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1、pep五年级英语下册重点知识pep五年级英语下册重点知识 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(pep五年级英语下册重点知识)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为pep五年级英语下册重点知识的全部内容。pep五年级英语下册重点知识unit one my day一、重点单词:eat breakfast 吃

2、早餐 have class 上课 play sports 进行体育运动exercise 活动,运动 do morning exercises 做早操 eat dinner 吃晚饭clean my room打扫我的 go for a walk散步 go shopping去买东西 ,购物take 学习 ,上课 dancing 舞蹈 ,跳舞 take a dancing class上舞蹈课 when 什么时候二、重点句子 : 1. when do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课几点结束 ? 2。 we finish class at 1 oclock。

3、 我们一点钟结束上午的课. 3。 what do you do on the weekend? 你周末在做什么 ? 4. i often watch tv and play ping-pong with my father。 我经常看电视 ,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球. 三、语音训练 : 辅音字母组合的发音: cl kl clean clock class cleverpl pl plate eggplant please play四、写作my day hello, my name is amy . i get up at 6:30。 i often eat breakfast at 7:00。

4、 i go to school at 7:15。 in the morning ,i have 3 classes。 at 11: 00, i eat lunch at home. i have 3 classes in the afternoon. we finish class at 4:30,then i play sports with my friends。 i go home at 5:00. i watch tv with my family at 7:00 , then i do my homework at 7:30. i often go to bed at 9:00。 t

5、his is my day 。my weekend im very busy on the weekend。 on saturday, i often clean my room and do my homework in the morning. in the afternoon , i often play sports. on sunday, i always take a dancing class in the morning and go shopping in the afternoon. in the evening, i often watch tv with my pare

6、nts. we often have a good time。unit two my favourite season 一、重点单词 : spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天 winter 冬天 season季节 picnic野餐 goon a picnic去野餐 pick摘,采集 pick apples 摘苹果snowman雪人 make a snowman堆雪人 go swimming去游泳 which 哪一个二、重点句子 : 1。 which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节 ? 2。 i like winter best, i can

7、sleep all day. 最喜欢冬季了 . 可以整天睡觉.3。 why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天呢?4。 because i like summer vacation! 因为我喜欢暑假.三、语音训练 ; 字母组合 br 和 gr 的发音 :br 和gr br brown library brother umbrella gr green grape grandpa grow四、写作my favourite season there are four seasons in a year。 there are spring , summer , autumn ,

8、 and winter。 i like summer best . in summer , the weather is hot , i can eat icecream 。 i can go swimming with my family , too 。 it s so cool ,so i like summer very much 。unit three my school calendar 一、重点单词 january 一月 february二月 march 三月 april 四月 may 五月june六月 july七月 august八月 september九月october 十月 n

9、ovember十一月 december十二月二、重点句子 : 1。 when is the party? 聚会什么时候举行 ? 2. its in april. 在 4 月。 3。 when is the trip this year? 今年的秋游在什么时候? 4. its in october。 well go to the great wall。 在十月 。 我们要去长城 .三、语音训练 : 字母组合 ch 和 sh 的发音 : 和t t china chicken lunch teacher sheep fish shirt shorts四、写作my birthday hi, i m m

10、ike。 i m 11. my birthday is on june 1st, childrens day 。on my birthday , i often have a birthday party 。 my mother cooks noodles for me . we eat birthday cake。 then we sing and dance . we are very happy.unit four when is easter? 一、重点单词 ; first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五twelfth(12th)第十 twent

11、ieth(20th) 第二十 twenty-first(21st)第二十一twenty-third(23rd)第二十三 thirtieth(30th)第三十二、重点句子 :1. when is april fool s day? 愚人节是哪天 ? 2. its on april 1st。 是在四月一日3。 when is your birthday? 你的生日是哪天 ? 4. my birthday is on april 4th。 我的生日是四月四号。 5. what do you usually do on mid-autumn day? 中秋节你通常做什么 ? 6。 we eat moo

12、ncakes.我们吃月饼 。 三、语音训练字母组合 th 的发音 :和 e three thin thirteen maths e this that mother brother四、写作 (介绍自己)hello, my name is sarah。 im 10 years old 。 my birthday is on may 1st 。 i like spring best ,because i can go on a picnic in spring 。 i often read a book on the weekend . now i am singing with my famil

13、y. this is me.unit five whose dog is it? 一、重点单词 : mine 我的 yours 你的,你们的 his 他的 hers 她的 theirs他们的,她们的 ,它们的ours我们的 climbing(正在 )攀登 , 攀爬 eating正在吃 (东西 ) playing正在玩耍 jumping正在跳 drinking正在喝水 sleeping正在睡觉二、重点句子 : 1. the yellow picture is mine。那张黄色的画是我的。 2. are these all ours? 这些都是我们的画吗? 3。 whose is it? 这是谁

14、的 ? 4. its zhang pengs. 是张鹏的。5. is he drinking water? 他在喝水吗?6。 no, he isn t。 hes eating. 不是,他在吃东西。三、语音训练 : 字母组合 ng 和 nk 的发音 : 和k : long sing ring young thing morning k : ink think trunk pink drink thank bank 四、写作summer vacation summer vacation is coming . i will have many things to do . i will go sh

15、opping with my mother 。 i will go swimming with my father 。 i will buy some books, too。 i will read many books . i will have a good time on summer vacation.unit six work quietly 一、重点单词 : doing morning exercises 正在做早操 having class 正在上课eating lunch正在吃午饭 reading a book正在看书 listening to music 正在听音乐keep

16、保持某种状态 keep to the right靠右 keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声说话 turn 顺序 take turns按顺序来二、重点句子 :1. what are they doing? 他们在干什么 ? 2. they re eating lunch. 他们在吃午餐 。 3。 whats the little monkey doing? 那只小猴子在干什么? 4。 its playing with its mother。它在和它妈妈玩耍. 5. shh, talk quietly. 嘘,小声说话 . 6.keep your desk clean. 保持桌面整洁 . 三、语音训练 : 辅音字母组合wh 的发音 :w 或h w: what white wait when where well h:


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