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1、TC5010-4技术标书(中英文)文件编号:TC5010-4-128-ADoc. No.: TC5010-4-128-A QTZ63(TC5010-4)塔式起重机Tower Crane QTZ63(TC5010-4)技术标书Tender BookTC5010-4塔式起重机Tower Crane TC 5010-4技术标书Tender Book编制:周海建Drafted by Zhou Haijian校对:郑昌明Proofread by Zheng Changming 批准:付英雄Approved by Fu Yingxiong版本号: AEdition A日期: 2012-02Dated on

2、 Feb., 2012QTZ63(TC5010-4)塔式起重机技术标书Tower Crane QTZ63 (TC5010-4)Tender Book1简图Sketch2中联塔机遵循的主要标准Main Standards followed by ZOOMLION Tower Cranes GB 5144-2006 塔式起重机安全规程Tower Crane Safety Regulations GB/T 13752-92塔式起重机设计规范Tower Crane Design Specifications GB/T 5031-2008塔式起重机Tower Crane3中联塔机概述Brief intr

3、oduction of ZOOMLION Tower Cranes中联重科的塔机产品分为三大系列40多个品种,其中ZOOMLION has got more than 3 series total 40 models of tower crane, includes:塔头系列产品有Topkit series:TC5010 、TC5610、TC5613、TC6010、TC6013、TC6015、TC6016、TC6515、TC6517、TC7013、TC7525、TC7030、TC7035、TC7052、TC8039、D800、D1100、D1250、D1400、D2500、D5200等;平头系

4、列产品有Topless series:TCT5010、TCT5510、TCT5513、TCT7015、TCT7520、TCT7527、T320等;动臂系列产品有Luffing series:L160、L250、L500、L630、LH800等;同时,具有整体式、鱼尾板式、榫头式等多种联接方式塔身标准节,最大限度地满足客户需求。Meanwhile, ZOOMLION developed tower cranes with bolts connection, pins connection and fish-plate type etc. different mast sections, to s

5、atisfy users requirement to the largest extent.多年来,中联塔机连续实现跨越式增长,国内销量连年雄踞行业第一,产品远销北美、中东、东南亚、澳大利亚、非洲等60多个国家和地区,得到了全球用户的认可和信赖。ZOOMLION tower crane has been enjoying striding development and the largest market share in China for many consecutive years, products also have been exported to more than 60 c

6、ountries and region covers North America, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia, Africa etc. and been globally accepted and trusted.中联塔机,无论是技术水平,还是产品品质,在国内都居行业领先地位,与世界先进水平同步。ZOOMLION tower cranes, not only in technical level, but in products quality as well, syncs with the world advanced technology

7、, and leads industrial development in China.中联塔机的主要特点:ZOOMLION tower cranes main features:3.1现代化的设计方法和全面的设计保障手段Modern designing ideas and comprehensive designing guarantee methods采用精确的ADAMS运动分析和IDEAS有限元分析计算,确保塔机每一部件受力合理,同时具有良好的强度、刚度和抗疲劳性。Take advantage of accurate ADAMS supported Motion Analysis and

8、 I-DEAS supported Finite Element Analysis and Calculation, every part of ZOOMLION Tower Cranes has been allocated optimized stresses to get best strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance.采用先进的设计分析系统,仿真模拟设计。新型软件在中联重科的产品开发中使用非常广泛,运用科学的分析手段,对设计进行把关,为项目方案提供强有力的理论支持,确保产品的高可靠性、高安全性。Avail of advanced desi

9、gning analysis system, ZOOMLION tower crane R&D engineers can simulate the design on computer. New softwares have been broadly used in ZOOMLION new products development to scientifically test and verify designs, guarantee the reliability and safety.同时,设立专家评审委员会,对塔机的总体方案及关键部件设计方案进行严格评审,从设计质量上层层把关。In

10、the mean time, senior tower crane experts from ZOOMLION Experts Appraisal Committee pay special attention to general design and critical components, and only after being thoroughly discussed and finally approved by the Committee, can any new tower crane design and major change executable, to make su

11、re tower crane safe, reliable and stable.成立了专门的德国研究所,分批次派人去德国进修学习,以不断的学习国际上的领先技术和理念。And set up a special German Institute, batches sent to Germany for further study to continuous learning leading international technology and ideas.3.2先进的试验手段Advanced test measures中联重科建设有国家重点实验室建设机械关键技术实验室,拥有国内领先的塔机电气

