



1、潘基文秘书长在荷兰莱顿大学英语演讲稿(4) 潘基文 _在荷兰莱顿大学英语演讲稿 Although some in power mightclaim they need to curtail _s to preserve order, thisin fact could havethe opposite effect. Yes, protecting _ is notfree. It requires investments. But curtailing _ alsocarries a heavypri _. When people do not have a meansto channel

2、their grievan _s - when they are not allowedto speak out, protestpea _fully or exercise their democratic rights, stability will suffer. Look no further than the MiddleEast and North Africa, where decades of oppressionbrought about uprisingswhich have now led to death and devastation. This morning, I

3、 spokeabout mydeep con _rns regarding Syria at the Pea _ Pala _ _remony, I am alsocloselywatching the situation in Egypt.I have offered one word of advi _ to leadersaround theworld: Listen. Listen to the con _rns, de _ndsand hopes of your people. If you do not listen to yourpeople, you will hear fro

4、m them in the streets, in the squares,or mosttragically on the battlefield. Is there a way out? Yes. The answer is more participation.More democracy. More understanding. More _. I on _ again appeal to leadersacross the world to promote dialogue, reconciliation andsupport for inclusivepolitical trans

5、itions. This is the way to build stable,democratic, free and united societies. Here in Europe, which has servedas such a re _rkable engine of integration, I _ke aspecial plea fortoleran _, understanding and aeptan _ of diversity and the rights ofmigrantsand refugees. La _s and gentlemen, We have _ny

6、 challenges beforeus. But there are also _ny reasons to be hopeful. Again and again, we have seenthat when people are engaged on a local or global level,change can happen.Restrictions on _s can be lifted. For example, over the past twodecades, thanks to hu _n rights activi _ across the globe,nearly

7、40 countrieshave decriminalized same- _ relations. The Netherlands has been a pioneerand I have sought to lead the way at the United Nations as a proud defender ofLGBT equality. But the real credit belongs tothe voi _s and the activi _ of ordinary people who stand upand speak out. We saw such extrao

8、rdinaryactivi _ twenty years ago at the World Conferen _ on Hu _nRights in Vienna. Aninspiring assembly of gover _ents and thousands of people from all overtheworld joined for _s - mothers of the disappeared, indigenous peoples,minorities, migrants. They came together to say hu _nrights are universa

9、l, indivisible, interdependent andinterrelated. We are all “born free and equalin dignity and rights”. We all have a right to live in _and equality. With such sovereignty esresponsibility. A responsibility to _ke surethat no person regardless of ethnicity, gender, geography,disability, ra _or other status is left behind, denied universal hu _n rights orbasi _conomic opportunities. A responsibility towards _of the individual, for development and pea _ to flourish. We have examples that gui


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