



1、Edm und HillaryIn troductio nOn January 11,2008, Edmund Hillary died in his hometown at the age of 88 years. His life is a lege nd, because he conq uered thehighest mountain in the world and was remembered in the history.Life Experie neeEdmundwas shy andextremelyweak when he wasa child,though he did

2、n thave anytale ntinsports, his dream wasto takeadventures. At the age of16 years,the hikingorganizedby theschool was the firsttimehe hadsee n the snow. Hillary wascompletelyfasc in atedby this sparklingworld. It was this journeythat made him fall inlove with climbing.After that,he attendedalocal mo

3、untain eeri ngclub, and ofte nwent aroundthe mountain,walk ing and camp ing.The Seco nd World War broke outin 1939,hebecame a pilotNew Zealand Air Force, but after the accident,he was sacked.From the n on, he determ ined to conq uer Mount Everest.Adve nturesIn 1953,Hillary andguide TenzingNorgaywere

4、succeed insta nding onthe top ofthe world. Inlater years,he finishedclimbi ng all11 peaks ofthe Himalayas,all of themmountainsabove the altitude of 6000 meters. He was also the first person togo to “ three pole ”in the world.There is no doubtonly because of hisHeroic Figurethat Hillary is a hero, he

5、 impressed me not exciting adventures and his brave deeds, but also his no ble character and in defatigable persevera nee.What many people do not know is that Sir Hillary did not step on the top of Everest at th e firs t t im e, his first attem pt wa s a co mple te failure. His clim bin g party enco

6、 untere d one problem after ano th e r and mo re th a n half of h is c li m b i ng part ners die d. W e fre quently heard the storie s of people wh o have succeeded. And we freque ntly assume that theysucceededin the f irs t tim e. But in fact it exa ct ly the opposi te.Some suspected that the first

7、 one climbed Everest was not Hillary. Instead, his guide Tenzing Norgay was the first one. Hillary remained silently, only said two people as a team to the top and s it was his commitme nt to be a part ner.Fin ally Hillary broke thesilenee after Norgay died in 1988.Hedisclosed the truth in the Aview

8、 from the summit Ove r 4 0 ye ars, S irE dmun d b u i lt 2 7sch ools, two h osp i talsand many brid ge s. Heals ohelp ed tore pair monasteri es. Ith i nk it so ef fec ti ve theclim b i ng,the moun tai n, the o ldi mage s, and of cou rs e,wh atdad lif ebeca me after c l im b i ngthe peak wi th s ch o

9、 o ls , and h os pi tals , t hat re ally wa s t he g re at love of his lif e ”,sa id his son, Pete r H il la ry.He also said that honor can save a life, he would rather aba ndon the firstasce nt honor. Life is importa nt tha n the climbto the top.Con clusi onNew Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark sa

10、id Hillary is one of the most famous people in New Zeala nder,he is the lege nd ofmountaineering and exploration. The death of Edmund Hillary was irreparable loss in New Zealander. He modestly said he was just a beekeeper. In fact, he is a giant. He has not only conquered Everest, but also his life has become more shining fordeterm in ati onmodest andgen erous ness.He has too manyadva ntages that I n eed to lear n from.Refere nces:1 /html/2008-01/12/co nte nt_27671.htm2 http:/wenku.


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