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1、汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 1 汽车总动员cars 2006年 片名:汽车总动员王/赛车总动员/小汽车的故事 英文片名:cars 导演: 约翰拉塞特 john lasseter 乔兰福特 joe ranft .co-director 编剧: 约翰拉塞特 john lasseter .story/screenplay 乔兰福特 joe ranft .story/screenplay 国别:美国 影片类型:喜剧动画 上映时间:2006年06月09日 时髦拉风的赛车“闪电”麦克奎恩(麦坤/麦凯恩/mcqueen),一直梦想在赛车大赛中脱颖而出,成为车坛新偶像,胜利、名声、奖品、地位,“闪电”连做梦都

2、想着在赛车狂飙。为了参加赛车界盛事-皮斯顿杯冠军赛,“闪电”轻装上路,准备穿越美国到达加利福尼亚,赢得闪亮的奖牌。 一路飚车的“闪电”却在途中意外迷路,闯入了已经被废弃的66号公路旁一个貌不惊人的陌生小镇,横冲直撞的他毁了镇民不少财产,为了尽快上路,“闪电”不得不答应做义工,和小镇居民打成一片。于是,他结识了很多不按规则办事的新朋友:直爽漂亮、2002年产的时髦保时捷莎莉(sally),有着神秘历史的1951年产老爷车 哈德森博士(蓝天博士/dr.hudson),满身铁锈但值得信任的拖车梅特尔(拖线/板牙/mater)以及镇上形形色色的汽车们。 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 2 最初不以为然的“

3、闪电”却发现小镇上实际卧虎藏龙,在这个奇幻的汽车世界里,他们共同经历了一段超乎想像的神奇旅程。“闪电”最终发现生命真正可贵的是旅程,而不是冲过终点线的瞬间,胜利、荣誉和名声远远不是生活的真谛. inhaling and exhaling deeply male ok. here we go. focus. 好了,准备了,专心 speed. i am speed. 速度,我是速度 cars whizzing past one winner 41 losers. 1个赢家,41个输家 i eat losers for breakfast. 我把输家当早餐吃 car accelerating bre

4、akfast. 早餐 wait maybe ishould have had breakfast. 也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好 a little breck-y could be good for me.no no no stay focused. speed. 不不不不?保持专心,速度 cars whizzing im faster than fast.quicker than quick. 疾如风,快如电 i am lightning 我是“闪电”! pounding on door male hey lightning you ready 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 3 嘿,“闪电”,

5、准备好了吗 ltigtsheryl crow: real gonelt/igt oh yeah. lightnings ready 没错,“闪电”早就准备好了 engine rewing engine revs crowd cheers ka-chow 咔嚓! cars zooming 汽车总动员 cars whooshing both scream all cheer get your antenna balls here 来买天线球喔 go lightnin 冲啊,“闪电”! - whoo- you got that right slick. whistles - 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头

6、 air wrench whirring uh screams 呀! engine revs - male welcome back to the dinoco 400.- crowd cheers 欢迎回到戴诺可400 im bob cutlass herewith my good friend darrell cartrip. 我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛 赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子 ltigtwere midway through what maybe an historic day for racing.lt/igt 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 4 ltigtbob m

7、y oil pressuresthrough the roof.lt/igt 鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升 ltigtif this gets more exciting theyregonna have to tow me outta the boothlt/igt 比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了 ltigtright darrell.lt/igt 的确是的,达洛 ltigtbob three cars are tiedfor the season points leadlt/igt 三部领先的车,以相同的积分 ltigtheading into the final raceof the

8、 season.lt/igt 进入本季最后一场比赛 ltigtand the winner of this race will winthe season title and the piston cup.lt/igt 这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯 ltigtdoes the king strip weatherslt/igt 绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒 ltigthave one more victory in himbefore retirementlt/igt 是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢 ltigtdarrell hes been dinocos golden bo

9、yfor yearslt/igt 他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童 ltigtcan he win them one last piston cuplt/igt 能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢? ltigtbob and as always in thesecond place spot we find chick hicks.lt/igt 还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸” 在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二 ltigthes been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.lt/igt ltigtdarrell chick thoughtthis was his

10、year.lt/igt 路霸以为今年是他的幸运年 ltigthis chance to finally emergefrom the kings shadow.lt/igt 终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影 ltigtbut the last thing he expected was.lightning mcqueenlt/igt 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 5 可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤! ltigtbob you know i dont thinkanybody expected this.lt/igt 你知道吗,我看没有人想到 这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子 l

11、tigtthe rookie sensationcame into the season unknown.lt/igt ltigtbut everyone knows him now.lt/igt 现在大家都认识他了 ltigtdarrell will he be the first rookieto win a piston cup and land dinocolt/igt 他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗? ltigtbob the legend the runner-upand the rookielt/igt 赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟 ltigtthree cars on

12、e championlt/igt 三部车,一个冠军! breaks screeching 哦,不,你休想! no you dont. - chuckling- hey 呵呵! - tires squealing- crowd booing what a ride 哦,闪电,快啊! chuckling go get em mcqueengo get em 超过去,麦坤!超过去! female i love you lightning 我爱你!“闪电”! - dinoco is all mine.- screaming 戴诺可是我的! darrell trouble turn three 汽车总动

