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1、什么使美国成为了超级大国? 美国一个无论是在经济还是在军事或者是在政治甚至是在文化上,对当今世界有绝对影响力的国家。一个冷战后当之无愧的唯一超级大国,一个人们梦想中充满无限自由和可能的国度。然而,它的历史却只有短短200来年,那么,它是怎么在这么短的时间内发展成为这样的一个大国,乃至它的成绩使得发展历史远比它悠久的大国望尘莫及,甚至对它俯首帖耳,马首是瞻?让我们穿越历史隧道,通过对历史中的各种因素的分析,来还原美国成为超级大国的原因。 首先,我们从美国成立时的国际地理位置看,不难看出,这是上帝对它的无限眷顾。它东西临两洋,南北无强敌大西洋、太平洋环绕着它,这是发展的天然屏障。这使它的独立和本土

2、在165年的发展中无外来战火的侵扰成为可能。而它的南北邻国加拿大和墨西哥,他们当时还分别是英法和西班牙的殖民地,19世纪才独立;且工业化水平远远不如美国,所以谈不上是美国发展的障碍,更不用说是劲敌了。所以这样的位置可谓是得天独厚。 其次,美国地域辽阔,地广人稀,物产丰富。东西部的山脉阿巴拉契亚山和落基山,为其工业发展提供丰富的矿产资源,如煤炭铁矿和有色金属。以及各种动植物构成的生物资源;在墨西哥湾,蕴藏着丰富的石油资源;中央大平原的宽广而肥沃的土地是美国取之不尽的粮仓;一湾、两洋、五大湖是其渔场和水上交通枢纽;广袤的土地为其城市发展提供了足够的扩展空间。这一切与生俱来的优势使美国的发展如虎添翼

3、。 第三,移民带来的知识和技术是美国工业科技发展的基因基础。美国是一个移民国家,这些移民都是来自全世界的或是能工巧匠或有一技之长者,他们怀着技术知识和信仰,充满对未来无限的向往和挑战,来到了这里。这些移民来到美国之时,几乎是白手起家的。非常恶劣的条件以及奴役和殖民压迫,使得这些移民不得不为他们是生存而奋斗、抗争。最后到美国独立时,留下来的都是精英。这些精英就成了美国人优秀的基因。 第四,奴隶贸易客观上给美国的工业发展提供了廉价的劳动力,而南北战争则使这些廉价劳动真正注入到了美国工业化过程中,使得美国迅速实现了工业化。而工业化的实现则是它超过其它资本主义强国成为世界超级大国的必经之路。 第五,政

4、治制度。美国政治制度的思想基础是天赋人权,这是与封建君权神授相对立的思想,主张主权在民,人人生而平等,人们拥有许多的自由权利。在这样的基础上诞生了三权分立行政、司法、立法相互独立相互制衡,这使得民主得以实现,并不断延续和发展。这样的民主制度既能够使美国人民热情的生活和自由的发展,而且使得整个美利坚民族的心凝聚得坚不可摧。这种对民主自由的信仰和追求的制度所散发出的魔力,在其建立两百年间,从不间断的吸引着来自全世界的社会精英涌入美国,这些社会精英为美国的科学发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 第六,美国完备的教育体制。当今的国际竞争,就是综合国力的竞争,而综合国力竞争的核心就是经济和科技的竞争,而经济和科

5、技的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,而人才竞争的关键在于教育。所以当今世界各国无不制定了相应的教育兴国的战略方针。而这种战略思想早在一两百年的资本主义国家早已有之,并且建立和不断完善了它们的教育制度。尤为美国的教育发展特别迅速,并于十九世纪末到整个二十世纪取代欧洲成为世界科学发展的圣地。这种教育制度下的学校为美国的发展储备了大量的人才并吸引来自全世界的人才。这些人才就成了美国的强大的造血细胞,使美国迅速成长为世界性大国和超级大国。 第七,正因为美国是一个新兴国家,才使得美国没有许多的历史负担。不可否认,具有悠久历史的国家,其文化底蕴会使得其国家发展更加稳重和充满经验、智慧。但每件事都有其两面性,悠久

6、的历史也使得其受制于历史,我形象地称它为文化的惰性,亦即一旦一个民族国家的文化形成,并随着历史的延长而固化,那么它的可塑性就变得越来越小。如中国长期的强大的封建中央集权历史使得中国在资本萌芽阶段难以摆脱封建的制约,以至于中国的资本主义一直处在萌芽阶段,而迟迟未踏入资本主义的门槛,这使得中国在近代的发展开始落后于西方的发展。同样的,这个道理也适用于欧洲英、法、德与美国的比较。所以相反,一个新兴的民族国家的可塑性就是不可估计得大了。美国是在近代资本主义革命中诞生,这使得美国对资本主义文化精神的吸收和利用程度超越的任何欧洲资本主义国家,并把它建构成为美国的历史文化基础,不带任何封建历史因素的。 另外

