1、关于初次 见面自我介 绍的情景会 话篇一:跟外国人初次见面简单的英语口语对话跟外国人初次 见面,该怎么样作开场白呢?怎么 样回答对方的问候呢?怎么 样能够顺利地继续话题 呢?记住下面 这些社交小技巧,帮你 顺利和老外沟通 初次见面的外国人跟你 说了句 How do you do,估计多数人都会美滋滋地搬出学校教的那套,回敬一句 How do you do 。可英美人士却 觉得你的回答有点 买帽子当鞋穿 -不对头。因 为他们会觉得对话似乎没有得到回 应,好像你并不高 兴见到他一 样。所以,当 别人说 How do you do 的时候,你最好改答 Nice to meet you 或者 Its
2、a pleasure to meet you 。怎么样,是不是 觉得上面的小技巧 还有点用处?那么,你知道怎么掌控好一个初次 见面的开场白吗?还有谁先开口, 说什么,怎 样继续话题 ?要不要握手呢? 别着急,我 现在就告诉大家一些社交小技巧。它 们可以让你在不同的 场合游刃有余,沟通无极限。先来看一段 Jake 和 Debbie 之间的对话吧。大姑娘上花 轿-头一回, 这两个大一新生在校园里初次碰面了。JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We havent met before, have we?DEBBIE: No, we havent! My name is Debbie
3、.?JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!?DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.?JAKE: Are you a new student?DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you?JAKE: Yeah, me too!?JAKE: Whatre you studying here?DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you?JAKE: Im doing law. But Im thinking of doing business
4、studies instead.? DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change?见机行事, 见什么人说什么话。 Jake 和 Debbie 之间的对话适用于什么 场合呢?他们的对话适用于非正式 场合。因为:1 Jake 使用了 Hi 这个问候词。这个词适用于比 较随意的 场合或者正式 场合下彼此非常熟识的人之 间。2 Jake 和 Debbie 在介绍自己和称呼 对方的时候都在用彼此名字的第一个字。如果两人第一次见面就直接用名字的第一个字相互称呼, 这就暗示他 们想让接下来的 谈话无拘无束,闲散自在一些。3 两个人 谈话的语气和内容都 显得轻松,随意。再来看一段Ja
5、mes Taylor 和 Wang Dong 之间的对话 。 James Taylor 是 AEC Advertising 的总裁, Wang Dong 是 China Bright Advertising Company接从未 谋面的 James Taylor 。外事处的秘书。她 负责到机场去Wang Dong: Good morning. Are you James Taylor?James Taylor: Yes, and .?Wang Dong: Welcome to Beijing, President Taylor. Im Wang Dong, the secretary of t
6、he foreign affairs office from China Bright Advertising Company. Please call me Wang.? James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you, Wang.?Wang Dong: Nice to meet you, too. How was the flight?James Taylor: It was OK, though I feel a bit tired.?Wang Dong: Would you like me to help you with the luggage?James Ta
7、ylor: Oh, thank you.?Wang Dong: Please follow me to the gate. The company car is waiting for you outside.?大家已 经意识到了吧, 这段对话适用于正式的社交场合。1 二个人用Nice to meet you 相互问候。2 Wang Dong 在自我介 绍的时候不仅说了自己的姓名, 还说了自己的 职务和此行的身份。3 Wang Dong 称呼对方为 President Taylor ,这是一种正式的称呼,而不是用Mr. James 或者 James。4 Wang Dong 的用语十分礼貌,恭敬
8、。说到这里,让我们来作个初次 见面问候用语的小结吧。Brief greetings:?- Hi! (for informal situation)?- Hello! (for informal situation)?- Hullo! (for informal situation)?- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation)?- Nice to meet you. (- Nice to meet you, too.)?- How do you do! (-Nice to meet you.) (for more f
9、ormal situation)?附:几个 实用的句子1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识 你。 二个素不 认识的老美 见面打招呼的方式很 简单,就是一个人先 说Nice to meet you , 另一个人 说 Nice to meet you, too ,然后相互握手。但人多的时候 , 你不可能一个一个 说 Nice to meet you ,这时简单说 Hi 就可以了,但 这么说不适用于比 较正式的场合。2. Give me a hug.给我一个 拥抱吧。如果两个人相 识已久, 见面再说 Nice to meet you 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常 问候一句 How a
10、re you doing 或者 Whats up 比较好一些。如果两个人 还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦, 拥抱之前不一定要 说 Give me a hug ,只要看到人家 张开双手,你就可以迎上去 拥抱啦。3. Do you want to exchange numbers?你想不想交 换电话 呢?如果是学生的社交 场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。 这时你可以 尝试跟对方交 换电话号码 。你可以 说 Do you want to exchange numbers 或是直截了当要 对方的电话 Could I have your phone number 。当然,第一次 见面就要 对
11、方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number 。 总之要什么就根据当 时的情况和你个人的企图来定了。篇二:和初次 见面的人聊天很 尴尬? 10 句最实用的开场白和初次 见面的人聊天很 尴尬? 10 句最实用的开 场白conversationWhether you want to start a conversation with a new guy or girl you find attractive or you want to get a training session off to a great start, a good i
12、ce breaker can help you make a memorable first impression. It can turn that first encounter with someone new into something wonderful that blossoms into lasting friendships and valuable partnerships.不论你是想和心 仪的男生或女生展开 对话,还是想让一次培 训课有好的开始,一句好的开场白有助于你 给他人留下 难忘的第一印象。它会 让你和某人的初次 见面变得非常美好, 让你们之间发展出长久的友 谊和有
13、价值的合作关系。A bad ice breaker, however, can be a recipe for disaster. It can spiral out of control pretty quickly and at best be a terrible waste of time or worse an embarrassment for everyone involved. So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward m
