2010年秋季《大学英语》入学考试复习大纲- 华南理工大学网络教育学院_第1页
2010年秋季《大学英语》入学考试复习大纲- 华南理工大学网络教育学院_第2页
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1、 2010年(秋)专升本入学考试“英语”复习提纲 华南理工大学网络教育学院2010年秋季专科起点本科生入学考试英语复习提纲(专科起点)* 华南理工大学网络教育学院2010年(秋)专升本入学考试“英语”复习提纲 参考教材:大学体验英语扩展教程第一册 (高等教育出版社)一、语法点:I句子1英语句子的基本词序:主语+谓语+宾语e.g. I bought a hat yesterday.We study English in the classroom everyday.2. 英语句子的种类: (1)简单句:有一主语和一个谓语e.g.My head aches.Mary is a teacher.I

2、like football.He gave me a box.They made Tom manager.(2)并列句:把简单句连接起来构成并列句。用分号,连接或联系副词,并列连词。 e.g. We fished all day; we didnt catch a thing. / We fished all day; however, we didnt catch a thing. / We fished all day, but (we) didnt catch a thing.(3)复合句:由简单句连接起来构成,但复合句中各部分并不同等重要,总有一个独立分句或更多隶属的子句。如果把主句从

3、句子中抽出来,它常常可以独立成句。 e.g. If youre not good at English, it is impossible to apply for a job in a foreign-owned company. To get into university you have to pass a lot of examination. Seeing the door open , the stranger came into the house.- 名词从句:It is true that money doesnt grow on trees.Everybody knows

4、 that money doesnt grow on trees.- 定语从句:He is the man who teaches us English. This is the photo which/that I took. The person to whom I complained is the manager.- 状语从句:(时间)Tell him as soon as he arrives.(地点)You can sit where you like. (方式)He spoke as if he meant business.(原因)He went to bed because

5、he felt ill.(条件)If the rain stops, well be able to go for a walk. If I lose my job, Ill go abroad. If I lost my job, I would go abroad. If I had lost my job, I would have gone abroad.(让步)Although he studied very hard, he didnt pass examination. No matter where you go, you cant escape from yourself.(

6、目的)Ive arrived early so that /in order that I may get on the bus. Im taking a raincoat with me in case I need it. I asked him to phone first lest we were out.(结果)He runs so fast that no one can catch him. There was such a lot of rain that we couldnt go out.(比较)He is as quick in answering question as

7、 his sister. Youve made just as many mistakes as I have. - 分词结构:He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Since phoning you this morning, I have changed my plans. Having invited him here to speak, wed better go to his lecture.II名词1 分类:(1)专有名词 China (2)普通名词-可数名词:具体名词 a book,抽象名词 an idea

8、 -不可数名词:具体名词 clothing,抽象名词 courage2. 单数和复数:e.g. cat / cats, photo / photoes, class / classes, box / boxes, watch / watches, bush / bushes, country / countries, day /days, boy / boys, wife /wives, man / men, sheep /sheepIII 冠词1 定冠词:the 单数可数名词、复数可数名词、不可数名词的前面。E.g. the hat, the books, the water / The a

9、rchitect who designed this block won a prize.2 不定冠词:a/an单数可数名词的前面. E.g. a doctor, an apple / My sister is an architect. 3 零冠词:复数可数名词、不可数名词的前面。E.g. hats, water / Sugar is bad for you.IV 代词1 人称带词:(主格)I, you, he, she, it; we, you, they;(宾格) me, you, him, her, it; us, you, them2 物主形容词/物主代词:my, your, his

10、, her, its; our, your, their / mine, yours, his, hers; ours, yours theirs3 反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself; ourselves, yourselves, themselves4 指示形容词/指示代词:this / those; that / those5 不定代词:someone, somebody, something; anyone, anybody, anything; everyone, everybody, everythingV数量词数词:(1

11、)基数词 one, two, three (2)序数词first, second, third VI形容词:e.g. This is very beautiful picture. / He is taller than his brother. / She is too young to read the novel.VII副词: e.g. The little boy ran so fast. / He speaks very quickly./ All of us study very hard.VIII介词: e.g. There is a box on the table. / We

12、 watched TV at home yesterday.VIV动词1 时态:e.g. He reads English newspaper everyday. / He went shopping last Sunday. / I have worked here for five years. / She is doing homework now. / Well have examination tomorrow.2 被动语态:e.g. He was made chairman of Student Union. / We are excited by his deed.3 虚拟语气:

13、e.g. If I were you, I could not agree with him.4 情态动词:e.g. I can speak Japanese and French. / He might be very busy because he didnt come to the party.5 不定式和动名词: e.g. I forgot to bring the book to the classroom. / I forgot bringing the book to the classroom.二、考试题型和样题:第一部分: 阅读理解 (40%)题型:多种选择题题量:20题(4

