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1、marketingmarketingmarketing strategystrategystrategy planplanplan ofofof thethethe kunlunkunlunkunlun mountainsmountainsmountains mineralmineralmineral waterwaterwater by: sixiao wu table of contents i abstract.4 section one vision and mission statement .5 introduction.5 long-term objective.6 vision

2、.8 mission.8 section two external audit analysis.10 external audit.10 opportunities.10 threats.10 efe matrix.11 cpm matrix .12 table of contents ii section three internal audit analysis.13 strengths get more and more loyalty of its customer. in the hand of channel, it still can make full use of red-

3、canned wong lo kats channels, also develop new channels. after researching, there are many projects and solutions to be mentioned in this article. industry background nowadays people are no longer thought that the function of water is only for thirst. they are taking more consideration of health tha

4、n before. with the improvement of living standards, a large consumption group in medium and large cities has formed. there is a potential market in high-end bottled water. in china, bottled water has 20 more years old history, from distilled water, pure water then to recent minerals water, additiona

5、l value of water become the core competitiveness. pure water although holds huge market share, but for the view of sales growth and market space close to saturation that has been in market mature stage, relative to it, mineral water contains rich minerals and trace elements, beneficial to health bec

6、ome popular with high growth in market. but the majority of chinese enterprises have enough production capacity and capital to produce high-end water, but lack of brand awareness and strategic perspective, due to this high-end water market has only a few foreign brands, such as evian. this could ful

7、ly disclose that chinese domestic brand of high-end water in brand vacancy era. jdb group jdb was found in 1995, is a set of development, production and sales of integrated beverage enterprise. in 2008,jdb group contributed a hundred million rmb for the earthquake of sichuan province. jdb become the

8、 household name over night. the star products red-canned wong lo kat makes a miracle by annul sales from millions to billions at the same year. in 2010, it contributes a hundred million rmb again for the earthquake of qinghai province. jdb as a public-spirited enterprise has strong impress for all c

9、hinese. long-term objective: become a world famous enterprise; produce top quality and health product. jdb culture: enterprising; pragmatic; responsible; creative and unity. proprietary brand: kunlun mountain mineral water since 1999, the development team of jdb has started to discover the best natu

10、ral drinkable water in mainland. in 2009, kunlun mineral water has been trial at both shenzhen and wenzhou these two cities, they achieved great success of build up the relationship with consumer emotionally. as a result of this success, it keeps sales growth and got loyalty customer group as well.

11、also be official appointed bottled water of guangzhou asian games 2010; official appointed bottled water of national tennis and provide banquet drinking water for the great hall of people. april. 2010, the proprietary brand kunlun mountain mineral water into the market formally, its a product which

12、actual led by quality.jdb development team spent ten years to find the ideal water source. finally got at an altitude of kunlun mountain 6178 meters, where produce top quality mineral water. in order to maintain the kunlun mountain mineral water natural remarkable quality, the factory located at suc

13、h high altitude area. the factory of kunlun mineral water, altitude 4000 more meters, factory is located in the kunlun mountains 4115 meters altitude, adopting 6178 meters altitude of water resources, and 100% zero pollution auto-canned. using the most strict environmental protection measures, estab

14、lish fourfold water protection system, protection area about 11.15am square kilometers to ensure the top quality. unique water source kunlun mineral spring water the core value of kunlun mineral water: water from the kunlun mountains which is rises 6,000 meters above sea level and ice remain all the

15、 year round. the water is natural and pure; its over 50 years of deep underground filtration. rare ionized microcluster alkaline water is easy for the body to absorb. contains strontium, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium, which are beneficial to health ph value appeared to alkalescency, which

16、 are beneficial to health half-width of the kunlun mountains mineral water is less than 90hz is the rare ionized microcluster alkaline water, and the normal activated water.inferred by the data of isotope-o18 detection, formation age of the kunlun mountains mineral water is about ten thousand years

