01. 词句综合应用技巧基础讲解_第1页
01. 词句综合应用技巧基础讲解_第2页
01. 词句综合应用技巧基础讲解_第3页
01. 词句综合应用技巧基础讲解_第4页
01. 词句综合应用技巧基础讲解_第5页




1、 中考冲刺一 词句综合形式应用 责编:王晓丽 【真题再现】i. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词(每空限填一词) (2015 广州)1it is a p_ that the weather is so bad today. we cant go to a picnic. 2you should always knock at the door before you e_ a room. 3close the window or the wind will b_ everything off my desk.4the young woman is ver

2、y b_. she is not afraid of anything. 5its very p_ to say “thank you” when someone helps you. ii. 根据括号内的汉语提示,完成句子。(2014 黄冈)1. women teachers are usually more careful and more _(有耐心的) with the pupils.2. since youve finished your work,why not consider _(参观) the park with your friends?3. early in the_(二

3、十) century, two famous scientists developed their personal ideas about dreams.4. in order to search for the missing passengers in the mh370, two_(军人) died.5. the film reminded me of the day when i was _(照顾) care of in the village.6. drive_(径直) on, and youll find the museum on your left.iii. 用括号内所给单词

4、的适当形式填空。(2015 兰州)1. lao she was a great (write) and hes especially famous for his play, teahouse.2. would you mind (take) out the trash, jerry?3. the girl is going to repair the bike by (she).4. although he lives on the (twelve) floor, he seldom uses the lift.5. he (not come) yet. what do you think

5、has happened to him?6. this (wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago.7. mom couldnt stand the mess in my room, so she asked me (clean) it right now.8. the road to (successful) is never straight.9. the water (feel) cool when i jumped into the pool for morning exercise.10. hed like to get some s

6、uggestions on how to learn (wise) and well. iv. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。(2015 南通)tidy lift drop break make 1. in autumn,the days are shorter and the temperature _.2. its already midnightwho _ so much noise outside?3. what a mess your room is! sorryi _ it up right now.4. he _ his hand into t

7、he air to get my attention and soon i noticed him.5. why are you in such a hurry? my fathers car _ down on the wayi have to go to help him.v. 从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。(有一项多余)(2014 安顺)be willing to; stay up; write down; throw away; take pride in; come over to1. he _ to watch the world cup last night.2. a

8、ll the teachers _ answer students questions.3. dont forget _ my house when you come to beijing.4. if you pass the exam, your teacher _ you.5. he never _ plastic bottles after using them only once.vi. 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。(2014 山西)i that thing stand anger serious who find near s

9、upport danger everywherefor a long time, i saw happiness as a huge banner across the finish line of a long race. i felt that only when i completed certain 1 could i finally be happy in my life. most of the time i felt like a tortoise. i believed that being slow and strong-minded would win the race.

10、at other times i would act like a rabbit. i tried different roads at a 2 speed, hoping to reach that banner a little faster. gradually, i began to see that no matter how long i raced towards it, the banner never got any 3 . i finally decided one day to sit down and take a rest. it was then that i sa

11、w my happiness sitting beside 4 .it had been with me as i worked hard 5 my family, as i played with my children and i heard their laughter and even when i was 6 ill with my wife at my side looking after me. it had been with me as i raced towards that stupid banner. i just didnt have the ability to s

12、ee it.there is an old saying 7 goes, “tension is who you think you should be. relaxation is who you are.” perhaps we all should stop our race towards the perfect life we think we should have. we should enjoy the life we have now. happiness will never 8 under some banner far away. you will find it in

13、 your own heart, soul and mind. you will find it when you realize that others love you just as you do.dont be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness. be a playful little dog and carry your stick of joy with you 9 you go. take yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to

14、 love and happiness, you 10 there already. happiness is just around the corner.【答案与解析】i. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。1. pity2. enter3. blow4. brave5. politeii. 根据括号内的汉语提示,完成句子。1. patient2. visiting3. twentieth4. soldiers 5. taken 6. straight / directiii. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. writer 2.taking3. herself 4. twe

15、lfth 5. hasnt come6. wood / wooden 7. to clean 8. success 9. felt 10.wiselyiv. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。1. drops 2. is making 3. willshallam going to tidy 4. lifted 5. has brokenv. 从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。 1. stayed up 2. are willing to 3. to come over to 4. will take pride in 5. throws away vi

16、. 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。 1. things 2. dangerous 3. nearer 4. me 5. to support 6. seriously 7. that 8. be found 9. everywhere 10. have stood 【用法讲解】考试要求:主要考查学生对初中所学单词的基本含义及在特定语境中的具体运用能力。一般采用单词拼写、词汇综合运用等主观性测试题。考查的重点是:动词的各种变化形式(如动词的各种时态、语态和动词的非谓语形式)、名词的单数和复数形式、形容词和副词的变化、形容词副词的比较等级、基

17、数词和序数词的转换、代词的人称、格、数等。1. 试题题型:(1)根据句意及首字母提示填空:这种题型主要是考查单词在有具体语言环境中的应用。一般给一个具体的句子和需要填入的单词的首字母。这种填空题有一定的难度,它要求考生必须理解句子意思的基础上准确判断要填入的单词,许多同学可能判断对了所填的单词,但没有考虑或误用了单词的变化形式。例如:have you read the book w_ in french?解析这个句子是一般疑问句,所给的首字母是w,have read是句子的谓语,所以需要填空的这个单词是动词的非谓语形式,本句子的意思是“你看过这本用法语写的书吗?”,理解了句子的意思同时还需要判


