had escaped from the Central Park Zoo. A rhino had fallen into a sewer(下水道)and a lion had been seen walking slowly through a church. The article said that, while the police and National Guard were doing what they could, twenty-seven people had a

37、lready died and many others had been injured. Readers were scared and armed men were seen in the streets, preparing to p_83_ their loved ones and property by battling the wild animals of the zoo. In their upset, they clearly hadnt read to the end of the article: the 1_84_ line stated (宣称)that the wh

38、ole story given above is a pure lie !But why was it done ?The article was the creation of a reporter named Joseph Clarke. Working alongside his editor, Clarke wanted to highlight the dangerous conditions at the zoo by showing the readers what could happen, nor what a_85_ had. They had no idea of the

39、 fear it would cause. The paper never apologized for the upset to New Yorkers. I_86_, they ran a short statement requesting that safety conditions at the zoo should be improved.The 1_87_to learn ? Always read right to the end!The whole story given above is not a pure lie!D. Answer the questions(根据短文

40、内容回答下列问题)(12分)Our Great Ocean Road AdventureBy Donna WaverleyMy family and I recently went to Australia, to see my grandparents. But before we visited them, we went sightseeing along the Great Ocean Road, on the Australian coast.Dad had planned to drive, but even though he was used to driving miles

41、without getting exhausted(累的), he then read on the website that the road wouldnt be an easy drive. Anyway,we thought he deserved to enjoy the fantastic views too, which he couldnt do as our driver. So instead, we booked discount bus tickets and off we went.Our first stop was where wild kangaroo live

42、d-and Dad and I were taking a walk when a big one appeared! For a moment, it seemed to consider coming towards us, which made me a little nervous-but then it went off along the road and into the bushes.That wasnt the only wildlife we saw. I thought it unlikely wed see famous Koala bears during our short visit. In fact, at our next stop, we saw roughly six million in that area! Sadly, some gum trees they were in had very few leaves left, which people told us was because of the Koalas, although Id read that lack of water is inde


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