14、篇文章)第二部分: 词汇与结构 (20%)题型:多种选择题题量:20题第三部分: 综合填空 (10%)题型:多种选择题题量:20题第四部分: 翻译 (15%) 题型:汉译英题量:5个句子第五部分: 作文(15% )题型:主题句作文题量:100 120 个单词样题:(只作为题型和题量的参考)Part I Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For e

15、ach of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1What kind of environment do you want in the future? What can you do to help make it happen? What can other peopl

16、e do? Education is one way to help the environment. You can learn about the environment in school. Radio and TV can give you learn. Laws can also help the environment. There are laws against littering and against making the air and water dirty. Other laws help people to save resources. The law lower

17、ing the speed limit for cars helps to save fuel. But people dont have to wait for laws to be passed. They can do things on their own. They can protest against products that hurt the environment. Another way to help the environment is to plan for the future. We may have to find new resources. In the

18、future, people may heat their homes with atomic power. Maybe they will use energy from the sun. Without planning, some kinds of environment may not happen. People can act now to help make the future.1. How many ways are there that can help the environment? What are they? A. Two. Radio and TV. B. Fou

19、r. Newspaper, magazine, books and radio. C. Three. Education, laws and planning for the future. D. One. Making the air and water dirty.2. Education helps the environment . A. through schools B. through radio, TV and newspaper C. through magazine and books D. all of the above3. What kind of law helps

20、 to save fuel? A. The law lowering the speed limit for cars. B. Laws against littering. C. Laws against making the air and water dirty. D. Laws helping people to save resources.4. What can people do on their own to help the environment ?A. Plant trees.B. Clean the streets.C. Make water cleanD. Prote

21、st against hurtful products.5. What kinds of new resources can we find in the future ?A. Atomic power and solar energy.B. Chemical energy.C. Light energy from the sun.D. Electric energy produced by coal.Passage 2.Dosage: Adults sixteen years old and over take three tablets as needed, not to exceed t

22、welve tablets per day. Children seven years old to sixteen years old take half the adult dosage, not to exceed six tablets per day.Warning: Do not take more than the recommended dosage unless directed by a physician. Do not give to children under seven years old, or to individuals with stomach disor

23、der, heart disease or high blood pressure. This preparation may cause headaches and drowsiness. Do not operate machinery while taking this medication. If relief does not occur within five days, discontinue use and consult your physician, for chronic cough can be dangerous.6. According to the directi

24、on, some of the side effects of this medicine may be _ .A. stomach disorder, heart disease and high blood pressureB. chronic coughC. headaches and drowsinessD. very dangerous7. A ten-year-old child should take _.A. three tablets each timeB. twelve tablets per dayC. one tablet and a half each timeD.

25、not even one single tablet8. If this preparation does not help within five days, an adult patient should _ .A. stop taking it and see a doctorB. take twelve tablets each timeC. double the usual dosageD. take half the usual dosage9. According to the direction for this medicine, an adult person is _ .

26、A. sixteen years old or overB. nineteen years old or moreC. twenty years old at leastD. at least eighteen10. Which of the following people should not take this preparation ?A. Someone who has a cough.B. Someone with a bad cold.C. Someone under seven years of age.D. Someone who is under 16.Passage 3I

27、nside a can the food is protected from the things that would make it spoil. These are bacteria, the tiny little living plants that are everywhere around us. Bacteria, sometimes called germs, are so tiny that we can see them only under a microscope. But they are so powerful.Like all living things, ba

28、cteria need food to grow. When they grow they multiply. A few bacteria become many in a matter of minutes. When bacteria settle on food, they make changes in it. These changes are what we call spoiling.To keep food from spoiling, we must first kill any bacteria that may already be in it. Heat and co

29、oking do this. Next we must keep any bacteria in the air away from the food. So we pack it into cans as airless as we can make them. We seal the cans tight. With no bacteria in the food and no air with bacteria able to reach it, fruits, fish, meat and vegetables will stay unspoiled in a can for year

30、s.11. Bacteria can only be seen under a microscope because _ .A. they are so powerfulB. they are so tinyC. they move so fast D. they grow so quickly12. The heating and cooking is done _ .A. to fit food into the canB. to keep food longerC. to keep bacteria from getting into the cansD. to kill the bac

31、teria already in the food13. How do bacteria multiply ?A. Very rapidlyB. Inside the sealed canC. Very slowlyD. In a matter of years14. What are the changes which the bacteria make in food called ?A. Cooking B. HeatingC. SealingD. Spoiling15. Food is canned _ .A. to improve itB. to cook itC. to prese

32、rve it for a period of yearsD. to make sure the bacteria will multiplyPassage 4 The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual mea

33、ning of the word today. People spend a lot of their time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but d

34、uring their time the best ones can earn a lot of money.For example, a professional footballer in England earns more than 30,000 pounds a year. The stars earn a lot more. International golf and tennis champions can make more than50, 000 in a year. Of course, only few sportsmen can earn as much money

35、as that. It is only possible in sports for individuals, like golf, tennis and motor-racing. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is this: the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sport. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say “Buy our things”.