12、、机构实验台,自行研究、开发的塔机专用电气控制系统及传动机构均按国家和行业相关标准进行可靠性试验,为塔机的设计提供详实的试验数据支持,确保中联塔机的电气控制系统及传动机构的安全可靠。ZOOMLION owns internationally advanced National Construction Key TechnologyLaboratory, which equipped with domestically advanced Electrical and Mechanical Laboratory Furniture, as well as innovatively develope

13、d special electrical controlling system and transmission mechanism strictly tested as per national and industrial related standards, to provide detailed and precise test data support on tower crane R&D, and ensure ZOOMLION tower craneselectrical controlling system and transmission mechanisms safe an

14、d reliable.3.3独特的技术服务Unique technical service中联塔机技术部的电话24小时对客户开放,随时向客户提供免费技术咨询和支持;新机可免费提供基础咨询;有非标附着架提供机制。以上三项是中联塔机独特的技术服务优势。User-oriented technical hotline always ready to answer any query at any time, customized designing and technology consulting on foundation, walling anchorage etc. all make ZOOM

15、LION unique technical advantage.同时,中联重科拥有一流的专业人才队伍,能根据客户个性需求,在最短的时间内为客户设计定制出特殊工程所需的塔机。Besides, ZOOMLION has got a team of professional R&D engineers, who can develop customized tower cranes as per specific construction requirement in shortest time.a)充分满足用户施工要求的性能参数Users Demand Oriented Performance大距

16、离的附着间距和自由悬高,极大的方便了用户施工;合理的臂头起重量完全符合用户施工的要求。Large anchorage spacing and free working height immensely allow users to execute construction work more efficiently, and rational tip load capacity absolutely satisfies most construction requirements.b)完备的制造和工艺保障Perfect Manufacturing and Quality Guarantee M

17、easures2009年,中联重科总投资5亿元占地380亩的全球最大单一塔机生产基地常德灌溪工业园塔机生产基地正式投产,基地安装使用先进的涂装线重型积放链输送系统、机器人工作站、焊接机械手、表面预处理涂装设备和关键部件的专用工装等100多台套,完备的制造和工艺设备为中联塔机提供了坚实可靠的硬件保障。实现2011年年产值80亿。同时,相继成立了江阴基地、上海基地、沈阳基地、成都基地,增设了施工升降机产品。In 2009, ZOOMLION constructed and put into operation the worldwide biggest sole tower crane produ

18、ction base, covers an area of more than 250,000 M2, with 500 million RMB investment, equipped with more than 100 sets of internationally advanced accurate professional facilities such as cutting, preprocessing, milling, drilling, robot welding system, computer controlled machining center, large-scal

19、e floor boring machine, testing, as well aslargest pre-treating and automatic painting equipments in the world, to present best quality and high performance tower crane. The output exceeded 8 billion yuan in 2011. At the same time, ZOOMLION established in succession Jiangsu Jiangyin production base,

20、 Shanghai base, Shenyang base and Chengdu base, increased construction elevator products.3.4完善的管理体系支持Complete Management System Support中联重科通过了ISO9001、ISO14001、OHSAS18001等一系列质量、环境和安全保障体系,确保中联塔机的可靠质量。同时,精益生产管理方式的积极推进,为打造高质量产品、高效率生产、合理控制库存提供了管理支持。ZOOMLION has been certified by ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS1

21、8001 etc. quality, environment and safety related standards, to assure ZOOMLION tower cranesbetter quality and reliability. Meanwhile, ZOOMLION also actively introduced Lean Production Management to forge higher quality products, higher efficiency production, and optimized inventory as far as possib

22、le.3.5节能环保和人性化设计Environment Friendly and Humanity Design中联塔机大多采用三大机构全变频无极调速,真正实现轻载高速、重载低速,提高了产品性能和工作效率,系统运行能耗较常规调速方式最多减少45%,同时实现了系统运行低噪音污染。Most of ZOOMLION tower cranes have been equipped with Full Frequency Conversion Stepless Speed Controlling system, to achieve lighter load higher speed, while he

23、avier load lower speed, and enhance tower crane s performance and working efficiency, systematically reduced energy consumption at most 45%, in the mean time lower noise pollution during operation.在电气设计上采用PLC(可编程序控制器)作为主控单元,产品可靠性和安全性高,大幅度降低了控制系统的故障率,易于维护和维修,降低了使用维护费用。ZOOMLION pioneered to apply Prog

