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1、工商管理毕业论文3000字英译汉 毕业论文附件:英译汉(译文) 题目:企业文化是企业持续竞争优势的重要来源 原作:李群xxxx级工商管理x班 xx译 译文:1.绪论可持续的竞争优势是指相对于竞争对手处于一个优越的地位,它在公司的发展中带来长期的竞争优势,帮助公司长期维持比同行业平均水平更高的利润额。所以,一个企业要想获得比同行业平均水平更高的利润和可持续的发展,就应当有一个可持续的竞争优势。因此,对这一领域的研究已成为一个热门话题。许多研究人员研究作为竞争优势来源的企业文化。埃德加阁下沙在他的著作“企业文化生存指南:关于文化变迁的意义与无意义”中指出,组织文化是非常重要的,因为它能决定一个公司

2、的战略目标和运作模式。来自哈佛大学的教授科特和赫斯克特研究了企业文化与该公司长期利润的相关性。他们在著作“企业文化与绩效”中指出:企业文化意味着一个公司的长期大量利润。m.lemon和 p.s.sahota研究了组织文化对企业创新能力的影响。刘光明在他的论文“核心价值观是第一生产力”中指出:企业文化是最主要的核心竞争力。根据先前对这一领域的研究,我们提出,优秀的企业文化是企业可持续竞争优势的重要来源。目前国内外关于企业文化与竞争力的关系研究众多,但比较明确和深刻的理论却很少,在这一领域研究的基础上,我们提出了优秀的企业文化是企业持续竞争优势重要来源的理论。2.持续竞争优势源泉的特性持续的竞争优


4、过程中培育和积累。 由于来自于不同企业的特性,因此它们是不同的,换句话说,它们是独特的。(3)难以模仿的属性:持续的竞争优势是企业在长期的具体的发展过程中逐渐培育起来的,这样的来源是很难模仿的,因为它极大地依赖于形成的路线。3.优秀的企业文化拥有可持续竞争源泉的三个特征笔者认为,企业文化是指导员工行为的管理模式和规范,特别是企业的使命、愿景、价值观、行为准则、道德、习俗、传统标准等,它通常是由以下几方面形成:理念文化、制度文化、行为文化和物质文化。3.1优秀企业文化的价值优秀企业文化价值的独特功能如下:3.1.1双激励功能由于亚当斯密“经济人”理论的流行,多数经济学家假定人的动机纯粹出于自身利

5、益。一方面,这一理论将有利于经济学家作出以此为前提的经济问题的高级研究;另一方面,在现实中,人类的动机有许多不确定的因素,其中有许多因素与自身利益是无关的。1998年来自于剑桥大学的诺贝尔经济学奖得主阿马蒂亚森教授宣称,自身利益是所有动机中最重要的动机。然而,像人性、平等和公共道德等其他动机也是很重要的。在这一点上,如果我们把自身利益看成是唯一的 1 动机,并排除所有其他的动机,这将使我们很难理解人类的理性行为。科特指出,今天制度经济的研究应当是基于人类现实基础上的研究。事实上,根据新制度经济学,人类的动机是双重的出于自身利益和非自身利益的。优秀的企业文化是亚社会文化的专业化,它有一个以物质为




9、作为一个社会有机体,为了适应环境,企业有自己的价值观和行为模式,与此同时,只有企业文化适应企业的发展,并且被绝大多数员工所认同,企业才能有强大的生命力。3.2.2企业文化是由少数人发起的文化反映的是人们的意识,而不是对环境被动的反映。一般来讲,对文化的需求是从与根深蒂固的传统习俗重视多元化的利益冲突引起的,在此之后,一些人被首先激起并要求新的文化去适应新的环境,改变落后的观念和行为模式,最终,这些人将成为企业文化的先驱。然而,由于这些领导人的倡导和前体的证明,这个新的企业文化启示着其他员工,并最终融入到新的文化模式中。2 3.2.3企业文化是一个不断宣传、实践和规范管理的结果企业文化的变革有一