7、就是历史的地缘政治的负担,如欧洲法国与德国的历史宿仇,它们曾在相应的历史条件下吞并过彼此,这使得它们积累下深重的历史仇恨,这些仇恨直到二战结束后两国才化干戈为玉帛。再者如英国历史上一直受到来自欧洲大陆的侵扰,这使得英国对欧洲大陆保持一颗戒备的心,因而它对欧洲的政策就是大陆均衡政策,它不希望欧洲大陆哪一个国家独大,这样就使得英国在对欧洲大陆问题上耗费不少的财力和物力。如当法国资产大革命时,英国联合德国沙俄等国成立反法联军压制法国,正是其大陆均衡政策的体现。 这些历史负担不仅阻碍他们每一个国家的发展,而且也给整个欧洲的发展带来历史的灾难。而美国则不存在这些历史问题,所以它可以独善其身。 虽然美国有

8、这么多的优势,但却还不足以使美国成为真正的超级大国,因为作为一个 超级大国,应当经历许多的困难和磨难,并且在这磨难中不仅没有被打垮,反而能从这些磨难中汲取营养,能使自己得到更大的解放,然后变得,更加壮大,繁荣和强盛。这些困难我们无一不能从历史中找出来。如美国的独立战争,南北战争,大萧条,和自然灾害。这些使美国建立了国家和民主自由的政治制度,统一了南北,解放了黑奴,完善了社会保障制度,建设许多象征美国精神的大型工程,创造了许多的世界之最,这些都是美国的创新,也是美国力量的积蓄,而这些积蓄的力量将在一场战争后诞生一个超级大国,那就是二战。 二战,是人类历史上规模最大,波及范围最广,参战的国家和人数

9、最多,战争程度最激烈的战争。这场战争是全世界人民反抗以德国、日本、意大利为轴心国的法西斯政权的正义战争。这场战争的中期,战事进入了相持阶段。1941年12月1日,日本袭击了美国太平洋海军基地珍珠港,这一事件彻底扭转了战争的局势,因为美国加入了。毫无疑问,美国的加入大大加强了世界反法西斯同盟的力量,也加速了这场残酷战争的结束。为报仇雪恨,美国调动了全国所有能动用的资源来保障战争物资的生产和供给,其中,美国妇女就是后勤物资生产的主力军,美国妇女因此也得以解放,能够和男人一样有相同的社会地位,工作在最前线,为社会做出她们的贡献。这使得美国的生产力又得到进一步的解放。 在战场上,美国大兵参加了对德作战

10、。诺曼底登陆,开辟了欧洲的第二战场。在苏联和第二战场的东西夹击之下,欧洲战事迅速结束了。为更快地结束日本在太平洋发动的战争,美国很早制定了曼哈顿计划,并将这个计划中制造的超级武器原子弹投向了日本,这使日本元气大伤,不得不在投降书上签下他们罪恶的名字。日本的投降,宣告了二战的彻底结束。 战后,欧洲和亚洲国家损失惨重,而美国却在战争中的到飞速发展,战后的经济总量是战前的两倍,占世界经济总量得一半;在政治上美国已然是居高临下,成了西方资本主义的领头羊;军事上唯有苏联能与之比高。这时的美国已然成为了一个名副其实的超级大国。U.S. - both in the economy or in the mil

11、itary or even in the political culture of the world today is absolutely influence. A well deserved after the Cold War the only superpower, the dream of a people full of unlimited freedom and the kingdom. However, its history is only a short 200 in the coming year, then, it is how in such a short tim

12、e developed into such a big country, even its achievements to the development history than it long catch up, and even of its subservience to followed the lead? Let us through the history of the tunnel, through the analysis of the various factors in the history, to restore the United States as a supe

13、rpower.First, we see from the the international geographic location in the United States set up, it is not difficult to see that this infinite blessing of God it. It is something provisional Two Oceans, north and south without a powerful enemy - the Atlantic, Pacific, surrounded by it, which is the

14、development of a natural barrier. Independent and local in the 165 years of development making it possible to intrusion of foreign war. Its north and south neighbors - Canada and Mexico, they were also British and French and Spanish colony until the 19th century, independent; and the level of indust

15、rialization is far less than the United States, so far from the obstacle to the development of the United States, not to mention rival. So the location is simply Detian independence thick.Second, the United States geographically vast and sparsely populated, rich natural resources. The eastern and we

16、stern mountain ranges - the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mount, rich in mineral resources such as coal, iron ore and non-ferrous metals for its industrial development. A biological resources as well as a variety of plants and animals; in the Gulf of Mexico, bears rich oil resources; broad and

17、 fertile land in the central Great Plains inexhaustible granary in the United States; one bay, two oceans, the Great Lakes is its fishing grounds and Water transportation hub; vast land provide enough expansion space for its urban development. This all the inherent advantages of the development of t

18、he United States is even more powerful.Third, the immigrants brought knowledge and technology is the genetic basis of the development of industrial technology in the United States. The United States is a nation of immigrants, these immigrants are from all over the world or skilled craftsman or have

19、skills, with which they have the technical knowledge and belief, full of infinite longing and challenges for the future, and came here. These immigrants came to the United States, almost from scratch. Very poor conditions, as well as slavery and colonial oppression, these immigrants had to struggle