17、ago. according to the results of tritium of mineral water test inferred, the cycle time of kunlun mountains mineral water is over than 50 years, so that the supply source is ice water from the deep-underground. every bottle of kunlun mountain mineral water needs to pass the 232 item strict standard

18、test to guarantee the top quality. (source from: national natural mineral water technical review group create advanced management ideas and operational philosophies. provide the best bottled water worldwide. mission statement improve brand image of kunlun mountain mineral water, create the blue ocea

19、n of domestic high-end mineral water, take the social responsibility, and develop in the way of strengthening environmental, health and philanthropy. the michael porters five forces model analysis with the improvement of living level, more and more people start to think about how important of the dr

20、inking water. the change of life style people through choose health product for themselves. so the get interesting on the high-end drinking water. we will use the michael porters five forces model to analysis and see how these factors interact with each other. 1. the rivalry among competing sellers

21、at present, in chinese high-end water industry, there are two kinds of competitors, foreign brand such as evian, perriers water and fiji water. others are domestic brand, like lebaishi, wahaha, and watsons and so on. the no.1 rivalry in high-end water is evian which occupy the largest market share.

22、but evian is limited by the product position and pricing. and other domestic bottled water providers, most of them aim to the low-end water in order to keep cost advantages. as a result, kunlun mineral water well positing itself to occupy the blue ocean plays up strength and avoids weakness. 2. pote

23、ntial new entrants according to the profitability of this new market gap, other strong brand both international and domestically might entry this market in the near future. such as starbucks and other related companies which not entry bottled industry yet. 3. substitute suppliers 5100 tibet glacier

24、mineral water, which use water source from prehistoric glacier at tibet. it has the similar characteristics as selling point with kunlun mountain mineral water. both of these tow product are scarce, pure, natural, only if differ them by different concept of product and different culture and religion

25、 factors as well. 4. suppliers analysis kunlun mountain mineral water is self-owned brand belong to jdb group, it has a very stable supply of raw materials. because of they use advanced equipment which import from germany. full auto-system to get the water source totally without anthropogenic influe

26、nce. 5. buyer analysis the price setting of kunlun mountain mineral water is 5 rmb per 510ml bottle. it relate with production costs. comparing with other high-end mineral water brand, this price got absolute advantage. because of its affordable, this price will strong its target group, let more and

27、 more people have a try of high-end water. external audit opportunities 1. products suitable for all the people all age. 2. nowadays people care about health rather than price. 3. high profit margin; high growth; large market gap in high-end drinking water industry. 4. there is no any competitors oc

28、cupy high market share in this industry domestically. 5. powerful go to bottled water market. 6. do not have strong domestic brand in this market currently. threats 1. lack popularizes awareness of product concept. people dont understand the difference among these bottled waters. 2. substitute produ

29、cts. 3. intense rivalry by new firms entering. 4. evian has largest share in market. 5. other international corporations entry chinese high-end water market. 6. a deteriorating economy. external factor evaluation ( efe ) matrix critical success factors weightratingweight score opportunities 1. produ

30、cts suitable for all the people all age. 0.06 4 0.24 2. nowadays people care about health rather than price.0.11 3 0.33 3. high profit margin; high growth; large market gap in high-end drinking water industry. 0.08 3 0.24 4. there is no any competitors occupy high market share in this industry domes

31、tically. 0.11 3 0.33 5. powerful go to bottled water market.0.11 30.33 6. do not have strong domestic brand in this market currently. 0.05 3 0.15 threats 1. lack popularizes awareness of product concept. people dont understand the difference among these bottled waters. 0.05 3 0.15 2. substitute prod

32、ucts.0.05 1 0.05 3. intense rivalry by new firms entering.0.13 2 0.26 4. evian has largest share in market.0.16 2 0.32 5. other international corporations entry chinese high-end water market. 0.04 2 0.08 6. a deteriorating economy.0.05 3 0.15 total 1.00 2.63 cpm competitive profile matrix 5100 tibet