10、个过程,在此过程中新的概念和行为模式替代旧的概念和行为模式。基于此,新的文化应当被广泛的宣传,以便使其能被所有员工逐步接受。一般来说,企业文化要经历一个改良、确认和作为的过程,新的概念需要在实践中不断强化,通过修改和完善使文化得以广泛的传播。通常,企业文化作为文化的产物、规范管理的结果是相当缓慢的,一旦新的文化被证实是合理和必要的,经营者就将制定相关的管理制度和行为规范,加强它通过实践进行巩固,以此改变员工的思想和行为模式,建立新的企业文化。 总之,企业文化的形成过程,如管理环境、产业、管理人员、企业历史、战略、业务分化等方面的不同,导致了其多样性,使得企业文化彼此不同。3.3企业文化具有难以


12、化会使竞争对手更加难以模仿。 企业文化的形成过程也表明,企业文化是难以模仿的,因为它极大地依赖于形成的路线。此外,路线的形成是与确定的企业相关的许多因素所决定的,因此企业文化不可能适合所有的企业。 (译自2007年管理科学与工程国际学术会议论文集) 3 英文原文: corporate culture is an important source of sustainable competitiveadvantage1.introductionwhere sustainable competitive advantage means a superior status compared to t

13、he competitors,it is related to a long term competitive advantage during the corporations development as to help the corporation maintain a higher profit than the average level of the industry in a long period.so,if a corporation wants to obtain a higher profit than the average level of the industry

14、 and makes a sustainable development,it should have a sustainable competitive advantage.therefore,the research on this field has become a hot topic.many researchers have examined corporate culture as a source of competitive advantage.edgar h.schein pointed out in his book“the corporate culture survi

15、val guide:sense and nonsense about culture change”that organizational culture is very important as it can decide the strategic target and the operation pattern of a corporation.professor kotter and professor heskett from harvard university have studied the correlativity between corporate culture and

16、 the long term profit of the corporation.they explained in their book“corporate culture and performance”that corporate culture means a lot to a corporations long term profit. m.lemon and p.s.sahota studied organizational cultures effect on the innovation ability of corporations.liu guang-ming presen

17、ted in his paper“core value is the primary productivity”that corporate culture is the primary core competence.according to the previous research on this field,we present that excellent corporate culture is the important source of corporations sustainable competitive advantage.research on the relatio

18、nships between corporate culture and competence has been popular inside and outside the country at present,but explicit and deep going theories are few.based on the research in this field,we put forward that excellent corporate culture is the important source of sustainable competitive advantage2.ch

19、aracters for the source of sustainable competitive advantagethe sustainable competitive advantage is regarded as sustainable optimizing and updating advantage of the corporation during the course in which the corporate exchanges its substance and power with the dynamic external environment rather th

20、an keeping some specific competitive advantage in a static state.in this case,the“sustainable”is related to the imitation of the competitors.however,the competitors mentioned above are not only the unambiguous competitors in the industry,but also including the potential competitors who will enter th

21、e industry in the future.0nly when the creative strategy implemented in the corporation can not be imitated by competitors,can the corporation have sustainable competitive 4 advantagein this way,the source of sustainable competitive advantage should have three characters as following:(1)values:as th

22、e source of sustainable competitive advantage,it should have strategic values with a low running cost.at the same time,it may provide customers with unique values and benefits and finally help the corporation to obtain a higher profit than the average level of the industry.(2)heterogeneity:as the so

23、urce of sustainable competitive advantage,it should be cultivated and accumulated in a long term along with the corporations development.the characters from different corporations will be different as the corporations are different and so be the approaches by which the characters are cultivated.in o

24、ther words,they are unique.(3)the attribute that difficult to imitate:the source of sustainable competitive advantage is cultivated step by step in a long period as specifically related to the development process of the corporation.in this way,this source is hard to be imitated as it is greatly depe