14、oments of silence? Where do you begin?然而一句糟糕的开 场白则可能引 发灾难。它会 让场面很快失控,至少也浪 费了时间 ,搞不好还会让每个人都 尴尬。那么你 该如何和初次 见面的人开始一 场有意义的交谈,而且避免尴尬和冷 场呢?你 该怎么进行开场?Understand that it is normal to feel a bit nervous when approaching someone new.Everyone gets a little shy at first; after all, you don t know what this othe
15、r person is like. person could be a grumpy, mean guy, but the only way toknow for sure what the person is like is to get over being shy and approach them. Thatperson might turn out to be the nicest, kindest person you ever meet.你要明白,和一个陌生人接近 时感到有点 紧张是很正常的。最开始每个人都会有些害羞,毕竟你不清楚 对方是怎样的人。那个人也 许是个坏脾气的 讨厌鬼
16、,但唯一确定 这个人个性的 办法就是克服害羞,去接近他。也 许这个人会成 为你所遇到的最 亲切最善良的人。Start by filling your idea vault with possible ice breakers to start a conversation and follow-up questions to sustain the conversation. Listen attentively to the other person s because this can make or break your follow-upquestions. To help you o
17、ut with ideas for starting a conversation, here are ten of the most effective ice breakers you can use in different scenarios to get a conversation off and running.一开始你 应该想好各种可能的开 场白以便开始 这场对话 ,并且准 备后续的问题让对话 持续下去。仔 细倾听对方的回 应,因为这会影响到你后 续问题 的成败。为 了帮助你开始一 场对话,下面是 10 句最有用的开 场白,你可以用于不同场合,让对话 开始并 进行下去。hell
18、o1.“ How are you doing today, miss?”“小姐,今天 过得怎么 样?”A genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is. Often, we brush simple things aside as being too simple not realizing the simplest things can have the biggest impact
19、 in life.一句真 诚的问候搭配上一个温暖的三秒 钟微笑是最基本也最有用的开 场白。我们总 是忽略一些简单的东西,并没有 发觉那些最 简单的东西可以在生活中 发挥最大的效果。Think about the people who say“ good morning”or“ howdy ”to theirneighbors. This simple greeting is usually followed up with“ how are you”or“ hokids? ” Before long, the two parties are talking about their famili
20、es and even favorite sports teams.想想那些 对邻居说 “早上好 ”或者 “你好 ”的人。 这种简单的问候通常会得到 “你好 吗”或者“孩子们好吗 ”作 为回应。很快,双方就开始谈论他们的家庭甚至最喜 欢的球队了。compliment2.“ Nice earrings!”“你的耳环真漂亮! ”This comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. Regardless of whom you are talking to, s
21、aying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well.这句评价代表了开 场白中十分有用的一种 经典技巧。不 论你在和 谁聊天,真 诚地赞美一下他们的着装、配 饰、甚至是心情, 对方通常会很 乐意接受。The person receiving the compliment will thank you and possibly say something nice about you in return. In doing this, a
22、dialogue begins. Keep the dialogue going by asking a questionlike“ Where did you buy the earrings?I really like them.”接受你 赞美的人会向你表示感 谢,可能 还会对你说一些赞美的话作为回报。这样 一来,一场对话 就开始了。想要 继续对话 ,可以 问这样 的问题,比如 “你的耳 环在哪里买的?我非常喜欢。 ”compliment3.“ Does this shop always have such long queues?”“这家商店 门口总是要排 这么长的队吗?”Simply
23、commenting on an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation that you both experience in your immediate surroundings is another effective strategy for starting a conversation. You can comment about a long bathroom line or wobbly waiting-room chair.在周边环境中, 对你们双方共同 经历过 的某种令人不愉快或者不舒服的情况 进行简单的评价,也是一种有用的开 场白策略
24、。你可以抱怨 卫生间门口的 长队或者等候室里 摇晃的椅子。 By focusing on an unpleasant situation that you both find yourselves in and subtlycomplaining about it, you cleverly suck the other person into an unwitting pact that unites both of you against a common enemy.关注某个你 们共同身处的不愉快的 场景并且不 经意地抱怨,你就巧妙地把 对方和自己拉到了一条 阵线上,对抗一个共同的 敌人
25、。weather4.“ Chicago really is the windy city!”“芝加哥确 实是风之城啊! ”Yes. Talk about the weather. It may sound clichd, but it works wonders in real life. Peopletalk about the weather all the time It s apictoeveryone has an opinion on. Think of how you have an opinion about what dress or fashion choice is ri
26、ght for different weather.没错,谈论天气。听上去也 许有点老套,但在 现实中确实管用。人 们总是在谈论天气 这是一个人人都可以 发表观点的话题。你可以想想 对于不同天气 该如何穿衣搭配的 观点。Once the person responds, you can ease into the conversation with“ small talk”like,“ Thewind is so strong; it nearly blew me over! 下去,比如 “风 太大了,就快把我吹跑了!一旦对方做出回” 应,你就可以很容易把谈话继续”funny story篇三:雅思口 语情景对话之新生的自我介 绍智课网 IELTS 备考资料雅思口 语情景对话之新生的自我介 绍Freshman Self-introduction新生自我介 绍Good morning, teachers and my fellow students. My name is Paul. Ive always been very interested in journalism, and have worked very hard at studying throughout my four years of college. Unfortunately, the mo
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