



1、上海牛津版七年级上册unit2 知识点讲解一、知识点词汇精析要点梳理【 1】 dailyadj. occurring or done each day日常的adv.gradually and progressively每日He needs daily exercise.他需要天天运动。The Visitor Centre is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.游客中心每天上午8:30 至下午4:30 开放。【同根词】dayn. 日子 ;白天【拓展】daily作形容词时,相当于everyday;作副词时,相当于every day 。Let s begi

2、n with daily/everyday English.让我们从日常英语开始吧。I receive at least 3 emails daily/every day.我每天至少收到三封邮件。【应用】()I go to school on foot _.A.everydayB.all dayC.daily【 2】 lovev. have a great affection or liking for somebody or something喜爱n. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection喜爱( 1) love 后面接动词时,既可

3、以接动词不定式(to do ),也可以接动名词形式(doing )。一般这两种情况可以互换,但love to do 常表示某一次或偶然的喜欢;而love doing 则表示习惯性、经常性的喜欢。I love to go to school.=I love going to school.我喜欢上学。( 2) love 后面也可以直接接名词。I love basketball.我喜欢篮球。【同根词】lovelyadj. 可爱的lovern. 爱好者 ;爱人loving爱的;充满爱的【应用】()She loves _ the guitar very much.1A.playB.playingC.p

4、lays【 3】 seldomadv. not often很少;不常I seldom go to the cinema.我很少去看电影。【应用】()He lives close to his office, so he _ go to work by bus.A.oftenB.seldomC.usually【 4】 enjoyv. receive pleasure from/get enjoyment from/take pleasure in喜欢;享受enjoy 后面接的动词一定要用动名词形式,不能直接接动词不定式to do 或 do;enjoy 后面也可以接反身代词。enjoy onese

5、lf意为 “玩得高兴 ”。Students enjoy watching TV. 学生们喜欢看电视。They enjoy themselves on the beach.他们在海滩上玩得很高兴。【应用】()Do you enjoy _?A.go fishB.go fishingC. going fishing【 5】 endv. bring to an end结束n. the point in time at which something ends最后部分;末尾The class will end at 5 p.m.这节课将在下午5 点结束。Walk to the end of the st

6、reet.走到这条路的尽头。【拓展】at the end of. 在 的尽头in the end=at last=finally终于;最后【 6】 practicen. something that people do regularly练习You should do some more practice.你应该再做一些练习。【同根词】practisev.练“习;操练”,后接动名词形式。practise doing sth.意为 “练习做某事”。I practised running yesterday.我昨天练习了跑步。【应用】She practises _ (dance)after sch

7、ool every day.【 7】 rememberv. have an idea of someone or something in the past in your mind and be able to2think about them记得remember to do sth.记得去做某事,指即将要做的事情,还没有做。remember doing sth.记得做过某事,指事情已经做过了。Remember to turning off the light when you leave the room.当你离开房间的时候,记得关灯。I remember turning off the

8、light.我记得关了灯了。【拓展】forget 作动词,意为“忘记”,为 remember 的反义词,用法与remember 类似。I forgot to bring my homework to school this morning.我早上忘了带家庭作业来学校。【应用】()It s raining heavily outside, pleaseremember _ the windows.A.closeB.to closeC.closing【 8】 help v. be of use, give assistance to others帮助n. the act of helping sb

9、. to do sth.帮助help sb.with sth.在某一方面帮助某人help sb.to do sth.=help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事I helped them with this job.我在这项工作上帮助过他们。Susan helps her mother to clean the house. =Susan helps her mother clean the house.苏珊帮她妈妈打扫房间。【同根词】helpfuladj.有用的;有益的helplessadj.无助的【应用】()Would you like to help me _ my homework?A. with doB. doC. to doing【 9】 take part in=participate in参加I often take p


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