25、ndent on the forming route3.excellent corporate culture has the three characters belonging to the source of sustainable competitive advantagethe author sugggests that corporate culture is the patterns and norms that govern the behaviors of employees,particularly,the companys mission,vision,values,st

26、andard of conduct,ethics,customs,traditions and so on.and it is usually formed by for layers as:idea culture,institutionary culture,behavior culture and material culture3.1 values of excellent corporate culturethe special functions of excellent corporate cultures values extremely show up as followin

27、g:3.1.1 dual incentive functionssince the theory“economic man”from adam smith was well known,most economists assumes that human beings are motivated solely by self-interest.on the one hand,this theory will be favorable for economists to make advanced research on economy problems taking this theory a

28、s a premise;on the other hand,in reality,human beings are motivated by many uncertain factors,and many of them are unrelated to self-interestthe 1998 nobel prize winner professor amartya sen from university of cambridge declared that self-interest is the most important motivation out of all motivati

29、ons.however,other motivations like humannity,equity and public morality are also important motivations.at this point,if we take self-interest as the only motivation and exclude all the other motivations,it will be hard for us to understand rational behaviors of human beings.coase pointed out that re

30、search on institutional economics of today should be based on the reality of human beings.actually,according to new institutional economics,human beings are doubly motivated by self-interest and no-self-interest.excellent corporate culture is a sub-specialization of social 5 culture.it has a notable

31、 peculiarity for taking substance as a carrier.the corporate material culture shows up not only in the fields like product service and technology innovation but also for the improvement in working environment,working conditions,reasonable salary system,establishment of cultural facilities and so on.

32、the corporation fulfilis employees requirement of self-interest through improvement in the material culture construction,especially the institution of“performance of evaluation”and“payment for labor”.then,the corporation will have the incentive function related to employees job motivationidea cultur

33、e is the core of corporate culture.as a value system with the center of corporate core value,idea culture can guide corporate operation in terms of values and mutual consciousness.in this way,it can represent the mutual pursuit of all employees for the corporations good and will finally evoke employ

34、ees job motivation3.1.2 good guiding functions of excellent corporate culturethe second premise of new institutional economics about human behaviors is referred to the relationship between human beings and environment.in other words,it is just the so called “bounded ration”.“bounded ration” is a the

35、ory introduced by k.arrow. according to this theory,human behaviors are conscious rational with the bounded ration.from nuosis point of view,the bounded ration includes two parts:l,environment is complex;2.humans cognitive and calculating capabilities are bounded.the uncertainty of the environment a

36、nd incompleteness of information together with the bounded capabilities can make everyones subjective models as a response to the environment different to each other.finally,this will lead difference to everyones choicegood guiding functions of excellent corporate culture can have an indicating and

37、inducing effect on the direction of enterprise behavior:(1)it can show the direction of the corporations development.corporate culture can make the target and direction clear to us in forms of recapitulative,pithy and philosophic words.actually,these words are formed through a long term education an

38、d have exceed a subtle influence on employees in the corporation.finally,these words will become a part of their spirit;(2)excellent corporate culture can induce the direction of enterprise behavior.the value target set up by corporate culture is the target of all employeesits a great inducement for

39、 the joint act of all employees and it will help all employees to unify voluntarily to the direction expected by managers.furthermore,peters and waterman concluded that common employees in outstanding corporations are clear about what they are doing under most circumstances as guided by the shared v

40、alue.so we can say,excellent corporate culture can supply the gap of bounded ration and make all employees behaviors in accordance with the direction and common target of the corporation.6 3.1.3 overall restricting function(略)3.1.4 excellent corporate culture leading to sustainable innovation(略)3.2

41、the heterogeneity of corporate culturegenerally speaking,corporate culture is formed step by step through a relatively long period of transmitting and normative administration.firstly,it is advocated and carried out by a few people under a certain condition of business.3.2.1 corporate culture is cre

