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1、形容词,副词的比较级,最高级,小学六年级下学期,形容词(adj.)、副词(adv.), 的, 地,形容词是用来修饰和描述名词,通常放在名词之前 a blue cap a big orange,形容词既可修饰单数也可修饰复数 a red strawberry three red strawberries,一.形容词的概念,2.形容词可以放在 be 动词之后,用来 叙述和说明主语 This suit is blue. These suits are blue. The apple is red. The apples are red.,3.形容词的类别:,形容词,简单形容词:由单个词构成,复合形容

2、词:由两个或两个 以上词构成,darkblue (深蓝的) lightgreen(浅绿的) goodlooking(好看的) newborn(新生的) evergreen(常青的) snowwhite (雪白的),big small,open closed,tall short,short long,4.形容词中的反义词:,Beautiful ugly,happy sad,ill well,Youngold,fast slow,tallshort fatthin strongweak happysad 高的 - 矮的 胖的 - 瘦的 结实的 - 虚弱的 快乐的 - 悲伤的 youngold n

3、ewold longshort bigsmall 年轻的 - 年老的 新的 旧的 长的 短的 大的 小的 biglittle goodbad hotcold warmcool 大的 小的 好的 坏的 热的 冷的 温暖的 凉爽的 drywet fullempty cleandirty fastslow 干的 湿的 满的 空的 干净的 脏的 快的 慢的 thickthin lightheavy ill well sweet bitter 厚的 薄的 轻的 重的 生病的 好的 甜的 苦的 noise quiet beautiful ugly clever stupid 吵闹的 安静的 漂亮的 丑陋的

4、 聪明的 愚笨的,写出下列形容词和副词的反义词, 2.tall 3.heavy 4.empty 5.fat 6.easy 7.clean 9.late,10.fat 11.cold 12.dry 13.slowly 14.easily 15.little 16.few 17.good 18.white,1.slow 2.short 3.light 4.gull 5.thin 6.difficult 7.dirty 8.fangrous 9.early,10.thin 12.wet 13.quickly 14difficultly 15.large 16.

5、many 17.bad,副词放在所修饰的动词之后、形容词和副 词之前。如果前面是行为动词,则后面用副词。 如: 1.She works hard .(修饰动词) 2.I am very busy.(修饰形容词) 3.He runs too quickly .(修饰副词) 4.We play happily. (修饰动词),副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、状态等。如:,副词的概念,通常在形容词后加-ly变成副词。,slow _ real _ usual _ careful_ easy _ happy _ heavy _ angry _,sl

6、owly,usually,easily,heavily,really,carefully,happily,angrily,big,bigger,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,big,bigger,biggest,fast,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,fastest,Look

7、 at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,三、形容词和副词的级,形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级 1.原级:即形容词和副词的原形。 small, good, pretty, big, many hard, happily, slowly, quickly 程度副词very,too,so,quite等修饰形容词和副词的原级。 如:very tall、 too hot、 so cold quite interesting run quickly, 程度副词very,too,so,quite等修饰形容词和副词的原级。 如:very tall、 too

8、hot、 so cold quite interesting run quickly, asas ,(与一样) not as(so)as (与不一样)中间用原级。,The story is as interesting as that one. The question is not as / so difficult as that one.,比较级和最高级,写出下列单词的比较级和最高级,big tall nice good long easy young hot,bigger biggest taller tallest nicer nicest better best longer lo

9、ngest easier easiest younger youngest hotter hottest,形容词/副词比较级变化规则,一般在词尾加-er,taller longer older,以字母e结尾,直接加-r,larger nicer,以重读闭音节结尾的,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写该字母,再加-er,thinner bigger hotter redder,以“辅音字母+-y”结尾的,先把y变成i,再加-er,angrier easier busier,2. 不规则变化,【巧记】: 特殊形式比较级, 共有三对二合一, 坏病两多和两好 little意思不是小, 一分为二有两个,

10、一是老来二是远,形容词的比较级和最高级句型。,The dog is bigger than the mouse.,The horse is the biggest of all.,The boy is younger than the man.,The baby is the youngest of the three.,big,bigger,biggest,young younger,youngest,Jim,Li Lei,Tom,Li Lei is taller than Tom.,Jim is the tallest of all.,¥30,¥20,¥10,The yellow coat

11、 is cheaper than the purple one.,The brown coat is the cheapest of the three.,The dog is bigger than the mouse,The boy is younger than the man.,Li Lei is taller than Tom.,The yellow coat is cheaper than the purple one.,比较级Conclusion,A + be + 比较级 + than +B,形容词比较级句式的结构:,最高级Conclusion,The horse is the

12、biggest of all. The baby is the youngest of the three. The brown coat is the cheapest. Jim is the tallest in our class.,主语 + be + the + 最高级 + of / in.,形容词最高级句式的结构:,¥30,¥20,¥10,Tom,Li Lei,Jim,young cheap tall,Jim is strong. Li Lei is . Tom is .,stronger,the strongest,Exercise,The blue car is nice. Th

13、e red car the blue car.(红车比蓝车好看) The colour car of all. (彩色车最好看),is nicer than,is the nicest,形容词汇集,nice good bad naughty loud clever shy cool cute,big small old young,tall short fat thin strong,long short beautiful high,careful dirty easy difficult,做题了,看看谁最棒?,1. 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,nice . 2) hot , slow . 4) late , happy . 6) fat , heavy . 8) thin , 9) good/well . 10) wide , 11) far . 12) bad/ill . 13)beautiful , 14) much/many , 15)clever . 16)important .,nicer, nicest,hotter, hottest,slower, slowest,happier, happiest,heavier, heaviest,


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