



1、人事部初级笔译第九讲汉英思维整理与归纳讲义人事部初级笔译第九讲汉英思维整理与归纳讲义 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(人事部初级笔译第九讲汉英思维整理与归纳讲义)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为人事部初级笔译第九讲汉英思维整理与归纳讲义的全部内容。3汉译英当中的整理和归纳1. 其时儿女尚在幼年

2、,在时悄悄溜进我的书房,拨拨117,听下面一响是某点某分某秒的声儿。still in their childhood, my kids would sometimes steal into my study and dial 117 to listen to the voice reporting the exact time。 2. 那时又编刊物又写作,与外界联系多,打进打出的电话也就多.being an editor and writer during those days, i had lots of communication with the outside world and ha

3、d to make and answer lots of calls。 3. 每当这时,我的气就不打一处来:“你是做什么的?对方说了,不外是个同学. whenever this happens, ill all of a sudden fly into a rage and shout back, “who the hell is speaking? ” the answer will invariably be: “a classmate of hers。4. 大学时代,情书可以少写或不写,家信是少不了的.during ones college years, one can do witho

4、ut love letters, but writing to ones parents is simply a must. 5. 刚进大学时,陌生的环境,陌生的人群,甚至连宿舍楼下的磁卡电话也是陌生的. when i first entered the university, everything seemed new to me: the environment, the crowd of people and the magnetic card phone booth below our dormitory building。 6. 识字不多的父亲读着洋溢着南国气息的来信,觉得最惬意不过

5、了;小学毕业的母亲竟也听得津津有味. my letters imbued with the fresh breeze from the south would give my barely literate father the greatest pleasure. my mother, whose education did not extend beyond primary school, would listen enraptured to my father reading my missives. 7. 上有老,下有小,经济拮据。 having old people to suppo

6、rt and young children to rear, they were often financially embarrassed. 8. 每到夜深人静,他就躺在沙发床上,半醒半睡地想公式,我从来没弄清他到底是醒着还是睡着了。every night he would lie in the bed half asleep and half awake, thinking out his formulas, and i never figured out in which state he was。 9. “你打篮球怎么样?“我不会打篮球”“那打排球呢?“也不会!“乒乓球总该会吧?”“还

7、是不会.”见我一问三个不会,她急了.“what about taking part in basketball games?” “sorry, i cant play。 “volleyball? “sorry, cant either. “at least you should know how to play pingpong。” “sorry again.” she was annoyed by my string of “sorry”s10. 那天我有点不耐烦,没说几句大家就急了.她说我不关心她,我也生气了,说:“拿上你的东西,找关心你的人去。”她见我不是说着玩的,便抹着眼泪收拾东西去了

8、.i happened to be in a bad mood, so a few words exchanged were enough to irritate both of us. on hearing her accusation of my not caring for her, i was enraged and responded, “take your things with you and go to the person who does. ” seeing that i looked very serious about what i said, she wiped aw

9、ay her tears and left the room to pack up。 11. 当年他跑几十里,从城里跑到城里上学,穿的啥,吃的啥,盖的啥?in those days when he was attending school in the city, scores of li away from home, what did he have for food, clothing and bedding? 12. 季处长吗?嗯,星期三上午八点在会议室开个干部会,请您通知一下科级以上的都参加,会议内容,传达文件,讲讲下一步的工作。 “is that division chief ji

10、 speaking, er, on wednesday at eight in the morning therell be a meeting。 please tell all the cadres at and above the section level to attend. documents from the above will be read at the meeting, and plans for the work in the near future explained”13. “她的爸爸妈妈从兰州来看她,请假坐火车来的.他们本来说,听说武大的樱花开了,想顺便去看看.正好

11、我和她那天就打算到武大去看樱花.她爸爸妈妈挺懂事的,就说那你们去吧,我们自己在街上转转就回去了。也不要我们送。” “her parents got a special leave of absence and came from lanzhou to see her by train. they had told her they heard the cherries of wuhan university are in full bloom, and that theyd like to find some time to see these beautiful flowers。 it ha

12、ppened that she and i had planned to go there that day for the same purpose. her parents are really as good as gold! they said, in that case, you two go ahead. well just look around the city and then go back home. they didnt even ask us to take them to the station.”14. 这个20郎当,在大学里读书的男孩子的原话,一字不漏地写下来便

13、是天下奇文呀! a wordfor-word transcript of the talk of this twentish college kid would make the nicest piece of writing in the world。 15. 母亲吃不了那么多水果和补品,就叫我也吃,一边看我吃,一边问,“好吃吗?” not being able to consume so many nice things all by herself, should would invite me to share with her , and watching me eating, sh

14、e would ask “arent they delicious?16. 每个人的思想都是不一样的。对于那些善于思想,长于思想的人来说,他们的思想就更为独特。他们的思想蕴含着他们对人生,对这个世界的根本看法.way of thinking vary from one to another. these who enjoy the advantage of being good at using their brains might show originality of thoughts. their thoughts reflect their fundamental views on l

15、ife and on this world of ours. 17. 生活中人与人之间相处,难得的是“双赢”,如果人们一旦获得双赢,自然会给生活带来和谐,欢乐和吉祥,可惜,现实中能获得“双赢”的机会实在不多。 in persontoperson interactions, a winwin situation for both sides is hard to achieve. if it should materialize, it will of course bring harmony, happiness and good luck。 unfortunately, it is an e

16、xtremely occurrence in real life。 18. xx怀孕是你写的, xx根本没有怀孕也是你写的,这岂不是自打自脸. you told people “missis pregnant”, and it is also you who told people the contrary story。 isnt that a slap in you own face?19. xx怀孕我稿费得了这个数,伸出左手。xx根本没有怀孕我稿费又拿了这个数,伸出右手。打一巴掌就成个万元户, 何乐而不为。holding his left hand, the hack replied, “

17、i got this much for the first story.” then raising his right hand, he continued, “i got the same number, for my second story. one slap in my own face brings me 10,000 yuan。 dont you think its worth it?20. 遗憾的是,从小学,初中,到高中,甚至研究生考试,我们始终是以分数论英雄。 我曾经对媒体说过,在现行的中国高考制度之下,如果以700分为标准,一个学生能考到600分,那他绝对是个好学生。为什么多一分 就能进北大,而差一分就进不了北大。unfortunately, score is the only matter that is counted in examination at different levels, even in the


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