42、ated for the demand of corporations development under a certain environment.consciousness is always behind existence as the core values are formed step by step in the process in which corporations are in pursuit of surviving and development.as a social organism,the corporation will have its own valu

43、es and behavioral model in order to adapt to the environment.at the same time,only when the culture fits the corporations development and is accepted by most employees can the corporation have great vitality.3.2.2 corporate culture is initiated by a few peopleculture reflects intention of peoples co

44、nsciousness rather than a passive response to the environment.generally speaking,the demand for culture arises from the conflict of diversified interests attached with ineradicable traditional customsafter this,a few people are firstly roused and they claim for new culture adapted to the new situati

45、on to change the old concepts and modes of conduct.finally,these people will become pioneers of corporate culture.however,as advocated and demonstrated by these leaders and precursors,this new culture enlightens other people in the corporation and finally it turns into the corporations new modes of

46、culture.3.2.3 corporate culture is a result of continuous publicity,practice and normative administrationthe change of corporate culture is a process in which new concepts and modes of conduct take place of the old ones.based on this,the new culture should be widely propagandized so that it can be a

47、ccepted by all employees step by step.generally speaking,corporate culture will go through a period with amelioration,confirmation and aggrandizement as a new concept need an incessant practice process in which it can be amended and improved to be widely spread.usually,the corporate culture is the r

48、esult of normative administration as the outgrowth of the culture is quite slow.once the new culture are confirmed to be reasonable and necessary,business operators will set down relevant managerial system and criterion of conduct to strengthen it through practice in order to change employees thinki

49、ng and behavioral model and build new corporate culture.in a word,the forming process of corporate culture leads to the 7 heterogeneity of corporate culture as the differentiation in management environment,industry,managers,corporate history,strategy,businessobjectives and so on makes the corporate

50、culture different to each other.3.3 the attribute belonging to corporate culture that difficult to imitatevictor newman and kazem chaharbaghi presented that:1.culture is only the byproduct related to the realization process of technology rather than the technology itself;2.new culture wont arise if

51、no demand of implement for a new technology is required;3.it wont make sense for managers to migrate corporate culture from other corporations directly to their own corporations.the new culture will turn into the corporate culture for your corporation only when you can expertly carry out a new techn

52、ology.barney takes the corporate culture as the most effective and solid barriers against the competitors imitation.he put forward two reasons:on the one hand,culture can make the corporation different to each other;on the other hand,some parts of corporate culture are too hard for competitors to un

53、derstand as they cant be easily expressed in words.in other words,if competitors cant even understand and copy the corporate culture,the culture may be turned into the best protect for the corporate strategy advantages outclassing to any laws and systems.chinese professor liu guang-ming also pointed

54、 out that it will be harder for competitors to imitate the corporate culture rather than technology and systems.the forming process of corporate culture also shows that corporate culture is hard to be imitated as the process is greatly dependent on the forming route.furthermore,the forming route is

55、determined by many factors which are just related to certain corporation so that it cant be suitable for all corporations. 8 莄螁螀芄芀莇袂肆膆蒆羅节蒄蒅蚄肅蒀蒅袇芀莆蒄罿膃节蒃肁羆薁蒂螁膁蒇蒁袃羄莃薀羆膀艿蕿蚅羂膅蕿螈膈薃薈羀羁葿薇肂芆莅薆螂聿芁薅袄芄膇薄羆肇蒆蚃蚆芃莂蚃螈肆芈蚂袁芁膄蚁肃肄薃蚀螃羇葿虿袅膂莅蚈羇羅芁蚇蚇膀膆螇蝿羃蒅螆袂腿莁螅羄羂芇螄螃膇芃螃袆肀薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀肈莄螁螀芄芀莇袂肆膆蒆羅节蒄蒅蚄肅蒀蒅袇芀莆蒄罿膃节蒃肁羆薁蒂螁膁蒇蒁袃羄莃薀羆膀艿蕿蚅羂膅蕿螈






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