24、rammable Logic Controller (PLC) as main processing unit to tower crane Electrical Controlling System, to reduce the quantity of logical controlling electrical components, so that drastically increased tower crane reliability and safety, while decreased controlling system failure rate, and easy to be

25、 maintained and repaired, and also reduced the maintenance costs.基于人性化的直流调速、回馈电网、隔音房等设计,降低了电磁辐射,大大改善了操作人员的工作环境,提升了产品节能、保温、降噪、吸热等性能。Humanistic DC speed regulation system, power feedback, and Soundproofed Cabinetc decreased electromagnetic radiation; greatly improved operators working condition, and p

26、romoted tower crane technical characters such as energy conservation, heat preservation, noise reduction and heat absorption etc.4性能PerformanceTC5010-4是中国塔机行业技术归口单位建设部长沙建设机械研究院优化设计,中联重科精心制造,国家建筑城建机械质量监督检验中心严格监督检验,技术性能国内领先,多项指标具有国际先进水平的一种新型上回转、双吊点水平臂架、小车水平变幅的自升式塔式起重机。TC5010-4 is one of internationall

27、y advanced and popularly welcome Self-climbing Topkit Tower Cranes with newly innovated upper slewing mechanism, horizontally traveling trolley mechanism as well as horizontal lifting boom with two hanging points, independently optimal designed by Changsha Construction Machinery Research Institute w

28、hich affiliates to former National Ministry of Construction, while produced and presented by ZOOMLION, and strictly inspected and supervised by State Quality Supervision Inspection and Testing Center.4.1整机性能Overall Performance整机性能参数包括公称起重力矩、最大工作幅度、最大起重量、最大工作高度、工作速度等。这些参数是反映一台塔机的工作能力大小,工作效率高低的重要指标。具体

29、性能参数附后。The Overall Performance includes Rated Hoisting Moment, Max Working Radius, Max Hoisting Capacity, Max Working Height and Working Speeds etc., which reflect main working capacities, grades and efficiency of this tower crane. For details please refer to attached.4.2工作机构Mechanisms塔机起升、回转、变幅三大传动

30、机构的性能直接关系到整机性能。使用时,用户追求的是平稳可靠,而影响塔机平稳的最主要因素是惯性冲击和电流冲击。中联TC5010-4塔机运用先进技术,较好地解决了这个难题。Working Mechanisms mainly consist of three differently functioned transmission mechanisms namely Hoisting Mechanism, Slewing Mechanism and Trolleying Mechanism, which inevitably affects the above mentioned Overall Pe

31、rformance of the tower crane.ZOOMLION has been dedicated in the R&D work of tower cranes for more than 50 years, and knows very well that stability, reliability and safety have always been userseternal pursuits. By using advanced technology to solve problems such as inertial impact and electric curr

32、ent impact onto tower crane, ZOOMLION is proud to present the tower crane TC5010-4 as most mature and advanced one to its honorable users all over the world.4.2.1起升机构Hoisting MechanismTC5010-4塔机配置4t起升机构。常规配置的4t起升机构采用三速变极电机驱动,惯性冲击较小,控制系统简单可靠,显著提高了接触器的寿命,确保机构具有较高的可靠性。特种电机单速比圆柱齿轮减速器,构造简单,易维护,可靠性高。采用的粗大

33、卷筒技术解决了长期困扰塔机行业的起升机构卷筒钢丝绳排列容易乱绳的难题。Driven by special three-velocity Pole-changing Motor and equipped with Single-velocity-ratio Cylinder Gear Reducer, the Hoisting Mechanism is endowed with capacity of lifting 4 tons as well as outstanding characters of smaller inertial impact, simpler and reliable

34、controlling system and mechanism structure, higher reliability, easy maintenance, and extending lifetime of hoisting wire rope and electrical components etc.By adopting advanced wire rope drum enlarging technology, ZOOMLION has been successfully solved wire rope abnormal wiring problem.4.2.2回转机构Slew

35、ing Mechanism回转机构是塔机惯性冲击影响最直接的传动机构,臂架越长,影响越突出。传统的有级调速机构无法解决这一难题,导致整机扭摆冲击大,电机断电后臂架溜车时间长,就位很困难,回转减速机容易损坏。回转机构采用绕线电机加液力偶合器及行星减速机传动方式,工作可靠,起制动极其平稳。By using winding motor assisted by hydrodynamic coupling and planetary reducer, ZOOMLION effectually solved technical bottleneck of the long the boom to be,

