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1、整理课件,1,考研英语写作教程,整理课件,2,目录,考研英语写作介绍 议论文反面信息图 议论文正面信息图 议论文争议信息图 应用文 考研英语写作遣词用句常见错误 考研英语写作遣词用句升级练习,整理课件,3,考研英语写作介绍,小作文 形式: 应用文 内容: 信件为主 分值: 10分 字数要求: 100词左右 时间要求: 大约20分钟,大作文 形式: 议论文 内容: 看图说话 分值: 20分 字数要求: 160-200词 时间要求: 大约40分钟,整理课件,4,应试写作的三个层次,写得出 写得对 写得好,整理课件,5,考研英语写作难点,大脑一片空白 基本无话可说 表达漏洞百出 可读性相当差 中式英

2、语泛滥 考官哭笑不得 表达捉襟见肘 词句鲜有亮点 口语痕迹明显 好似娓娓道来,整理课件,6,考研英语写作要求,谋篇: 观点突出 结构合理 谋段: 论证充分 言之有物 谋句: 正确 多变 关联 谋词: 准确 多变,整理课件,7,课程安排,总体介绍考研英语写作 讲解议论文反面信息图写作 讲解议论文正面信息图写作 讲解议论文争议信息图写作 讲解应用文写作 考研英语写作遣词用句常见错误 考研英语写作遣词用句升级练习 学生例文讲解,整理课件,8,整理课件,9,议论文题目分类,反面信息图: 1998 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 正面信息图: 2001 2002 2004 2008 争

3、议信息图: 2009 图表数据题: 1997 1999,整理课件,10,整理课件,11,整理课件,12,整理课件,13,整理课件,14,第五档(A910/B1720),很好地完成了试题规定的任务。 包含所有内容要点; 使用丰富的语法结构和词汇; 语言自然流畅,语法错误极少; 有效地采用多种衔接手法,文字连贯,层次清晰; 格式与语域恰当贴切。 对目标读者(即语言接受对象)完全产生了预期效果,整理课件,15,第四档(A78/B1316),较好地完成了试题规定的任务。 包含所有内容要点,允许漏掉一两个次重点; 使用丰富的语法结构和词汇; 语言基本准确,只有在试图使用复杂结构或较难词汇时才有个别错误;

4、 采用了适当的衔接手法,层次清晰,组织较严密; 格式与语域恰当贴切。 对目标读者(即语言接受对象)产生了预期效果,整理课件,16,第三档(A56/B912),基本地完成了试题规定的任务。 遗漏一些内容,但包含多数内容要点; 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的需求; 有一些语法及词汇错误,但不影响理解; 采用了简单的衔接手法,内容较连贯,层次清晰; 格式与语域基本合理。 对目标读者(即语言接受对象)基本产生了预期效果,整理课件,17,第二档(A34/B58),未能按照要求完成试题规定的任务。 遗漏或未能有效阐述一些内容要点,写了一些无关内容; 语法结构单调,词汇有限; 有较多语法结构或词汇方面的错

5、误,影响了对写作内容的理解; 未采用恰当的衔接手法,内容缺少连贯性; 格式与语域不恰当。 未能清楚地传达信息给读者。,整理课件,18,Love Is a Lamp,Love is a lamp in darkness, and the more the voyage is , the stronger the light is . Like the lamp vividly portrayed in the picture, love may seem insignificant in a time of peace and abundance, but its light comes int

6、o focus in a time of turbulence and poverty. The saying “a friend in need is a friend indeed” exactly shows how manifest love can be in urgent need of help.,整理课件,19,19,To illustrate this point of view, I will take Tao Xingzhi, one of the greatest educators in China, for example. He was only too will

7、ing to impart love to whoever needed it most. To improve the situation of many poor children, Mr.Tao committed himself to establishing a school especially catering to them. Even after Mr.Taos death, these children still bore in mind his kindness, his generosity and above all, his unselfishness.,整理课件

8、,20,19,Love is needed everywhere, no matter big or small. It is the golden thread that ties the hearts all over the world. As long as we reserve a place for love in our heart, it will grow and blossom, and yield fruits that can make the world more beautiful. Lets do something, anything to give a han

9、d to others-the light of love seems to mean little to you, but means a lot to the ones wriggling in darkness. (223ws),整理课件,21,Love Is a Lamp,Love is considered to be affection of mankind, but what is true love? Different people have different opinions. Look at the picture above: there an oil lamp gi

10、ving off light all the time, with energy being used up little by little. Such is like love, a kind of lasting devotion in some way. The oil lamp would rather sacrifice itself to help others who are in real need.,整理课件,22,16,I once came across an essay telling of a graduate devoted herself to the educ

11、ation cause. After graduating from university, she could have found a good job and got a handsome salary. Instead of doing so, she went back to her hometown in a mountain area and became a teacher there. Without much money or comfortable living conditions, she, however, gained respect from society.