19、的变化,即根据所给句子的具体语言环境来判断用这个单词的什么形式。许多考生可能直接把所给的汉语翻译成为英语后就填空,没有考虑单词的变化。例如:you must eat a lot of vegetables and fruit if you want to keep _ (健康).doing more exercise is very good for your _ (健康).解析这两个句子所给的汉语提示都是“健康”,如果不从句子的语言环境考虑,而直接按照汉语“健康”对应的单词health去填空,就很容易出现错误。第一个句子在keep的后面要用形容词作表语,应该填写healthy。第二个句子在物

20、主代词your的后面应该用名词形式health。所以一定要在句子中考虑填写单词的正确形式。又如:how long have you _ (借) the book from the library? for about two weeks.解析这个句子所给的汉语提示是“借”,其英语表示法是borrow,如果直接把所给的汉语翻译后填空,尽管你考虑到在have的后面用过去分词borrowed也仍然是错误的,因为在how long表示延续一段时间的现在完成时中,不能用borrow,因为这个单词是非延续性的,不能和表示延续一段时间的状语连用,所以必须考虑这一点才能填上正确的单词kept。(3)用括号内所

21、给单词的适当形式填空:这种题型主要是考查单词在有具体语言环境中的应用。一般是给一个不完整的句子和括号内的一个单词。这种词汇填空题的难度相对比较小,它要求考生理解句子的意思,根据括号内单词在所给的句子中的语法要求,判断用单词的什么形式。例如:whats the weather like today? its _ (sun).解析这个句子括号内所给的单词是名词sun,从前面的句子意思理解是询问天气的,所以后面句子回答应用be和表示天气的形容词连用来描述天气状况。所以在is的后面用sun的形容词sunny。又如:_ (watch) tv too much is bad for your eyes.解

22、析这个句子括号内的单词watch,是动词,从句子的意思理解是“看电视太多对你的眼睛有害”,动词原形在句子中不能作主语,需要用动名词形式作主语,所以这个空需要用watching,要注意在句子开头要大写。考查动词的应用比例比较多,一般是给一个不完整的句子及动词原形,要求考生根据句子的内容和语法要求用动词的适当形式填空。这种填空主要是动词的变化,一般涉及动词的各种时态、语态和动词不定式、动名词和动词的现在分词、过去分词及情态动词的用法。又如:its very dangerous _ (play) football in the street.解析这个句子括号内的单词play是动词,从句子的意思理解“

23、在街道上踢足球是非常危险的”,句子中的it是形式主语,需要用动词不定式作真正的主语,这里用了句型:its +形容词+不定式+其它。答案是to play。2. 解题技巧:(1) 从句意找单词。特别是首字母填空题,认真阅读和分析所给的句子是准确判断所填词汇的关键。例如:how h_ it is raining outside. we had better stay at home. 解析认真阅读所给的句子,理解句子的意思,考虑用副词来修饰动词raining,在感叹句中how的后面可以用副词,所以填heavily,表示(雨下得)很大。(2)根据句子成分判断所填词的词性。名词,要注意其单复数、可数还是

24、不可数、是否用所有格形式;动词,应注意人称、数、时态、语态及是否是非谓语形式;如果修饰名词或代词,应用形容词;如果修饰动词或形容词、副词等,应该用副词;还要注意形容词、副词的级别;如果是代词,要注意是人称代词、物主代词还是不定代词等,是形容词性物主代词还是名词性物主代词等。例如:at the _ (开始), we couldnt understand what he said.解析括号所给的汉语是“开始”,直接翻译的单词是begin,如果直接翻译后填空是错误的,从介词和冠词the的后判断,应该用名词;从句意可以分析这个空是需要用“开始”这个单词的动名词形式即beginning,构成at the

25、 beginning短语,表示“在开始时”,所以一定要结合句子来考虑单词的正确形式,不能直接翻译汉语就填空。(3) 观察句子的类型,判断动词的时态和语态。1) 如果所给的句子是祈使句,就可以用括号所给动词的原形。例如:_ (speak) chinese in the meeting, please. 解析这是一个祈使句,表示一种请求,祈使句是以动词原形开头的句子,所以可以直接填写括号内的动词。答案是speak。2) 如果句子中有情态动词can/may/must等,情态动词后面要填入动词原形。例如:you must _ (go) there at once.解析在情态动词must的后面用动词原形

26、go,所以可以直接填写go。3) 如果句子有比较明显的时间状语,可以根据不同的时间来判断动词的不同时态。如果有every, always,often,sometimes,usually,twice a week等时间状语,句子经常用一般现在时;根据句子的主语是否是第三人称单数形式来判断动词是否变化。如果句子有比较明显的时间状语yesterday,just now,last week, ago,in 过去的年份等,句子的谓语动词用一般过去时。如果句子中有already,ever,never,just,yet,since,for一段时间,so far,in the last/ past few y

27、ears等时间状语,句子的谓语动词用现在完成时。例如:mike always _ (watch) tv after dinner. 解析主语mike是第三人称单数形式,从句子的时间状语always可以判断是一般现在时,所以谓语动词用watches。例如:jim _ (live) in this village for about ten years. 解析从句子的时间状语for about ten years可以判断是现在完成时,所以用has lived来填空。(4) 从所给的句子主语和谓语关系来判断语态如果句子的主语是后面动词所表示动作的执行者,用主动语态;如果句子的主语不能执行后面动词所表示的动作,而是动作的承受者,用被动语态。例如:when we got there, all students _ ( do) their homework. 句子的主语students能够执行后面的动作do homework,所以是主动语态即were doing。例如:the students _ (tell) to clean their classroom. 句子的主语和动词tell是被动关系,所以用被动语态。所以填are told。(5) 从句子成分判断动词的非谓语形式。如果所给的句子是简单句,并且已经有了


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