



1、演讲稿:阅读伴成长,书香溢校园【中英文对照】尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:Dearteacher and students:大家上午好!今天我演讲的主题是:阅读伴成长,书香溢校园。同学们,你们知道吗?阅读不能改变人生的长度,但是它可以改变人生的宽度。阅读不能改变人生的起点,但是它可以改变人生的终点。在这个世界上,没有什么能像书籍一样,开阔我们的眼界,愉悦我们的身心,陶冶我们的性情,丰富我们的知识。Good morning! The topic of my speech today is: Reading Accompanying Growth, and Books Spreading on Cam

2、pus.Classmates, you know,reading cannot change the length of life, but it can change the width of life. Reading cannot change the beginning of life, but it can change the end of life. In this world, nothing can broaden our horizons, delight our mind, cultivate our temperament, or enrich our knowledg

3、e like books.同学们,你们发现没有?每一次阅读,犹如一次奇妙的旅行。我们可以在海底两万里中和神秘船长尼摩对话,我们可以在中华上下五千年中搭乘时空的飞船,感受一代王朝的兴衰,我们还可以在沈石溪的动物系列小说中感受小动物们的悲欢离合这些是多么有意思的事情啊!Classmates,do you see that every time of reading is like a wonderful journey? We can talkto the mysterious captain Nimo in Twenty Thousand Miles Under theSea, we can t

4、ake the spaceship of time and space in Five ThousandYears of China, and feel the rising and falling of a generation ofdynasties. We can also experience the little things in Shen Shixis animalseries novels. The joys and sorrows of the animals. what a fun thing it is!同学们,你们感受到了吗?一本书就像是一位朋友。我们可以思考:故事中的

5、人为什么这样做?然后,我们可以在脑子里继续把这个故事编下去,还可以回过头来品味自己最欣赏的一些片段,接着我们还可以把从书中学到的东西列个单子。最后,我们还可以想象作者是什么样的,他会有怎样的生活经历这真像一个亲密的小伙伴陪伴在我们身边。Classmates,do you feel it? A book is like a friend. We can think: Why do people in thestory do this? Then, we can continue to compose this story in our minds, and wecan go back and t

6、aste some of the pieces we like most, and then we can make alist of what we have learned from the book. Finally, we can also imagine whatthe author is like and what life experience he will have. It is like a close friendby our side.同学们,一本本新书正带着神秘的笑容等待着我们。让我们和书籍交朋友吧!让书籍成为我们成长的基石,让书香溢满我们的校园。Classmates,new books are waiting for us with mysterious smiles. Lets make friends withbooks!


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