13、员台词(中英对照) 6 有状况,第三弯道! - get through that mcqueen.- bob huge crash behind the leaders - 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团 crowd gasps screaming giggling - grunts- gasps both screaming bob wait a second darrell.mcqueen is in the wreckage. 等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了 darrell theres no way the rookiecan make it through 那个菜鸟绝对

14、不可能过得去! 至少不是毫发无伤 not in one piece that is. exhaling yeah 耶! lightning oh “闪电”!喔! darrell look at thatmcqueen made it through 你看看!麦坤过去了耶! 天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围 bob a spectacular moveby lightning mcqueen yeah ka-chow 耶!咔嚓! mcqueen mcqueen mcqueenmcqueen mcqueen mcqueen 麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤! yeah mcqueen ka-chow

15、honking 耶,麦坤!咔嚓! bob while everyoneheads into the pits 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 7 当其他赛车都进维修站的时候 麦坤继续跑,取得领先 mcqueen stays out to take the lead dont take me out coach.i can still race 别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑! air wrench whirring chuckling what do you thinka thing of beauty. 哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧 - mcqueen made it- chick what -

16、 麦坤他不休息!- 什么? hes not pitting 他不进站! you gotta get me out therelets go get me back out there 快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快! mcqueens not going into the pits 麦坤居然不进站维修! darrell the rookie fired hiscrew chief. the third this season 那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了! - bob says he likes working alone.- go go - 他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的- 跑

17、!跑!跑! looks like chickgot caught up in the pits. 路霸被维修给耽搁了 yeah after a stop like thathes got a lot of ground to make up. 对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢 get ready boyswere coming to the restart 男士们,准备好,要开始喽! crowd cheers come on come on come on 让开 让开 让开! we need tires nowcome on lets go 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 8 我们需要轮胎!快

18、点!快点! - no no no no no tires just gas- male what - 不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么? you need tires you idiot 你需要轮胎,你这白痴! 看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊 darrell looks like itsgas-and-gos for mcqueen today. 没错,还是不换轮胎 bob right. no tires again. 通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的 darrell thats a short-term gainlong-term loss but its workin fo

19、r him. he obviouslyknows somethin we dont know. 嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊 cars whizzing bob this is it darrell. one lap to goand lightning mcqueen has a huge lead. 决胜时刻到了,达洛,只剩一圈闪电麦坤遥遥领先 哦,他赢定了,把庆功宴准备好吧! hes got it in the bag.call in the dogs and put out the fire 新的赛车王就要产生喽! were gonna crown us a new champion c

20、rowd cheers and whistles screaming 方格旗,我来喽! - checkered flag here i come- tire blows darrell no mcqueens blown a tire 哦,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎! bob and with only one turn to gocan he make it 只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗? - you fool- grunts 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 9 傻瓜! male mcqueens blown a tirehes blown a tire 麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了! go go go

21、快快快! - grunting- tire blows darrell hes lost another tire 他又爆了一个轮胎! - king and chick come up fast- bob theyre entering turn three - “冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追!- 他们进入第三弯道了 come on. grunting 加油 i dont believewhat im watching bob 我真不敢相信我的眼睛! lightning mcqueenis 100 feet from his piston cup “闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺! gaspi

22、ng growling bob the king and chickrounding turn four. “冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道 darrell down the stretch they comeand its and its. 他们来到直线跑道了结果是? - its too close to call too close- i dont believe it - 实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信! lightning 我们爱你,“闪电”! - the most spectacular amazing.- i dont believe it - 这真是我们赛

23、车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊!- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信! .unequivocally unbelievable endingin the history of the world 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 10 - and we dont know who won- look at that - 我们连谁赢了都不知道- 看看! ltigttape jitteringlt/igt ltigtslow motion dronelt/igt - thats very close to call.- can we play that again - 太接近了,怎么

24、看啊- 可以再放一次吗?请再放一次 hey no cameras get outta here 嘿!不准照相!快走开! ltigtwere here in victory laneawaiting the results.lt/igt ltigtwere here in victory laneawaiting the results.lt/igt 我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果 ltigtmcqueen that was a risky movenot taking tires.lt/igt 麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦 ltigttell me about itlt/igt 这还用说 ltig

25、tare you sorry you didnt havea crew chief out therelt/igt 你会不会后悔没有总机械师 ltigtoh kori. theres a lot more to racingthan just winning.lt/igt 呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的 ltigti mean taking the race by a full lap.wheres the entertainment in thatlt/igt 我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊 ltigti wanted to give folks a little sizz

26、le.lt/igt 我要给赛车迷一点刺激 ltigt- sizzle- am i sorry i dont have a crew chieflt/igt - 剌激?- 我后不后悔没有总机械师? ltigtno im not.cause im a one-man show.lt/igt 不,不后悔,因为我是个人秀 ltigtwhat oh yeah right.lt/igt 什么?喔,是啊 ltigtthat was a confidentlightning mcqueen.lt/igt 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 11 没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤 live from victory

