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1、2019 英语四级长篇阅读段落信息匹配题练习题 (2)Section BDirections :In this section ,you are going to read apassage with ten statements attached to it Each smtementcontains information given in one of theparagraphs 1ndentify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived You may choose a paragraph more thanonceEach

2、 paragraph is marked with a letter Answer thequestions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2Creative Book Report Ideas A Are you at a loss forcreative book report ideas for your students?If yes thenthis article will help you make reading and reviewing booksmore creative for your class

3、 In an age of PSPs ,Xbox,animeand gaming arcades ,reading has lost its foothold in the listof hobbies that children tend to cite Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the formof compulsory books that they need to read for school andmaybe that is the reason they find reading to be aninsurmo

4、untable and boring task If you want to inculcate thelove for languages and literary masterpieces in your studentsand want them to devour books everyone should read ,then agood way of going about the same would be to get them tostart working on creative book report ideas While working oncreative idea

5、s for book reports ,your students will have tounderstand the book in a way that allows them to come up withnew ways to present to the class ,the essence of the book BAs a teachel while egging your students to activatetheir creative gray cells you will have to help them outwith basic ideas that they

6、can work on Depending on the agebracket that your students belong to ,the creative bookreport ideas will vary This is so ,not just because of thevarying attention spans that children of various age groupsposses but also because of the amount of work that kids canput into the report While a middle sc

7、hool student wiIl becomfortable handling a handy cam ,a student from elementaryschool will be more fascinated if he is working with paintsand puppets So do you want to know how to write a bookreport creatively?In this article we will list out for you ,a couple of good creative book report ideas for

8、elementarystudents and for middle school students CA book report sandwich is a good creative idea forbook reports As a teacher you can get drawings of a sandwichon sheets of Paper that are of the color of the ingredientsof your sandwich ,for example ,a cream sheet of paper toresemble mayonnaise ,red

9、 to represent tomato and likewise Obviously,each ingredient should be cut in a way that whenassembled together,it looks like a sandwich Now,give each ofyour students one of these book sandwiches to create theirbook report It can start with the name of the book and the author sname on the top slice o

10、f the sandwich The second ingredientcan have the summary of the book on it Each subsequentingredient can have a description of the main characters ,thesetting of the book ,the plot ,and then his or her viewsabout the book Once they are done with their book reports ,they can staple the book sandwich

11、together and then ,you cancreate a class bulletin board with all the book reportsandwiches on display DOne of the good techniques to retell a story,it isalso one of the favorite creative book report ideas amongstudents The job that the student will have is to read thebook and then pick a few objects

12、 at his her home which willallow him her to retell the story in a way that makes itinteresting for his her audience Every time he she picksout an object from the bag to report the book he she hasread,there has to be a valid connection between the book andthe object ,which the student can first ask t

13、he audience toguess and then go ahead and explain it This idea is spin off on the normal show and tells and allows for aninteractive book report session EThis is one of the creative ideas for book reports inwhichas the teacher, you will have to divideyour class intogroups and give them one book each

14、 The students can thenread the book and get together and write a play and act itout for the class To give a deeper insight into the book ,one of the students can play the role of the author and as agroup,the students can try and recreate the thought Drocessof the author The student playing the role

15、of the author canthen interrupt the play at lmportant iunctllres and talkabout the reasons for these twists in the play and how he she came up with these plot lines FAs a voung adult ,your student s fascination may gobeyond the immediate concerns of the book Heshe may want to understand the circumst

16、ances in whichthe book was written ,the times then ,the events happening inthe world and get the author s perspective about thebookEncourage your students to mink on those lines Dividethe class into pairs and give each pair one book to read Letthem then do the roles of the author and a journalist Yo

17、ucan have an interview session in front of the class enablingthem to dissect the book and get a peek into the author sworld GIn a technology obsessed world ,it maybe a very tinyminority of your class that does not get excited with theDrospect of shooting a film One of the best creative bookreport id

18、eas for middle school , you will need to divide theclass into groups and give them at least two months to adaptthe book that thev have been assigned ,into a film The movieshould have a well adapted screenplay,and allotherprerequisites ,like a lighting engineer,sound engineer,costume designer,etc At

19、the end of the given time ,the filmcan be screened in front of the class and then discussed HIf you are on the lookout for good individualcreative book report ideas ,then this one could be foryouAssign every student a book and then ask them to startmaintaining a diary,from the author sDoint of vie w

