



1、广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题17广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题17 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题17)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题17的全部内容。第 5 页 共 5 页广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题17part a read

2、ing aloud视频原文字幕:the absence or presence of water governs life on land。 it determines where and how animals live. but falling rain is not always welcome。 the power of water is immense。 once on land, it begins its journey back to the sea, carving its way through the earth. 65% of the human body is wat

3、er。 it is our absolute necessity。 we cannot live without it. we need it for drinking, for bathing and to grow food. and we have gone to great lengths to get it to where we want it to be。 water, the giver of life, essential to all and forever sacred.part b role play情景介绍角色:你是mary。任务:(1)与父亲谈论开车问题; (2)根

4、据谈话内容回答同学的提问.视频原文(introduction)w: guess what, dad? i got it.m: what did you get, mary?w: i got my driving license. ok, bye。m: wait, wait. where are you going?w: mum said i could take the car to school this morning. andm: hold on, there。 ive prepared a few rules about the use of this car in this hous

5、e。w: like what?m: let me get my notes here。 ok, here we are。 rule no。1. no driving with friends for the first six months。现在请准备提出3个提问:q1.我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车?q1。why cant i drive with my friends?computerized answer: teenagers are not mutual enough to drive carefully, especially when theyre driving together。

6、 i mean, the speed, they ride for pleasure, they drive around town while after midnight。 whats more, who really needs the car when a bike can work? i mean, life was different when i was in your age。 in fact, i used to go to school by bike.q2。我真的需要这些规则吗?q2。do i really need these rules?computerized an

7、swer: absolutely. oh, where were we? oh, yeas, rule no.2. you must always wear your seat belt and obey the rules of the road。 ok. rule no。3. you cant drive long distances at night because you might get sleepy and drive off the road. and rule no。4. you should never use a mobile phone while driving. t

8、hat could cause an accident.q3。这些规则有什么用处?q3。what are these rules for?computerized answer: oh. thats rule no。 5。 remember that i love you and im just a loving father who wants hisr daughter to always be safe and the best dad in the world。现在请准备回答5个问题:q1.what new did you tell your father?a1。i got my dr

9、iving license.q2.where did your mother say you could drive to?a2。school。q3.how does your father go to school when he was young?a3.by bike.q4.what is the danger of driving long distances?a4.getting sleepy and driving off the road.q5。why does your father make so many rules?a5。he loves me and wants me

10、always to be safe.part c retelling1.梗概:tom生病住院时对烹饪产生了兴趣,出院后自学烹饪并以此帮助他人。2.关键词:cooking (烹饪) disease (疾病) hospital (医院) website (网站)recipe (食谱)a child cheftom began to learn cooking when he was six years old。 at that time, he suffered from a rare disease and was sent to a hospital. during the first thr

11、ee days there, tom watched a lot of tv cartoons and felt bored with them。 then he visited the internet for fun。 he found a website teaching people how to cook。 tom was interested in the pictures of the website and fell in love with cooking. he told others that cooking helped keep his mind off everyt

12、hing. having recovered, tom went back home and tried his best to learn to cook by himself。 he spent most of his spare time learning to cook。 he would not give up trying a recipe until he got it right. now after five years of practice, tom is famous as a cook in his hometown and uses his cooking skil

13、l to raise money for other children suffering from the same rare disease. he has raised more than one hundred thousand dollars。 he even has his own cook book which includes more than sixty recipes for simple food。 “besides watching tv cartoons, children can also learn to cook by themselves”, said to

14、m.参考答案:when tom was six years old, he suffered from a rare disease and was put in a hospital. bored of watching tv there, he went on the internet. he soon found a website that taught people how to cook. he found it extremely interesting, and found it kept his mind off everything。 he fell in love with cooking。 after he recovered, tom tried his best to learn to cook at home. most of his spare time was spent learning to cook。 hed try a recipe over and over until he got it right。 now, five years later, tom is a famous cook and has his ow


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