27、laneim kori turbowitz. 记者柯琳泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道 - get outta the shot.- yo chuck. - 嘿,别挡镜头- 嘿,查理 chuck what are you doingyoure blockin the camera 你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了 - everyone wants to see the bolt.- what - 大家都想看闪电- 什么? - now back away.- thats it come on guys. - 退后一点- 嘿,够了,我们走吧 - whoa team where are you going- we

28、 quit mr. one-man show - 唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊- 我们辞职,个人秀先生 oh ok leave. fine. 好啊,走啊 how will i ever find anyone elsewho knows how to fill me up with gas 呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢 crowd laughs - adios chuck- and my name is not chuck - 再见,查理- 我的名字不叫查理! oh whatever. 哦,随便了 hey lightning yo mcqueen 嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤! seriously th

29、at was somepretty darn nice racin out there. 说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊 - by me- oh yeah. 我是说我! - zinger- welcome to the chick era baby 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 12 欢迎进入路霸的年代 the piston cup.its mine dude. its mine. 活塞奖杯是我的,我的 hey fellas how do you thinkid look in dinoco blue dinoco blue 嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝! in your dream

30、s thunder. 别做梦了,雷鸣 yeah right. thunderwhats he talkin about quotthunderquot - 是呀,雷鸣?他在说什么?- 不知道啊 you know cause thunderalways comes after lightning. 因为雷声总是在闪电后面 ka-ping ka-pow 呯!咔! - who knew about the thunder thing- i didnt. - 你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑- 我不知道 - give us the bolt- thats right. right in the lens. -

31、show me the bolt baby- smile mcqueen - show me the bolt mcqueen- thats it electronic music crowd chattering that was one close finish.you sure made dinoco proud. 好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦 thank you king. 谢谢你,冠军 well tex youve beengood to me all these years. 老德啊,这些年来你对我很好 its the least i could do. 这是我应该做的 w

32、hatever happens youre a winnerto me you old daddy rabbit. 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 13 不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,老公 thanks dear.wouldnt be nothing without you. 谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是 kch-i-ka-chow - im mia.- im tia. - 我是蜜亚- 我是蒂亚 both were like your biggest fanska-chow 我们最崇拜你了咔嚓! i love being me. 哦,做我真好 - police ok girls thats

33、it.- we love you lightning - 好了,小姐们,够了- 我们爱你,“闪电”! chuckles hey buddy.youre one gutsy racer. 嘿,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊 oh hey mr. the king. 噢,冠军先生 you got more talent in one lug nut 你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞 than a lot of cars has gotin their whole body. - really oh that.- but youre stupid. - 真的?这个.- 但是你很笨 - excuse

34、 me- this aint a one-man deal kid. - 你说什么?- 这不是独角戏啊,孩子 you need to wise up and geta good crew chief and a good team. 你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴 you aint gonna winunless you got good folks behind you 你想赢,一定要有好人才 voice dwindling and you let themdo their job like they should. 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 14 在背后支持,让他们做他们的工

35、作 - like i tell the boys at the shop.- a good team. - 必须要每个人同心协力- 一流的伙伴 - yeah.- electronic music 耶 ka-chow ka-pow crowd cheering screaming cheering oh lightning 哦!“闪电”! if you figure that outyou just gonna be ok. 只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量 oh yeah that.that is spectacular advice. 哦,对,真的是非常好的建议 thank you mr. th

36、e king. 谢谢,冠军先生 - fanfare- bob ladies and gentlemen 各位女士先生 for the first timein piston cup history. 活塞杯赛车史上头一遭 rewing a rookiehas won the piston cup. 一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯 yes 耶! bob. we have a three-way tie. 今天我们有三辆车平手 - crowd cheers- cameras flash chuckling heythat must be really embarrassing. 汽车总动员台词(中英对照)

37、15 嘿!麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧 but i wouldnt worry about it.because i didnt do it 可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我 bob piston cup officialshave determined that a tiebreaker race 因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后 between the three leaderswill be held in california in one week. 将在加州举行三位领先者的决赛 well thank you thanks toall of you out there t

38、hank you 谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢! whispering hey first one tocalifornia gets dinoco all to himself. 嘿,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈 no not meno you rock and you know that 不,不是我你们才是最棒的 oh yeah whoo 喔耶!喔 yep all right got it 谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈 quotfirst one to californiagets dinoco all to himself.quot oh well seewho get

39、s there first chick. 那就看看谁会先到,路霸 huh 嗯? - hey kid congrats on the tie.- i dont want to talk about it. - 嘿!小子,恭喜你争取到决赛- 我不想谈这件事 lets go mack. saddle up.whatd you do with my trailer 好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了? - i parked it at your sponsors tent.- what - 我把它停在你赞助者帐篷- 什么? gotta make your personal appearance. 汽车总动员台词(中英对照) 16 你必须亲自去露个脸 no. no no no no no 不、不、不不不不? ltigtyes yes yeslightning mcqueen here.lt/igt 对对对,我是闪电麦坤 ltigtand i use rust-eze medicatedbumper ointment new rear end formulalt/igt 我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏 ltigtnothing soothes a rusty bumper


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