12、She turned out quite a few excellent students, more important of all, she set a good example of how to become a useful person for her students.,整理课件,23,16,As we all know, love is a kind of devotion and commitment. To show love involves sacrifice oneself to benefit others. The greater the needs are,

13、the more worthwhile the love appears to be, just as the oil lamp in the picture. Try to help others generously and show your love, then the world will be full of love. (219ws),整理课件,24,Love Is a Lamp,My understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picure below is that giving your help to those people

14、 who are in the biggest trouble is the most useful for them than anytime. When people have some difficulty which they cant deal with, the thing they most want is your help and your love. your help can make them overcome anything and your love can render them much encouragement. It is a lighting lamp

15、 in dark that the help and love you give them.,整理课件,25,12,Several years ago, some areas suffer disaster form tyhoon. The government help them rebuild their families. In 1999, a southern province also suffers disaster from the earthquake. Many people do their best to help them by donating money, clot

16、hes and food.,整理课件,26,12,It is necessary to take some measures to spread love. For one thing, we should encourage people who have love and are happy to help others. For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that love is benefit for society. Whats more, I think that only in this way will

17、 we have a bright future. (200ws),整理课件,27,Love Is a Lamp,In the darkness, there always a flame, even it is shining or waving in the wild wind, it gives of light which leads you to reaching the sunshine. And heat that warms your heart when you are going through most difficulties moments in your life.

18、 As we know, love is the most precious feeling.,整理课件,28,8,Love has a magic strength. It conquer evils. Create splendid future, and change the world. So we love, we need anyone contribute their loves. Because we need sunshine, and also want the whole world full of the love. Just take everything easy.

19、 Show your smile to guy who just failed the exam, and you will be better the next time; be quiet when your roommates are sleeping and you went back late. This is absolutely true, according to one of my friends: after recovering from a heavy ill, he recalled later that he felt great comfort when many

20、 of his classmates come to ask after him.,整理课件,29,8,Love is in every day. If you are careful enough and thinking more about others, you are showing your love. The help giving to a friend in trouble is the best you can offer(what you need most). Thats really precious and noble among others. (321ws),整

21、理课件,30,Love Is a Lamp,Love is a lamp. The darker it is, more shine the light is . The saying is great. In modern society, love plays a more and more important role. In special countries, love work in a special way.,整理课件,31,4,In our country, food used to lay an essential role in our lives. With the d

22、evelopment of economic, the time passed. We dont think about our hunger. Some one gives you something to eat. Sometimes, you will think that the food is so bad. The love is so cheap. However, a little food becomes so precious in other poor country. The people have to look for food everywhere for his

23、/her next dinner. There, the food supplied freely becomes so important that may be in will bring some up.,整理课件,32,4,However, what is the way to show our love? I think when we show our love we must be humanity. We should give love to person who need most. Then love becomes precious. (158ws),整理课件,33,高

24、分秘诀,要点全 词/句式多变 错误极少 行文流畅(逻辑承接词) 格式正确,整理课件,34,考研英语写作的步骤,审题 正面? 反面?争议?图表? 构思 头脑风暴 行文 三思而落笔 检查 The first draft of anything is SHIT. - By Hemmingway,整理课件,35,反面信息图的写法,描述图画 加以评论(现象 原因 后果) 得出结论(态度 对策 总结),整理课件,36,描述图画,The picture shows that Alternatives of show 同义替换 demonstrate / display / depict / reveal /

25、 present / illustrate / indicate Alternatives of picture 同义替换 photo / cartoon / drawing 修饰副词: vividly / clearly,整理课件,37,描述图画,As we can see from the cartoon As can be clearly seen from the above picture As is displayed in the drawing As it is displayed in the drawing The cartoon vividly depicts ,整理课件

26、,38,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),It is clear that the picture implies a common phenomenon in our society today: By drawing the picture, the painter intends to inform us that Apparently, the purpose of this picture is to convey a message:,整理课件,39,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),The key message conveyed in the picture is that This

