



1、【知识网络】Book 3 Module 1 EuropeFaced with this situati on, they felt both joyful and fearful.=Fac ing this situati on, they felt both joyfulPeriod 1-2 Key words学习目标:1.熟悉欧洲地图,对欧洲一些国家的地理位置有初步的了解。2. 掌握该模块语境内的核心词汇,能够将这些词汇准确运用到具体的情景中。学习重难点:单词和短语的使用。【课前预习】1. 主题语境:本模块为“人与自然”主题下对“主要国家地理概况”的描述。文章主要介绍了一些国家 的所在地点

2、、首都、著名建筑、文化和语言状况等,进而使学生了解欧洲一些著名城市的地理位 置及其特色。2. 表达性技能:陈述自己关于某城市或地区的观点,学会写介绍城市及其地理位置的文章。3. 课时任务:熟悉欧洲地图,对欧洲一些国家地理位置有初步了解;通过阅读文章,了解常见的 欧洲国家的分布情况;掌握对应的国家、首都和与语言的表达;了解欧洲四座著名城市巴黎、 巴塞罗那、佛罗伦萨和雅典的地理位置、重要地位和特色等信息。4阅读文章,完成下列的填空。Coun triesFamous Ian dmarksGreat Europea n CitiesParis inBarcel ona inFlore nee inAt

3、he ns infacerangesituati onsymboloppositesigntermhand【知识清单】一、原句再现France is Europe third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across theEn glish Cha nn el.法国是欧洲的第三大国,隔着英吉利海峡与英国相望。牢记关于face的各种含义及短语:1. vi. & vt.面向;面对vt.正视;面临The building faces the square. 这栋大楼面对着广场。2. n.脸;面部;脸色The face recognitio

4、n system was first displayed in March 2015.人脸识别系统于 2015 年 3 月首次亮相。3. 常用搭配:be faced with 面临in the face of 面对(困难、危险等)face to face 面对面地make faces 做鬼脸save/lose face保全/丢面子注意:1.短语be faced with并不表被动,而表示主语的一种状态。In rece nt years, many coun tries have bee n faced with the problem of how to make their workersm

5、ore productive.近年来,许多国家面临着如何使工人更有效率的问题。2. face的分词形式可以做状语、定语或宾语补足语。二、原句再现Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps. 在意大禾U和法国之间,有一条山脉叫作阿尔卑斯山脉。ran ge: 1. n. 一系列;山脉;范围;幅度;程度常用搭配:a wide range of各式各样的in /within rang在范围内out of range超出范围Your blood pressure is well within the normal

6、 range. 你的血压完全在正常范围内。2. vi.(在一定范围内)变化,变动常用搭配:range fromto在和的范围内变化There were 120 stude nts whose ages ran ged from 10 to 18.有120名学生,年龄在10到18岁之间。三、原文再现Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。1. situated adj.坐落在(某处)的;位于(某处)的常用搭配:be situat

7、ed on/in/at 位于;坐落在The hotel is beautifully situated in a quiet spot near the river.旅馆环境优美,坐落在河边一个僻静的地方。2. situate vt.使位于;使联系Let me try and situate the eve nts in their historical con text.3. situation n.形势;情况;局面;地理位置You could get into a situati on where you have to decide immediately.你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不

8、立刻作出决定。四、原文再现The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. 最 受游客欢迎的旅游景点的埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。symbol n. C象征;记号;符号常用搭配:a/the symbol of 的象征It has become a symbol of popularity. 它已成为一种流行的象征。易混辨析:易混词含义例句symbol象征;符号The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the m

9、arvels of creation.鲸和海豚一 样,已经成为造物杰作的象征。sig nal预示;暗号At an agreed signal, they left the room. 一收到约定的信号,他们就离开了房间。sign标牌;迹象The gloomy weather shows no sign ofimproving.阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。mark(显示质量、制造者或所有者等的)标记Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.带有他的印记的每一件 银器都极有价值。联想词:symbolic adj.象征性的

10、symbolize vt.象征;代表;有符号表示五、opposite1. prep. 在对面 The bank is opposite the supermarket. 银行在超市的对面。2. adj.对面的; 相反的 Sudde nly a car came round a corner on the opposite site.突然,一辆汽车出现在对面的拐角处。常用搭配:be opposite to与相反3. adv.在对面 There is a n ewly married couple livi ng opposite.有一对新婚夫妇住在对面4. n.对立面;相反的人或事物Exactl