20、 Askthem to come up with imaginary incidents from the author slife and use historical events to explain why the authorwrote the book in a certain manner Alternately, you can alsoask your students to give a surrogate ending to the story I) 、These are just few of the options that you could useto inspi

21、re your students to come up with creative book reportideas As kids we tend to be more imaginative andcreative .Encourage your students to mink om of the box andappreciate them for their efforts This will help you have aclass that is not only lively and inquisitive by nature butalso a class that will

22、 cultivate a love for words 4611eachers can create a class bulletin board todisplay all the book report sandwiches after their studentsfinish their reports 47Adopting the method of knowing your author,teacherscan encourage students to think beyond the immediate concernsof the book 48Asking me studen

23、ts to write from their own point ofview is suitable for teachers who are on the lookout for goodindividual creative book report ideas 49Retelling a story is one of the favorite creativebook report ideas among students and it tells and allows foran interactive book report session 50Nowadays,most of b

24、ook children read are those theyneed to read for school 51Teachers tend to be more imaginative and creative askids 52While working on creative ideas for book reports ,students will have to understand the book 53The creative book report ideas vary according to agesbecause children in different age gr

25、oups have differentattention span 54If teachers ask their students to shoot a film abouta book ,they should give them no fewer than two months 55Teachers have to divide their class into groups andgive them one book each is a good creative book report ideas 4 6Teachers can create a class bulletin boa

26、rd to displayall the book report sandwiches after their students finishtheir reports 在学生完成他们的读书报告后,老师能够设立一个班级布告板,把所有的三明治读书报告展示出来。【解析】 C。细节题。由句中的 sandwiches after 可定位到 C段,文章指出一旦学生完成了读书报告,他们能够把三明治书本装订起来,你能够在班上设立一个布告板,上面展示所有的三明治读书报告。47Adopting the method of knowing your author,teacherscan encourage stu

27、dents to think beyond the immediate concernsofthe book 采用了了解你的作者的方法,老师应该鼓励学生不但仅思考当前书中的问题。【解析】 F。细节题。文章 F) 段开头指出“ As a young adult ,your student S fascination may go beyond the imm ediateconcerns ofthe book ”。也就是说学生的兴趣可能不但仅在当前书本的内容上。他她可能想理解成书的背景、时代以及当时世界上发生的事情,还想了解作者对这本书的看法。老师要鼓励学生按照这些思路去思考。48Asking

28、the students to write from their own point ofview is suitable for teachers who are on the lookout for goodindividual creative book report ideas 让学生们用自己的观点写,适合那些注重好的个人创意读书报告想法的老师。【解析】 H。细节题。 H)段第一句话指出“ If you are on thelookout for good individual creative book reportideas ,thenthis one couldbeforyou

29、”,onthelookout 为固定搭配,指“寻找,注视,警惕”。49Retelling a story is one of the favorite creativebook report ideas among students and it tells and allows foran interactive book report session 复述故事是学生最喜欢的一种创意读书报告形式,它允许有一个互动的读书报告会。【解析】 D。细节题。文章 D段开头和结尾指出,口头复述故事是讲故事的一个很好的技巧,同时也是学生最喜欢的创意读书报告形式,它能够允许我们有一个互动的读书报告会。50N

30、owadays,most ofbook children read are those theyneed to read for school 如今孩子们读的书绝大部分是那些他们为了学业不得不去读的。【解析】 A。细节题。根据句子中的 most ofbooks children read可定位到 A段第四句话,文章指出“ Most of the reading thatkids do today,comes in the form of compulsory books that theyneed to read for school ”,本题是文中这句话的同义转换。51Teachers te

31、nd to be more imaginative and creative askids 老师还是孩子的时候更有想象力和创造力。【解析】 I 。细节题。根据本句中的 as kids 可定位到文章的 I) 段第二句话,文章指出“ As kids we tend to be more imaginativeand creative ”tend t0 意为“趋向”。52While working on creative ideas for book reports ,students will have to understand the book 当制作创意读书报告的时候,学生们必须理解全书。【解析】 A。细节题。文章 A段指出,在制作创意读书报告的时候,学生们必须用一种方式去理解书本,这让他们能够以新的方式把书中的主旨展示给同学。53Th


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