27、kind of situation can be seen in The cartoon conveys a signal: The picture delivers a message: The drawing is a symbol that ,整理课件,40,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),What the picture reflects may be a common / new phenomenon in China / in our daily life / in the younger generation. This picture / cartoon conveys a cl

28、ear message.,整理课件,41,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),There are at least reasons for this phenomenon. What may account for this social phenomenon?,整理课件,42,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),Many factors contribute to / lead to / bring about this problem. A number of factors are responsible for this social phenomenon. The causes for the

29、problem are complicated.,整理课件,43,首先 其次 再次,To begin with / Firstly / First and foremost Secondly / In addition / What is more In the third place / Furthermore / Last but not least,整理课件,44,加以评论(现象 原因 后果),The effects could be adverse / serious / negative. It will have a negative / undesirable impact on

30、 This will bring some serious consequences. The negative consequences can be expected.,整理课件,45,得出结论(态度 对策 总结),As for me As far as I am concerned From my view From a personal point of view I firmly believe that ,整理课件,46,得出结论(态度 对策 总结),My suggestion as to the best way to cope with the problem is as fo

31、llows. To eradicate the problem, a few solutions should be provided. Now I would like to present some countermeasures to deal with the problem.,整理课件,47,得出结论(态度 对策 总结),It is high time that we took effective measures to deal with the problem. Therefore, it is imperative for us to take some countermeas

32、ures. To solve the problem, a combined effort is really necessary.,整理课件,48,得出结论(态度 对策 总结),Only in this way could we solve such a thorny issue. Only in this way could such a thorny issue be solved. Only by cooperation could we have a brighter future. A brighter future can be expected if these solutio

33、ns could be taken.,整理课件,49,2006,整理课件,50,As we can see from the two photos clearly, Beckham has crazy fans in China. One boy writes the name of Beckham on his face, and the other does the hair style of Beckham in the barbers at the cost of RMB300.,整理课件,51,What the picture reflects may be a common phe

34、nomenon in the younger generation. Teenagers excessively admire stars. Many factors contribute to this problem.,整理课件,52,To begin with, the under-aged are curious, immature and nave, and can neither resist the temptation around nor make a sound judgment. In addition, family and school focus on academ

35、ic performance, but ignore moral and value education. Last but not least, media mislead youngsters by always covering some star affairs.,整理课件,53,As a consequence, the effects could be adverse. The attention of the adolescent could be distracted away from study, which is their sole task, and some of

36、them may go astray,整理课件,54,As for me, the young should not worship the stars in such a blind and crazy way. Now I would like to present some countermeasures to deal with the problem.,整理课件,55,Firstly, the juvenile should learn the virtues from star, such as hardworking. What is more, family, school a

37、nd the media should guide them properly, and inform that study deserves more time and energy than stars. Only in this way could we solve such a thorny issue.,整理课件,56,2005,整理课件,57,The cartoon vividly demonstrates a family football match, which is totally different from a regular one. Without strikers

38、, only 4 goalkeepers, who are sons and daughter of the old father, are guarding 4 goals respectively. Besides, the old father acts as a ball to replace the real one.,整理课件,58,It is clear that the picture implies a common phenomenon in our society today: the younger generation take their parents as a

39、burden and refuse to take care of them. What may account for this social phenomenon? The children of the old parents may bury themselves in career or making a fortune, and they lose the basic moral and conscience.,整理课件,59,So it will have an undesirable impact on both individual and society. Firstly,

40、 the old may end their life in pain and sorrow. In addition, the traditional virtues in society may be lost.,整理课件,60,From my view, such a behavior should be criticized and condemned. To solve the problem, a combined effort is really necessary. First of all, the younger generation should shoulder the

41、 responsibility to take care the elderly.,整理课件,61,Secondly, the government should set up a sound elderly-care system and cover more pension and medical care expenses. Only in this way could the elderly have a happy life.,整理课件,62,2000,整理课件,63,The drawing vividly depicts the shocking difference in fis

42、hing between 1900 and 1995. In 1900, a single fishing boat and numerous fish could be seen in the ocean. Totally oppositely, in 1995, the ocean accommodated crowded fishing boats, but only one fish was in it.,整理课件,64,By drawing the picture, the painter intends to inform us that human activities have

43、 a disastrous impact on the nature and lead to species extinction. A number of factors are responsible for this social phenomenon.,整理课件,65,First and foremost, profit-oriented commercial behaviors pursue the sole aim at any cost. Besides, the government has loose supervision on the environment and ec