11、y the opposite is true.事实恰恰相反。常用搭配:the opposite of 的对立面联想词:oppositi on n.反对;对手;对立的事物六、原文再现Franee and Germany aren t going to sign the agreement.法国和德国不会签署协议。(一)sign vi.&vt.签署vi.示意;打手势n.迹象;标牌;示意动作常用搭配:sign a( n) agreeme nt / con tract / treaty签署协议/合同/条约sign up (for)报名(参加)1. The player was sig ning aut

12、ographs for a group of fans.这名运动员当时正在为一群 粉丝” 签名。2. He sig ned to me to be quiet.他示意要我安静。3. Headaches may be a sig n of stress.头痛可能是有压力的迹象。(二)agreement n. U同意;一致C协议;协定常用搭配:reach / come to / arrive at / make an agreeme nt with与达成协议in agreeme nt 致They have bee n debat ing for hours without reach ing an

13、y agreeme nt.他们已经争论了几个小时了,却始终没有达成一致的意见。联想词:agree vi.&vt.意见一致;同意;赞同;相符;(事实、陈述等)彼此一致agree to do sth 同意做某事agree with同意億见);与一致;(气候、食物等)适合agree on sth (双方)就某事达成一致意见agree about就某方面商讨1. No one really kn ows why he agreed to do the film.没有人真正知道他为什么同意拍那部电影。2. I agree with his an alysis of the situatio n.我同意他

14、对形势的分析3. We do n t agree on everyth ing, of course.当然,我们并不是对所有事都有一致的看法。拓展词:disagreement n. 不一致;争论;意见不合disagree vi.不同意;不一致agreeable adj.宜人的;同意的;可接受的特别注意:表达同意某人做某事时,可以用agree后接从句,但 agree sb to do sth的表述不正确。七、原文再现In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?在面积禾口人口方

15、面,和中国相比欧盟有多大?in terms of 据;依照联想拓展:与term有关的短语come to terms with sth对某事让步be on good/bad/friendly terms (with sb)( 与某人)关系好 /不好 /友好in the long / short / medium term长 / 短 / 中期内He is on good terms with Lao Li and takes what he says to heart.他和老李很要好,总是铭记他说的好。八、原文再现ln France, on the other hand, the head of

16、state is a preside nt.另一方面,在法国,国家的首脑却是总统。on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说。on the other ha nd 既可以与 on the one ha nd 连用,构成结构 on theone handon the other hand ,意为一方面另一方面”,也可以单独使用。On the one hand, they would love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don t want to give up their freedom一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们不

17、愿意放弃自由自在的生活。联想拓展:ha nd的用法1. n. C手;(钟表的)指针at ha nd可能很快发生的;在手边;在近处by hand 手工give/la nd sb a hand 帮助别人hand in hand 手拉手go hand in hand 密切关联They headed for school, hand in han d.他们手拉手向学校走去。2. vt.交;递;给ha nd sb sth=ha nd sth to sb把某物交给某人ha nd sth back (to sb) 归还某物(给某人)ha nd sth dow n (to sb)把某物传下去(给某人);传给(

18、后代)ha nd out 分发hand sth over (to sb) 把(责任、权利等)移交给(某人)hand in 上交These skills used to be han ded dow n from father to son.这些技艺以往都是父子相传。拓展词汇:little by little 一点点地;逐渐地step by step 逐步地side by side 肩并肩地neck by neck 齐头并进arm in arm 臂挽臂地【考题实例】1. The n ati onal park has a large collectio n of wildlife, (ran g

19、e) from butterflies to elepha nts.2. Remember, whenever (face) with a setback, and whenever you ve been treated unfairly, all it takes isdeterm in ati on and you can feel happy aga in.3. It is easier for two parties to reach an (agree) tha n for three.4. The noodle (symbol) long life.【跟踪演练】、根据提示完成句子。1. The head showed great courage (面对)dan ger.2. The two men stood (面对面地)without a word.3. Joh n will be faced more assig nmen ts.4. (face) a problem of great complexity, he brought out great cal mn ess and patie nee in himself.5. He got himself i


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