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1、高难度的银行英语笔试题(3) 高难度的银行英语笔试题 One positive consequen _ of our current national crisis _y be at least a temporary shadow in Hollywoods culture of violen _. Fearful of offending au _n _s in the wake of the terrorist attack, some movie _kers have postponed the release of film with terrorist themes. Televi

2、sion writers are delaying scripts with warlike and terrorist s _narios (剧本提纲).It is probably good thinking. My local video store _s me nobody is checking out “disaster” movies. Says the _nager, “Currently, people want edy. They want an escape from stories about violen _ and terrori _.” Similarly, in

3、 the music business, theres a run on patriotic and inspirational tapes and CDs. Aording to The New York Times, the self scrutiny among these czars (特权人物) of _ss-entertai _ent taste is unpre _dented in scale, sweeping aside hundreds of millions of dollars in projects that no longer seem appropriate.

4、A reasonable con _rn is that this might be a short term phenomenon. On _ life returns to something more nor _l, will Hollywood return to its bad old ways? The Times offers a glimmer of hope. The industrys titans (巨头),it suggests, are struggling with much more difficulties, long range questions of wh

5、at the public will want on _ the initial shock from the terrorist attacks wears off. Many in the industry admit they do not know where the boundaries of taste and consumer toleran _ now lie. This is an opportunity for some of us to suggest to Hollywood where that boundary of consumer toleran _ is, e

6、specially those of us who have not yet convin _d Hollywood to _ase its des _nt into ever lower of the dumbness of our young. The nonprofit Parents Television Council, which monitors the quality of TV programming, says in its latest report that todays TV shows are more la _d than ever with vulgaritie

7、s, _ual immorality, crudities, violen _, and foul language. The traditional family hour between 8p.m.and 9p.m., when the works used to offer programs for the entire family, has disappeared. The problem looks like it will get worse. That _rtainly looked to be the case before the Sept.11th assault. On

8、e pre attack New York Times story reported that TV produ _rs were crusading ( _) for scripts that include every crude word i _ginable. The struggles between -work _nsors and produ _rs, aording to the report, were “growing more intense”. Produ _rs like Aaron Sorkin of “The West Wing” planned to keep

9、pushing hard. He was quoted as saying,“Theres absolutely no reason why we cant use the language of _hood in programs that are about _s”. My guess is that a lot of _s dont use the language Mr. Sorkin wants to use, and dont enjoy having their children hear it. At this moment of crisis in our nations h

10、istory, thought has bee more thoughtful, prayerful, and spiritual. It _y be the time to _ the entertai _ent industry that we want not a temporary pause in the flow of tastelessness, but a long term clean-up. 57. Some film _kers hesitate to release new films with violent content because . A) they wan

11、t to show themselves to be patriots B) they are afraid such films _y anger au _n _s C) films with violen _ in them are no longer popu1ar D) films with terrorist themes are reflections on violen _. 58. The “self-scrutiny” in the second paragraph refers to film _kers attempt to . A) produ _ appropriat

12、e films with no violent content for the au _n _s B) prevent themselves from slipping into their old bad ways C) understand to what extent their films have contributed to the national crisis D) find out where the boundaries of taste and consumer toleran _ lie 59. The author thinks that it is time for

13、 the general au _n _ to . A) _ film _kers where the boundaries of their taste lie B) point out to Hollywood how bad their films are C) ause the film _kers of desensitizing their children D) ask film _kers to _ke films that reflect traditional family life 60. Which of the following statements is TRUE

14、 about Aaron Sorkin? A) He is strongly against using crude language in films. B) He starts the struggles between work _nsors and produ _r. C) He insists no restraint be set to the language used in films. D) He believes that it is time to clean up the entertai _ent industry. 61. The authors purpose i

15、n writing this passage is . A) to acknowledge the current practi _ of the entertai _ent industry B) to show his admiration for the current practi _ of the entertai _ent industry C) to ause the entertai _ent industry of their current practi _ D) to show toleran _ of the current practi _ of the entert

16、ai _ent industry 52. D)。 【定位】 由题干principal purpose of this passage is定位到全文内容。 【解析】 主旨题。从整篇看, _是在为实行死刑争辩,因此选D)。 【避错指导】A)“为多数人辩护”、B)“行使否决权”和C)“指责 _”均不是文章主旨。 53. A)。 【定位】 由题干authors response to those who urge the death penalty定位到原文第四段第一句For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in a fit of blind rage, but quite another to coldly plot and carry out the murder of on


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