44、osystem.,整理课件,66,Thus the negative consequences can be expected. Resources are on the decline, which leads to ecosystem imbalance and even breakdown finally. As a result, human beings cannot survive on this planet.,整理课件,67,As far as I am concerned, environment and natural resource protection should

45、be in top priority. My suggestion as to the best way to cope with the problem is as follows.,整理课件,68,To begin with, our behaviors should be more environmentally friendly, and such an awareness should be popularized and upgraded. Secondly, the government should enact and enforce more rigid laws and r

46、egulations, such as the ban on fishing during some periods of the year. Only by cooperation could we have a brighter future.,整理课件,69,2007,整理课件,70,As we can see from the cartoon, in a field, a kicker is ready to shoot, while a keeper is guarding the goal. Meanwhile, the keeper supposes himself to be

47、a dwarf, and the kicker considers him as a giant, who covers the whole goal.,整理课件,71,The picture delivers a message: some may underestimate their own capability while overestimate the difficulty or challenge. In a word, they lack confidence, which usually leads to failure and examples abound.,整理课件,7

48、2,In the long-distance running, some players may consider the destination unreachable and stop in the halfway. Besides, in the preparation of National Entrance Test For MA/MS Candidates, some students would take it as long and tough experience and quit in the midway as the athletes do.,整理课件,73,From

49、a personal point of view, confidence is of vital importance. Therefore, it is imperative for us to take some countermeasures to improve confidence.,整理课件,74,Firstly, it is advisable to set up an achievable goal. As it is known, the confidence would come back if the task is not so demanding, such as m

50、emorizing 50 words a day instead of 500. In addition, it is of necessity to cheer for tiny success. Once 50 words are memorized each day, we should remind ourselves: I can do it. Only in this way could the confidence be improved.,整理课件,75,2003,整理课件,76,As is displayed in the drawing, a flower blossoms

51、 well in a green house, which can resist storm. In comparison, once the green house is removed, the flower can not withstand any more and withers soon.,整理课件,77,Apparently, the purpose of this picture is to convey a message: a flower which is used to the green house can not survive in the difficulty,

52、 and similar examples abound.,整理课件,78,A child over-protected by parents cannot survive in the cut-throat competition. Likewise, an industry surrounded by national preferential policy cannot compete with foreign rivals worldwide.,整理课件,79,As far as I am concerned, in order to grow, almost everything h

53、as to be put in the tough environment. It is high time that we took effective measures to deal with the problem.,整理课件,80,Accordingly, children should be independent to be ready for the future competition, and do what they are able to do, such as cooking and housework. As for the government, it shoul

54、d encourage enterprises to expand, go global and participate in business worldwide. Only in this way could the immature survive and succeed when they face plight.,整理课件,81,1998,整理课件,82,As is demonstrated in the cartoon, a hen is making her commitment and claiming to have round and complete eggs, whic

55、h are without edges and corners and contain all essential parts.,整理课件,83,What the picture reflects may be a common phenomenon in our daily life. It is ridiculous to have promise in all walks of life, and examples abound.,整理课件,84,As it is frequently seen, businessmen impress the customer by exaggerat

56、ing the responsibility they should take, such as refundable system. Similarly, banks emphasize smile service and government authorities claim to examine and approve application within several days.,整理课件,85,Therefore, this will bring some serious consequences. It is the responsibility of stores, bank

57、s and government authorities to provide decent service. These commitments seem to exceed what they should offer, and customers and citizens may be honored and flattered. However, in fact, their status declines.,整理课件,86,I firmly believe that we do not need these superficial words but the improvement

58、in all aspects to meet the demand of us. To eradicate the problem, a few solutions should be provided.,整理课件,87,First of all, consumers should not take these ridiculous commitments as the bonus from businessmen and government authorities. Besides, the government should enact and enforce more rigid la

59、ws and regulations to prevent these promises and behaviors. Only by cooperation could a harmonious society be established.,整理课件,88,整理课件,89,As we can see from the cartoon, a hen, is selling her eggs and claiming they are big and harmless. In her hand, a certificate proves that no contaminated ingredi

60、ent is in her eggs.,整理课件,90,By drawing the picture, the painter intends to inform us that food safety has become a very serious issue nationwide. What may account for this social phenomenon? To begin with, producers, for the sake of economic profit, pursue their sole aim at any cost by adding contam


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