36、the bigger inertial impact will emerge, which will inescapably cause great impact onto tower crane, and further result to difficult braking and positioning, functions its tower cranes Slewing Mechanisms with internationally advanced smooth powered on and off, as well as quick and accurate positionin

37、g.4.2.3小车变幅机构Trolley Mechanism小车变幅机构是影响重物就位的一个重要机构,TC5010-4标准配置采用双速电机调速,变幅速度为40/20m/min,运行冲击小,提高了操作的平稳性,同时也提高了工作效率。The Trolley Mechanism has been equipped with Double-speed Controlling Motor at optimized trolleying speed of 40/20m/min, effectively reduced impact onto tower crane, improved operating

38、stability and efficiency.4.3电气控制系统Electrical Control System采用PLC控制,提高了可靠性和安全性。PLC(可编程序控制器)作为主控单元,减少了逻辑控制的元器件数量,大幅度降低了控制系统的故障率,提高可靠性。该系统对三大机构进行集中控制,并收集各种安全限位信号集中进行复杂的逻辑处理,优化各机构的动作,这样就可以有效地避免误操作,并能自动诊断电气故障,给出相应的声光报警。By adopting PLC controlling system, ZOOMLION tower crane TC5010-4 has been enhanced gr

39、eatly in reliability and safety. PLC, functions as main processing unit of tower crane Electrical Controlling System to reduce quantity of logical controlling electrical components so that drastically decreased controlling system failure rate and improved operation reliability and safety, controls a

40、ll three of above mentioned main mechanisms namely the Hoisting Mechanism, the Slewing Mechanism and the Trolleying Mechanism, and collects all safety-limit signals to conduct complicated logical process. It is extremely useful to optimize mechanisms functions, avoid misoperation as well as trouble

41、shooting, especially capable of automatically self-diagnose electrical failure and giving corresponding alarms with related sound and or light signals.关键元件采用国外名牌产品是中联塔机可靠性高的关键。如法国施耐得公司的接触器和断路器,日本三菱的可编程控制器PLC,日本安川变频器等,这些元器件都具有较好的过载能力和稳定的性能。ZOOMLION tower crane TC5010-4 has been equipped with internat

42、ionally well-know key electrical components with sound surge capacity and stable performance such as France Schneider Contactor and Circuit Breaker, Japan Mistubishi PLC and Japan Yaskawa Frequency Converter etc., to decrease malfunction to the greatest extent.一般来说,电气故障占塔机使用中故障总数的70%以上,然而,“中联”塔机相对故障

43、较少,这主要得宜于电气系统设计先进、特种电机参数选择合理、冲击小、名牌元器件,再加上用户正确的使用。Even though, generally speaking, electrical breakdown occupies more than 70% of total tower crane failures, ZOOMLION tower crane TC5010-4 is very proud of having few of failure take advantage of its internationally advanced electric system design, op

44、timal parameter configuration of special motors, smaller impact, world-renowned electric components and correct operation.4.4安全保护等装置Safety Devices中联塔机除了采用GB5144塔机安全规程标准要求的安全装置(如力矩限制器,起重量限制器,高度限制器,回转限制器,幅度限制器和风速仪等)外,还采用了许多先进的或中联重科独创的装置,确保塔机安全、使用方便。如:独有的变幅钢丝绳双重张紧装置、引进标准节防脱装置等。According to GB5144 Tower

45、 Crane Safety Regulation, ZOOMLION tower crane TCT5010-4 has been equipped with full safety devices such as Moment Limiter, Overload Limit Switch, Over Hoist Limit Switch, Slewing Limit Switch and Trolleying Limit Switch and Anemometer etc.In addition, ZOOMLION tower crane TC5010-4 has also been equ

46、ipped with many other advanced safety devices, some of them were originally created by ZOOMLION, such as originally created Trolley Wire Rope Double-tensile Device, Climbing Trip-proof Device, and Quick Release Device etc., to ensure tower cranes safety and convenience.4.5结构Steel Structures通过采用优化设计、

47、计算机辅助(CAD)设计、三维Pro/E设计、模块化设计和制造、机电一体化设计、人机工程设计、Ideas和Adams工程分析等多项先进技术与手段,使“中联”塔机钢结构具有极好的的强度、刚度、抗疲劳破坏能力和良好的综合性能。By means of Optimal Design, Computer-aided Design, Three-dimensional Pro/E Design, Modular Design and Manufacturing, Mechanical-electrical Integration Design, Ergonomic Design, Ideas or Adams Engineering Analysis, ZOOMLION tower crane TC5010-4


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