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1、英语名人名言及翻译 人的灵魂表现在他的事业上,下面是为大家 _有关英语名人及翻译,欢迎大家来阅读! 1、真正的友谊是诚挚的和大胆的。席勒 True friendship is sin _re and bold. 2、死的伟大的人,永远没有失败。拜伦 Die of a great _n, never fail. 3、理想很丰满,现实却很骨感。周立波 Ideal is very plentiful, reality is very skinny. 4、要以探求真理为毕生的事业。笛卡尔 To seek truth for lifelong career. 5、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。茅盾 Mus

2、t be in the struggle to survive, for development. 6、与天地兮同寿,与日月兮齐光。屈原 And xi with the life of heaven and earth, and the sun xi last. 7、唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。薛宣 Only can allowing people wide, only thick can slide. 8、什么叫 _? _就是服务。 What is leadership? Leadership is servi _. 9、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀。布莱克 Diligent bees have

3、 no time to sorrow. 10、成功是靠别人,不是靠自己!陈安之 Suess is to rely on others, not on your own! 11、人生只是努力下一系列的决心。富勒 Life is just efforts of a series of determination. 12、只要愿意去做,人无所不通。艾略特 As long as willing to do, people cant. 13、脱离劳动就是犯罪。列夫托尔斯泰 From the labor is a crime. 14、思想的自由就是最高的 _。费斯克 The _ of thought is

4、 the highest of independen _. 15、有生命,那里便有希望。泰伦提乌斯 While there is life, where there is hope. 16、我想,天才就是勤奋的结果。郭沫若 I think, genius is hard work. 17、科学的基础是健康的身体。居里 _ Scien _ is the foundation of a healthy body. 18、责任心是现代人素质的标志。吴玉妍 The sense of responsibility is a sign of modern quality. 19、时间使一切发生着变化。埃斯

5、库罗斯 Time _kes all changing. 20、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。托尔斯泰 Ideal books are the key to wisdom. 21、只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。培根 Only obey natural, can control the nature. 22、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。西塞罗 The medicine of the confession is to _ke the heart easily. 23、离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。李煜 From hate like spring grass, and further more line also

6、. 24、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。柏拉图 Patien _ is the basis of all in _ect and wisdom. 25、一分事业心能抵十分特权。弗马文 The dedication to work for a pound of privilege. 26、希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。冰心 Hope is happiness, create will be happy. 27、一切活动家都是梦想家。詹哈尼克 All activists are dreamers. 28、希望是在风雨之夜所现的晓霞。 _ Hope is in the wind and rain nigh

7、t XiaoXia. 29、忍耐虽然痛苦,果实却最香甜。萨迪 Patien _ although painful, is the most sweet fruit. 30、成功之因,在于不屈不挠。荷兰 Of cause, suess is perseveran _. 31、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。塞万提斯 The higher the goals and aspirations more valuable. 32、君舟民水,水可载舟亦可覆舟。荀子 Your boat and water, water can carry a ship can also sink it. 33、宁肯折断骨头,不能

8、放弃信念。蒙古 Would rather break a bone, dont give up faith. 34、有些人的思考只停留在表面。伏尔泰 Some people think to stay on the su _ _. 35、只有爱给你解开不死之谜。费尔巴哈 Only love to give you the riddle of the undead. 36、谦固美名,过谦者,宜防其诈。朱熹 Modest solid reputation, cheng, should prevent the fraud. 37、对我来说,信念意味着不担心。杜威 To me, faith means

9、 not worrying. 38、勇气是衡量灵魂大小的标准。卡耐基 Courage is the measure of size of soul. 39、爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦。莎士比亚 Ambition _kes people much pain of love. 40、善在美的后面,是美的本原。普洛丁 Behind the beauty, is the origin of beauty. 41、要想吸引朋友,须有好的品性。欧洲 To attract friends, must have a good character. 42、我唯一的理想就是为人类服务。戴维 My only ideal

10、 is for the servi _ of hu _nity. 43、常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。彦语 Is often the last key to open the door. 44、思想的自由就是最髙的 _。费斯克 The independen _ of the _ of thought is one of the most high. 45、青年时鲁莽,老年时悔恨。富兰克林 Youth is a reckless, old age a regret. 46、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。 _ Time down the river, the life stream. 47、奋斗就是生

11、活,人生惟有前进。巴金 Struggle is life, life only forward. 48、如意算盘,不必须贴合事实。奥地利 Wishful thinking, do not have to fit the facts. 49、盖上天之生余,必有期于下地。韩愈 The cover of heaven, there will be a session down. 50、越年轻,就越不能跟丑事妥协。纪德 The younger, the more cant promise with stunt. 51、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。雨果 Comes at a cost to the bold is _ progress. 52、聪明在于,天才在于积累。 _ S _rt is to learn, genius is gained by aumulation. 53、练世情之常尤,识前修之所淑。陆机 Such kind of


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