33、 glacier water evian kunlun mineral water critical success factorsweightrating weight score rating weight score rating weight score market share0.02 30.06 40.08 30.06 product quality0.09 30.27 30.27 30.27 customer service0.09 40.36 40.36 40.36 organizational structure0.05 40.20 40.20 40.20 price com

34、petitiveness0.10 20.20 30.30 30.30 financial position0.09 40.36 40.36 40.36 customer loyalty0.10 40.40 40.40 40.40 global expansion0.08 30.24 40.32 30.24 advertising 0.09 30.27 40.36 30.27 social responsibility0.09 30.27 40.36 30.27 quality of management0.08 20.16 30.24 40.32 size of product line0.1

35、2 20.24 30.36 30.36 total 1.00 3.03 3.61 3.41 internal audit strengths 1. top-quality water source from more than 6000 meters above sea level with at least 50 years subsurface mineral filter. 2. unique value of kunlun culture. 3. well-known brand, rely on the great success of red-canned wong lo kat.

36、 4. well public-spirited brand image. 5. world class production line equipments to ensure water source zero pollution 6. long-term reputation, high brand awareness. 7. diverse line of products to satisfy different needs in market. 8. nice marketing plan consistent with provide the best water for chi

37、nese 9. advanced distribution channel management 10. the pricing strategy makes most of people fell affordable and acceptable. weaknesses 1. one product only. 2. high production cost. 3. lack innovation of selling points. 4. only one packaged size, difficult to meet the different needs of consumer.

38、5. increate forms of advertisement. internal factor evaluation ( ife ) matrix critical success factors weightratingweight score strengths 1. top-quality water source from more than 6000 meters above sea level with at least 50 years subsurface mineral filter. 0.06 4 0.24 2. unique value of kunlun cul

39、ture.0.11 40.44 3. well-known brand, rely on the great success of red-canned wong lo kat. 0.08 3 0.24 4. well public-spirited brand image0.05 3 0.15 5. world class production line equipments to ensure water source zero pollution. 0.05 2 0.1 6. long-term reputation, high brand awareness.0.05 40.2 7.

40、diverse line of products to satisfy different needs in market.0.03 20.06 8. nice marketing plan consistent with provide the best water for chinese. 0.114 0.44 9. advanced distribution channel management0.0530.15 10. the pricing strategy makes most of people fell affordable and acceptable. 0.052 0.1

41、weaknesses 1. one product only. 0.08 30.24 2. high production cost.0.05 10.05 3. lack innovation of selling points0.11 20.22 4. only one packaged size, difficult to meet the different needs of consumer. 0.09 2 0.18 5. increate forms of advertisement.0.03 2 0.06 total 1.00 2.87 swot matrix analysis s

42、 o strengthweakness s-o strategyw-o strategy opportunity give full play of red- canned wong lo kats advantages; entry new markets based on well brand image; diversification; change the current situation of single product; provide different size of the bottle; develop new channels; s-t strategyw-t st

43、rategy threat keep core competitiveness of consumer awareness with scarcity value of kunlun water to comparing with other low cost competitors reduce cost; develop new technology; adapt to the change of consumer and market worldwide. in my opinion, jdb group should take the s-o strategy (strength-op

44、portunity) strategy). base on the internal advantages to catch up external opportunities which called growth strategy. on the other hand, with the view of improving kunlun waters brand awareness on the basis on the well brand image and influence, seize the market opportunities of chinese high-end bo

45、ttled water market gap closely. strategic position and action evaluation matrix fs conservative6aggressive 5 4 3(x= 3.8 y= 2.4) 2 ca 1 is -6-5-4-3-2-1123456 -2 -3 -4 defensive-5competitive -6 es financial strengthenvironmental stability return on investment6rate of inflation-1 leverage6technological

46、 changes-5 liquidity6price elasticity of demand-4 working capital5competitive pressure-1 cash flow5barriers to entry into market-5 financial strength average5.6environmental stability average-3.2 competitive advantageindustry strength market share-1growth potential6 product quality-2financial stabil