36、 It says: “Buy the same shirt and shoes as ” Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or a photograph of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for peoples spare time.16. What is the meaning of the word

37、“sport” today according to the passage? A. Anything that people do in their free time. B. Hunting wild animals and birds. C. Organized games. D. Advertising.17. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A. People play sports whenever they want to. B. People play sports onl

38、y when they are paid. C. Peoples only purpose of playing sports is to become champions. D. Any sportsmen can earn a surprisingly large sum of money.18. What kinds of people are called professional sportsmen? A. Those who play sports for only a few years. B. Those who are paid for the sport they play

39、. C. Those who advertise goods. D. Those who play football, basketball, and tennis.19. When it comes to how much a professional footballer in England can earn, which of the following is true? A. International golf and tennis champions earn about 30,000 pounds a year. B. Most professional sportsmen c

40、an earn 50,000 pounds a year. C. Professional sportsmen earn money only from advertising. D. The stars earn a lot more than common professional footballers do.20. What does the passage tell us? A. Even in the ancient time, sports depended on advertising. B. Sportsmen advertise goods for nothing. C.

41、As time goes on, sport is no longer just something for peoples spare time. D. The meaning of the word “sport” has never changed.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide the ONE answer

42、that best completes the sentence or best replaces the underlined words. Then mark your corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.21. Tom is now working in London and is not _ to driving on the left. A. served B. customed C. accustomed D. using22. The story _ mainly of four parts. A. makes B. composes

43、 C. is consisted D. consists23. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took _ . A. effect B. action C. force D. place24. Will you _ your shoes when you get in ? A. put off B. remove C. escape D. shake25. You can have some seasonal fruits in winter if you _ them well. A. preserve B. remain C.

44、 station D. protest26. She wrote me a letter so _ she is not angry with me. A. seriously B. increasingly C. apparently D. diligently27. The secretary told me that they had run _ typing paper. A. down of B. out of C. up into D. off from28. You mustnt let pleasure _ with your work. A. hurt B. prevent

45、C. interrupt D. interfere29. I want to buy some new clothes, but I dont know how to _ of the old ones. A. arrange B. handle C. get rid D. do with30. Plants _ to die in hot weather if you dont water them. A. fit B. tend C. force D. stop31. Further studies are needed before we can with this problem. A

46、. provide B. agree C. attach D. deal32. Her strong sense of purpose is in her studies. A. reflected B. carried out C. remained D. concentrated33. Fast food us to have more time for rest. A. demands B. enables C. makes D. affects34. The rain was heavy the land was flooded. A. particularly B. conseque

47、ntly C. frequently D. especially35. In learning English we should place emphasis practices. A. for B. to C. of D. on36. John and I have never been to this town. A. tiny B. short C. small D. slight37. Being a fashion model frequently bargaining with the fashion-show organizers. A. spends B. involves

48、C. leaves D. includes38. The grandmother was very about her granddaughter being out so late at night. A. careful B. eager C. anxious D. keen39. Tom dared not give any more explanations but waited until his girl friends anger . A. died off B. died out C. died of D. died in40. On Friday afternoon, we

49、usually have a meeting. A. popular B. routine C. responsible D. welcomePart III Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark your choice by blackening the co

50、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Electricity 41 a part of our daily lives. In the homes, electricity works many of our labor 42 devices. It drives our washing machines and refrigerators. It cooks our food. 43 large companies, it works the lifts and escalators 44 giving service for lighting. I

51、n commercial offices, it works our computers 45 enable the work to be carried on more quickly an efficiently. Physicians and scientists depend very often 46 electricity to give heat to 47 instrument for scientific experiment. It also provides us with amusements 48 radio and television at home, movie

52、s in the cinemas and various 49 of entertainment in the amusement park. All those are 50 by electricity. At night, roads are lit by electricity to enable people and traffic to move smoothly. Neon-light (霓虹灯) - 51 in advertising boards have become the characteristic of 52 modern city. Nobody living i

53、n skyscrapers could 53 go up and down so many stairs, 54 there were no electricity to drive the lifts. 55 , none of us seems to bother how electricity benefits us 56 it goes wrong. When an electricity plant in a certain area fails, everything in that 57 of the city would be at a stand-still. Trams (电车) refused to move, offices 58 to carry on wit


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