20、for them is to survive, fight. Finally, the time of independence to the United States, left behind are the elite. The elite became Americans gene.The fourth objective of the slave trade to the industrial development of the United States provided the cheap labor, the Civil War really injected into th

21、e United States in the industrialization process, so that these cheap labor and rapid industrialization. Realization of industrialization, it is more than the other capitalist powers to become the worlds superpower, the only way.Fifth, the political system. The ideological foundation of the American

22、 political system is a natural rights, which is opposed to the idea of feudal absolute grant, advocates sovereignty in the people, human beings are born equal, it has many of the right to freedom. Born in this based on the separation of powers - executive, judicial, and legislative is mutually indep

23、endent checks and balances, which makes democracy to be realized, and the continuation and development. This democratic system enables both the development of the life and liberty of the enthusiasm of the people of the United States, and makes the heart of the entire American nation unite indestruct

24、ible. Exudes the magic of this belief system, and the pursuit of democracy and freedom, in its establishment of two centuries, who never stops attracting the social elite into the United States from all over the world, these social elite for the scientific development of the United States to make an

25、 indelible contribution.Sixth, a comprehensive education system in the United States. Todays international competition is the competition of comprehensive national strength, comprehensive national competition core is the economic and technological competition, and economic and technological competit

26、ion in the final analysis, is the talent competition, talent competition lies in education. So today the world yearning to develop a strategic approach to education and rejuvenating. This strategic thinking as early as twelve hundred years of capitalist countries, and the establishment and improveme

27、nt of the education system. Particularly the development of education in the United States, especially rapidly in the late nineteenth century to the twentieth century to replace the sacred sites of Europe to become the worlds scientific development. This school education system for the development o

28、f the United States reserves a lot of talent and attract talent from all over the world. These people became powerful hematopoietic cells rapidly grown into the worlds great powers and superpowers.Seventh, precisely because the United States is an emerging country, which makes the United States does

29、 not have many of the historical burden. There is no denying that the country has a long history, its cultural heritage will make its national development more athletic and full of experience, wisdom. But everything has its two sides, a long history of making it subject to historical, and I vividly

30、called cultural inertia, that is, once the culture of a nation-state, and with the extension of the historical and cured, then it plasticity becomes increasingly smaller. Such as the long-term the powerful feudal centralization history makes in the capital its infancy difficult to get rid of feudal

31、constraints that capitalism has been in its infancy stage, but has not yet been entered the threshold of capitalism in China, which makes China in modern times development began to fall behind in the development of the West. The same thing applies to European British, France, Germany and the United

32、States comparison. Therefore, contrary to the plasticity of an emerging nation-state is not estimated too big. The United States is the birth of the modern capitalist revolution, which makes the degree of absorption and utilization of the cultural spirit of capitalism beyond any capitalist country i

33、n Europe, and to construct it became the foundation of American history and culture, without any feudal history factors.The other is the geopolitical burden of history, such as the history of feuding in Europe between France and Germany, which had annexed in the corresponding historical conditions e

34、ach other, which makes their accumulated under deep historical hatred, hatred until after the end of World War II, the two countries turn their swords into plowshares . Furthermore, such as in British history has been the intrusion from the European continent, which makes the heart of the United Kin

35、gdom on the European continent to maintain an alert, and thus it is the policy of Europe is the continent balanced policy, do not want to which a country of continental Europe is dominant, so Britain to spend a lot of financial and material resources in the continental Europe. For example, when the

36、France asset Revolution, the United Kingdom United Germany Tsarist Russia and other countries. Established anti-French coalition forces to suppress the French, it is the manifestation of mainland balanced policy.These historical burden not only hinder the development of every country, to bring histo

37、rical disaster but also to the development of Europe as a whole. The United States does not exist these historical issues, so it can be spared.Although the United States has so many advantages, but it is not enough to make the United States to become a real superpower, because as a superpower, it sh

38、ould be experienced many difficulties and tribulations, and this ordeal not only has not been defeated, but from these tribulations to absorb nutrients, and make greater liberation, and then become even stronger, prosperous and powerful. These difficulties since we all find out from history. Such as

39、 the American War of Independence, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and natural disasters. These make the United States to establish a national and political system of democracy and freedom, reunification of the North and South, freed the slaves, and to improve the social security system, the co

40、nstruction of large-scale projects of many a symbol of the American spirit, creating many of the worlds most, these are the United States innovation, but also of American power savings, the power of these savings will be in a war after the birth of a superpower, and that is World War II.World War II

41、, most countries and the number of the largest in the history of mankind, spread range the most extensive, the war, the wars most intense war. War is a just war on the people of the world against the fascist regime for the Axis powers of Germany, Japan, Italy. In the middle of the war, the war enter

42、ed a stalemate. December 1, 1941, the Japanese attacked the U.S. Pacific naval base in Pearl Harbor, this event completely reversed the situation in the war, because the United States joined the. There is no doubt that the United States added greatly enhance the power of the world anti-fascist alliance, but also to accelerate the end


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