47、ity4 customer loyalty-1ease of entry into market4 technological know-how-1resource utilization6 control over suppliers and distributors-2profit potential6 competitive advantage average-1.4industry strength average5.2 y-axis = fs + es = 5.6 3.2 = 2.4 x-axis= ca + is = 5.2 1.4 = 3.8 grand strategy mat

48、rix rapid market growth quadrant-2quadrant- 1 weak competive position strong competitive position quadrant- 3 quadrant- 4 slow market growth by analysis, job company located at the first quadrant. it takes advantages both rapid market growth and strong competitive position. continue focus on target

49、market, keep develops its product and deep market penetration is the best strategy. there is unreasonable to deviates the existing competitiveness. but job company over rely on the single product red can wong lo kat, integration strategy might help to reduce the risk by narrow product line. job comp

50、any should look for new opportunities. such as cooperate with other dominant firms to gain advantages in certain market. ge matrix competitive position 1. top-quality water source from more than 6000 meters above sea level with at least 50 years subsurface mineral filter.(x1) 2. unique value of kunl

51、un culture. (x2) 3. well-known brand, rely on the great success of red-canned wong lo kat. (x3) 4. well public-spirited brand image. (x4) 5. world class production line equipments to ensure water source zero pollution (x5) 6. long-term reputation, high brand awareness. (x6) 7. diverse line of produc

52、ts to satisfy different needs in market. (x7) 8. nice marketing plan consistent with provide the best water for chinese. (x8) 9. advanced distribution channel management(x9) 10. the pricing strategy makes most of people fell affordable and acceptable. (x10) 11. one product only. (x11) 12. high produ

53、ction cost. (x12) 13. lack innovation of selling points. (x13) 14. only one packaged size, difficult to meet the different needs of consumer. (x14) 15. increate forms of advertisement. (x15) market attractiveness: 1. products suitable for all the people all age. (y1) 2. nowadays people care about he

54、alth rather than price. (y2) 3. high profit margin; high growth; large market gap in high-end drinking water industry. (y3) 4. there is no any competitors occupy high market share in this industry domestically(y4) 5. powerful go to bottled water market. (y5) 6. do not have strong domestic brand in t

55、his market currently. (y6) 7. lack popularizes awareness of product concept. people dont understand the difference among these bottled waters.(y7) 8. substitute products. (y8) 9. intense rivalry by new firms entering. (y9) 10. evian has largest share in market. (y10) 11. other international corporat

56、ions entry chinese high-end water market.(y11) 12. a deteriorating economy.(y12) market attractiveness index weightscore weigh t score competitive position index weigh t score weigh t score y10.0640.24x10.0640.24 y20.1130.33x20.1140.44 y30.0830.24x30.0830.24 y40.1130.33x40.0530.15 y50.1130.33x50.052

57、0.1 y60.0530.15x60.0540.2 y70.0530.15x70.0320.06 highmedium market attractiveness low our position lowmediumstrong competitive position y80.0530.15x80.1140.44 y90.1310.13x90.0530.15 y100.1620.32x100.0520.1 y110.0420.08x110.0830.24 y120.0520.1x120.0510.05 x130.1120.22 x140.0920.18 x150.0320.06 total1

58、. after ge matrix analysis, we located at the second zone, in this zone, company should optimize the resource distribution; increase investment in order to increase core competitiveness. quantitative strategic planning matrix strategic alternatives key internal factorsweightstrategy a

59、(expand consumption market) strategy b (extending product line) strengths astasastas 1. top-quality water source from more than 6000 meters above sea level with at least 50 years subsurface mineral filter 0.06 40.2420.12 2. unique value of kunlun culture. 0.11 40.44- 3. well-known brand, rely on the

60、 great success of red-canned wong lo kat. 0.08 30.2440.32 4. well public-spirited brand image0.05 20.140.2 5. world class production line equipments to ensure water source zero pollution 0.05 30.1520.1 6. long-term reputation, high brand awareness.0.05 40.240.2 7. diverse line of products to satisfy


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